| // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "chrome/app_shim/app_shim_controller.h" |
| |
| #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_util.h" |
| #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "chrome/app_shim/app_shim_delegate.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_command_handler.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/chrome_command_dispatcher_delegate.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/main_menu_builder.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/ns_view_bridge_factory_impl.h" |
| #include "content/public/common/ns_view_bridge_factory.mojom.h" |
| #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_request.h" |
| #include "mojo/public/cpp/platform/named_platform_channel.h" |
| #include "ui/accelerated_widget_mac/window_resize_helper_mac.h" |
| #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" |
| #include "ui/views_bridge_mac/bridge_factory_impl.h" |
| #include "ui/views_bridge_mac/bridged_native_widget_impl.h" |
| #include "ui/views_bridge_mac/mojo/bridge_factory.mojom.h" |
| |
| AppShimController::AppShimController( |
| const app_mode::ChromeAppModeInfo* app_mode_info) |
| : app_mode_info_(app_mode_info), |
| shim_binding_(this), |
| host_request_(mojo::MakeRequest(&host_)), |
| delegate_([[AppShimDelegate alloc] init]), |
| launch_app_done_(false), |
| ping_chrome_reply_received_(false), |
| attention_request_id_(0) { |
| // Since AppShimController is created before the main message loop starts, |
| // NSApp will not be set, so use sharedApplication. |
| NSApplication* sharedApplication = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; |
| [sharedApplication setDelegate:delegate_]; |
| } |
| |
| AppShimController::~AppShimController() { |
| // Un-set the delegate since NSApplication does not retain it. |
| NSApplication* sharedApplication = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; |
| [sharedApplication setDelegate:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::OnPingChromeReply(bool success) { |
| ping_chrome_reply_received_ = true; |
| if (!success) { |
| [NSApp terminate:nil]; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| InitBootstrapPipe(); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::OnPingChromeTimeout() { |
| if (!ping_chrome_reply_received_) |
| [NSApp terminate:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::InitBootstrapPipe() { |
| SetUpMenu(); |
| |
| // Chrome will relaunch shims when relaunching apps. |
| [NSApp disableRelaunchOnLogin]; |
| |
| // The user_data_dir for shims actually contains the app_data_path. |
| // I.e. <user_data_dir>/<profile_dir>/Web Applications/_crx_extensionid/ |
| base::FilePath user_data_dir = base::FilePath(app_mode_info_->user_data_dir) |
| .DirName() |
| .DirName() |
| .DirName(); |
| CHECK(!user_data_dir.empty()); |
| |
| base::FilePath symlink_path = |
| user_data_dir.Append(app_mode::kAppShimSocketSymlinkName); |
| base::FilePath socket_path; |
| if (base::ReadSymbolicLink(symlink_path, &socket_path)) { |
| app_mode::VerifySocketPermissions(socket_path); |
| CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp(socket_path); |
| } else { |
| // The path in the user data dir is not a symlink, try connecting directly. |
| CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp(symlink_path); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::CreateChannelAndSendLaunchApp( |
| const base::FilePath& socket_path) { |
| mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle message_pipe = |
| bootstrap_mojo_connection_.Connect( |
| mojo::NamedPlatformChannel::ConnectToServer(socket_path.value())); |
| CHECK(message_pipe.is_valid()); |
| host_bootstrap_ = chrome::mojom::AppShimHostBootstrapPtr( |
| chrome::mojom::AppShimHostBootstrapPtrInfo(std::move(message_pipe), 0)); |
| host_bootstrap_.set_connection_error_with_reason_handler(base::BindOnce( |
| &AppShimController::BootstrapChannelError, base::Unretained(this))); |
| |
| bool launched_by_chrome = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( |
| app_mode::kLaunchedByChromeProcessId); |
| apps::AppShimLaunchType launch_type = |
| launched_by_chrome ? apps::APP_SHIM_LAUNCH_REGISTER_ONLY |
| |
| [delegate_ setController:this]; |
| |
| std::vector<base::FilePath> files; |
| [delegate_ getFilesToOpenAtStartup:&files]; |
| |
| host_bootstrap_->LaunchApp(std::move(host_request_), |
| base::FilePath(app_mode_info_->profile_dir), |
| app_mode_info_->app_mode_id, launch_type, files, |
| base::BindOnce(&AppShimController::LaunchAppDone, |
| base::Unretained(this))); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::SetUpMenu() { |
| chrome::BuildMainMenu(NSApp, delegate_, |
| base::UTF8ToUTF16(app_mode_info_->app_mode_name), true); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::BootstrapChannelError(uint32_t custom_reason, |
| const std::string& description) { |
| // The bootstrap channel is expected to close after sending LaunchAppDone. |
| if (launch_app_done_) |
| return; |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Channel error custom_reason:" << custom_reason |
| << " description: " << description; |
| Close(); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::ChannelError(uint32_t custom_reason, |
| const std::string& description) { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Channel error custom_reason:" << custom_reason |
| << " description: " << description; |
| Close(); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::LaunchAppDone( |
| apps::AppShimLaunchResult result, |
| chrome::mojom::AppShimRequest app_shim_request) { |
| if (result != apps::APP_SHIM_LAUNCH_SUCCESS) { |
| Close(); |
| return; |
| } |
| shim_binding_.Bind(std::move(app_shim_request), |
| ui::WindowResizeHelperMac::Get()->task_runner()); |
| shim_binding_.set_connection_error_with_reason_handler( |
| base::BindOnce(&AppShimController::ChannelError, base::Unretained(this))); |
| |
| std::vector<base::FilePath> files; |
| if ([delegate_ getFilesToOpenAtStartup:&files]) |
| SendFocusApp(apps::APP_SHIM_FOCUS_OPEN_FILES, files); |
| |
| launch_app_done_ = true; |
| host_bootstrap_.reset(); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::CreateViewsBridgeFactory( |
| views_bridge_mac::mojom::BridgeFactoryAssociatedRequest request) { |
| views_bridge_mac::BridgeFactoryImpl::Get()->BindRequest(std::move(request)); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::CreateContentNSViewBridgeFactory( |
| content::mojom::NSViewBridgeFactoryAssociatedRequest request) { |
| content::NSViewBridgeFactoryImpl::Get()->BindRequest(std::move(request)); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::CreateCommandDispatcherForWidget(uint64_t widget_id) { |
| if (auto* bridge = views::BridgedNativeWidgetImpl::GetFromId(widget_id)) { |
| bridge->SetCommandDispatcher( |
| [[[ChromeCommandDispatcherDelegate alloc] init] autorelease], |
| [[[BrowserWindowCommandHandler alloc] init] autorelease]); |
| } else { |
| LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find host for command dispatcher."; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::Hide() { |
| [NSApp hide:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::SetBadgeLabel(const std::string& badge_label) { |
| NSApp.dockTile.badgeLabel = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(badge_label); |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::UnhideWithoutActivation() { |
| [NSApp unhideWithoutActivation]; |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::SetUserAttention( |
| apps::AppShimAttentionType attention_type) { |
| switch (attention_type) { |
| [NSApp cancelUserAttentionRequest:attention_request_id_]; |
| attention_request_id_ = 0; |
| break; |
| attention_request_id_ = [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest]; |
| break; |
| attention_request_id_ = |
| [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest]; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void AppShimController::Close() { |
| [NSApp terminate:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| bool AppShimController::SendFocusApp(apps::AppShimFocusType focus_type, |
| const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files) { |
| if (launch_app_done_) { |
| host_->FocusApp(focus_type, files); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |