blob: 086e07cc772888c8974cd826648ee376125ef790 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/feed/core/refresh_throttler.h"
#include "components/feed/core/user_classifier.h"
#include "components/web_resource/eula_accepted_notifier.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class Clock;
class Time;
class TimeDelta;
} // namespace base
namespace feed {
// The enum values and names are kept in sync with SchedulerApi.RequestBehavior
// through Java unit tests, new values however must be manually added. If any
// new values are added, also update as well as
// the corresponding definition in enums.xml.
// A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.components.feed
enum NativeRequestBehavior {
kUnknown = 0,
kRequestWithWait = 1,
kRequestWithContent = 2,
kRequestWithTimeout = 3,
kNoRequestWithWait = 4,
kNoRequestWithContent = 5,
kNoRequestWithTimeout = 6,
kMaxValue = kNoRequestWithTimeout
// Implementation of the Feed Scheduler Host API. The scheduler host decides
// what content is allowed to be shown, based on its age, and when to fetch new
// content.
class FeedSchedulerHost : web_resource::EulaAcceptedNotifier::Observer {
// The TriggerType enum specifies values for the events that can trigger
// refreshing articles. When adding values, be certain to also update the
// corresponding definition in enums.xml.
enum class TriggerType {
kNtpShown = 0,
kForegrounded = 1,
kFixedTimer = 2,
kMaxValue = kFixedTimer
FeedSchedulerHost(PrefService* profile_prefs,
PrefService* local_state,
base::Clock* clock);
~FeedSchedulerHost() override;
using ScheduleBackgroundTaskCallback =
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Provide dependent pieces of functionality the scheduler relies on. Should
// be called exactly once before other public methods are called. This is
// separate from the constructor because the FeedHostService owns and creates
// this class, while these providers need to be bridged through the JNI into a
// specific place that the FeedHostService does not know of.
void Initialize(
base::RepeatingClosure refresh_callback,
ScheduleBackgroundTaskCallback schedule_background_task_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure cancel_background_task_callback);
// Called when the NTP is opened to decide how to handle displaying and
// refreshing content.
NativeRequestBehavior ShouldSessionRequestData(
bool has_content,
base::Time content_creation_date_time,
bool has_outstanding_request);
// Called when a successful refresh completes.
void OnReceiveNewContent(base::Time content_creation_date_time);
// Called when an unsuccessful refresh completes.
void OnRequestError(int network_response_code);
// Called when browser is opened, launched, or foregrounded.
void OnForegrounded();
// Called when the scheduled fixed timer wakes up, |on_completion| will be
// invoked when the refresh completes, regardless of success. If no refresh
// is started for this trigger, |on_completion| is run immediately.
void OnFixedTimer(base::OnceClosure on_completion);
// Should be called when a suggestion is consumed. This is a signal the
// scheduler users to track the kind of user, and optimize refresh frequency.
void OnSuggestionConsumed();
// Should be called when suggestions are shown. This is a signal the scheduler
// users to track the kind of user, and optimize refresh frequency.
void OnSuggestionsShown();
// Should be called when something happens to clear stored articles. The
// scheduler updates its internal state and treats this event as a kNtpShown
// trigger.
void OnArticlesCleared(bool suppress_refreshes);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(FeedSchedulerHostTest, GetTriggerThreshold);
// web_resource::EulaAcceptedNotifier::Observer:
void OnEulaAccepted() override;
// Determines whether a refresh should be performed for the given |trigger|.
// If this method is called and returns true we presume the refresh will
// happen, therefore we report metrics respectively and update
// |tracking_oustanding_request_|.
bool ShouldRefresh(TriggerType trigger);
// Decides if content whose age is the difference between now and
// |content_creation_date_time| is old enough to be considered stale.
bool IsContentStale(base::Time content_creation_date_time);
// Returns the time threshold for content or previous refresh attempt to be
// considered old enough for a given trigger to warrant a refresh.
base::TimeDelta GetTriggerThreshold(TriggerType trigger);
// Schedules a task to wake up and try to refresh. Overrides previously
// scheduled tasks.
void ScheduleFixedTimerWakeUp(base::TimeDelta period);
// Clears the task to wake up and try to refresh.
void CancelFixedTimerWakeUp();
// Non-owning reference to pref service providing durable storage.
PrefService* profile_prefs_;
// Non-owning reference to clock to get current time.
base::Clock* clock_;
// Persists NTP and article usage over time and provides a classification.
UserClassifier user_classifier_;
// Callback to request that an async refresh be started.
base::RepeatingClosure refresh_callback_;
// Provides ability to schedule persistent background fixed timer wake ups
// that will call into OnFixedTimer().
ScheduleBackgroundTaskCallback schedule_background_task_callback_;
// Provides ability to cancel the persistent background fixed timer wake ups.
base::RepeatingClosure cancel_background_task_callback_;
// When a background wake up has caused a fixed timer refresh, this callback
// will be valid and holds a way to inform the task driving this wake up that
// the refresh has completed. Is called on refresh success or failure.
base::OnceClosure fixed_timer_completion_;
// Set of triggers that should be ignored. By default this is empty.
std::set<TriggerType> disabled_triggers_;
// In some circumstances, such as when history is cleared, the scheduler will
// stop requesting refreshes for a given period. During this time, only direct
// user interaction with the NTP (and outside of the scheduler's control)
// should cause a refresh to occur.
base::Time suppress_refreshes_until_;
// Whether the scheduler is aware of an outstanding refresh or not. There are
// cases where a refresh may be occurring without the scheduler knowing about
// it, such as user interaction with UI on the NTP. If this field holds a
// value of true, it is expected that either OnReceiveNewContent or
// OnRequestError will be called eventually, somewhere on the order of seconds
// from now, assuming the browser does not shut down.
bool tracking_oustanding_request_ = false;
// May hold a nullptr if the platform does not show the user a EULA. Will only
// notify if IsEulaAccepted() is called and it returns false.
std::unique_ptr<web_resource::EulaAcceptedNotifier> eula_accepted_notifier_;
// Variables to allow metrics to be reported the first time a given trigger
// occurs after a refresh.
bool time_until_first_shown_trigger_reported_ = false;
bool time_until_first_foregrounded_trigger_reported_ = false;
// In the case the user transitions between user classes, hold onto a
// throttler for any situation.
base::flat_map<UserClassifier::UserClass, std::unique_ptr<RefreshThrottler>>
} // namespace feed