blob: 32cfd778f0f1508fa23a773bfd4231d97d374382 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "url/gurl.h"
enum class WebappInstallSource;
struct InstallableData;
struct WebApplicationInfo;
class SkBitmap;
namespace blink {
struct Manifest;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace web_app {
struct BitmapAndSource;
struct InstallOptions;
enum class ForInstallableSite {
// A map of icon urls to the bitmaps provided by that url.
using IconsMap = std::map<GURL, std::vector<SkBitmap>>;
// Update the given WebApplicationInfo with information from the manifest.
void UpdateWebAppInfoFromManifest(const blink::Manifest& manifest,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app_info,
ForInstallableSite installable_site);
// Returns icon sizes to be generated from downloaded icons.
std::set<int> SizesToGenerate();
// Form a list of icons to download: Remove icons with invalid urls. If |data|
// is specified and contains a valid primary icon, we skip downloading any
// matching icon in |web_app_info|.
std::vector<GURL> GetValidIconUrlsToDownload(
const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info,
const InstallableData* data);
// Merge primary icon from installability check phase:
// Add the primary icon to the final web app creation data.
void MergeInstallableDataIcon(const InstallableData& data,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app_info);
// Get a list of non-empty square icons from |web_app_info|.
void FilterSquareIconsFromInfo(const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info,
std::vector<BitmapAndSource>* square_icons);
// Get a list of non-empty square icons from |icons_map|.
void FilterSquareIconsFromMap(const IconsMap& icons_map,
std::vector<BitmapAndSource>* square_icons);
// Get a list of non-empty square icons from downloaded |icons_map| and
// |web_app_info| (merged together).
std::vector<BitmapAndSource> FilterSquareIcons(
const IconsMap& icons_map,
const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info);
// Ensure that the necessary-sized icons are available by resizing larger
// icons down to smaller sizes, and generating icons for sizes where resizing
// is not possible.
void ResizeDownloadedIconsGenerateMissing(
std::vector<BitmapAndSource> downloaded_icons,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app_info);
// It is important that the linked app information in any web app that
// gets created from sync matches the linked app information that came from
// sync. If there are any changes, they will be synced back to other devices
// and could potentially create a never ending sync cycle.
// This function updates |web_app_info| with the image data of any icon from
// |size_map| that has a URL and size matching that in |web_app_info|, as
// well as adding any new images from |size_map| that have no URL.
void UpdateWebAppIconsWithoutChangingLinks(
const std::map<int, BitmapAndSource>& size_map,
WebApplicationInfo* web_app_info);
// Record an app banner added to homescreen event to ensure banners are not
// shown for this app.
void RecordAppBanner(content::WebContents* contents, const GURL& app_url);
WebappInstallSource ConvertOptionsToMetricsInstallSource(
const InstallOptions& options);
} // namespace web_app