blob: 25b3bb5ecb7ce31972a833d43ba3b833b5fd9772 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package blink;
message FontUniqueNameTable {
// This field is used on Android for persisting and reading the protobuf from
// disk. It stores the Android build fingerprint, for which this cached font
// lookup structure was build and allows invalidating it when an Android OS
// upgrade was detected.
required string stored_for_platform_version_identifier = 1;
message UniqueFont {
required string file_path = 10;
required uint32 ttc_index = 20;
// Stores a postscript or full font name and
// maps it to an entry in the fonts list.
message UniqueNameToFontMapping {
required string font_name = 10;
required uint32 font_index = 20;
repeated UniqueFont fonts = 10;
// The entries of name_map can be used to lookup a full font name or
// postscript name and find the index into the fonts list which this name
// points to. The entries must be stored ordered by font_name according to
// std::basic_string::compare.
repeated UniqueNameToFontMapping name_map = 20;