blob: c5892effd003dad98ac4851b5a2c3bd39db2d31b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
namespace media_session {
namespace mojom {
enum class AudioFocusType;
} // namespace mojom
class AudioFocusManagerMetricsHelper {
using Sample = base::HistogramBase::Sample;
AudioFocusManagerMetricsHelper(const std::string& source_name);
// This is used for UMA histogram
// (Media.Session.AudioFocus.*.RequestAudioFocus). New values should be
// appended only and update |kMaxValue|.
enum class AudioFocusRequestSource {
kUnknown = 0,
kInitial = 1,
kUpdate = 2,
kMaxValue = kUpdate // Leave at the end.
// This is used for UMA histogram
// (Media.Session.AudioFocus.*.AbandonAudioFocus). New values should be
// appended only and update |kMaxValue|.
enum class AudioFocusAbandonSource {
kUnknown = 0,
kAPI = 1,
kConnectionError = 2,
kMaxValue = kConnectionError // Leave at the end.
// This is used for UMA histogram
// (Media.Session.AudioFocus.*.AudioFocusType). New values should be
// appended only and update |kMaxValue|. It should mirror the
// media_session::mojom::AudioFocusType enum.
enum class AudioFocusType {
kUnknown = 0,
kGain = 1,
kGainTransientMayDuck = 2,
kGainTransient = 3,
kMaxValue = kGainTransient // Leave at the end.
void OnRequestAudioFocus(AudioFocusRequestSource, mojom::AudioFocusType);
void OnAbandonAudioFocus(AudioFocusAbandonSource);
static AudioFocusType FromMojoFocusType(mojom::AudioFocusType);
base::HistogramBase* GetHistogram(const char* name, Sample max) const;
bool ShouldRecordMetrics() const;
std::string source_name_;
base::HistogramBase* const request_source_histogram_;
base::HistogramBase* const focus_type_histogram_;
base::HistogramBase* const abandon_source_histogram_;
} // namespace media_session