blob: bc20e0f7c375eab657a763c7485d2699b3dacbf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "ui/base/accessibility/accessible_view_state.h"
#include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_drop_types.h"
#include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/view_storage.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/fill_layout.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace views {
namespace internal {
namespace {
enum EventType {
// |view| is the view receiving |event|. This function sends the event to all
// the Views up the hierarchy that has |notify_enter_exit_on_child_| flag turned
// on, but does not contain |sibling|.
void NotifyEnterExitOfDescendeant(const MouseEvent& event,
EventType type,
View* view,
View* sibling) {
for (View* p = view->parent(); p; p = p->parent()) {
if (!p->notify_enter_exit_on_child())
if (sibling && p->Contains(sibling))
if (type == EVENT_ENTER)
} // namespace
// static
const char RootView::kViewClassName[] = "views/RootView";
// RootView, public:
// Creation and lifetime -------------------------------------------------------
RootView::RootView(Widget* widget)
: widget_(widget),
ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(focus_search_(this, false, false)),
focus_traversable_parent_view_(NULL) {
RootView::~RootView() {
// If we have children remove them explicitly so to make sure a remove
// notification is sent for each one of them.
if (has_children())
// Tree operations -------------------------------------------------------------
void RootView::SetContentsView(View* contents_view) {
DCHECK(contents_view && GetWidget()->native_widget()) <<
"Can't be called until after the native widget is created!";
// The ContentsView must be set up _after_ the window is created so that its
// Widget pointer is valid.
SetLayoutManager(new FillLayout);
if (has_children())
// Force a layout now, since the attached hierarchy won't be ready for the
// containing window's bounds. Note that we call Layout directly rather than
// calling the widget's size changed handler, since the RootView's bounds may
// not have changed, which will cause the Layout not to be done otherwise.
View* RootView::GetContentsView() {
return child_count() > 0 ? child_at(0) : NULL;
void RootView::NotifyNativeViewHierarchyChanged(bool attached,
gfx::NativeView native_view) {
PropagateNativeViewHierarchyChanged(attached, native_view, this);
// Input -----------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RootView::OnKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) {
bool consumed = false;
View* v = NULL;
if (GetFocusManager()) // NULL in unittests.
v = GetFocusManager()->GetFocusedView();
// Special case to handle right-click context menus triggered by the
// keyboard.
if (v && v->enabled() && ((event.key_code() == ui::VKEY_APPS) ||
(event.key_code() == ui::VKEY_F10 && event.IsShiftDown()))) {
v->ShowContextMenu(v->GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation(), false);
return true;
for (; v && v != this && !consumed; v = v->parent()) {
consumed = (event.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED) ?
v->OnKeyPressed(event) : v->OnKeyReleased(event);
return consumed;
// Focus -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void RootView::SetFocusTraversableParent(FocusTraversable* focus_traversable) {
DCHECK(focus_traversable != this);
focus_traversable_parent_ = focus_traversable;
void RootView::SetFocusTraversableParentView(View* view) {
focus_traversable_parent_view_ = view;
// System events ---------------------------------------------------------------
void RootView::ThemeChanged() {
void RootView::LocaleChanged() {
// RootView, FocusTraversable implementation:
FocusSearch* RootView::GetFocusSearch() {
return &focus_search_;
FocusTraversable* RootView::GetFocusTraversableParent() {
return focus_traversable_parent_;
View* RootView::GetFocusTraversableParentView() {
return focus_traversable_parent_view_;
// RootView, View overrides:
const Widget* RootView::GetWidget() const {
return widget_;
Widget* RootView::GetWidget() {
return const_cast<Widget*>(const_cast<const RootView*>(this)->GetWidget());
bool RootView::IsDrawn() const {
return visible();
std::string RootView::GetClassName() const {
return kViewClassName;
void RootView::SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
if (layer()) {
} else {
gfx::Rect xrect = ConvertRectToParent(rect);
gfx::Rect invalid_rect = GetLocalBounds().Intersect(xrect);
if (!invalid_rect.IsEmpty())
bool RootView::OnMousePressed(const MouseEvent& event) {
MouseEvent e(event, this);
// If mouse_pressed_handler_ is non null, we are currently processing
// a pressed -> drag -> released session. In that case we send the
// event to mouse_pressed_handler_
if (mouse_pressed_handler_) {
MouseEvent mouse_pressed_event(e, this, mouse_pressed_handler_);
return true;
bool hit_disabled_view = false;
// Walk up the tree until we find a view that wants the mouse event.
for (mouse_pressed_handler_ = GetEventHandlerForPoint(e.location());
mouse_pressed_handler_ && (mouse_pressed_handler_ != this);
mouse_pressed_handler_ = mouse_pressed_handler_->parent()) {
DVLOG(1) << "OnMousePressed testing "
<< mouse_pressed_handler_->GetClassName();
if (!mouse_pressed_handler_->enabled()) {
// Disabled views should eat events instead of propagating them upwards.
hit_disabled_view = true;
// See if this view wants to handle the mouse press.
MouseEvent mouse_pressed_event(e, this, mouse_pressed_handler_);
// Remove the double-click flag if the handler is different than the
// one which got the first click part of the double-click.
if (mouse_pressed_handler_ != last_click_handler_)
mouse_pressed_event.set_flags(e.flags() & ~ui::EF_IS_DOUBLE_CLICK);
bool handled = mouse_pressed_handler_->ProcessMousePressed(
mouse_pressed_event, &drag_info_);
// The view could have removed itself from the tree when handling
// OnMousePressed(). In this case, the removal notification will have
// reset mouse_pressed_handler_ to NULL out from under us. Detect this
// case and stop. (See comments in view.h.)
// NOTE: Don't return true here, because we don't want the frame to
// forward future events to us when there's no handler.
if (!mouse_pressed_handler_)
// If the view handled the event, leave mouse_pressed_handler_ set and
// return true, which will cause subsequent drag/release events to get
// forwarded to that view.
if (handled) {
last_click_handler_ = mouse_pressed_handler_;
DVLOG(1) << "OnMousePressed handled by "
<< mouse_pressed_handler_->GetClassName();
return true;
// Reset mouse_pressed_handler_ to indicate that no processing is occurring.
mouse_pressed_handler_ = NULL;
// In the event that a double-click is not handled after traversing the
// entire hierarchy (even as a single-click when sent to a different view),
// it must be marked as handled to avoid anything happening from default
// processing if it the first click-part was handled by us.
if (last_click_handler_ && (e.flags() & ui::EF_IS_DOUBLE_CLICK))
hit_disabled_view = true;
last_click_handler_ = NULL;
return hit_disabled_view;
bool RootView::OnMouseDragged(const MouseEvent& event) {
if (mouse_pressed_handler_) {
MouseEvent e(event, this);
MouseEvent mouse_event(e, this, mouse_pressed_handler_);
return mouse_pressed_handler_->ProcessMouseDragged(mouse_event,
return false;
void RootView::OnMouseReleased(const MouseEvent& event) {
MouseEvent e(event, this);
if (mouse_pressed_handler_) {
MouseEvent mouse_released(e, this, mouse_pressed_handler_);
// We allow the view to delete us from ProcessMouseReleased. As such,
// configure state such that we're done first, then call View.
View* mouse_pressed_handler = mouse_pressed_handler_;
// WARNING: we may have been deleted.
void RootView::OnMouseCaptureLost() {
if (mouse_pressed_handler_) {
// Synthesize a release event for UpdateCursor.
MouseEvent release_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, last_mouse_event_x_,
last_mouse_event_y_, last_mouse_event_flags_);
// We allow the view to delete us from OnMouseCaptureLost. As such,
// configure state such that we're done first, then call View.
View* mouse_pressed_handler = mouse_pressed_handler_;
// WARNING: we may have been deleted.
void RootView::OnMouseMoved(const MouseEvent& event) {
MouseEvent e(event, this);
View* v = GetEventHandlerForPoint(e.location());
// Find the first enabled view, or the existing move handler, whichever comes
// first. The check for the existing handler is because if a view becomes
// disabled while handling moves, it's wrong to suddenly send ET_MOUSE_EXITED
// and ET_MOUSE_ENTERED events, because the mouse hasn't actually exited yet.
while (v && !v->enabled() && (v != mouse_move_handler_))
v = v->parent();
if (v && v != this) {
if (v != mouse_move_handler_) {
if (mouse_move_handler_ != NULL &&
(!mouse_move_handler_->notify_enter_exit_on_child() ||
!mouse_move_handler_->Contains(v))) {
NotifyEnterExitOfDescendeant(e, EVENT_EXIT, mouse_move_handler_, v);
View* old_handler = mouse_move_handler_;
mouse_move_handler_ = v;
MouseEvent entered_event(e, this, mouse_move_handler_);
if (!mouse_move_handler_->notify_enter_exit_on_child() ||
!mouse_move_handler_->Contains(old_handler)) {
NotifyEnterExitOfDescendeant(entered_event, EVENT_ENTER, v,
MouseEvent moved_event(e, this, mouse_move_handler_);
if (!(moved_event.flags() & ui::EF_IS_NON_CLIENT))
} else if (mouse_move_handler_ != NULL) {
NotifyEnterExitOfDescendeant(e, EVENT_EXIT, mouse_move_handler_, v);
// On Aura the non-client area extends slightly outside the root view for
// some windows. Let the non-client cursor handling code set the cursor
// as we do above.
if (!(e.flags() & ui::EF_IS_NON_CLIENT))
void RootView::OnMouseExited(const MouseEvent& event) {
if (mouse_move_handler_ != NULL) {
NotifyEnterExitOfDescendeant(event, EVENT_EXIT, mouse_move_handler_, NULL);
mouse_move_handler_ = NULL;
bool RootView::OnMouseWheel(const MouseWheelEvent& event) {
MouseWheelEvent e(event, this);
bool consumed = false;
for (View* v = GetFocusManager()->GetFocusedView();
v && v != this && !consumed; v = v->parent())
consumed = v->OnMouseWheel(e);
return consumed;
ui::TouchStatus RootView::OnTouchEvent(const TouchEvent& event) {
TouchEvent e(event, this);
// If touch_pressed_handler_ is non null, we are currently processing
// a touch down on the screen situation. In that case we send the
// event to touch_pressed_handler_
ui::TouchStatus status = ui::TOUCH_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
if (touch_pressed_handler_) {
TouchEvent touch_event(e, this, touch_pressed_handler_);
status = touch_pressed_handler_->ProcessTouchEvent(touch_event);
if (status == ui::TOUCH_STATUS_END)
touch_pressed_handler_ = NULL;
return status;
// Walk up the tree until we find a view that wants the touch event.
for (touch_pressed_handler_ = GetEventHandlerForPoint(e.location());
touch_pressed_handler_ && (touch_pressed_handler_ != this);
touch_pressed_handler_ = touch_pressed_handler_->parent()) {
if (!touch_pressed_handler_->enabled()) {
// Disabled views eat events but are treated as not handled.
// See if this view wants to handle the touch
TouchEvent touch_event(e, this, touch_pressed_handler_);
status = touch_pressed_handler_->ProcessTouchEvent(touch_event);
// The view could have removed itself from the tree when handling
// OnTouchEvent(). So handle as per OnMousePressed. NB: we
// assume that the RootView itself cannot be so removed.
if (!touch_pressed_handler_)
// The touch event wasn't processed. Go up the view hierarchy and dispatch
// the touch event.
if (status == ui::TOUCH_STATUS_UNKNOWN)
// If the touch didn't initiate a touch-sequence, then reset the touch event
// handler. Otherwise, leave it set so that subsequent touch events are
// dispatched to the same handler.
if (status != ui::TOUCH_STATUS_START)
touch_pressed_handler_ = NULL;
return status;
// Reset touch_pressed_handler_ to indicate that no processing is occurring.
touch_pressed_handler_ = NULL;
return status;
ui::GestureStatus RootView::OnGestureEvent(const GestureEvent& event) {
GestureEvent e(event, this);
ui::GestureStatus status = ui::GESTURE_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
// Walk up the tree until we find a view that wants the gesture event.
for (gesture_handling_view_ = GetEventHandlerForPoint(e.location());
gesture_handling_view_ && (gesture_handling_view_ != this);
gesture_handling_view_ = gesture_handling_view_->parent()) {
if (!gesture_handling_view_->enabled()) {
// Disabled views eat events but are treated as not handled.
// See if this view wants to handle the Gesture.
GestureEvent gesture_event(e, this, gesture_handling_view_);
status = gesture_handling_view_->ProcessGestureEvent(gesture_event);
// The view could have removed itself from the tree when handling
// OnGestureEvent(). So handle as per OnMousePressed. NB: we
// assume that the RootView itself cannot be so removed.
if (!gesture_handling_view_)
// The gesture event wasn't processed. Go up the view hierarchy and
// dispatch the gesture event.
if (status == ui::GESTURE_STATUS_UNKNOWN)
else if (status == ui::GESTURE_STATUS_CONSUMED)
return status;
return status;
void RootView::SetMouseHandler(View *new_mh) {
// If we're clearing the mouse handler, clear explicit_mouse_handler_ as well.
explicit_mouse_handler_ = (new_mh != NULL);
mouse_pressed_handler_ = new_mh;
void RootView::GetAccessibleState(ui::AccessibleViewState* state) {
state->role = ui::AccessibilityTypes::ROLE_APPLICATION;
void RootView::ReorderChildLayers(ui::Layer* parent_layer) {
// RootView, protected:
void RootView::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View* parent, View* child) {
widget_->ViewHierarchyChanged(is_add, parent, child);
if (!is_add) {
if (!explicit_mouse_handler_ && mouse_pressed_handler_ == child)
mouse_pressed_handler_ = NULL;
if (mouse_move_handler_ == child)
mouse_move_handler_ = NULL;
if (touch_pressed_handler_ == child)
touch_pressed_handler_ = NULL;
if (gesture_handling_view_ == child)
gesture_handling_view_ = NULL;
void RootView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
if (!layer() || !layer()->fills_bounds_opaquely())
canvas->DrawColor(SK_ColorBLACK, SkXfermode::kClear_Mode);
// TODO (pkotwicz): Remove this once we switch over to Aura desktop.
// This is needed so that we can set the background behind the RWHV when the
// RWHV is not visible. Not needed once there is a view between the RootView
// and RWHV.
void RootView::CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(gfx::Point* offset,
ui::Layer** layer_parent) {
View::CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(offset, layer_parent);
if (!layer())
widget_->CalculateOffsetToAncestorWithLayer(offset, layer_parent);
// RootView, private:
// Input -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void RootView::UpdateCursor(const MouseEvent& event) {
if (!(event.flags() & ui::EF_IS_NON_CLIENT)) {
View* v = GetEventHandlerForPoint(event.location());
widget_->SetCursor(v->GetCursor(MouseEvent(event, this, v)));
void RootView::SetMouseLocationAndFlags(const MouseEvent& event) {
last_mouse_event_flags_ = event.flags();
last_mouse_event_x_ = event.x();
last_mouse_event_y_ = event.y();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace views