blob: c63e8bfdc1a1207c038598eeec3946b2dab3b53d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time.h"
namespace net {
class IOBufferWithSize;
// A SentBlockList manages everything needed to track a set of of blocks
// which have been sent. It can assign new ids to new blocks, find pending
// blocks by id, or discard blocks after they have been acknowledged by the
// remote.
class SentBlockList {
// Creates a new block to be tracked.
// On success, returns the unique position of this buffer within the stream,
// which can be used to lookup this block later.
// Returns -1 if the blocklist is already full.
int64 CreateBlock(IOBufferWithSize* buffer);
// Tracks that a block has been sent.
// |position| is the identifier of the block being sent.
// |message_id| is the id of the message sent containing the block.
// Returns false if no block for |position| exists.
bool MarkBlockSent(int64 position, int64 message_id);
// Acknowledges ranges from |begin_range| to |end_range|.
// Partial acknowledgements (e.g. where the ack range spans a partial
// block) are not supported.
// Removes blocks covered by these ranges from tracking.
void AcknowledgeBlocks(int64 begin_range, int64 end_range);
// Returns a new, unique message id.
int64 GetNewMessageId();
// Find a block based on its |position|.
// Returns the block, if found, or NULL otherwise.
IOBufferWithSize* FindBlockByPosition(int64 position) const;
// Find the last send time of a block, based the id of the last
// message to send it.
base::TimeTicks FindLastSendTime(int64 last_message_id) const;
// Returns the position of the oldest sent block.
int64 FindPositionOfOldestSentBlock() const;
// Returns the number of blocks in the list.
size_t size() const { return list_.size(); }
// Returns true if the list is full and cannot take new blocks.
bool is_full() const;
// An UnackedBlock is a block of application data which has been sent in a
// message, but not acknowledged by the other side yet. We track this
// because we may need to retransmit.
typedef struct {
int64 position; // Offset of this block in the stream.
int64 length; // Number of bytes in this block.
int64 transmissions; // Count of transmissions of this block.
int64 last_message_id; // ID of last message sending this block.
base::TimeTicks last_sent_time; // Time of last message sending this block.
scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> data;
} Block;
typedef std::vector<Block> BlockList;
// Finds a block by position and returns it index within |list_|.
int FindBlock(int64 position) const;
// Debugging: Writes the entire blocklist to the log.
void LogBlockList() const;
int64 current_message_id_; // The current message id.
int64 send_sequence_number_; // The sending sequence number.
BlockList list_;
} // namespace net