Using Lit in Chromium WebUI Development


This documentation focuses on using Lit in the context of Chromium WebUI, and on compatibility between Lit and Polymer elements, since much of Chromium WebUI is currently written in Polymer. It assumes familiarity with the following:

For developers unfamiliar with these, the external sources linked above are recommended before continuing with this documentation.

Chromium WebUI Infrastructure: CrLitElement base class

CrLitElement is provided as a base class for Chromium WebUI development. It contains code to

  1. Reduce the amount of boilerplate code necessary for individual elements.
  2. Improve compatibility with elements using Polymer (necessary in a codebase that is using both Polymer and Lit).
  3. Make Polymer -> Lit migrations easier
Lit custom elements in Chromium should inherit from the CrLitElement class.

Specific features of CrLitElement include:

  1. Forces initial rendering to be synchronous when

    1. The element’s connectedCallback runs
    2. The element is focused before the connectedCallback has run
    3. Child elements are accessed with this.$ before the connectedCallback has run

    This means that there is no need to call await element.updateComplete before accessing the element’s DOM in certain cases:

    1. Immediately after attaching it
    2. When doing something like focusing the element or accessing its children with element.$ in a Polymer parent’s connectedCallback(), which may run before the Lit child’s connectedCallback().

    For more detail on this, see the inline documentation in CrLitElement.

  2. “$” proxy to allow accessing child elements by ID with this.$.id, to match the behavior of Polymer, which does the same thing.

  3. Implementation of notify: true for properties. Setting this will cause CrLitElement to fire foo-changed events in the updated() lifecycle callback, whenever some property foo with notify: true set is changed. This allows compatibility with Polymer parent element two-way bindings, but is not exactly the same; see more details below.

  4. Changes Lit’s default property/attribute mapping to match the mapping used in Polymer - i.e. property fooBar will be mapped to attribute foo-bar, not the Lit default of foobar

Lit Data Bindings and handling -changed events

As noted above, CrLitElement forces an initial synchronous render in connectedCallback(). This means child elements may initialize properties with notify: true and then fire -changed events for these properties in updated() as soon as they are connected, which may occur before the parent element has finished its first update.

One consequence of this is that -changed event handlers cannot assume that the element has completed its first update when the -changed event is received, and should not make any changes to the element‘s DOM until after waiting for the element’s updateComplete promise. This means such handlers must either (1) be async and await this.updateComplete; before running any code that updates the element‘s DOM, or (2) only update properties on the parent in response to the child’s property change, and perform resulting UI updates in the updated() lifecycle method instead.

Note that if the parent property being updated is protected or private, a cast will be necessary to check for changes to the property in changedProperties. This is also demonstrated in the example below.

Suppose the Lit child has a property with notify: true as follows:

static override get properties() {
  return {
    foo: {
      type: Boolean,
      notify: true,

This property is also bound to a parent element that listens for the -changed event as follows:

<foo-child ?foo="${this.foo_}" on-foo-changed="${this.onFooChanged_}">
<demo-child id="demo"></demo-child>

The parent TypeScript code could look like this:

static override get properties() {
  return {
    foo_: {type: Boolean},

protected foo_: boolean = true;

onFooChanged_(e: CustomEvent<{value: boolean}>) {
  // Updates the parent's property that is bound to the child.
  this.foo_ = e.detail.value;

override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {

  // Cast necessary to check for changes to protected/private properties.
  const changedPrivateProperties =
      changedProperties as Map<PropertyKey, unknown>;

  // Updates the DOM when |foo_| changes.
  if (changedPrivateProperties.has('foo_')) {
    if (this.foo_) {
    } else {

Lit data binding issue with select elements

The <select> element has an ordering requirement that sometimes causes a bug when using Lit data bindings on both the value property of the <select> and the value attribute of its child <option> elements. Specifically, when the <select>'s value property is set, there must already be an existing <option> with that value, or the <select> will be rendered as blank. If Lit bindings are used for the <option> values, these values will not be populated in time, and the <select> will be empty at startup. The following example would reproduce this bug and have an empty <select> displayed at startup.

.html.ts file with <select> bug:

<select .value="${this.mySelectValue}" @change="${this.onSelectChange_}">
  <option value="${MyEnum.FIRST}">Option 1</option>
  <option value="${MyEnum.SECOND}">Option 2</option>

Corresponding .ts. Note that the bug manifests even though mySelectValue is being initialized to a valid option.

static get properties() {
  return {
    mySelectValue: {type: String},

mySelectValue: MyEnum = MyEnum.SECOND;

onSelectChange_(e: Event) {
  this.mySelectValue = ( as HTMLSelectElement).value;

The current recommended workaround is to instead bind to the selected attribute on each <option>, i.e.:

.html.ts file:

<select @change="${this.onSelectChange_}">
  <option value="${MyEnum.FIRST}"
    Option 1
  <option value="${MyEnum.SECOND}"
    Option 2

Corresponding .ts file:

static get properties() {
  return {
    mySelectValue: {type: String},

mySelectValue: MyEnum = MyEnum.SECOND;

onSelectChange_(e: Event) {
  this.mySelectValue = ( as HTMLSelectElement).value;

isSelected_(value: MyEnum): boolean {
  return value === this.mySelectValue;

Note: This bug can also be worked around by using Lit's live directive in the data binding and requesting an extra update any time the <select> is rendered. Including live in the Chromium Lit bundle is still under consideration. Reach out to the WebUI team if you have a <select> where the workaround above is problematic or impractical (e.g. due to a huge list of <option> elements).

Lit and Polymer Data Bindings Compatibility

Two-way bindings are not natively supported in Lit. As mentioned above, basic compatibility is provided by the CrLitElement base class’s implementation of notify: true. However, these events differ from the Polymer two-way binding behavior.

  • In Polymer two-way bindings, the child element only fires a -changed event if the property is modified from the child. The child element does not fire the event if the property value is set from the parent.
  • The equivalent code in CrLitElement can’t differentiate whether the property was set from the parent or the child itself and always fires the -changed event when the value changes.
When migrating parent or child elements to Lit, any code directly handling -changed events in the parent should either be agnostic to whether the corresponding property was changed from the parent or the child, or should check that the new value in the event differs from the current parent value.

Example: a -changed event handler that logs a metric indicating something was changed from the child (e.g. due to user input) should add a check before logging that the new value is in fact new, and was not set by the parent via the data binding.

The behavior difference for two-way bindings can be seen by playing with this Lit playground example. Modifying initialization of the properties in the different parent and child elements in this playground example reveals that there are also differences in behavior on initialization. These differences are also documented in the following table:

Property initialized in both parent and childProperty initialized in parent onlyProperty initialized in child onlyProperty uninitialized in both parent adnd child
Polymer parent hosting Polymer childParent value propagates to child. No -changed event fired.Parent value propagates to child. No -changed event fired.Child value propagates to parent. -changed event fired.Property is left undefined. No events fired.
Polymer parent hosting Lit childParent value propagates to child. -changed event fired.Parent value propagates to child. -changed event fired.Child value propagates to parent. -changed event fired.Property is left undefined. No events fired.
Lit parent hosting Polymer childParent value propagates to child. -changed event fired.Parent value propagates to child. -changed event fired.Child value propagates to parent if binding is using attribute syntax*. If using property syntax**, parent undefined value takes precedence and -changed event fires with undefined.Property is left undefined. No events fired.
Lit parent hosting Lit childParent value propagates to child. -changed event fired.Parent value propagates to child. -changed event fired.Child value propagates to parent if binding is using attribute syntax*. If using property syntax**, parent undefined value takes precedence and -changed event fires with undefined.Property is left undefined. No events fired.

* attribute syntax: value="${this.childValue || nothing}"

** property syntax: .value="${this.value}" Note that this syntax must be used for anything that is not a boolean, string, or number.

Polymer iron/paper elements alternatives

Previously, code in Chromium WebUI relied heavily on the Polymer library of elements in addition to the Polymer framework itself. The following table captures the list of elements that were still being used in Desktop WebUI code when the WebUI team started exploring Lit as an alternative to Polymer, and discusses the recommended future approach for each. Some of these elements have subsequently been removed from Desktop (non-CrOS) builds, and more will be removed over time.

Note: iron- and paper- elements are no longer recommended even for Polymer UIs.
iron-listUse cr-infinite-list or, if the list is not very large, use the map() directive. See additional detail on migrating iron-list clients below.
iron-iconUse cr-icon.
iron-collapseUse cr-collapse.
paper-spinnerUse cr-spinner-style CSS, or for more customization style throbber.svg as needed.
paper-stylesDo not use, these styles are pre-2023 refresh and have been removed on non-CrOS builds.
iron-flex-layoutDo not use, use standard CSS to style elements.
iron-a11y-announcerUse cr-a11y-announcer
iron-location/iron-query-paramsUse CrRouter or custom code.
iron-scroll-target-behaviorDo not use.
paper-progressUse either cr-progress or the native <progress> element with CSS styling.
iron-iconset-svg/iron-metaUse cr-iconset and IconsetMap.
iron-media-queryDo not use, use window.matchMedia().
iron-pagesDo not use, replace with equivalent conditional rendering or use cr-page-selector.
iron-scroll-thresholdDo not use.
iron-resizable-behaviorDo not use. ResizeObservers can be used to trigger changes in items that need to be modified when something is resized.
paper-tooltipUse cr-tooltip.
iron-a11y-keysDo not use.
iron-selector/iron-selectable-behaviorUse CrSelectableMixin.

Anatomy of a Lit-based element

In Chromium WebUI, Lit based custom elements are defined using 3 files:

  1. A *.ts file defining the element, which imports the template from the *.html.js file and the style from the *.css.js file.
  2. A *.css file containing the element’s styling. This file is run through css_to_wrapper at build time to create a *.css.js file that the element’s *.ts file can import the styles from.
  3. A *.html.ts file containing the element’s HTML template. This file can be either
    • auto-generated from a checked-in *.html file via html_to_wrapper (preferred approach for Polymer->Lit migrations), OR
    • directly be checked in to the repository (preferred approach for new Lit code, or post migration cleanups)
Note: This differs from Polymer based custom elements in Chromium, which typically use only 2 files: a .html file containing both the element’s template and its styling, and a .ts file containing the element definition.

Example .ts file:

// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.js';

import {CrLitElement} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import {getCss} from './my_example.css.js';
import {getHtml} from './my_example.html.js';

export interface MyExampleElement {
  $: {
    input: HTMLElement,

export class MyExampleElement extends CrLitElement {
  static get is() {
    return 'my-example';

  static override get styles() {
    return getCss();

  override render() {
    return getHtml.bind(this)();

  static override get properties() {
    return {
      disabled: {
        type: Boolean,
        reflect: true,
      myValue: {type: String},

  disabled: boolean = false;
  myValue: string = 'hello world';

  // Referenced from the template, so must be protected (not private).
  protected onInputValueChanged_(e: CustomEvent<string>) {
    this.myValue = e.detail.value;

declare global {
  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    'my-example': MyExampleElement;

customElements.define(, MyExampleElement);

Example CSS file:

/* Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file. */

/* #css_wrapper_metadata_start
 * #type=style-lit
 * #import=//resources/cr_elements/cr_shared_vars.css.js
 * #scheme=relative
 * #css_wrapper_metadata_end */

#input {
  background-color: blue;
  --cr-input-error-display: none;

:host([disabled]) #input {
   background-color: gray;

CSS files holding Lit element styles should begin with metadata comments, between 2 lines marked with #css_wrapper_metadata_start and #css_wrapper_metadata_end. These comments tell css_to_wrapper() how to generate the wrapper .css.ts file.

  • style-lit indicates this is a Lit style file
  • imports are specified with #import=//import/path/for/file
  • includes (not used in this particular example) are specified with #include="style-name-1 style-name-2"
  • scheme=relative indicates imports should be scheme-relative (i.e. use “//resources”)

Example .html.ts file:

// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {html} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {MyExampleElement} from './my_example.js';

export function getHtml(this: MyExampleElement) {
 return html`
   <div>Input something</div>
   <cr-input id="input" .value="${this.myValue}"
} file configuration:

build_webui("build") {
  # Use non_web_component_files since the .html.ts file is checked in.
  non_web_component_files = [
  # Unlike Polymer, when using Lit non-shared CSS code resides in dedicated
  # CSS files passed to css_to_wrapper.
  css_files = [
  # Other TS Compiler related arguments…
  ts_deps = [
Note that unlike for Polymer custom elements, both .ts and .html.ts files are passed as non_web_component_files. This indicates to build_webui() that they do not have a corresponding .html file that needs to be passed to html_to_wrapper() (since in the case of Lit elements, .html.ts files are checked in directly).

Polymer to Lit migrations

Many of the boilerplate steps for migrating from Polymer to Lit are documented in the readme in the Lit migration script folder.

Most of the basic boilerplate migration steps can be automated using the migration script.

Prior to running the script, jscodeshift needs to be downloaded and installed as follows:

npm install --prefix ui/webui/resources/tools/codemods jscodeshift

The script can be invoked to begin migrating an element from Polymer to Lit as follows (replace the most_visited.ts file path with the file being migrated):

python3 ui/webui/resources/tools/codemods/ \
   --file ui/webui/resources/cr_components/most_visited/most_visited.ts

The rest of this section describes migration steps that cannot be automated using the script.

Computed properties

Computed properties in Polymer may not be needed after migrating Lit, if the properties are simply used to populate some part of the element’s template and are not reflected as attributes or double-bound to a Polymer parent. Lit automatically re-renders any changed parts of the template without needing to have the individual properties listed as parameters in the HTML template, so in these cases the computation method can be used directly in the template without specifying parameters. An example of this follows.

Polymer HTML template snippet:

<cr-button hidden="[[hideButton_]]">Click Me</cr-button>

In the Polymer element definition:

static get properties() {
  return {
   loading: Boolean,
   showingDialog: Boolean,
   hideButton_: {
     type: Boolean,
     computed: 'computeHideButton_(loading, showingDialog)',
// Other code goes here

private computeHideButton_(): boolean {
  return !this.loading && !this.showingDialog;

This could be rewritten in Lit, omitting the hideButton_ property entirely.

Equivalent Lit HTML template snippet:

<cr-button ?hidden="${this.computeHideButton_()}">Click Me</cr-button>

Equivalent Lit element definition:

static get properties() {
  return {
   loading: {type: Boolean},
   showingDialog: {type: Boolean},
// Other code goes here
// Anything referenced in the HTML template needs to be protected, not
// private.
protected computeHideButton_(): boolean {
  return !this.loading && !this.showingDialog;

In other cases, where computed properties are bound to other elements, used as attributes, or are needed for other internal logic, they can be computed in the willUpdate() lifecycle callback when the properties that they depend on change as in the following example:

override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {

  if (changedProperties.has('value')) {
    const values = (this.value || '').split(',');
    this.multipleValues_ = values.length > 1;


Observer code should be triggered in either the willUpdate() lifecycle callback or the updated() lifecycle callback, depending on whether it is internal logic or requires accessing the element’s DOM:

  • Any code that measures or queries the element’s DOM belongs in updated() to avoid measuring or querying before rendering has actually completed for the current cycle.
  • Otherwise, updates to other reactive properties should generally be put in willUpdate() so that any resulting template changes from these property updates can be batched with the other changes in a single update, rather than triggering a second round of updates.

Consider the following Polymer code, with a complex observer:

static get properties() {
  return {
   max: Number,
   min: Number,
   value: Number,

static get observers() {
  return [ 'onValueSet_(min, max, value)' ];

private onValueSet_() {
  this.value = Math.min(Math.max(this.value, this.min), this.max);
  const demo = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#demo');
  if (demo) { = `${this.value}px`;

The Lit migrated code would look as follows, with the observer code split into willUpdate() and updated() based on whether it accesses the DOM:

static override get properties() {
  return {
   max: {type: Number},
   min: {type: Number},
   value: {type: Number},

override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
  // Clamp value in willUpdate() so we don't trigger a second update
  // cycle for the same changes.
  if (changedProperties.has('min') || changedProperties.has('max') ||
      changedProperties.has('value')) {
    this.value = Math.min(Math.max(this.value, this.min), this.max);

override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {

  // Querying and modifying the DOM should happen in updated().
  if (changedProperties.has('value')) {
    const demo = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#demo');
    if (demo) { = `${this.value}px`;


Polymer <template is="dom-if"> should generally be replaced by ternary statements in the .html.ts file of the form ${condition ? html<some-html> : ''}. Example simplified from cr-toolbar:

Polymer cr_toolbar.html:

<div id="content">
  <template is="dom-if" if="[[showMenu]]" restamp>
    <cr-icon-button id="menuButton" class="no-overlap"
        iron-icon="cr20:menu" on-click="onMenuClick_">

Lit cr_toolbar.html.ts:

<div id="content">
  ${this.showMenu ? html`
    <cr-icon-button id="menuButton" class="no-overlap"
        iron-icon="cr20:menu" @click="${this.onMenuClick_}">
    </cr-icon-button>` : ''}
Lit conditional rendering is specifically similar to a dom-if template that uses restamp (like the example above). This represents the vast majority of cases in Chromium WebUI code.


Polymer <template is="dom-repeat"> should generally be replaced by a map() call, of the form ${, index) => html<div>}.

Unlike in Polymer where events triggered from elements in the template are augmented with data about the item and index they are associated with (i.e. the DomRepeatEvent data), event handlers connected to elements in a repeated subtree in Lit receive the original event without any additional data.

When migrating to Lit, event handlers that use the DomRepeatEvent's item and/or index need to use a different method to get this information.

One possibility is to set the index or item as data attributes on elements that fire events, as seen in the example that follows.

From the Polymer element template:

<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[listItems]]">
  <div class="item-container [[getSelectedClass_(item, selectedItem)]]">
    <cr-button id="[[getItemId_(index)]]" on-click="onItemClick_">

From the Polymer element definition:

private getItemId_(index: number): string {
  return 'listItemId' + index;

private getSelectedClass_(item: ListItemType): string {
  return (item === this.selectedItem) ? 'selected' : '';

private onItemClick_(e: DomRepeatEvent<ListItemType>) {
  this.selectedItem = e.model.item;
  // Autoscroll to selected item if it is not completely visible.
  const list =
  const selectedElement = list[e.model.index];

Lit template:

${, index) => html`
  <div class="item-container ${this.getSelectedClass_(item)}">
    <cr-button id="${this.getItemId_(index)}"
        data-index="${index}" @click="${this.onItemClick_}">
Note the data-index setting the data attribute on the cr-button that triggers the click handler.

From the Lit element definition file:

protected getItemId_(index: number): string {
  return 'listItemId' + index;

protected getSelectedClass_(item: ListItemType): string {
  return item === this.selectedItem ? 'selected' : '';

protected onItemClick_(e: Event) {
  const currentTarget = e.currentTarget as HTMLElement;

  // Use dataset to get the index set in the .html.ts template.
  const index = Number(currentTarget.dataset['index']);
  this.selectedItem = this.listItems[index];

  // Autoscroll to selected item if it is not completely visible.
  const list =
  const selectedElement = list[index];

Using composition for more complex dom-if/dom-repeat cases

In more complex cases, composition in the Lit .html.ts file may be more readable and easier to maintain than directly replacing dom-ifs and dom-repeats as described above. Composition involves the use of helper functions called from the main getHtml() function to define portions of the element’s HTML template.

Cases where this has proven useful include:

  1. Nested <template is="dom-if"> and/or <template is="dom-repeat">
  2. dom-repeats using the filter option

An example based on a simplified form of cr-url-list-item, which uses composition, follows.

From the Polymer .html template:

<div class="folder-and-count">
  <template is="dom-if" if="[[shouldShowFolderImages_(size)]]" restamp>
    <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[imageUrls]]"
      <div class="image-container" hidden$="[[!firstImageLoaded_]]">
        <img is="cr-auto-img" auto-src="[[item]]" draggable="false">
  <div class="count">[[getDisplayedCount_(count)]]</div>

From the Polymer element definition:

private shouldShowImageUrl_(_url: string, index: number) {
  return index <= 1;

private shouldShowFolderImages_(): boolean {
  return this.size !== CrUrlListItemSize.COMPACT;

private getDisplayedCount_() {
  if (this.count && this.count > 999) {
    // The square to display the count only fits 3 characters.
    return '99+';

  return this.count;

From the Lit .html.ts template file:

import {html} from '//resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';

import type {CrUrlListItemElement} from './cr_url_list_item.js';

function getImageHtml(this: CrUrlListItemElement,
                      item: string, index: number) {
  // Replaces dom-repeat's |filter| property by returning empty if the
  // filter function returns false for this item and index.
  if (!this.shouldShowImageUrl_(item, index)) {
    return '';

  return html`
<div class="image-container" ?hidden="${!this.firstImageLoaded_}">
  <img is="cr-auto-img" auto-src="${item}" draggable="false">

function getFolderImagesHtml(this: CrUrlListItemElement) {
  // Replaces dom-if by returning empty string if condition is false.
  if (!this.shouldShowFolderImages_()) {
    return '';

  // Replaces dom-repeat with map()
  return html`${
          (item, index) => getImageHtml.bind(this)(item, index))}`;

export function getHtml(this: CrUrlListItemElement) {
  return html`
/* other content here */
  <div class="folder-and-count">
    <div class="count">${this.getDisplayedCount_()}</div>
/* other content */

From the Lit element definition:

protected getDisplayedCount_(): string {
  if (this.count && this.count > 999) {
    // The square to display the count only fits 3 characters.
    return '99+';

  return this.count === undefined ? '' : this.count.toString();

protected shouldShowImageUrl_(_url: string, index: number): boolean {
  return index <= 1;

protected shouldShowFolderImages_(): boolean {
  return this.size !== CrUrlListItemSize.COMPACT;

Migrating iron-list clients

There are a few considerations when migrating iron-list clients.

First, many existing iron-list clients don‘t require virtualization as the lists they render are bounded in size and not particularly large (e.g. only ~100 items). Such clients should use Lit’s map() directive.

If the iron-list client is actually rendering a very large number of items, some lazy rendering may be necessary. cr-infinite-list replicates the focus and navigation behavior of iron-list. It uses cr-lazy-list internally to render items.

cr-lazy-list adds list items to the DOM lazily as the user scrolls to them. It also leverages CSS content-visibility to avoid rendering work for items not in the viewport. If custom navigation or focus behavior (i.e. different from iron-list) is desired, cr-lazy-list can be used directly as it is in the Tab Search Page's selectable-lazy-list.

If you do not think any of the 3 options above are suitable for a list you are migrating or adding to a WebUI, reach out to the WebUI team.

For incremental migrations, it may be useful to migrate iron-list children prior to migrating the iron-list client itself. This can be somewhat complicated by iron-list manually positioning its items, meaning it must always know when its children change size. When migrating iron-list children, the child elements must manually fire an iron-resize event from their updated() lifecycle callback whenever any property that may impact their height has changed. See example below:

From the list_parent.html template (iron-list client so must be Polymer)

<iron-list id="list" items="[[listItems_]]" as="item">
    <custom-item description="[[item.description]]" name="[[]]"

From the child custom_item.html.ts template:

<div class="name">${}</div>
<div class="description" ?hidden="${!this.description}">

In this case, the value of description impacts the height of the child item. If iron-list is not notified of when the child is done with rendering a change to this property, it may compute the child's height incorrectly, and display gaps or overlap in the list. To prevent this, the child item should fire iron-resize in updated() if its description property changes.

From custom_item.ts:

override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
  if (changedProperties.has('description')) {'iron-resize');

Additional Lit and Polymer differences


A large number of unit tests do something like the following:

// Validate that the input is disabled when invalid is set.
myTestElement.invalid = true;

This assumes that setting invalid synchronously updates the DOM of the test element. If the test element is a Lit-based element, this is no longer the case, and we need to wait for a render cycle to complete. There are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. Preferred: Use await microtasksFinished() test helper method from chrome://webui-test/test_util.js. This method awaits a setTimeout of 0 which allows any render cycles to complete (useful if there may be multiple Lit elements that need to finish updating before assertions).
  2. Directly await myTestElement.updateComplete (waits for the test element’s render cycle).

Updated example:

// Validate that the input is disabled when invalid is set.
myTestElement.invalid = true;
await microtasksFinished();
Note: for many test cases, it is less fragile to directly wait on an event or BrowserProxy call that should be triggered by an action in a test, instead of either assuming everything is synchronous or waiting on framework-dependent test helpers like microtasksFinished() or the Polymer waitAfterNextRender()/flushTasks() that do not actually guarantee that anything specific has happened.

Use of the hidden attribute

As documented in the styleguide, in Polymer the hidden attribute was recommended over <template is="dom-if"> for cases of showing and hiding small amounts of HTML or a single element. In Lit, since conditional rendering does not rely on adding a custom element like dom-if, there is not the same potential performance downside to using conditional rendering instead of the hidden attribute.

In Lit, conditional rendering can be used instead of the hidden attribute in most cases, and should always be used anywhere <template is="dom-if"> would previously have been used in Polymer code.