blob: 6d7555806dd9e7a385b1f156e6fe8ac7121a907c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.m.js';
import {html, mixinBehaviors, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {I18nBehavior} from '../i18n_setup.js';
* Element that displays a header inside a module.
* @polymer
* @extends {PolymerElement}
export class ModuleHeaderElement extends mixinBehaviors
([I18nBehavior], PolymerElement) {
static get is() {
return 'ntp-module-header';
static get template() {
return html`{__html_template__}`;
static get properties() {
return {
* The chip text showing on the header.
* @type {string}
chipText: String,
* The description text showing in the header.
* @type {string}
descriptionText: String,
* True if the header should display an info button.
* @type {boolean}
showInfoButton: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* True if the header should display a dismiss button.
* @type {boolean}
showDismissButton: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** @type {string} */
dismissText: String,
/** @type {string} */
disableText: String,
/** @private */
onInfoButtonClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('info-button-click', {bubbles: true}));
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onMenuButtonClick_(e) {
/** @private */
onDismissButtonClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('dismiss-button-click', {bubbles: true}));
/** @private */
onDisableButtonClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('disable-button-click', {bubbles: true}));
/** @private */
onCustomizeButtonClick_() {
new Event('customize-module', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
customElements.define(, ModuleHeaderElement);