blob: db534e014c36e834701fd0948545c8e3f4322b96 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Deals with loading & saving .size files.
The .size file is written in the following format. There are no section
delimeters, instead the end of a section is usually determined by a row count
on the first line of a section, followed by that amount of rows. In other
cases, the sections have a known size.
4 lines long.
Line 0 of the file is a header comment.
Line 1 is the serialization version of the file.
Line 2 is the number of characters in the metadata string.
Line 3 is the metadata string, a stringified JSON object.
Path list
A list of paths. The first line is the size of the list,
and the next N lines that follow are items in the list. Each item is a tuple
of (object_path, source_path) where the two parts are tab seperated.
Component list
A list of components. The first line is the size of the list,
and the next N lines that follow are items in the list. Each item is a unique
COMPONENT which is referenced later.
This section is only present if 'has_components' is True in the metadata.
Symbol counts
2 lines long.
The first line is a tab seperated list of section names.
The second line is a tab seperated list of symbol group lengths, in the same
order as the previous line.
Numeric values
In each section, the number of rows is the same as the number of section names
in Symbol counts. The values on a row are space seperated, in the order of the
symbols in each group.
Symbol start addresses which are delta-encoded.
The number of bytes this symbol takes up.
Path indicies
Indicies that reference paths in the prior Path list section. Delta-encoded.
Component indicies
Indicies that reference components in the prior Component list section.
The final section contains details info on each symbol. Each line represents
a single symbol. Values are tab seperated and follow this format:
symbol.full_name, symbol.num_aliases, symbol.flags
|num_aliases| will be omitted if the aliases of the symbol are the same as the
previous line. |flags| will be omitted if there are no flags.
import cStringIO
import contextlib
import gzip
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import models
# File format version for .size files.
_SERIALIZATION_VERSION = 'Size File Format v1'
def _LogSize(file_obj, desc):
if not hasattr(file_obj, 'fileno'):
size = os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size
logging.debug('File size with %s: %d' % (desc, size))
def _SaveSizeInfoToFile(size_info, file_obj):
"""Saves size info to a .size file.
size_info: Data to write to the file
file_object: File opened for writing
# Created by supersize header
file_obj.write('# Created by //tools/binary_size\n')
file_obj.write('%s\n' % _SERIALIZATION_VERSION)
# JSON metadata
headers = {
'metadata': size_info.metadata,
'section_sizes': size_info.section_sizes,
'has_components': True,
metadata_str = json.dumps(headers, file_obj, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
file_obj.write('%d\n' % len(metadata_str))
_LogSize(file_obj, 'header') # For libchrome: 570 bytes.
# Store a single copy of all paths and have them referenced by index.
unique_path_tuples = sorted(set(
(s.object_path, s.source_path) for s in size_info.raw_symbols))
path_tuples = {tup: i for i, tup in enumerate(unique_path_tuples)}
file_obj.write('%d\n' % len(unique_path_tuples))
file_obj.writelines('%s\t%s\n' % pair for pair in unique_path_tuples)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'paths') # For libchrome, adds 200kb.
# Store a single copy of all components and have them referenced by index.
unique_components = sorted(set(s.component for s in size_info.raw_symbols))
components = {comp: i for i, comp in enumerate(unique_components)}
file_obj.write('%d\n' % len(unique_components))
file_obj.writelines('%s\n' % comp for comp in unique_components)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'components')
# Symbol counts by section.
by_section = size_info.raw_symbols.GroupedBySectionName()
file_obj.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join( for g in by_section))
file_obj.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join(str(len(g)) for g in by_section))
# Addresses, sizes, path indicies, component indicies
def write_numeric(func, delta=False):
"""Write the result of func(symbol) for each symbol in each symbol group.
Each line written represents one symbol group in |by_section|.
The values in each line are space seperated and are the result of calling
|func| with the Nth symbol in the group.
If |delta| is True, the differences in values are written instead.
for group in by_section:
prev_value = 0
last_sym = group[-1]
for symbol in group:
value = func(symbol)
if delta:
value, prev_value = value - prev_value, value
if symbol is not last_sym:
file_obj.write(' ')
write_numeric(lambda s: s.address, delta=True)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'addresses') # For libchrome, adds 300kb.
# Do not write padding except for overhead symbols, it will be recalculated
# from addresses on load.
write_numeric(lambda s: s.size if s.IsOverhead() else s.size_without_padding)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'sizes') # For libchrome, adds 300kb
write_numeric(lambda s: path_tuples[(s.object_path, s.source_path)],
_LogSize(file_obj, 'path indices') # For libchrome: adds 125kb.
write_numeric(lambda s: components[s.component], delta=True)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'component indices')
prev_aliases = None
for group in by_section:
for symbol in group:
if symbol.aliases and symbol.aliases is not prev_aliases:
file_obj.write('\t0%x' % symbol.num_aliases)
prev_aliases = symbol.aliases
if symbol.flags:
file_obj.write('\t%x' % symbol.flags)
_LogSize(file_obj, 'names (final)') # For libchrome: adds 3.5mb.
def _ReadLine(file_iter):
"""Read a line from a file object iterator and remove the newline character.
file_iter: File object iterator
# str[:-1] removes the last character from a string, specifically the newline
return next(file_iter)[:-1]
def _ReadValuesFromLine(file_iter, split):
"""Read a list of values from a line in a file object iterator.
file_iter: File object iterator
split: Splits the line with the given string
List of string values
return _ReadLine(file_iter).split(split)
def _LoadSizeInfoFromFile(file_obj, size_path):
"""Loads a size_info from the given file.
See _SaveSizeInfoToFile for details on the .size file format.
file_obj: File to read, should be a GzipFile
lines = iter(file_obj)
_ReadLine(lines) # Line 0: Created by supersize header
actual_version = _ReadLine(lines)
assert actual_version == _SERIALIZATION_VERSION, (
'Version mismatch. Need to write some upgrade code.')
# JSON metadata
json_len = int(_ReadLine(lines))
json_str =
headers = json.loads(json_str)
section_sizes = headers['section_sizes']
metadata = headers.get('metadata')
has_components = headers.get('has_components', False)
lines = iter(file_obj)
# Path list
num_path_tuples = int(_ReadLine(lines)) # Line 4 - number of paths in list
# Read the path list values and store for later
path_tuples = [_ReadValuesFromLine(lines, split='\t')
for _ in xrange(num_path_tuples)]
# Component list
if has_components:
num_components = int(_ReadLine(lines)) # number of components in list
components = [_ReadLine(lines) for _ in xrange(num_components)]
# Symbol counts by section.
section_names = _ReadValuesFromLine(lines, split='\t')
section_counts = [int(c) for c in _ReadValuesFromLine(lines, split='\t')]
# Addresses, sizes, path indicies, component indicies
def read_numeric(delta=False):
"""Read numeric values, where each line corresponds to a symbol group.
The values in each line are space seperated.
If |delta| is True, the numbers are read as a value to add to the sum of the
prior values in the line, or as the amount to change by.
ret = []
delta_multiplier = int(delta)
for _ in section_counts:
value = 0
fields = []
for f in _ReadValuesFromLine(lines, split=' '):
value = value * delta_multiplier + int(f)
return ret
addresses = read_numeric(delta=True)
sizes = read_numeric(delta=False)
path_indices = read_numeric(delta=True)
if has_components:
component_indices = read_numeric(delta=True)
component_indices = [None] * len(section_names)
raw_symbols = [None] * sum(section_counts)
symbol_idx = 0
for (cur_section_name, cur_section_count, cur_addresses, cur_sizes,
cur_path_indicies, cur_component_indices) in itertools.izip(
section_names, section_counts, addresses, sizes, path_indices,
alias_counter = 0
for i in xrange(cur_section_count):
parts = _ReadValuesFromLine(lines, split='\t')
full_name = parts[0]
flags_part = None
aliases_part = None
# aliases_part or flags_part may have been omitted.
if len(parts) == 3:
# full_name aliases_part flags_part
aliases_part = parts[1]
flags_part = parts[2]
elif len(parts) == 2:
if parts[1][0] == '0':
# full_name aliases_part
aliases_part = parts[1]
# full_name flags_part
flags_part = parts[1]
# Use a bit less RAM by using the same instance for this common string.
if full_name == models.STRING_LITERAL_NAME:
full_name = models.STRING_LITERAL_NAME
flags = int(flags_part, 16) if flags_part else 0
num_aliases = int(aliases_part, 16) if aliases_part else 0
# Skip the constructor to avoid default value checks
new_sym = models.Symbol.__new__(models.Symbol)
new_sym.section_name = cur_section_name
new_sym.full_name = full_name
new_sym.address = cur_addresses[i]
new_sym.size = cur_sizes[i]
paths = path_tuples[cur_path_indicies[i]]
new_sym.object_path, new_sym.source_path = paths
component = components[cur_component_indices[i]] if has_components else ''
new_sym.component = component
new_sym.flags = flags
# Derived
new_sym.padding = 0
new_sym.template_name = '' = ''
if num_aliases:
assert alias_counter == 0
new_sym.aliases = [new_sym]
alias_counter = num_aliases - 1
elif alias_counter > 0:
new_sym.aliases = raw_symbols[symbol_idx - 1].aliases
alias_counter -= 1
new_sym.aliases = None
raw_symbols[symbol_idx] = new_sym
symbol_idx += 1
return models.SizeInfo(section_sizes, raw_symbols, metadata=metadata,
def _OpenGzipForWrite(path, file_obj=None):
# Open in a way that doesn't set any gzip header fields.
if file_obj:
with gzip.GzipFile(filename='', mode='wb', fileobj=file_obj, mtime=0) as fz:
yield fz
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
with gzip.GzipFile(filename='', mode='wb', fileobj=f, mtime=0) as fz:
yield fz
def SaveSizeInfo(size_info, path, file_obj=None):
"""Saves |size_info| to |path}."""
if os.environ.get('SUPERSIZE_MEASURE_GZIP') == '1':
with _OpenGzipForWrite(path, file_obj=file_obj) as f:
_SaveSizeInfoToFile(size_info, f)
# It is seconds faster to do gzip in a separate step. 6s -> 3.5s.
stringio = cStringIO.StringIO()
_SaveSizeInfoToFile(size_info, stringio)
logging.debug('Serialization complete. Gzipping...')
with _OpenGzipForWrite(path, file_obj=file_obj) as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(stringio, f)
def LoadSizeInfo(filename, file_obj=None):
"""Returns a SizeInfo loaded from |filename|."""
with gzip.GzipFile(filename=filename, fileobj=file_obj) as f:
return _LoadSizeInfoFromFile(f, filename)