blob: ab5d797ba946b694daa92e292a729774525c47e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace blink::v8_compile_hints {
inline constexpr const char* kStatusHistogram =
inline constexpr const char* kLocalCompileHintsGeneratedHistogram =
inline constexpr const char* kLocalCompileHintsObsoletedByCodeCacheHistogram =
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class Status {
kConsumeLocalCompileHintsClassicNonStreaming = 0,
kConsumeLocalCompileHintsModuleNonStreaming = 1,
kConsumeCrowdsourcedCompileHintsClassicNonStreaming = 2,
kConsumeCrowdsourcedCompileHintsModuleNonStreaming = 3,
kProduceCompileHintsClassicNonStreaming = 4,
kProduceCompileHintsModuleNonStreaming = 5,
kConsumeCodeCacheClassicNonStreaming = 6,
kConsumeCodeCacheModuleNonStreaming = 7,
kConsumeLocalCompileHintsStreaming = 8,
kConsumeCrowdsourcedCompileHintsStreaming = 9,
kProduceCompileHintsStreaming = 10,
kNoCompileHintsClassicNonStreaming = 11,
kNoCompileHintsModuleNonStreaming = 12,
kNoCompileHintsStreaming = 13,
kMaxValue = kNoCompileHintsStreaming
enum class LocalCompileHintsGenerated {
kNonFinal = 0,
kFinal = 1,
kMaxValue = kFinal
} // namespace blink::v8_compile_hints