
This document describes the design and use of logging through NetLog.

Adding new NetLogging code

Adding information to the NetLog helps debugging. However, logging also requires careful review as it can impact performance, privacy, and security.

Please add a net/log/OWNERS reviewer when adding new NetLog parameters, or adding information to existing ones.

The high level objectives when adding net logging code are:

  • No performance cost when capturing is off.
  • Logs captured using kDefault are safe to upload and share publicly.
  • Capturing using kDefault has a low performance impact.
  • Logs captured using kDefault are small enough to upload to bug reports.
  • Events that may emit sensitive information have accompanying unit-tests.
  • The event and its possible parameters are documented in net_log_event_type_list.h

To avoid doing work when logging is off, logging code should generally be conditional on NetLog::IsCapturing(). Note that when specifying parameters via a lambda, the lambda is already conditional on IsCapturing().

Binary data and strings

NetLog parameters are specified as a JSON serializable base::Value. This has some subtle implications:

  • Do not use base::Value::Type::STRING with non-UTF-8 data.
  • Do not use base::Value::Type::BINARY (the JSON serializer can't handle it)


  • If the string is likely ASCII or UTF-8, use NetLogStringValue().
  • If the string is arbitrary data, use NetLogBinaryValue().
  • If the string is guaranteed to be valid UTF-8, you can use base::Value::Type::STRING

Also consider the maximum size of any string parameters:

  • If the string could be large, truncate or omit it when using the default capture mode. Large strings should be relegated to the kEverything capture mode.

64-bit integers

NetLog parameters are specified as a JSON serializable base::Value which does not support 64-bit integers.

Be careful when using base::Value::SetIntKey() as it will truncate 64-bit values to 32-bits.

Instead use NetLogNumberValue().

Backwards compatibility

There is no backwards compatibility requirement for NetLog events and their parameters, so you are free to change their structure/value as needed.

That said, changing core events may have consequences for external consumers of NetLogs, which rely on the structure and parameters to events for pretty printing and log analysis.

The NetLog viewer for instance pretty prints certain parameters based on their names, and the event name that added them.