blob: 3532a1ec69abf8912f35540b65984b25c90dd82b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var remoting = remoting || {};
(function() {
'use strict';
* @param {HTMLElement} rootElement
* @param {remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller} controller
* @constructor
* @implements {base.Disposable}
remoting.LocalHostSection = function(rootElement, controller) {
/** @private */
this.rootElement_ = rootElement;
/** @private */
this.controller_ = controller;
/** @private {remoting.Host} */
this.host_ = null;
/** @private {remoting.HostController.State} */
this.state_ = remoting.HostController.State.UNKNOWN;
var hostContainer = rootElement.querySelector('.host-entry');
/** @private */
this.hostTableEntry_ = new remoting.HostTableEntry(
parseInt(chrome.runtime.getManifest().version, 10),
this.hostTableEntry_.element().id = 'local-host-connect-button';
var startButton = rootElement.querySelector('.start-daemon');
var stopButton = rootElement.querySelector('.stop-daemon');
var stopLocalDaemonButton = rootElement.querySelector('.stop-local-daemon');
var changePINButton = rootElement.querySelector('.change-daemon-pin');
/** @private */
this.eventHooks_ = new base.Disposables(
new base.DomEventHook(startButton, 'click',
controller.start.bind(controller), false),
new base.DomEventHook(stopButton, 'click',
controller.stop.bind(controller), false),
new base.DomEventHook(stopLocalDaemonButton, 'click',
controller.stop.bind(controller), false),
new base.DomEventHook(changePINButton, 'click',
controller.changePIN.bind(controller), false));
/** @private */
this.hasError_ = false;
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.eventHooks_ = null;
* @param {remoting.Host} host
* @param {remoting.HostController.State} state
* @param {boolean} hasError Whether the host list is in an error state.
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.setModel = function(host, state, hasError) {
this.host_ = host;
this.state_ = state;
this.hasError_ = hasError;
* @return {?string}
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.getHostId = function() {
return this.host_ ? this.host_.hostId : null;
/** @return {boolean} */
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.isEnabled_ = function() {
return (this.state_ == remoting.HostController.State.STARTING) ||
(this.state_ == remoting.HostController.State.STARTED);
/** @return {boolean} */
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.canChangeState = function() {
// The local host cannot be stopped or started if the host controller is not
// implemented for this platform.
var state = this.state_;
if (state === remoting.HostController.State.NOT_IMPLEMENTED ||
state === remoting.HostController.State.UNKNOWN) {
return false;
// Return false if the host is uninstallable. The NOT_INSTALLED check is
// required to handle the special case for Ubuntu, as we report the host as
// uninstallable on Linux.
if (!this.isMe2MeInstallable_() &&
state === remoting.HostController.State.NOT_INSTALLED) {
return false;
// In addition, it cannot be started if there is an error (in many error
// states, the start operation will fail anyway, but even if it succeeds, the
// chance of a related but hard-to-diagnose future error is high).
return this.isEnabled_() || !this.hasError_;
* Returns true if the current platform is fully supported. It's only used when
* we detect that host native messaging components are not installed. In that
* case the result of this function determines if the webapp should show the
* controls that allow to install and enable Me2Me host.
* @return {boolean}
* @private
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.isMe2MeInstallable_ = function() {
// The chromoting host is currently not installable on ChromeOS.
// For Linux, we have a install package for Ubuntu but not other distros.
// Since we cannot tell from javascript alone the Linux distro the client is
// on, we don't show the daemon-control UI for Linux unless the host is
// installed.
return remoting.platformIsWindows() || remoting.platformIsMac();
/** @private */
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.updateUI_ = function() {
// Disable elements.
var enabled = this.isEnabled_();
var canChangeLocalHostState = this.canChangeState();
var daemonState = '';
if (!enabled) {
daemonState = 'disabled';
} else if (this.host_ !== null) {
daemonState = 'enabled';
} else {
daemonState = 'enabled-other-account';
remoting.updateModalUi(daemonState, 'data-daemon-state');
this.rootElement_.hidden = !canChangeLocalHostState;
remoting.LocalHostSection.prototype.rename_ = function() {
return this.controller_.rename(this.hostTableEntry_);
* @constructor
* @param {remoting.HostList} hostList
* @param {remoting.HostSetupDialog} setupDialog
* @param {function(string)} handleConnect Function to call to connect to the
* host with |hostId|.
remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller =
function(hostList, setupDialog, handleConnect) {
/** @private */
this.hostList_ = hostList;
/** @private */
this.setupDialog_ = setupDialog;
/** @private */
this.handleConnect_ = handleConnect;
remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller.prototype.start = function() {
remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller.prototype.stop = function() {
remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller.prototype.changePIN = function() {
/** @param {remoting.HostTableEntry} host */
remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller.prototype.rename = function(host) {
/** @param {string} hostId */
remoting.LocalHostSection.Controller.prototype.connect = function(hostId) {