blob: 72e77551c39c09f7eca0f60cd26796ede27c2471 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/constants/chromeos_features.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace features {
namespace {
// Controls whether Instant Tethering supports hosts which use the background
// advertisement model.
const base::Feature kInstantTetheringBackgroundAdvertisementSupport{
} // namespace
// Controls whether to enable Ambient mode feature.
const base::Feature kAmbientModeFeature{"ChromeOSAmbientMode",
// Controls whether to enable ARC ADB sideloading support.
const base::Feature kArcAdbSideloadingFeature{
"ArcAdbSideloading", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Controls whether to enable support for ARC ADB sideloading for managed
// accounts and/or devices.
const base::Feature kArcManagedAdbSideloadingSupport{
"ArcManagedAdbSideloadingSupport", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables auto screen-brightness adjustment when ambient light
// changes.
const base::Feature kAutoScreenBrightness{"AutoScreenBrightness",
// Controls whether to enable assistive autocorrect.
const base::Feature kAssistAutoCorrect{"AssistAutoCorrect",
// Controls whether to enable assist personal information.
const base::Feature kAssistPersonalInfo{"AssistPersonalInfo",
// Displays the avatar toolbar button and the profile menu.
extern const base::Feature kAvatarToolbarButton{
"AvatarToolbarButton", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables more aggressive filtering out of Bluetooth devices with
// "appearances" that are less likely to be pairable or useful.
const base::Feature kBluetoothAggressiveAppearanceFilter{
"BluetoothAggressiveAppearanceFilter", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables more filtering out of phones from the Bluetooth UI.
const base::Feature kBluetoothPhoneFilter{"BluetoothPhoneFilter",
// Enables or disables using the kernel suspend notifier instead of powerd.
const base::Feature kBluetoothKernelSuspendNotifier{
"BluetoothKernelSuspendNotifier", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// If enabled, browser will notify Chrome OS audio server to register HFP 1.7
// to BlueZ, which includes wideband speech feature.
const base::Feature kBluetoothNextHandsfreeProfile{
"BluetoothNextHandsfreeProfile", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disables running the Camera App as a System Web App.
const base::Feature kCameraSystemWebApp{"CameraSystemWebApp",
// Enables or disables Crostini port forwarding.
const base::Feature kCrostiniPortForwarding{"CrostiniPortForwarding",
// Enables or disables Crostini Disk Resizing.
const base::Feature kCrostiniDiskResizing{"CrostiniDiskResizing",
// Enables or disables Crostini using Buster container images.
const base::Feature kCrostiniUseBusterImage{"CrostiniUseBusterImage",
// Enables or disables Crostini Username picking.
const base::Feature kCrostiniUsername{"CrostiniUsername",
// Enables the option to share the mic with Crostini or not
const base::Feature kCrostiniShowMicSetting{"CrostiniShowMicSetting",
// Enables or disables Crostini GPU support.
const base::Feature kCrostiniGpuSupport{"CrostiniGpuSupport",
// Enables or disables Crostini usb mounting for unsupported devices.
const base::Feature kCrostiniUsbAllowUnsupported{
"CrostiniUsbAllowUnsupported", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables the new WebUI Crostini upgrader.
const base::Feature kCrostiniWebUIUpgrader{"CrostiniWebUIUpgrader",
// Enables or disables using Cryptauth's GetDevicesActivityStatus API.
const base::Feature kCryptAuthV2DeviceActivityStatus{
"CryptAuthV2DeviceActivityStatus", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Regardless of this
// flag, v1 DeviceSync will continue to operate until it is disabled via the
// feature flag kDisableCryptAuthV1DeviceSync.
const base::Feature kCryptAuthV2DeviceSync{"CryptAuthV2DeviceSync",
// Enables or disables the CryptAuth v2 Enrollment flow.
const base::Feature kCryptAuthV2Enrollment{"CryptAuthV2Enrollment",
// Disables the CryptAuth v1 DeviceSync flow. Note: During the first phase
// of the v2 DeviceSync rollout, v1 and v2 DeviceSync run in parallel. This flag
// is needed to disable the v1 service during the second phase of the rollout.
// kCryptAuthV2DeviceSync should be enabled before this flag is flipped.
const base::Feature kDisableCryptAuthV1DeviceSync{
"DisableCryptAuthV1DeviceSync", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Disables "Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides" component app so handlers
// won't be registered, making it possible to install another version for
// testing.
const base::Feature kDisableOfficeEditingComponentApp{
"DisableOfficeEditingComponentApp", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables Discover Application on Chrome OS.
// If enabled, Discover App will be shown in launcher.
const base::Feature kDiscoverApp{"DiscoverApp",
// If enabled, DriveFS will be used for Drive sync.
const base::Feature kDriveFs{"DriveFS", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables DriveFS' experimental local files mirroring functionality.
const base::Feature kDriveFsMirroring{"DriveFsMirroring",
// If enabled, allows Unicorn users to add secondary EDU accounts.
const base::Feature kEduCoexistence{"EduCoexistence",
// If enabled, emoji suggestion will be shown when user type "space".
const base::Feature kEmojiSuggestAddition{"EmojiSuggestAddition",
// Enables Device End Of Lifetime warning notifications.
const base::Feature kEolWarningNotifications{"EolWarningNotifications",
// Enable or disable pointer lock for Crostini windows.
const base::Feature kExoPointerLock{"ExoPointerLock",
// Enables the next generation file manager.
const base::Feature kFilesNG{"FilesNG", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables the use of Mojo by Chrome-process code to communicate with Power
// Manager. In order to use mojo, this feature must be turned on and a callsite
// must use PowerManagerMojoClient::Get().
const base::Feature kMojoDBusRelay{"MojoDBusRelay",
// If enabled, will display blocking screens during re-authentication after a
// supervision transition occurred.
const base::Feature kEnableSupervisionTransitionScreens{
"EnableSupervisionTransitionScreens", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable restriction of symlink traversal on user-supplied filesystems.
const base::Feature kFsNosymfollow{"FsNosymfollow",
// Enable a D-Bus service for accessing gesture properties.
const base::Feature kGesturePropertiesDBusService{
"GesturePropertiesDBusService", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable primary/secondary action buttons on Gaia login screen.
const base::Feature kGaiaActionButtons{"GaiaActionButtons",
// The new ChromeOS Help App.
const base::Feature kHelpAppV2{"HelpAppV2", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disable Unified Input Logic for HMM decoder in the IME extension
// on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kImeInputLogicHmm{"ImeInputLogicHmm",
// Enable or disable Unified Input Logic for FST decoder in the IME extension
// on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kImeInputLogicFst{"ImeInputLogicFst",
// Enable or disable Unified Input Logic for Mozc decoder in the IME extension
// on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kImeInputLogicMozc{"ImeInputLogicMozc",
// Enable or disable IME service decoder engine and 'ime' sandbox on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kImeDecoderWithSandbox{"ImeDecoderWithSandbox",
// Enable or disable using the floating virtual keyboard as the default option
// on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kVirtualKeyboardFloatingDefault{
"VirtualKeyboardFloatingDefault", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables Instant Tethering on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kInstantTethering{"InstantTethering",
// ChromeOS Media App.
const base::Feature kMediaApp{"MediaApp", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disable native typing for rule-based input methods.
const base::Feature kNativeRuleBasedTyping{"NativeRuleBasedTyping",
// Controls whether to enable OS Settings fuzzy search, and disable search using
// exact string matching.
const base::Feature kNewOsSettingsSearch{"NewOsSettingsSearch",
// Controls whether to enable the Parental Controls section of settings.
const base::Feature kParentalControlsSettings{
"ChromeOSParentalControlsSettings", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Controls whether to show printer statuses.
const base::Feature kPrinterStatus{"PrinterStatus",
// Controls whether to enable the Print Job Management App.
const base::Feature kPrintJobManagementApp{"PrintJobManagementApp",
// Controls whether to enable quick answers.
const base::Feature kQuickAnswers{"QuickAnswers",
// Controls whether to enable quick answers rich ui.
const base::Feature kQuickAnswersRichUi{"QuickAnswersRichUi",
// ChromeOS Files App mounts RAR archives via rar2fs instead of avfs.
const base::Feature kRar2Fs{"Rar2Fs", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables Release Notes on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kReleaseNotes{"ReleaseNotes",
// Enables or disables Release Notes notifications on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kReleaseNotesNotification{"ReleaseNotesNotification",
// Enables or disables an experimental scanning UI on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kScanningUI{"ScanningUI",
// Enables or disables long kill timeout for session manager daemon. When
// enabled, session manager daemon waits for a longer time (e.g. 12s) for chrome
// to exit before sending SIGABRT. Otherwise, it uses the default time out
// (currently 3s).
const base::Feature kSessionManagerLongKillTimeout{
"SessionManagerLongKillTimeout", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables the shelf hotseat.
const base::Feature kShelfHotseat{"ShelfHotseat",
// Enables or disables a toggle to enable Bluetooth debug logs.
const base::Feature kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggle{
"ShowBluetoothDebugLogToggle", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables showing the battery level in the System Tray and Settings
// UI for supported Bluetooth Devices.
const base::Feature kShowBluetoothDeviceBattery{
"ShowBluetoothDeviceBattery", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Shows the Play Store icon in Demo Mode.
const base::Feature kShowPlayInDemoMode{"ShowPlayInDemoMode",
// Shows the progress bar during Demo Mode setup.
const base::Feature kShowProgressBarInDemoModeSetup{
"ShowProgressBarInDemoModeSetup", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Uses experimental component version for smart dim.
const base::Feature kSmartDimExperimentalComponent{
"SmartDimExperimentalComponent", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Uses the smart dim component updater to provide smart dim model and
// preprocessor configuration.
const base::Feature kSmartDimNewMlAgent{"SmartDimNewMlAgent",
// Uses the V3 (~2019-05 era) Smart Dim model instead of the default V2
// (~2018-11) model.
const base::Feature kSmartDimModelV3{"SmartDimModelV3",
// Enables separate sync controls for OS settings (display, keyboard, etc.).
// For example, the user could choose to sync OS settings but not browser
// settings.
const base::Feature kSplitSettingsSync{"SplitSettingsSync",
// Introduces a new OOBE dialog for the OS sync feature. Uses the same browser
// sync consent dialog as Windows/Mac/Linux. Allows the user to fully opt-out of
// browser sync, including marking the signin primary account as unconsented.
// Requires SplitSettingsSync.
// NOTE: Use IsSplitSyncConsentEnabled() to test the flag, see implementation.
const base::Feature kSplitSyncConsent{"SplitSyncConsent",
// Enables unified media view in Files app to browse recently-modified media
// files from local local, Google Drive, and Android.
const base::Feature kUnifiedMediaView{"UnifiedMediaView",
// Enables the updated cellular activation UI; see go/cros-cellular-design.
const base::Feature kUpdatedCellularActivationUi{
"UpdatedCellularActivationUi", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Use the staging URL as part of the "Messages" feature under "Connected
// Devices" settings.
const base::Feature kUseMessagesStagingUrl{"UseMessagesStagingUrl",
// Enables or disables user activity prediction for power management on
// Chrome OS.
// Defined here rather than in //chrome alongside other related features so that
// PowerPolicyController can check it.
const base::Feature kUserActivityPrediction{"UserActivityPrediction",
// Remap search+click to right click instead of the legacy alt+click on
// Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kUseSearchClickForRightClick{
"UseSearchClickForRightClick", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disable native controls in video player on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kVideoPlayerNativeControls{
"VideoPlayerNativeControls", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disable bordered key for virtual keyboard on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kVirtualKeyboardBorderedKey{
"VirtualKeyboardBorderedKey", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disable resizable floating virtual keyboard on Chrome OS.
const base::Feature kVirtualKeyboardFloatingResizable{
"VirtualKeyboardFloatingResizable", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enable or disable MOZC IME to use protobuf as interactive message format.
const base::Feature kImeMozcProto{"ImeMozcProto",
bool IsAmbientModeEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kAmbientModeFeature);
bool IsEduCoexistenceEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kEduCoexistence);
bool IsImeDecoderWithSandboxEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kImeDecoderWithSandbox);
bool IsInstantTetheringBackgroundAdvertisingSupported() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
bool IsParentalControlsSettingsEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kParentalControlsSettings);
bool IsQuickAnswersEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kQuickAnswers);
bool IsQuickAnswersRichUiEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kQuickAnswersRichUi);
bool IsSplitSettingsSyncEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kSplitSettingsSync);
bool IsSplitSyncConsentEnabled() {
// SplitSyncConsent requires SplitSettingsSync.
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kSplitSettingsSync) &&
bool ShouldShowPlayStoreInDemoMode() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kShowPlayInDemoMode);
bool ShouldUseV1DeviceSync() {
return !ShouldUseV2DeviceSync() ||
bool ShouldUseV2DeviceSync() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
chromeos::features::kCryptAuthV2Enrollment) &&
} // namespace features
} // namespace chromeos