blob: 7b9ebf5acb0f614b348366c337c5b1d229b37848 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sandbox/linux/suid/client/setuid_sandbox_client.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/suid/common/sandbox.h"
namespace {
bool IsFileSystemAccessDenied() {
// We would rather check "/" instead of "/proc/self/exe" here, but
// that gives false positives when running as root. See
base::ScopedFD proc_self_exe(HANDLE_EINTR(open("/proc/self/exe", O_RDONLY)));
return !proc_self_exe.is_valid();
int GetHelperApi(base::Environment* env) {
std::string api_string;
int api_number = 0; // Assume API version 0 if no environment was found.
if (env->GetVar(sandbox::kSandboxEnvironmentApiProvides, &api_string) &&
!base::StringToInt(api_string, &api_number)) {
// It's an error if we could not convert the API number.
api_number = -1;
return api_number;
// Convert |var_name| from the environment |env| to an int.
// Return -1 if the variable does not exist or the value cannot be converted.
int EnvToInt(base::Environment* env, const char* var_name) {
std::string var_string;
int var_value = -1;
if (env->GetVar(var_name, &var_string) &&
!base::StringToInt(var_string, &var_value)) {
var_value = -1;
return var_value;
pid_t GetHelperPID(base::Environment* env) {
return EnvToInt(env, sandbox::kSandboxHelperPidEnvironmentVarName);
// Get the IPC file descriptor used to communicate with the setuid helper.
int GetIPCDescriptor(base::Environment* env) {
return EnvToInt(env, sandbox::kSandboxDescriptorEnvironmentVarName);
} // namespace
namespace sandbox {
SetuidSandboxClient* SetuidSandboxClient::Create() {
return new SetuidSandboxClient(base::Environment::Create());
SetuidSandboxClient::SetuidSandboxClient(std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> env)
: env_(std::move(env)), sandboxed_(false) {
SetuidSandboxClient::~SetuidSandboxClient() {
void SetuidSandboxClient::CloseDummyFile() {
// When we're launched through the setuid sandbox, SetupLaunchOptions
// arranges for kZygoteIdFd to be a dummy file descriptor to satisfy an
// ancient setuid sandbox ABI requirement. However, the descriptor is no
// longer needed, so we can simply close it right away now.
// Sanity check that kZygoteIdFd refers to a pipe.
struct stat st;
PCHECK(0 == fstat(kZygoteIdFd, &st));
PCHECK(0 == IGNORE_EINTR(close(kZygoteIdFd)));
bool SetuidSandboxClient::ChrootMe() {
int ipc_fd = GetIPCDescriptor(env_.get());
if (ipc_fd < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to obtain the sandbox IPC descriptor";
return false;
if (HANDLE_EINTR(write(ipc_fd, &kMsgChrootMe, 1)) != 1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write to chroot pipe";
return false;
// We need to reap the chroot helper process in any event.
pid_t helper_pid = GetHelperPID(env_.get());
// If helper_pid is -1 we wait for any child.
if (HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(helper_pid, NULL, 0)) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wait for setuid helper to die";
return false;
char reply;
if (HANDLE_EINTR(read(ipc_fd, &reply, 1)) != 1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read from chroot pipe";
return false;
if (reply != kMsgChrootSuccessful) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error code reply from chroot helper";
return false;
// We now consider ourselves "fully sandboxed" as far as the
// setuid sandbox is concerned.
sandboxed_ = true;
return true;
bool SetuidSandboxClient::IsSuidSandboxUpToDate() const {
return GetHelperApi(env_.get()) == kSUIDSandboxApiNumber;
bool SetuidSandboxClient::IsSuidSandboxChild() const {
return GetIPCDescriptor(env_.get()) >= 0;
bool SetuidSandboxClient::IsInNewPIDNamespace() const {
return env_->HasVar(kSandboxPIDNSEnvironmentVarName);
bool SetuidSandboxClient::IsInNewNETNamespace() const {
return env_->HasVar(kSandboxNETNSEnvironmentVarName);
bool SetuidSandboxClient::IsSandboxed() const {
return sandboxed_;
} // namespace sandbox