blob: 535be6b7060c60263215d791a6dbebd4d64ba221 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<message desc="The product name for Select-to-speak." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_NAME">
<message desc="The description for Select-to-speak." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_DESCRIPTION">
<message desc="The title of the Select-to-speak options page." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_PAGE_TITLE">
Select-to-speak Settings
<message desc="Section of the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can adjust synthesized speech properties." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_SPEECH">
<message desc="Label for the control in the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can choose a voice from a list." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_VOICES_DESCRIPTION">
Select a voice:
<message desc="Label for the control in the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can choose a language from a list." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_LANGUAGES_DESCRIPTION">
<message desc="The option in the language list where the default language of the device is used as the speech language." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_DEVICE_LANGUAGE">
Device language
<message desc="Label for the control in the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can choose a preferred voice for the chosen language from a list." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_PREFERRED_VOICE_DESCRIPTION">
Preferred voice
<message desc="Label for the control in the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can enable support for high-quality voices streamed from the interent when the device is online." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_USE_NATURAL_VOICES">
Use natural voice when device is online
<message desc="Informational text related to the Select-to-speak control that enables support for high-quality voices, mentioning that enabling these voices will send text to Google for processing and generating audio." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NATURAL_VOICES_EXPLANATION">
Text will be sent to Google for processing.
<message desc="Label of link to more information about high-quality voices in Select-to-speak, mentioning that enabling these voices will send text to Google for processing and generating audio." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NATURAL_VOICES_EXPLANATION_MORE">
Learn more
<message desc="Label for the control in the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can choose a high-quality voice to be streamed from the internet from a list." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NATURAL_VOICE">
Natural voice
<message desc="Label for the control in the Select-to-speak options dialog where the user can listen to a preview of the selected high-quality voice." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NATURAL_VOICE_PREVIEW">
Voice preview
<message desc="Example text to preview the selected high-quality voice." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NATURAL_VOICES_EXAMPLE">
Hi there! I'm your text-to-speech voice.
<message desc="Label for the button in the Select-to-speak options dialog to preview the selected high-quality voice." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_PLAY_BUTTON">
<message desc="Group of options controlling highlighting." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT">
<message desc="Label for option to highlight spoken words rather than spoken nodes." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION">
Highlight each word as it is spoken
<message desc="Label for option to pick word highlight color." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DESCRIPTION">
Color for word highlights:
<message desc="Label for a blue highlight color in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_BLUE">
<message desc="Label for a orange highlight color in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_ORANGE">
<message desc="Label for a yellow highlight color in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_YELLOW">
<message desc="Label for a green highlight color in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_GREEN">
<message desc="Label for a pink highlight color in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_PINK">
<message desc="Example of a word highlight on a dark background in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_DARK">
Dark background
<message desc="Example of a word highlight on a light background in the Select-to-speak options dialog." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_HIGHLIGHT_LIGHT">
Light background
<message desc="Label for option to fade the background outside of the focus ring to improve focus on what is being spoken." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_BACKGROUND_SHADING_DESCRIPTION">
Shade background content
<message desc="Label for option to show navigation controls, such as going to the previous or next paragraph, when Select-to-speak is activated." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NAVIGATION_CONTROLS_DESCRIPTION">
Enable navigation controls
<message desc="Subtitle for option to show navigation controls, such as going to the previous or next paragraph, when Select-to-speak is activated." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_NAVIGATION_CONTROLS_SUBTITLE">
Provides controls to speed up, slow down, and pause the reading voice
<message desc="Link to the Text-to-Speech settings page." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_SETTINGS">
Personalize Text-to-Speech settings
<message desc="Link to the Text-to-Speech settings page." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_SETTINGS_LINK">
Text-to-Speech settings
<message desc="Voice name for the system default Text-to-Speech voice" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_SYSTEM_VOICE">
System Text-to-Speech voice
<message desc="Description of a checkbox that is not checked" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_CHECKBOX_UNCHECKED">
<message desc="Description of a checkbox that is checked" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_CHECKBOX_CHECKED">
<message desc="Description of a checkbox that is a mixed selection" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_CHECKBOX_MIXED">
partially checked
<message desc="Description of a radio button that is not selected" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_RADIOBUTTON_UNSELECTED">
<message desc="Description of a radio button that is selected" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED">
<message desc="Description of a radio button that is selected" name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_RADIOBUTTON_MIXED">
partially selected
<message desc="Sample text around which will be drawn a Select to Speak visual preview. This should be less than one line long." name="IDS_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_SAMPLE_TEXT">
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.