blob: 83d1ef41c6586b91f165e03e77eaec438f578925 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
if (is_ios) {
jumbo_static_library("dom_keycode_converter") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [
if (!is_ios) {
deps += [ "//ipc:param_traits" ]
static_library("dom_keyboard_layout") {
public = [
sources = [
# Make sure we don't compile two versions of dom_keyboard_layout_map*
if (is_mac) {
sources += [ "keycodes/dom/" ]
} else if (is_win) {
sources += [ "keycodes/dom/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "keycodes/dom/" ]
deps = [
if (!is_ios) {
deps += [ "//ipc:param_traits" ]
# Expose the internals of this target to other packages in this BUILD file
# so the unit tests can access the private header files.
# Note: Only 'events_unittests' needs access in this file, however it uses a
# template which generates different target names on different platforms.
friend = [ ":*" ]
source_set("event_constants") {
sources = [
source_set("platform_event") {
sources = [
jumbo_component("events_base") {
sources = [
deps = [
public_deps = [
if (use_x11) {
public_deps += [ "//ui/events/keycodes:x11" ]
if (!is_ios) {
deps += [ "//ipc:param_traits" ]
if (is_mac) {
libs = [
jumbo_component("events") {
public = [
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
# Expose the internals of this target to other packages in this BUILD file
# so the unit tests can access the private header files.
# Note: Only 'events_unittests' needs access in this file, however it uses a
# template which generates different target names on different platforms.
friend = [ ":*" ]
if (use_x11) {
sources += [
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:x11" ]
deps += [
if (use_glib) {
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:glib" ]
if (use_ozone) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (is_win && use_ozone) {
sources -= [ "win/" ]
if (use_ozone) {
public += [ "ozone/events_ozone.h" ]
sources += [
deps += [ "//ui/events/ozone:events_ozone_layout" ]
if (use_aura) {
public += [
sources += [
if (is_win || is_mac || use_x11 || use_ozone) {
sources -= [ "" ]
if (is_android) {
public += [
sources += [
deps += [
if (is_mac) {
libs = [ "AppKit.framework" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
public += [
sources += [ "fuchsia/" ]
public_deps += [ "//third_party/fuchsia-sdk/sdk:ui_input" ]
jumbo_component("gesture_detection") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (is_android) {
sources += [ "gesture_detection/" ]
} else if (is_chromecast) {
sources += [ "gesture_detection/" ]
} else if (use_aura) {
sources += [ "gesture_detection/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "gesture_detection/" ]
jumbo_static_library("test_support") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
if (is_ios) {
sources -= [
if (is_mac) {
libs = [ "Carbon.framework" ]
if (use_x11 || ozone_platform_x11) {
sources += [
deps += [
if (use_x11 || ozone_platform_x11) {
deps += [ "//ui/events/x" ]
if (!is_ios) {
test("events_unittests") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (is_android) {
sources += [ "android/" ]
} else {
data_deps = [
if (use_x11) {
sources += [
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:x11" ]
deps += [
if (use_x11 || use_ozone) {
sources += [ "devices/" ]
if (use_ozone && (is_linux || is_chromeos)) {
sources += [
if (use_xkbcommon) {
sources += [
deps += [
if (use_aura) {
sources += [
if (is_win) {
sources += [ "blink/" ]
if (is_chromecast && !is_android) {
sources += [ "chromecast/" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "fuchsia/" ]
deps += [ "//third_party/fuchsia-sdk/sdk:ui_input" ]
if (is_android) {
generate_jar_jni("motionevent_jni_headers") {
jni_package = "ui"
classes = [ "android/view/MotionEvent.class" ]
generate_jar_jni("keyevent_jni_headers") {
jni_package = "ui"
classes = [ "android/view/KeyEvent.class" ]
# This target is added as a dependency of browser interactive_ui_tests. It must
# be source_set, otherwise the linker will drop the tests as dead code.
source_set("events_interactive_ui_tests") {
testonly = true
if (is_win) {
sources = [
deps = [