blob: a4228fcf83a588cff1a7757f36ebfdf9e2491957 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
namespace third_party_dlls {
// Registry value in the main |kThirdPartyRegKeyName| registry key.
// - Of type REG_BINARY, the binary blob will contain 0 to many ThirdPartyStatus
// codes.
// - Use the utility functions below to manipulate the binary buffer.
extern const wchar_t kStatusCodesRegValue[];
// - Don't change the values of these enums, without careful thought. They are
// used in an UMA histogram.
// - "static_cast<int>(ThirdPartyStatus::value)" to access underlying value.
enum class ThirdPartyStatus {
kSuccess = 0,
// packed_list_file, non-fatal codes:
kFilePathNotFoundInRegistry = 1,
kFileNotFound = 2,
kFileEmpty = 3,
kFileArraySizeZero = 4,
// packed_list_file:
kFileAccessDenied = 5,
kFileUnexpectedFailure = 6,
kFileMetadataReadFailure = 7,
kFileInvalidFormatVersion = 8,
kFileArrayTooBig = 9,
kFileArrayReadFailure = 10,
kFileArrayNotSorted = 11,
// logs:
kLogsCreateMutexFailure = 12,
// hook:
kHookInitImportsFailure = 13,
kHookUnsupportedOs = 14,
kHookVirtualProtectFailure = 15,
kHookApplyFailure = 16,
// status_codes:
kStatusCodeResetFailure = 17,
kMaxValue = kStatusCodeResetFailure,
// Append a ThirdPartyStatus code to a |kStatusCodesRegValue| REG_BINARY buffer.
void AddStatusCodeToBuffer(ThirdPartyStatus code, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer);
// Convert a |kStatusCodesRegValue| REG_BINARY buffer to ThirdPartyStatus codes.
void ConvertBufferToStatusCodes(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer,
std::vector<ThirdPartyStatus>* status_array);
} // namespace third_party_dlls