| Canonicalization of file URLs |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS canonicalize('file:c:\\foo\\bar.html') is 'file:///C:/foo/bar.html' |
| PASS canonicalize(' File:c|////foo\\bar.html') is 'file:///C:////foo/bar.html' |
| FAIL canonicalize('file:') should be file:///. Was file:///tmp/mock/path. |
| FAIL canonicalize('file:UNChost/path') should be file://unchost/path. Was file:///tmp/mock/UNChost/path. |
| PASS canonicalize('c:\\foo\\bar') is 'file:///C:/foo/bar' |
| PASS canonicalize('C|/foo/bar') is 'file:///C:/foo/bar' |
| PASS canonicalize('/C|\\foo\\bar') is 'file:///C:/foo/bar' |
| PASS canonicalize('//C|/foo/bar') is 'file:///C:/foo/bar' |
| PASS canonicalize('//server/file') is 'file://server/file' |
| PASS canonicalize('\\\\server\\file') is 'file://server/file' |
| PASS canonicalize('/\\server/file') is 'file://server/file' |
| PASS canonicalize('file:c:foo/bar.html') is 'file:///C:/foo/bar.html' |
| PASS canonicalize('file:/\\/\\C:\\\\//foo\\bar.html') is 'file:///C:////foo/bar.html' |
| PASS canonicalize('file:///foo/bar.txt') is 'file:///foo/bar.txt' |
| FAIL canonicalize('FILE:/\\/\\7:\\\\//foo\\bar.html') should be file://7:////foo/bar.html. Was FILE:/\/\7:\\//foo\bar.html. |
| FAIL canonicalize('file:filer/home\\me') should be file://filer/home/me. Was file:///tmp/mock/filer/home/me. |
| PASS canonicalize('file:///C:/foo/../../../bar.html') is 'file:///C:/bar.html' |
| PASS canonicalize('file:///C:/asdf#\xc2') is 'file:///C:/asdf#%C3%82' |
| PASS canonicalize('file:///home/me') is 'file:///home/me' |
| FAIL canonicalize('file:c:\\foo\\bar.html') should be file:///c:/foo/bar.html. Was file:///C:/foo/bar.html. |
| FAIL canonicalize('file:c|//foo\\bar.html') should be file:///c%7C//foo/bar.html. Was file:///C://foo/bar.html. |
| PASS canonicalize('//') is 'file:///' |
| PASS canonicalize('///') is 'file:///' |
| PASS canonicalize('///test') is 'file:///test' |
| PASS canonicalize('file://test') is 'file://test/' |
| PASS canonicalize('file://localhost') is 'file://localhost/' |
| PASS canonicalize('file://localhost/') is 'file://localhost/' |
| PASS canonicalize('file://localhost/test') is 'file://localhost/test' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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