blob: db2ca7705ba91ea59e4e4e906720ed3fc474d2d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include "media/base/media_observer.h"
#include "media/media_features.h"
#include "media/remoting/metrics.h"
#include "media/remoting/shared_session.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
namespace media {
namespace remoting {
class RpcBroker;
// This class:
// 1) Implements the SharedSession::Client;
// 2) Monitors player events as a MediaObserver;
// 3) May trigger the switch of the media renderer between local playback
// and remoting.
class RendererController final : public SharedSession::Client,
public MediaObserver {
explicit RendererController(scoped_refptr<SharedSession> session);
~RendererController() override;
// SharedSession::Client implementation.
void OnStarted(bool success) override;
void OnSessionStateChanged() override;
// MediaObserver implementation.
void OnBecameDominantVisibleContent(bool is_dominant) override;
void OnSetCdm(CdmContext* cdm_context) override;
void OnMetadataChanged(const PipelineMetadata& metadata) override;
void OnRemotePlaybackDisabled(bool disabled) override;
void OnPlaying() override;
void OnPaused() override;
void OnDataSourceInitialized(const GURL& url_after_redirects) override;
void SetClient(MediaObserverClient* client) override;
base::WeakPtr<RendererController> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// Used by AdaptiveRendererFactory to query whether to create a Media
// Remoting Renderer.
bool remote_rendering_started() const {
return remote_rendering_started_;
void StartDataPipe(std::unique_ptr<mojo::DataPipe> audio_data_pipe,
std::unique_ptr<mojo::DataPipe> video_data_pipe,
const SharedSession::DataPipeStartCallback& done_callback);
// Used by CourierRenderer to query the session state.
SharedSession* session() const { return session_.get(); }
base::WeakPtr<RpcBroker> GetRpcBroker() const;
// Called by CourierRenderer when it encountered a fatal error. This will
// cause remoting to shut down. Media remoting might be re-tried after the
// media element stops and re-starts being the dominant visible content in the
// tab.
void OnRendererFatalError(StopTrigger stop_trigger);
friend class RendererControllerTest;
bool has_audio() const {
return pipeline_metadata_.has_audio &&
bool has_video() const {
return pipeline_metadata_.has_video &&
// Called when the session availability state may have changed. Each call to
// this method could cause a remoting session to be started or stopped; and if
// that happens, the |start_trigger| or |stop_trigger| must be the reason.
void UpdateFromSessionState(StartTrigger start_trigger,
StopTrigger stop_trigger);
bool IsVideoCodecSupported() const;
bool IsAudioCodecSupported() const;
bool IsRemoteSinkAvailable() const;
bool IsAudioOrVideoSupported() const;
// Returns true if all of the technical requirements for the media pipeline
// and remote rendering are being met. This does not include environmental
// conditions, such as the content being dominant in the viewport, available
// network bandwidth, etc.
bool CanBeRemoting() const;
// Determines whether to enter or leave Remoting mode and switches if
// necessary. Each call to this method could cause a remoting session to be
// started or stopped; and if that happens, the |start_trigger| or
// |stop_trigger| must be the reason.
void UpdateAndMaybeSwitch(StartTrigger start_trigger,
StopTrigger stop_trigger);
// Activates or deactivates the remote playback monitoring based on whether
// the element is compatible with Remote Playback API.
void UpdateRemotePlaybackAvailabilityMonitoringState();
// Start |delayed_start_stability_timer_| to ensure all preconditions are met
// and held stable for a short time before starting remoting.
void WaitForStabilityBeforeStart(StartTrigger start_trigger);
// Cancel the start of remoting.
void CancelDelayedStart();
// Called when the delayed start ends. |decoded_frame_count_before_delay| is
// the total number of frames decoded before the delayed start began.
// |delayed_start_time| is the time that the delayed start began.
void OnDelayedStartTimerFired(StartTrigger start_trigger,
unsigned decoded_frame_count_before_delay,
base::TimeTicks delayed_start_time);
// Helper to request the media pipeline switch to the remoting renderer.
void StartRemoting(StartTrigger start_trigger);
// Indicates whether remoting is started.
bool remote_rendering_started_ = false;
// Indicates whether audio or video is encrypted.
bool is_encrypted_ = false;
// Indicates whether remote playback is currently disabled. This starts out as
// true, and should be updated at least once via a call to
// OnRemotePlaybackDisabled() at some point in the future. A web page
// typically sets/removes the disableRemotePlayback attribute on a
// HTMLMediaElement to disable/enable remoting of its content. Please see the
// Remote Playback API spec for more details:
bool is_remote_playback_disabled_ = true;
// Indicates whether video is the dominant visible content in the tab.
bool is_dominant_content_ = false;
// Indicates whether video is paused.
bool is_paused_ = true;
// Indicates whether OnRendererFatalError() has been called. This indicates
// one of several possible problems: 1) An environmental problem such as
// out-of-memory, insufficient network bandwidth, etc. 2) The receiver may
// have been unable to play-out the content correctly (e.g., not capable of a
// high frame rate at a high resolution). 3) An implementation bug. In any
// case, once a renderer encounters a fatal error, remoting will be shut down.
// The value gets reset after the media element stops being the dominant
// visible content in the tab.
bool encountered_renderer_fatal_error_ = false;
// When this is true, remoting will never start again for the lifetime of this
// controller.
bool permanently_disable_remoting_ = false;
// This is initially the SharedSession passed to the ctor, and might be
// replaced with a different instance later if OnSetCdm() is called.
scoped_refptr<SharedSession> session_;
// This is used to check all the methods are called on the current thread in
// debug builds.
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// Current pipeline metadata.
PipelineMetadata pipeline_metadata_;
// Current data source information.
GURL url_after_redirects_;
// Records session events of interest.
SessionMetricsRecorder metrics_recorder_;
// Not owned by this class. Can only be set once by calling SetClient().
MediaObserverClient* client_ = nullptr;
// When this is running, it indicates that remoting will be started later
// when the timer gets fired. The start will be canceled if there is any
// precondition change that does not allow for remoting duting this period.
// TODO(xjz): Estimate whether the transmission bandwidth is sufficient to
// remote the content while this timer is running.
base::OneShotTimer delayed_start_stability_timer_;
base::TickClock* clock_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RendererController> weak_factory_;
} // namespace remoting
} // namespace media