blob: 14fb36caf2ed8e311da454794848da59fa48e416 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
2004, 2005, 2010 Rob Buis <>
Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
Based on khtml code by:
Copyright (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Lars Knoll (
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dirk Mueller (
Copyright (C) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/svg_computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/style_difference.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/style_svg_resource.h"
namespace blink {
static const int kPaintOrderBitwidth = 2;
SVGComputedStyle::SVGComputedStyle() {
static SVGComputedStyle* initial_style = new SVGComputedStyle(kCreateInitial);
fill = initial_style->fill;
stroke = initial_style->stroke;
stops = initial_style->stops;
misc = initial_style->misc;
inherited_resources = initial_style->inherited_resources;
geometry = initial_style->geometry;
resources = initial_style->resources;
SVGComputedStyle::SVGComputedStyle(CreateInitialType) {
SVGComputedStyle::SVGComputedStyle(const SVGComputedStyle& other)
: RefCounted<SVGComputedStyle>() {
fill = other.fill;
stroke = other.stroke;
stops = other.stops;
misc = other.misc;
inherited_resources = other.inherited_resources;
geometry = other.geometry;
resources = other.resources;
svg_inherited_flags = other.svg_inherited_flags;
svg_noninherited_flags = other.svg_noninherited_flags;
SVGComputedStyle::~SVGComputedStyle() = default;
bool SVGComputedStyle::operator==(const SVGComputedStyle& other) const {
return InheritedEqual(other) && NonInheritedEqual(other);
bool SVGComputedStyle::InheritedEqual(const SVGComputedStyle& other) const {
return fill == other.fill && stroke == other.stroke &&
inherited_resources == other.inherited_resources &&
svg_inherited_flags == other.svg_inherited_flags;
bool SVGComputedStyle::NonInheritedEqual(const SVGComputedStyle& other) const {
return stops == other.stops && misc == other.misc &&
geometry == other.geometry && resources == other.resources &&
svg_noninherited_flags == other.svg_noninherited_flags;
void SVGComputedStyle::InheritFrom(const SVGComputedStyle& svg_inherit_parent) {
fill = svg_inherit_parent.fill;
stroke = svg_inherit_parent.stroke;
inherited_resources = svg_inherit_parent.inherited_resources;
svg_inherited_flags = svg_inherit_parent.svg_inherited_flags;
void SVGComputedStyle::CopyNonInheritedFromCached(
const SVGComputedStyle& other) {
svg_noninherited_flags = other.svg_noninherited_flags;
stops = other.stops;
misc = other.misc;
geometry = other.geometry;
resources = other.resources;
scoped_refptr<SVGDashArray> SVGComputedStyle::InitialStrokeDashArray() {
DEFINE_STATIC_REF(SVGDashArray, initial_dash_array,
return initial_dash_array;
StyleDifference SVGComputedStyle::Diff(const SVGComputedStyle& other) const {
StyleDifference style_difference;
if (DiffNeedsLayoutAndPaintInvalidation(other)) {
} else if (DiffNeedsPaintInvalidation(other)) {
return style_difference;
bool SVGComputedStyle::DiffNeedsLayoutAndPaintInvalidation(
const SVGComputedStyle& other) const {
// If resources change, we need a relayout, as the presence of resources
// influences the visual rect.
if (resources != other.resources)
return true;
// If markers change, we need a relayout, as marker boundaries are cached in
// LayoutSVGPath.
if (inherited_resources != other.inherited_resources)
return true;
// All text related properties influence layout.
if (svg_inherited_flags.text_anchor !=
other.svg_inherited_flags.text_anchor ||
svg_inherited_flags.dominant_baseline !=
other.svg_inherited_flags.dominant_baseline ||
svg_noninherited_flags.f.alignment_baseline !=
other.svg_noninherited_flags.f.alignment_baseline ||
svg_noninherited_flags.f.baseline_shift !=
return true;
// Text related properties influence layout.
if (misc->baseline_shift_value != other.misc->baseline_shift_value)
return true;
// These properties affect the cached stroke bounding box rects.
if (svg_inherited_flags.cap_style != other.svg_inherited_flags.cap_style ||
svg_inherited_flags.join_style != other.svg_inherited_flags.join_style)
return true;
// vector-effect changes require a re-layout.
if (svg_noninherited_flags.f.vector_effect !=
return true;
// Some stroke properties require relayouts as the cached stroke boundaries
// need to be recalculated.
if (stroke.Get() != other.stroke.Get()) {
if (stroke->width != other.stroke->width ||
stroke->miter_limit != other.stroke->miter_limit)
return true;
// If the stroke is toggled from/to 'none' we need to relayout, because the
// stroke shape will have changed.
if (stroke->paint.IsNone() != other.stroke->paint.IsNone())
return true;
// If the dash array is toggled from/to 'none' we need to relayout, because
// some shapes will decide on which codepath to use based on the presence
// of a dash array.
if (stroke->dash_array->data.IsEmpty() !=
return true;
// The geometry properties require a re-layout.
if (geometry.Get() != other.geometry.Get() && *geometry != *other.geometry)
return true;
return false;
bool SVGComputedStyle::DiffNeedsPaintInvalidation(
const SVGComputedStyle& other) const {
if (stroke.Get() != other.stroke.Get()) {
if (stroke->paint != other.stroke->paint ||
stroke->opacity != other.stroke->opacity ||
stroke->visited_link_paint != other.stroke->visited_link_paint)
return true;
// Changes to the dash effect only require a repaint because we don't
// include it when computing (approximating) the stroke boundaries during
// layout.
if (stroke->dash_offset != other.stroke->dash_offset ||
stroke->dash_array->data != other.stroke->dash_array->data)
return true;
// Painting related properties only need paint invalidation.
if (misc.Get() != other.misc.Get()) {
if (misc->flood_color != other.misc->flood_color ||
misc->flood_color_is_current_color !=
other.misc->flood_color_is_current_color ||
misc->flood_opacity != other.misc->flood_opacity ||
misc->lighting_color != other.misc->lighting_color ||
misc->lighting_color_is_current_color !=
return true;
// If fill changes, we just need to issue paint invalidations. Fill boundaries
// are not influenced by this, only by the Path, that LayoutSVGPath contains.
if (fill.Get() != other.fill.Get()) {
if (fill->paint != other.fill->paint ||
fill->opacity != other.fill->opacity)
return true;
// If gradient stops change, we just need to issue paint invalidations. Style
// updates are already handled through SVGStopElement.
if (stops != other.stops)
return true;
// Changes of these flags only cause paint invalidations.
if (svg_inherited_flags.shape_rendering !=
other.svg_inherited_flags.shape_rendering ||
svg_inherited_flags.clip_rule != other.svg_inherited_flags.clip_rule ||
svg_inherited_flags.fill_rule != other.svg_inherited_flags.fill_rule ||
svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation !=
other.svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation ||
svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation_filters !=
other.svg_inherited_flags.color_interpolation_filters ||
svg_inherited_flags.paint_order != other.svg_inherited_flags.paint_order)
return true;
if (svg_noninherited_flags.f.mask_type !=
return true;
return false;
unsigned PaintOrderSequence(EPaintOrderType first,
EPaintOrderType second,
EPaintOrderType third) {
return (((third << kPaintOrderBitwidth) | second) << kPaintOrderBitwidth) |
EPaintOrderType SVGComputedStyle::PaintOrderType(unsigned index) const {
unsigned pt = 0;
DCHECK(index < ((1 << kPaintOrderBitwidth) - 1));
switch (this->PaintOrder()) {
case kPaintOrderNormal:
case kPaintOrderFillStrokeMarkers:
pt = PaintOrderSequence(PT_FILL, PT_STROKE, PT_MARKERS);
case kPaintOrderFillMarkersStroke:
pt = PaintOrderSequence(PT_FILL, PT_MARKERS, PT_STROKE);
case kPaintOrderStrokeFillMarkers:
pt = PaintOrderSequence(PT_STROKE, PT_FILL, PT_MARKERS);
case kPaintOrderStrokeMarkersFill:
pt = PaintOrderSequence(PT_STROKE, PT_MARKERS, PT_FILL);
case kPaintOrderMarkersFillStroke:
pt = PaintOrderSequence(PT_MARKERS, PT_FILL, PT_STROKE);
case kPaintOrderMarkersStrokeFill:
pt = PaintOrderSequence(PT_MARKERS, PT_STROKE, PT_FILL);
pt =
(pt >> (kPaintOrderBitwidth * index)) & ((1u << kPaintOrderBitwidth) - 1);
return (EPaintOrderType)pt;
void SVGComputedStyle::SetMaskerResource(
scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource) {
if (!(resources->masker == resource))
resources.Access()->masker = std::move(resource);
void SVGComputedStyle::SetMarkerStartResource(
scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource) {
if (!(inherited_resources->marker_start == resource))
inherited_resources.Access()->marker_start = std::move(resource);
void SVGComputedStyle::SetMarkerMidResource(
scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource) {
if (!(inherited_resources->marker_mid == resource))
inherited_resources.Access()->marker_mid = std::move(resource);
void SVGComputedStyle::SetMarkerEndResource(
scoped_refptr<StyleSVGResource> resource) {
if (!(inherited_resources->marker_end == resource))
inherited_resources.Access()->marker_end = std::move(resource);
} // namespace blink