blob: 972c5b0d9ca2524a43951b1bdcbfc88f9fbf98ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/cicerone_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/concierge_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
// FakeConciergeClient is a light mock of ConciergeClient used for testing.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT FakeConciergeClient : public ConciergeClient {
~FakeConciergeClient() override;
// Adds an observer.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
// Removes an observer if added.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
// IsContainerStartupFailedSignalConnected must return true before
// StartLxdContainer is called.
bool IsContainerStartupFailedSignalConnected() override;
// Fake version of the method that creates a disk image for the Termina VM.
// Sets create_disk_image_called_. |callback| is called after the method
// call finishes.
void CreateDiskImage(
const vm_tools::concierge::CreateDiskImageRequest& request,
DBusMethodCallback<vm_tools::concierge::CreateDiskImageResponse> callback)
// Fake version of the method that destroys a Termina VM and removes its disk
// image. Sets destroy_disk_image_called_. |callback| is called after the
// method call finishes.
void DestroyDiskImage(
const vm_tools::concierge::DestroyDiskImageRequest& request,
callback) override;
// Fake version of the method that lists Termina VM disks. Sets
// list_vm_disks_called_. |callback| is called after the method call
// finishes.
void ListVmDisks(const vm_tools::concierge::ListVmDisksRequest& request,
callback) override;
// Fake version of the method that starts a Termina VM. Sets
// start_termina_vm_called_. |callback| is called after the method call
// finishes.
void StartTerminaVm(const vm_tools::concierge::StartVmRequest& request,
callback) override;
// Fake version of the method that stops the named Termina VM if it is
// running. Sets stop_vm_called_. |callback| is called after the method
// call finishes.
void StopVm(const vm_tools::concierge::StopVmRequest& request,
DBusMethodCallback<vm_tools::concierge::StopVmResponse> callback)
// Fake version of the method that waits for the Concierge service to be
// availble. |callback| is called after the method call finishes.
void WaitForServiceToBeAvailable(
dbus::ObjectProxy::WaitForServiceToBeAvailableCallback callback) override;
// Fake version of the method that fetches ssh key information.
// |callback| is called after the method call finishes.
void GetContainerSshKeys(
const vm_tools::concierge::ContainerSshKeysRequest& request,
callback) override;
// Fake version of the method that attaches a USB device to a VM
// |callback| is called once the method call has finished
void AttachUsbDevice(base::ScopedFD fd,
const vm_tools::concierge::AttachUsbDeviceRequest& request,
DBusMethodCallback<vm_tools::concierge::AttachUsbDeviceResponse> callback)
// Fake version of the method that removes a USB device from a VM it's been
// attached to
// |callback| is called once the method call has finished
void DetachUsbDevice(
const vm_tools::concierge::DetachUsbDeviceRequest& request,
DBusMethodCallback<vm_tools::concierge::DetachUsbDeviceResponse> callback)
// Fake version of the method that lists all the USB devices currently
// attached to a given VM
// |callback| is called once the method call has finished
void ListUsbDevices(
const vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDeviceRequest& request,
DBusMethodCallback<vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDeviceResponse> callback)
// Indicates whether CreateDiskImage has been called
bool create_disk_image_called() const { return create_disk_image_called_; }
// Indicates whether DestroyDiskImage has been called
bool destroy_disk_image_called() const { return destroy_disk_image_called_; }
// Indicates whether ListVmDisks has been called
bool list_vm_disks_called() const { return list_vm_disks_called_; }
// Indicates whether StartTerminaVm has been called
bool start_termina_vm_called() const { return start_termina_vm_called_; }
// Indicates whether StopVm has been called
bool stop_vm_called() const { return stop_vm_called_; }
// Indicates whether GetContainerSshKeys has been called
bool get_container_ssh_keys_called() const {
return get_container_ssh_keys_called_;
// Set ContainerStartupFailedSignalConnected state
void set_container_startup_failed_signal_connected(bool connected) {
is_container_startup_failed_signal_connected_ = connected;
void set_create_disk_image_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::CreateDiskImageResponse&
create_disk_image_response) {
create_disk_image_response_ = create_disk_image_response;
void set_destroy_disk_image_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::DestroyDiskImageResponse&
destroy_disk_image_response) {
destroy_disk_image_response_ = destroy_disk_image_response;
void set_list_vm_disks_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::ListVmDisksResponse& list_vm_disks_response) {
list_vm_disks_response_ = list_vm_disks_response;
void set_start_vm_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::StartVmResponse& start_vm_response) {
start_vm_response_ = start_vm_response;
void set_stop_vm_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::StopVmResponse& stop_vm_response) {
stop_vm_response_ = stop_vm_response;
void set_container_ssh_keys_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::ContainerSshKeysResponse&
container_ssh_keys_response) {
container_ssh_keys_response_ = container_ssh_keys_response;
void set_attach_usb_device_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::AttachUsbDeviceResponse&
attach_usb_device_response) {
attach_usb_device_response_ = attach_usb_device_response;
void set_detach_usb_device_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::DetachUsbDeviceResponse&
detach_usb_device_response) {
detach_usb_device_response_ = detach_usb_device_response;
void set_list_usb_devices_response(
const vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDeviceResponse&
list_usb_devices_response) {
list_usb_devices_response_ = list_usb_devices_response;
void Init(dbus::Bus* bus) override {}
void InitializeProtoResponses();
void NotifyTremplinStarted(
const vm_tools::cicerone::TremplinStartedSignal& signal);
bool create_disk_image_called_ = false;
bool destroy_disk_image_called_ = false;
bool list_vm_disks_called_ = false;
bool start_termina_vm_called_ = false;
bool stop_vm_called_ = false;
bool get_container_ssh_keys_called_ = false;
bool attach_usb_device_called = false;
bool detach_usb_device_called = false;
bool list_usb_devices_called = false;
bool is_container_startup_failed_signal_connected_ = true;
vm_tools::concierge::CreateDiskImageResponse create_disk_image_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::DestroyDiskImageResponse destroy_disk_image_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::ListVmDisksResponse list_vm_disks_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::StartVmResponse start_vm_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::StopVmResponse stop_vm_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::ContainerSshKeysResponse container_ssh_keys_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::AttachUsbDeviceResponse attach_usb_device_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::DetachUsbDeviceResponse detach_usb_device_response_;
vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDeviceResponse list_usb_devices_response_;
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observer_list_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeConciergeClient> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos