blob: 7807fa1ede313e3bc6f5019e8f0f3245ac3f59da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/identity/public/cpp/primary_account_mutator.h"
class AccountTrackerService;
class SigninManager;
namespace identity {
// Concrete implementation of PrimaryAccountMutator that is based on the
// SigninManager API. It is supported on all platform except Chrome OS.
class PrimaryAccountMutatorImpl : public PrimaryAccountMutator {
PrimaryAccountMutatorImpl(AccountTrackerService* account_tracker,
SigninManager* signin_manager);
~PrimaryAccountMutatorImpl() override;
// PrimaryAccountMutator implementation.
bool SetPrimaryAccount(const std::string& account_id) override;
bool ClearPrimaryAccount(
ClearAccountsAction action,
signin_metrics::ProfileSignout source_metric,
signin_metrics::SignoutDelete delete_metric) override;
bool IsSettingPrimaryAccountAllowed() const override;
void SetSettingPrimaryAccountAllowed(bool allowed) override;
void SetAllowedPrimaryAccountPattern(const std::string& pattern) override;
void LegacyMergeSigninCredentialIntoCookieJar() override;
// Pointers to the services used by the PrimaryAccountMutatorImpl. They
// *must* outlive this instance.
AccountTrackerService* account_tracker_ = nullptr;
SigninManager* signin_manager_ = nullptr;
} // namespace identity