blob: 783db760eadc3b9785b5e0f7ffc76eddd6f847cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
struct CTLogInfo {
// The DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo for the log.
const char* const log_key;
// The length, in bytes, of |log_key|.
const size_t log_key_length;
// The user-friendly log name.
// Note: This will not be translated.
const char* const log_name;
// The API endpoint for the log.
// Note: Trailing slashes should be included.
const char* const log_url;
// The set of all presently-qualifying CT logs.
const CTLogInfo kCTLogList[] = {
91, "Google 'Pilot' log", ""},
91, "Google 'Aviator' log", ""},
91, "DigiCert Log Server", ""},
91, "Google 'Rocketeer' log", ""},
91, "Symantec log", ""},
294, "Venafi log", ""},
91, "Symantec 'Vega' log", ""},
294, "CNNIC CT log", ""}};
// Information related to previously-qualified, but now disqualified, CT
// logs.
struct DisqualifiedCTLogInfo {
// The ID of the log (the SHA-256 hash of |log_info.log_key|.
const char log_id[33];
const CTLogInfo log_info;
// The offset from the Unix Epoch of when the log was disqualified.
// SCTs embedded in pre-certificates after this date should not count
// towards any uniqueness/freshness requirements.
const base::TimeDelta disqualification_date;
// The set of all disqualified logs, sorted by |log_id|.
const DisqualifiedCTLogInfo kDisqualifiedCTLogList[] = {
91, "Izenpe log", ""},
// 2016-05-30 00:00:00 UTC
91, "Certly.IO log", ""},
// 2016-04-15 00:00:00 UTC
// The list is sorted.
const char kGoogleLogIDs[][33] = {