blob: 1d616eb7fabfd772fe3f4f277344aff0103ac919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.ClipDescription;
import android.content.ClipboardManager;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.ResultReceiver;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.ActionMode;
import android.view.DragEvent;
import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewStructure;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProvider;
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList.RewindableIterator;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.content.browser.accessibility.BrowserAccessibilityManager;
import org.chromium.content.browser.accessibility.captioning.CaptioningBridgeFactory;
import org.chromium.content.browser.accessibility.captioning.SystemCaptioningBridge;
import org.chromium.content.browser.accessibility.captioning.TextTrackSettings;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.AnimationIntervalProvider;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.ImeAdapter;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.InputMethodManagerWrapper;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.JoystickScrollProvider;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.JoystickZoomProvider;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.SelectPopup;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.SelectPopupDialog;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.SelectPopupDropdown;
import org.chromium.content.browser.input.SelectPopupItem;
import org.chromium.content.common.ContentSwitches;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.AccessibilitySnapshotCallback;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.AccessibilitySnapshotNode;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ActionModeCallbackHelper;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.GestureStateListener;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContentsObserver;
import org.chromium.device.gamepad.GamepadList;
import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ViewAndroidDelegate;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ime.TextInputType;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayAndroid.DisplayAndroidObserver;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Provides a Java-side 'wrapper' around a WebContent (native) instance.
* Contains all the major functionality necessary to manage the lifecycle of a ContentView without
* being tied to the view system.
public class ContentViewCore implements AccessibilityStateChangeListener, DisplayAndroidObserver,
WindowAndroidProvider {
private static final String TAG = "cr_ContentViewCore";
// Used to avoid enabling zooming in / out if resulting zooming will
// produce little visible difference.
private static final float ZOOM_CONTROLS_EPSILON = 0.007f;
private static final ZoomControlsDelegate NO_OP_ZOOM_CONTROLS_DELEGATE =
new ZoomControlsDelegate() {
public void invokeZoomPicker() {}
public void dismissZoomPicker() {}
public void updateZoomControls() {}
// If the embedder adds a JavaScript interface object that contains an indirect reference to
// the ContentViewCore, then storing a strong ref to the interface object on the native
// side would prevent garbage collection of the ContentViewCore (as that strong ref would
// create a new GC root).
// For that reason, we store only a weak reference to the interface object on the
// native side. However we still need a strong reference on the Java side to
// prevent garbage collection if the embedder doesn't maintain their own ref to the
// interface object - the Java side ref won't create a new GC root.
// This map stores those references. We put into the map on addJavaScriptInterface()
// and remove from it in removeJavaScriptInterface(). The annotation class is stored for
// the purpose of migrating injected objects from one instance of CVC to another, which
// is used by Android WebView to support WebChromeClient.onCreateWindow scenario.
private final Map<String, Pair<Object, Class>> mJavaScriptInterfaces =
new HashMap<String, Pair<Object, Class>>();
// Additionally, we keep track of all Java bound JS objects that are in use on the
// current page to ensure that they are not garbage collected until the page is
// navigated. This includes interface objects that have been removed
// via the removeJavaScriptInterface API and transient objects returned from methods
// on the interface object. Note we use HashSet rather than Set as the native side
// expects HashSet (no bindings for interfaces).
private final HashSet<Object> mRetainedJavaScriptObjects = new HashSet<Object>();
* A {@link WebContentsObserver} that listens to frame navigation events.
private static class ContentViewWebContentsObserver extends WebContentsObserver {
// Using a weak reference avoids cycles that might prevent GC of WebView's WebContents.
private final WeakReference<ContentViewCore> mWeakContentViewCore;
ContentViewWebContentsObserver(ContentViewCore contentViewCore) {
mWeakContentViewCore = new WeakReference<ContentViewCore>(contentViewCore);
public void didFailLoad(boolean isProvisionalLoad, boolean isMainFrame, int errorCode,
String description, String failingUrl, boolean wasIgnoredByHandler) {
// Navigation that fails the provisional load will have the strong binding removed
// here. One for which the provisional load is commited will have the strong binding
// removed in navigationEntryCommitted() below.
if (isProvisionalLoad) determinedProcessVisibility();
public void didNavigateMainFrame(String url, String baseUrl,
boolean isNavigationToDifferentPage, boolean isFragmentNavigation, int statusCode) {
if (!isNavigationToDifferentPage) return;
public void renderProcessGone(boolean wasOomProtected) {
ContentViewCore contentViewCore = mWeakContentViewCore.get();
if (contentViewCore == null) return;
public void navigationEntryCommitted() {
private void resetPopupsAndInput() {
ContentViewCore contentViewCore = mWeakContentViewCore.get();
if (contentViewCore == null) return;
contentViewCore.mIsMobileOptimizedHint = false;
private void determinedProcessVisibility() {
ContentViewCore contentViewCore = mWeakContentViewCore.get();
if (contentViewCore == null) return;
// Signal to the process management logic that we can now rely on the process
// visibility signal for binding management. Before the navigation commits, its
// renderer is considered background even if the pending navigation happens in the
// foreground renderer. See for more details.
* Returns interval between consecutive animation frames.
// TODO( Fix this properly.
private static class SystemAnimationIntervalProvider implements AnimationIntervalProvider {
public long getLastAnimationFrameInterval() {
return AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
* {@ResultReceiver} passed in InputMethodManager#showSoftInput}. We need this to scroll to the
* editable node at the right timing, which is after input method window shows up.
// TODO( Fix this properly.
private static class ShowKeyboardResultReceiver extends ResultReceiver {
// Unfortunately, the memory life cycle of ResultReceiver object, once passed in
// showSoftInput(), is in the control of Android's input method framework and IME app,
// so we use a weakref to avoid tying CVC's lifetime to that of ResultReceiver object.
private final WeakReference<ContentViewCore> mContentViewCore;
public ShowKeyboardResultReceiver(ContentViewCore contentViewCore, Handler handler) {
mContentViewCore = new WeakReference<>(contentViewCore);
public void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
ContentViewCore contentViewCore = mContentViewCore.get();
if (contentViewCore == null) return;
* Interface that consumers of {@link ContentViewCore} must implement to allow the proper
* dispatching of view methods through the containing view.
* <p>
* All methods with the "super_" prefix should be routed to the parent of the
* implementing container view.
public interface InternalAccessDelegate {
* @see View#onKeyUp(keyCode, KeyEvent)
boolean super_onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event);
* @see View#dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent)
boolean super_dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event);
* @see View#onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
boolean super_onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event);
* @see View#onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)
void super_onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig);
* @see View#onScrollChanged(int, int, int, int)
void onScrollChanged(int lPix, int tPix, int oldlPix, int oldtPix);
* @see View#awakenScrollBars()
boolean awakenScrollBars();
* @see View#awakenScrollBars(int, boolean)
boolean super_awakenScrollBars(int startDelay, boolean invalidate);
* An interface for controlling visibility and state of embedder-provided zoom controls.
public interface ZoomControlsDelegate {
* Called when it's reasonable to show zoom controls.
void invokeZoomPicker();
* Called when zoom controls need to be hidden (e.g. when the view hides).
void dismissZoomPicker();
* Called when page scale has been changed, so the controls can update their state.
void updateZoomControls();
* An interface that allows the embedder to be notified when the results of
* extractSmartClipData are available.
public interface SmartClipDataListener {
public void onSmartClipDataExtracted(String text, String html, Rect clipRect);
private final Context mContext;
private final String mProductVersion;
private ViewGroup mContainerView;
private InternalAccessDelegate mContainerViewInternals;
private WebContents mWebContents;
private WebContentsObserver mWebContentsObserver;
private ContentViewClient mContentViewClient;
// Native pointer to C++ ContentViewCoreImpl object which will be set by nativeInit().
private long mNativeContentViewCore = 0;
private boolean mAttachedToWindow;
private final ObserverList<GestureStateListener> mGestureStateListeners;
private final RewindableIterator<GestureStateListener> mGestureStateListenersIterator;
private ZoomControlsDelegate mZoomControlsDelegate;
private PopupZoomer mPopupZoomer;
private SelectPopup mSelectPopup;
private long mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame = 0;
private OverscrollRefreshHandler mOverscrollRefreshHandler;
private Runnable mFakeMouseMoveRunnable = null;
// Only valid when focused on a text / password field.
private ImeAdapter mImeAdapter;
// Size of the viewport in physical pixels as set from onSizeChanged.
private int mViewportWidthPix;
private int mViewportHeightPix;
private int mPhysicalBackingWidthPix;
private int mPhysicalBackingHeightPix;
private int mTopControlsHeightPix;
private int mBottomControlsHeightPix;
private boolean mTopControlsShrinkBlinkSize;
// Cached copy of all positions and scales as reported by the renderer.
private final RenderCoordinates mRenderCoordinates;
// Provides smooth gamepad joystick-driven scrolling.
private final JoystickScrollProvider mJoystickScrollProvider;
// Provides smooth gamepad joystick-driven zooming.
private JoystickZoomProvider mJoystickZoomProvider;
private boolean mIsMobileOptimizedHint;
private SelectionPopupController mSelectionPopupController;
private boolean mPreserveSelectionOnNextLossOfFocus;
// Whether native accessibility, i.e. without any script injection, is allowed.
private boolean mNativeAccessibilityAllowed;
// Whether native accessibility, i.e. without any script injection, has been enabled.
private boolean mNativeAccessibilityEnabled;
// Handles native accessibility, i.e. without any script injection.
private BrowserAccessibilityManager mBrowserAccessibilityManager;
// System accessibility service.
private final AccessibilityManager mAccessibilityManager;
// If true, the web contents are obscured by another view and we shouldn't
// return an AccessibilityNodeProvider or process touch exploration events.
private boolean mIsObscuredByAnotherView;
// Notifies the ContentViewCore when platform closed caption settings have changed
// if they are supported. Otherwise does nothing.
private final SystemCaptioningBridge mSystemCaptioningBridge;
// Accessibility touch exploration state.
private boolean mTouchExplorationEnabled;
// Whether accessibility focus should be set to the page when it finishes loading.
// This only applies if an accessibility service like TalkBack is running.
// This is desirable behavior for a browser window, but not for an embedded
// WebView.
private boolean mShouldSetAccessibilityFocusOnPageLoad;
// Temporary notification to tell onSizeChanged to focus a form element,
// because the OSK was just brought up.
private final Rect mFocusPreOSKViewportRect = new Rect();
// Store the x, y coordinates of the last touch or mouse event.
private float mLastFocalEventX;
private float mLastFocalEventY;
// Whether a touch scroll sequence is active, used to hide text selection
// handles. Note that a scroll sequence will *always* bound a pinch
// sequence, so this will also be true for the duration of a pinch gesture.
private boolean mTouchScrollInProgress;
// The outstanding fling start events that hasn't got fling end yet. It may be > 1 because
// onNativeFlingStopped() is called asynchronously.
private int mPotentiallyActiveFlingCount;
private SmartClipDataListener mSmartClipDataListener = null;
* PID used to indicate an invalid render process.
// Keep in sync with the value returned from ContentViewCoreImpl::GetCurrentRendererProcessId()
// if there is no render process.
public static final int INVALID_RENDER_PROCESS_PID = 0;
// Offsets for the events that passes through this ContentViewCore.
private float mCurrentTouchOffsetX;
private float mCurrentTouchOffsetY;
// Offsets for smart clip
private int mSmartClipOffsetX;
private int mSmartClipOffsetY;
// Whether the ContentViewCore requires the WebContents to be fullscreen in order to lock the
// screen orientation.
private boolean mFullscreenRequiredForOrientationLock = true;
// A ViewAndroidDelegate that delegates to the current container view.
private ViewAndroidDelegate mViewAndroidDelegate;
// A flag to determine if we enable hover feature or not.
private Boolean mEnableTouchHover;
// NOTE: This object will not be released by Android framework until the matching
// ResultReceiver in the InputMethodService (IME app) gets gc'ed.
private ShowKeyboardResultReceiver mShowKeyboardResultReceiver;
// The list of observers that are notified when ContentViewCore changes its WindowAndroid.
private final ObserverList<WindowAndroidChangedObserver> mWindowAndroidChangedObservers;
* @param webContents The {@link WebContents} to find a {@link ContentViewCore} of.
* @return A {@link ContentViewCore} that is connected to {@code webContents} or
* {@code null} if none exists.
public static ContentViewCore fromWebContents(WebContents webContents) {
return nativeFromWebContentsAndroid(webContents);
* Constructs a new ContentViewCore. Embedders must call initialize() after constructing
* a ContentViewCore and before using it.
* @param context The context used to create this.
public ContentViewCore(Context context, String productVersion) {
mContext = context;
mProductVersion = productVersion;
mRenderCoordinates = new RenderCoordinates();
mJoystickScrollProvider = new JoystickScrollProvider(this);
mAccessibilityManager = (AccessibilityManager)
mSystemCaptioningBridge = CaptioningBridgeFactory.getSystemCaptioningBridge(mContext);
mGestureStateListeners = new ObserverList<GestureStateListener>();
mGestureStateListenersIterator = mGestureStateListeners.rewindableIterator();
mWindowAndroidChangedObservers = new ObserverList<WindowAndroidChangedObserver>();
* @return The context used for creating this ContentViewCore.
public Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* @return The ViewGroup that all view actions of this ContentViewCore should interact with.
public ViewGroup getContainerView() {
return mContainerView;
* @return The WebContents currently being rendered.
public WebContents getWebContents() {
return mWebContents;
* @return The WindowAndroid associated with this ContentViewCore.
public WindowAndroid getWindowAndroid() {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return null;
return nativeGetJavaWindowAndroid(mNativeContentViewCore);
* @return The SelectionPopupController that handles select action mode on web contents.
public SelectionPopupController getSelectionPopupControllerForTesting() {
return mSelectionPopupController;
public void setSelectionPopupControllerForTesting(SelectionPopupController actionMode) {
mSelectionPopupController = actionMode;
public void addWindowAndroidChangedObserver(WindowAndroidChangedObserver observer) {
public void removeWindowAndroidChangedObserver(WindowAndroidChangedObserver observer) {
* @param browserControlsHeightPix The height of the browser controls in pixels.
* @param browserControlsShrinkBlinkSize The Y amount in pixels to shrink the viewport by. This
* specifies how much smaller the Blink layout size should be
* relative to the size of this View.
public void setTopControlsHeight(int topControlsHeightPix, boolean topControlsShrinkBlinkSize) {
if (topControlsHeightPix == mTopControlsHeightPix
&& topControlsShrinkBlinkSize == mTopControlsShrinkBlinkSize) {
mTopControlsHeightPix = topControlsHeightPix;
mTopControlsShrinkBlinkSize = topControlsShrinkBlinkSize;
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) nativeWasResized(mNativeContentViewCore);
* Sets the height of the bottom controls. If necessary, triggers a renderer resize.
public void setBottomControlsHeight(int bottomControlHeightPix) {
if (mBottomControlsHeightPix == bottomControlHeightPix) return;
mBottomControlsHeightPix = bottomControlHeightPix;
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) nativeWasResized(mNativeContentViewCore);
public void setImeAdapterForTest(ImeAdapter imeAdapter) {
mImeAdapter = imeAdapter;
public ImeAdapter getImeAdapterForTest() {
return mImeAdapter;
private ImeAdapter createImeAdapter() {
return new ImeAdapter(
new InputMethodManagerWrapper(mContext), new ImeAdapter.ImeAdapterDelegate() {
public void onImeEvent() {
if (isFocusedNodeEditable()) mWebContents.dismissTextHandles();
public void onKeyboardBoundsUnchanged() {
assert mWebContents != null;
public boolean performContextMenuAction(int id) {
assert mWebContents != null;
switch (id) {
return true;
return true;
return true;
return true;
return false;
public View getAttachedView() {
return mContainerView;
public ResultReceiver getNewShowKeyboardReceiver() {
return ContentViewCore.this.getNewShowKeyboardReceiver();
* @param viewDelegate Delegate to add/remove anchor views.
* @param internalDispatcher Handles dispatching all hidden or super methods to the
* containerView.
* @param webContents A WebContents instance to connect to.
* @param windowAndroid An instance of the WindowAndroid.
// Perform important post-construction set up of the ContentViewCore.
// We do not require the containing view in the constructor to allow embedders to create a
// ContentViewCore without having fully created its containing view. The containing view
// is a vital component of the ContentViewCore, so embedders must exercise caution in what
// they do with the ContentViewCore before calling initialize().
// We supply the nativeWebContents pointer here rather than in the constructor to allow us
// to set the private browsing mode at a later point for the WebView implementation.
// Note that the caller remains the owner of the nativeWebContents and is responsible for
// deleting it after destroying the ContentViewCore.
public void initialize(ViewAndroidDelegate viewDelegate,
InternalAccessDelegate internalDispatcher, WebContents webContents,
WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {
mViewAndroidDelegate = viewDelegate;
long windowNativePointer = windowAndroid.getNativePointer();
assert windowNativePointer != 0;
final float dipScale = windowAndroid.getDisplay().getDipScale();
mRenderCoordinates.setDeviceScaleFactor(dipScale, windowAndroid.getContext());
mNativeContentViewCore = nativeInit(webContents, mViewAndroidDelegate, windowNativePointer,
dipScale, mRetainedJavaScriptObjects);
mWebContents = nativeGetWebContentsAndroid(mNativeContentViewCore);
mImeAdapter = createImeAdapter();
mSelectionPopupController = new SelectionPopupController(mContext, windowAndroid,
webContents, viewDelegate.getContainerView(), mRenderCoordinates, mImeAdapter);
mWebContentsObserver = new ContentViewWebContentsObserver(this);
* Updates the native {@link ContentViewCore} with a new window. This moves the NativeView and
* attached it to the new NativeWindow linked with the given {@link WindowAndroid}.
* @param windowAndroid The new {@link WindowAndroid} for this {@link ContentViewCore}.
public void updateWindowAndroid(WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {
long windowNativePointer = windowAndroid == null ? 0 : windowAndroid.getNativePointer();
nativeUpdateWindowAndroid(mNativeContentViewCore, windowNativePointer);
// TODO(yusufo): Rename this call to be general for tab reparenting.
// Clean up cached popups that may have been created with an old activity.
mSelectPopup = null;
for (WindowAndroidChangedObserver observer : mWindowAndroidChangedObservers) {
* Set {@link ActionMode.Callback} used by {@link SelectionPopupController}.
* @param callback ActionMode.Callback instance.
public void setActionModeCallback(ActionMode.Callback callback) {
private void addDisplayAndroidObserverIfNeeded() {
if (!mAttachedToWindow) return;
WindowAndroid windowAndroid = getWindowAndroid();
if (windowAndroid != null) {
DisplayAndroid display = windowAndroid.getDisplay();
private void removeDisplayAndroidObserver() {
WindowAndroid windowAndroid = getWindowAndroid();
if (windowAndroid != null) {
* Sets a new container view for this {@link ContentViewCore}.
* <p>WARNING: This method can also be used to replace the existing container view,
* but you should only do it if you have a very good reason to. Replacing the
* container view has been designed to support fullscreen in the Webview so it
* might not be appropriate for other use cases.
* <p>This method only performs a small part of replacing the container view and
* embedders are responsible for:
* <ul>
* <li>Disconnecting the old container view from this ContentViewCore</li>
* <li>Updating the InternalAccessDelegate</li>
* <li>Reconciling the state of this ContentViewCore with the new container view</li>
* <li>Tearing down and recreating the native GL rendering where appropriate</li>
* <li>etc.</li>
* </ul>
public void setContainerView(ViewGroup containerView) {
try {
if (mContainerView != null) {
assert mOverscrollRefreshHandler == null;
mContainerView = containerView;
if (mSelectionPopupController != null) {
} finally {
private void onNativeContentViewCoreDestroyed(long nativeContentViewCore) {
assert nativeContentViewCore == mNativeContentViewCore;
mNativeContentViewCore = 0;
* Set the Container view Internals.
* @param internalDispatcher Handles dispatching all hidden or super methods to the
* containerView.
public void setContainerViewInternals(InternalAccessDelegate internalDispatcher) {
mContainerViewInternals = internalDispatcher;
void initPopupZoomer(Context context) {
mPopupZoomer = new PopupZoomer(context);
mPopupZoomer.setOnVisibilityChangedListener(new PopupZoomer.OnVisibilityChangedListener() {
// mContainerView can change, but this OnVisibilityChangedListener can only be used
// to add and remove views from the mContainerViewAtCreation.
private final ViewGroup mContainerViewAtCreation = mContainerView;
public void onPopupZoomerShown(final PopupZoomer zoomer) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mContainerViewAtCreation.indexOfChild(zoomer) == -1) {
public void onPopupZoomerHidden(final PopupZoomer zoomer) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mContainerViewAtCreation.indexOfChild(zoomer) != -1) {
// TODO(yongsheng): LONG_TAP is not enabled in PopupZoomer. So need to dispatch a LONG_TAP
// gesture if a user completes a tap on PopupZoomer UI after a LONG_PRESS gesture.
PopupZoomer.OnTapListener listener = new PopupZoomer.OnTapListener() {
// mContainerView can change, but this OnTapListener can only be used
// with the mContainerViewAtCreation.
private final ViewGroup mContainerViewAtCreation = mContainerView;
public boolean onSingleTap(View v, MotionEvent e) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
nativeSingleTap(mNativeContentViewCore, e.getEventTime(), e.getX(), e.getY());
return true;
public boolean onLongPress(View v, MotionEvent e) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
nativeLongPress(mNativeContentViewCore, e.getEventTime(), e.getX(), e.getY());
return true;
public void setPopupZoomerForTest(PopupZoomer popupZoomer) {
mPopupZoomer = popupZoomer;
* Destroy the internal state of the ContentView. This method may only be
* called after the ContentView has been removed from the view system. No
* other methods may be called on this ContentView after this method has
* been called.
* Warning: destroy() is not guranteed to be called in Android WebView.
* Any object that relies solely on destroy() being called to be cleaned up
* will leak in Android WebView. If appropriate, consider clean up in
* onDetachedFromWindow() which is guaranteed to be called in Android WebView.
public void destroy() {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
mWebContentsObserver = null;
// TODO(igsolla): address TODO in ContentViewClient because ContentViewClient is not
// currently a real Null Object.
// Instead of deleting the client we use the Null Object pattern to avoid null checks
// in this class.
mContentViewClient = new ContentViewClient();
mWebContents = null;
mOverscrollRefreshHandler = null;
mNativeContentViewCore = 0;
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind(); mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {;
// See warning in javadoc before adding more clean up code here.
* Returns true initially, false after destroy() has been called.
* It is illegal to call any other public method after destroy().
public boolean isAlive() {
return mNativeContentViewCore != 0;
public void setContentViewClient(ContentViewClient client) {
if (client == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The client can't be null.");
mContentViewClient = client;
public ContentViewClient getContentViewClient() {
if (mContentViewClient == null) {
// We use the Null Object pattern to avoid having to perform a null check in this class.
// We create it lazily because most of the time a client will be set almost immediately
// after ContentView is created.
mContentViewClient = new ContentViewClient();
// We don't set the native ContentViewClient pointer here on purpose. The native
// implementation doesn't mind a null delegate and using one is better than passing a
// Null Object, since we cut down on the number of JNI calls.
return mContentViewClient;
private void onBackgroundColorChanged(int color) {
* @return Viewport width in physical pixels as set from onSizeChanged.
public int getViewportWidthPix() {
return mViewportWidthPix;
* @return Viewport height in physical pixels as set from onSizeChanged.
public int getViewportHeightPix() {
return mViewportHeightPix;
* @return Viewport height when the OSK is hidden in physical pixels as set from onSizeChanged.
public int getViewportHeightWithOSKHiddenPix() {
return mViewportHeightPix + getContentViewClient().getSystemWindowInsetBottom();
* @return Width of underlying physical surface.
private int getPhysicalBackingWidthPix() {
return mPhysicalBackingWidthPix;
* @return Height of underlying physical surface.
private int getPhysicalBackingHeightPix() {
return mPhysicalBackingHeightPix;
* @return The amount that the viewport size given to Blink is shrunk by the URL-bar..
public boolean doBrowserControlsShrinkBlinkSize() {
return mTopControlsShrinkBlinkSize;
public int getTopControlsHeightPix() {
return mTopControlsHeightPix;
public int getBottomControlsHeightPix() {
return mBottomControlsHeightPix;
* @return Current device scale factor (maps DIP pixels to physical pixels).
public float getDeviceScaleFactor() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getDeviceScaleFactor();
* @return Current page scale factor (maps CSS pixels to DIP pixels).
public float getPageScaleFactor() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getPageScaleFactor();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#getContentHeight()
public float getContentHeightCss() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getContentHeightCss();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#getContentWidth()
public float getContentWidthCss() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getContentWidthCss();
* @return The selected text (empty if no text selected).
public String getSelectedText() {
return mSelectionPopupController.getSelectedText();
* @return Whether the current focused node is editable.
public boolean isFocusedNodeEditable() {
return mSelectionPopupController.isSelectionEditable();
* @return Whether the HTML5 gamepad API is active.
public boolean isGamepadAPIActive() {
return GamepadList.isGamepadAPIActive();
* @see View#onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
final boolean isTouchHandleEvent = false;
return onTouchEventImpl(event, isTouchHandleEvent);
* Called by PopupWindow-based touch handles.
* @param event the MotionEvent targeting the handle.
public boolean onTouchHandleEvent(MotionEvent event) {
final boolean isTouchHandleEvent = true;
return onTouchEventImpl(event, isTouchHandleEvent);
private boolean onTouchEventImpl(MotionEvent event, boolean isTouchHandleEvent) {
try {
int eventAction = event.getActionMasked();
if (eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (SPenSupport.isSPenSupported(mContext)) {
eventAction = SPenSupport.convertSPenEventAction(eventAction);
if (!isValidTouchEventActionForNative(eventAction)) return false;
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return false;
// A zero offset is quite common, in which case the unnecessary copy should be avoided.
MotionEvent offset = null;
if (mCurrentTouchOffsetX != 0 || mCurrentTouchOffsetY != 0) {
offset = createOffsetMotionEvent(event);
event = offset;
final int pointerCount = event.getPointerCount();
float[] touchMajor = {event.getTouchMajor(),
pointerCount > 1 ? event.getTouchMajor(1) : 0};
float[] touchMinor = {event.getTouchMinor(),
pointerCount > 1 ? event.getTouchMinor(1) : 0};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (touchMajor[i] < touchMinor[i]) {
float tmp = touchMajor[i];
touchMajor[i] = touchMinor[i];
touchMinor[i] = tmp;
final boolean consumed = nativeOnTouchEvent(mNativeContentViewCore, event,
event.getEventTime(), eventAction,
pointerCount, event.getHistorySize(), event.getActionIndex(),
event.getX(), event.getY(),
pointerCount > 1 ? event.getX(1) : 0,
pointerCount > 1 ? event.getY(1) : 0,
event.getPointerId(0), pointerCount > 1 ? event.getPointerId(1) : -1,
touchMajor[0], touchMajor[1],
touchMinor[0], touchMinor[1],
event.getOrientation(), pointerCount > 1 ? event.getOrientation(1) : 0,
pointerCount > 1 ? event.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_TILT, 1) : 0,
event.getRawX(), event.getRawY(),
pointerCount > 1 ? event.getToolType(1) : MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN,
if (offset != null) offset.recycle();
return consumed;
} finally {
private void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent() {
private static boolean isValidTouchEventActionForNative(int eventAction) {
// Only these actions have any effect on gesture detection. Other
// actions have no corresponding WebTouchEvent type and may confuse the
// touch pipline, so we ignore them entirely.
return eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
|| eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
|| eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
|| eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE
|| eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
|| eventAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP;
* @return Whether a scroll targeting web content is in progress.
public boolean isScrollInProgress() {
return mTouchScrollInProgress || mPotentiallyActiveFlingCount > 0;
private void setTouchScrollInProgress(boolean inProgress) {
if (mTouchScrollInProgress == inProgress) return;
mTouchScrollInProgress = inProgress;
private void onFlingStartEventConsumed() {
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind();
mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {
computeVerticalScrollOffset(), computeVerticalScrollExtent());
private void onFlingCancelEventAck() {
private void onScrollBeginEventAck() {
private void onScrollUpdateGestureConsumed() {
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind();
mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {;
private void onScrollEndEventAck() {
private void onPinchBeginEventAck() {
private void onPinchEndEventAck() {
private void onSingleTapEventAck(boolean consumed) {
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind();
mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {;
private void onShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeeded(int x, int y) {
mSelectionPopupController.onShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeeded(x, y);
* Called just prior to a tap or press gesture being forwarded to the renderer.
private boolean filterTapOrPressEvent(int type, int x, int y) {
if (type == GestureEventType.LONG_PRESS && offerLongPressToEmbedder()) {
return true;
updateForTapOrPress(type, x, y);
return false;
public void sendDoubleTapForTest(long timeMs, int x, int y) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeDoubleTap(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs, x, y);
* Flings the viewport with velocity vector (velocityX, velocityY).
* @param timeMs the current time.
* @param velocityX fling speed in x-axis.
* @param velocityY fling speed in y-axis.
public void flingViewport(long timeMs, int velocityX, int velocityY) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeFlingCancel(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs);
nativeScrollBegin(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs, 0, 0, velocityX, velocityY, true);
nativeFlingStart(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs, 0, 0, velocityX, velocityY, true);
* Cancel any fling gestures active.
* @param timeMs Current time (in milliseconds).
public void cancelFling(long timeMs) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeFlingCancel(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs);
* Add a listener that gets alerted on gesture state changes.
* @param listener Listener to add.
public void addGestureStateListener(GestureStateListener listener) {
* Removes a listener that was added to watch for gesture state changes.
* @param listener Listener to remove.
public void removeGestureStateListener(GestureStateListener listener) {
void updateGestureStateListener(int gestureType) {
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind();
mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {
GestureStateListener listener =;
switch (gestureType) {
case GestureEventType.PINCH_BEGIN:
case GestureEventType.PINCH_END:
case GestureEventType.FLING_END:
case GestureEventType.SCROLL_START:
case GestureEventType.SCROLL_END:
* To be called when the ContentView is shown.
public void onShow() {
assert mWebContents != null;
* @return The ID of the renderer process that backs this tab or
* {@link #INVALID_RENDER_PROCESS_PID} if there is none.
public int getCurrentRenderProcessId() {
return nativeGetCurrentRenderProcessId(mNativeContentViewCore);
* To be called when the ContentView is hidden.
public void onHide() {
assert mWebContents != null;
private void hidePopupsAndClearSelection() {
private void hidePopupsAndPreserveSelection() {
private void restoreSelectionPopupsIfNecessary() {
* Hide action mode and put into destroyed state.
public void destroySelectActionMode() {
public boolean isSelectActionBarShowing() {
return mSelectionPopupController.isActionModeValid();
private void resetGestureDetection() {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
* @see View#onAttachedToWindow()
public void onAttachedToWindow() {
mAttachedToWindow = true;
* Update the text selection UI depending on the focus of the page. This will hide the selection
* handles and selection popups if focus is lost.
* TODO(mdjones): This was added as a temporary measure to hide text UI while Reader Mode or
* Contextual Search are showing. This should be removed in favor of proper focusing of the
* panel's ContentViewCore (which is currently not being added to the view hierarchy).
* @param focused If the ContentViewCore currently has focus.
public void updateTextSelectionUI(boolean focused) {
if (focused) {
} else {
* @see View#onDetachedFromWindow()
public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
mAttachedToWindow = false;
// WebView uses PopupWindows for handle rendering, which may remain
// unintentionally visible even after the WebView has been detached.
// Override the handle visibility explicitly to address this, but
// preserve the underlying selection for detachment cases like screen
// locking and app switching.
* @see View#onVisibilityChanged(android.view.View, int)
public void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) {
if (visibility != View.VISIBLE) {
* @see View#onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
return mImeAdapter.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs);
* @see View#onCheckIsTextEditor()
public boolean onCheckIsTextEditor() {
return mImeAdapter.hasTextInputType();
* @see View#onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
try {
// To request layout has side effect, but it seems OK as it only happen in
// onConfigurationChange and layout has to be changed in most case.
} finally {
* @see View#onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int)
public void onSizeChanged(int wPix, int hPix, int owPix, int ohPix) {
if (getViewportWidthPix() == wPix && getViewportHeightPix() == hPix) return;
mViewportWidthPix = wPix;
mViewportHeightPix = hPix;
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
* Called when the underlying surface the compositor draws to changes size.
* This may be larger than the viewport size.
public void onPhysicalBackingSizeChanged(int wPix, int hPix) {
if (mPhysicalBackingWidthPix == wPix && mPhysicalBackingHeightPix == hPix) return;
mPhysicalBackingWidthPix = wPix;
mPhysicalBackingHeightPix = hPix;
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
private void updateAfterSizeChanged() {
// Execute a delayed form focus operation because the OSK was brought
// up earlier.
if (!mFocusPreOSKViewportRect.isEmpty()) {
Rect rect = new Rect();
if (!rect.equals(mFocusPreOSKViewportRect)) {
// Only assume the OSK triggered the onSizeChanged if width was preserved.
if (rect.width() == mFocusPreOSKViewportRect.width()) {
assert mWebContents != null;
private void cancelRequestToScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoView() {
// Zero-ing the rect will prevent |updateAfterSizeChanged()| from
// issuing the delayed form focus event.
* @see View#onWindowFocusChanged(boolean)
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
if (!hasWindowFocus) resetGestureDetection();
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind(); mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {;
public void onFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus) {
mJoystickScrollProvider.setEnabled(gainFocus && !isFocusedNodeEditable());
if (gainFocus) {
} else {
if (mPreserveSelectionOnNextLossOfFocus) {
mPreserveSelectionOnNextLossOfFocus = false;
} else {
// Clear the selection. The selection is cleared on destroying IME
// and also here since we may receive destroy first, for example
// when focus is lost in webview.
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) nativeSetFocus(mNativeContentViewCore, gainFocus);
* @see View#onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)
public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
if (mPopupZoomer.isShowing() && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
return true;
return mContainerViewInternals.super_onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
* @see View#dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent)
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (GamepadList.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) return true;
if (getContentViewClient().shouldOverrideKeyEvent(event)) {
return mContainerViewInternals.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
if (mImeAdapter.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) return true;
return mContainerViewInternals.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
* @see View#onHoverEvent(MotionEvent)
* Mouse move events are sent on hover enter, hover move and hover exit.
* They are sent on hover exit because sometimes it acts as both a hover
* move and hover exit.
public boolean onHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) {
MotionEvent offset = createOffsetMotionEvent(event);
try {
if (mBrowserAccessibilityManager != null && !mIsObscuredByAnotherView) {
return mBrowserAccessibilityManager.onHoverEvent(offset);
// Work around Android bug where the x, y coordinates of a hover exit
// event are incorrect when touch exploration is on.
if (mTouchExplorationEnabled && offset.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT) {
return true;
// TODO(lanwei): Remove this switch once experimentation is complete -
if (event.getToolType(0) == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_FINGER) {
if (mEnableTouchHover == null) {
mEnableTouchHover =
if (!mEnableTouchHover.booleanValue()) return false;
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
nativeSendMouseMoveEvent(mNativeContentViewCore, offset.getEventTime(),
offset.getX(), offset.getY(), event.getToolType(0));
return true;
} finally {
* @see View#onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent)
public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (GamepadList.onGenericMotionEvent(event)) return true;
if ((event.getSource() & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) {
mLastFocalEventX = event.getX();
mLastFocalEventY = event.getY();
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL:
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return false;
nativeSendMouseWheelEvent(mNativeContentViewCore, event.getEventTime(),
event.getX(), event.getY(),
// Send a delayed onMouseMove event so that we end
// up hovering over the right position after the scroll.
final MotionEvent eventFakeMouseMove = MotionEvent.obtain(event);
mFakeMouseMoveRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mContainerView.postDelayed(mFakeMouseMoveRunnable, 250);
return true;
} else if ((event.getSource() & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_JOYSTICK) != 0) {
if (mJoystickScrollProvider.onMotion(event)) return true;
if (mJoystickZoomProvider == null) {
mJoystickZoomProvider =
new JoystickZoomProvider(this, new SystemAnimationIntervalProvider());
if (mJoystickZoomProvider.onMotion(event)) return true;
return mContainerViewInternals.super_onGenericMotionEvent(event);
* Sets the current amount to offset incoming touch events by (including MotionEvent and
* DragEvent). This is used to handle content moving and not lining up properly with the
* android input system.
* @param dx The X offset in pixels to shift touch events.
* @param dy The Y offset in pixels to shift touch events.
public void setCurrentTouchEventOffsets(float dx, float dy) {
mCurrentTouchOffsetX = dx;
mCurrentTouchOffsetY = dy;
private MotionEvent createOffsetMotionEvent(MotionEvent src) {
MotionEvent dst = MotionEvent.obtain(src);
dst.offsetLocation(mCurrentTouchOffsetX, mCurrentTouchOffsetY);
return dst;
* @see View#scrollBy(int, int)
* Currently the ContentView scrolling happens in the native side. In
* the Java view system, it is always pinned at (0, 0). scrollBy() and scrollTo()
* are overridden, so that View's mScrollX and mScrollY will be unchanged at
* (0, 0). This is critical for drawing ContentView correctly.
public void scrollBy(float dxPix, float dyPix, boolean useLastFocalEventLocation) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
if (dxPix == 0 && dyPix == 0) return;
long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
// It's a very real (and valid) possibility that a fling may still
// be active when programatically scrolling. Cancelling the fling in
// such cases ensures a consistent gesture event stream.
if (mPotentiallyActiveFlingCount > 0) nativeFlingCancel(mNativeContentViewCore, time);
// x/y represents starting location of scroll.
final float x = useLastFocalEventLocation ? mLastFocalEventX : 0f;
final float y = useLastFocalEventLocation ? mLastFocalEventY : 0f;
mNativeContentViewCore, time, x, y, -dxPix, -dyPix, !useLastFocalEventLocation);
nativeScrollBy(mNativeContentViewCore, time, x, y, dxPix, dyPix);
nativeScrollEnd(mNativeContentViewCore, time);
* @see View#scrollTo(int, int)
public void scrollTo(float xPix, float yPix) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
final float xCurrentPix = mRenderCoordinates.getScrollXPix();
final float yCurrentPix = mRenderCoordinates.getScrollYPix();
final float dxPix = xPix - xCurrentPix;
final float dyPix = yPix - yCurrentPix;
scrollBy(dxPix, dyPix, false);
// NOTE: this can go away once ContentView.getScrollX() reports correct values.
// see: b/6029133
public int getNativeScrollXForTest() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getScrollXPixInt();
// NOTE: this can go away once ContentView.getScrollY() reports correct values.
// see: b/6029133
public int getNativeScrollYForTest() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getScrollYPixInt();
* @see View#computeHorizontalScrollExtent()
public int computeHorizontalScrollExtent() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getLastFrameViewportWidthPixInt();
* @see View#computeHorizontalScrollOffset()
public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getScrollXPixInt();
* @see View#computeHorizontalScrollRange()
public int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getContentWidthPixInt();
* @see View#computeVerticalScrollExtent()
public int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getLastFrameViewportHeightPixInt();
* @see View#computeVerticalScrollOffset()
public int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getScrollYPixInt();
* @see View#computeVerticalScrollRange()
public int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getContentHeightPixInt();
// End FrameLayout overrides.
* @see View#awakenScrollBars(int, boolean)
public boolean awakenScrollBars(int startDelay, boolean invalidate) {
// For the default implementation of ContentView which draws the scrollBars on the native
// side, calling this function may get us into a bad state where we keep drawing the
// scrollBars, so disable it by always returning false.
if (mContainerView.getScrollBarStyle() == View.SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY) {
return false;
} else {
return mContainerViewInternals.super_awakenScrollBars(startDelay, invalidate);
private void updateForTapOrPress(int type, float xPix, float yPix) {
if (type != GestureEventType.SINGLE_TAP_CONFIRMED
&& type != GestureEventType.SINGLE_TAP_UP
&& type != GestureEventType.LONG_PRESS
&& type != GestureEventType.LONG_TAP) {
if (mContainerView.isFocusable() && mContainerView.isFocusableInTouchMode()
&& !mContainerView.isFocused()) {
if (!mPopupZoomer.isShowing()) mPopupZoomer.setLastTouch(xPix, yPix);
mLastFocalEventX = xPix;
mLastFocalEventY = yPix;
public void setZoomControlsDelegate(ZoomControlsDelegate zoomControlsDelegate) {
if (zoomControlsDelegate == null) {
mZoomControlsDelegate = zoomControlsDelegate;
public void updateMultiTouchZoomSupport(boolean supportsMultiTouchZoom) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeSetMultiTouchZoomSupportEnabled(mNativeContentViewCore, supportsMultiTouchZoom);
public void updateDoubleTapSupport(boolean supportsDoubleTap) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeSetDoubleTapSupportEnabled(mNativeContentViewCore, supportsDoubleTap);
public void selectPopupMenuItems(int[] indices) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
nativeSelectPopupMenuItems(mNativeContentViewCore, mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame,
mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame = 0;
mSelectPopup = null;
* Send the screen orientation value to the renderer.
void sendOrientationChangeEvent(int orientation) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeSendOrientationChangeEvent(mNativeContentViewCore, orientation);
public ActionModeCallbackHelper getActionModeCallbackHelper() {
return mSelectionPopupController;
private void showSelectActionMode(boolean allowFallback) {
if (!mSelectionPopupController.showActionMode(allowFallback)) clearSelection();
public void clearSelection() {
* Ensure the selection is preserved the next time the view loses focus.
public void preserveSelectionOnNextLossOfFocus() {
mPreserveSelectionOnNextLossOfFocus = true;
private void onSelectionEvent(
int eventType, int xAnchor, int yAnchor, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
mSelectionPopupController.onSelectionEvent(eventType, xAnchor, yAnchor,
left, top, right, bottom, isScrollInProgress(), mTouchScrollInProgress);
private void setTextHandlesTemporarilyHidden(boolean hide) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
nativeSetTextHandlesTemporarilyHidden(mNativeContentViewCore, hide);
private void updateFrameInfo(float scrollOffsetX, float scrollOffsetY, float pageScaleFactor,
float minPageScaleFactor, float maxPageScaleFactor, float contentWidth,
float contentHeight, float viewportWidth, float viewportHeight,
float browserControlsHeightDp, float browserControlsShownRatio,
float bottomControlsHeightDp, float bottomControlsShownRatio,
boolean isMobileOptimizedHint, boolean hasInsertionMarker,
boolean isInsertionMarkerVisible, float insertionMarkerHorizontal,
float insertionMarkerTop, float insertionMarkerBottom) {
mIsMobileOptimizedHint = isMobileOptimizedHint;
// Adjust contentWidth/Height to be always at least as big as
// the actual viewport (as set by onSizeChanged).
final float deviceScale = mRenderCoordinates.getDeviceScaleFactor();
contentWidth = Math.max(contentWidth,
mViewportWidthPix / (deviceScale * pageScaleFactor));
contentHeight = Math.max(contentHeight,
mViewportHeightPix / (deviceScale * pageScaleFactor));
final float topBarShownPix =
browserControlsHeightDp * deviceScale * browserControlsShownRatio;
final float bottomBarShownPix = bottomControlsHeightDp * deviceScale
* bottomControlsShownRatio;
final boolean contentSizeChanged =
contentWidth != mRenderCoordinates.getContentWidthCss()
|| contentHeight != mRenderCoordinates.getContentHeightCss();
final boolean scaleLimitsChanged =
minPageScaleFactor != mRenderCoordinates.getMinPageScaleFactor()
|| maxPageScaleFactor != mRenderCoordinates.getMaxPageScaleFactor();
final boolean pageScaleChanged =
pageScaleFactor != mRenderCoordinates.getPageScaleFactor();
final boolean scrollChanged =
|| scrollOffsetX != mRenderCoordinates.getScrollX()
|| scrollOffsetY != mRenderCoordinates.getScrollY();
final boolean topBarChanged =,
mRenderCoordinates.getContentOffsetYPix()) != 0;
final boolean bottomBarChanged =, mRenderCoordinates
.getContentOffsetYPixBottom()) != 0;
final boolean needHidePopupZoomer = contentSizeChanged || scrollChanged;
final boolean needUpdateZoomControls = scaleLimitsChanged || scrollChanged;
if (needHidePopupZoomer) mPopupZoomer.hide(true);
if (scrollChanged) {
(int) mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(scrollOffsetX),
(int) mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(scrollOffsetY),
(int) mRenderCoordinates.getScrollXPix(),
(int) mRenderCoordinates.getScrollYPix());
scrollOffsetX, scrollOffsetY,
contentWidth, contentHeight,
viewportWidth, viewportHeight,
pageScaleFactor, minPageScaleFactor, maxPageScaleFactor,
topBarShownPix, bottomBarShownPix);
if (scrollChanged || topBarChanged) {
for (mGestureStateListenersIterator.rewind();
mGestureStateListenersIterator.hasNext();) {
if (needUpdateZoomControls) mZoomControlsDelegate.updateZoomControls();
if (topBarChanged) {
float topBarTranslate = topBarShownPix - browserControlsHeightDp * deviceScale;
getContentViewClient().onTopControlsChanged(topBarTranslate, topBarShownPix);
if (bottomBarChanged) {
float bottomBarTranslate = bottomControlsHeightDp * deviceScale - bottomBarShownPix;
getContentViewClient().onBottomControlsChanged(bottomBarTranslate, bottomBarShownPix);
if (mBrowserAccessibilityManager != null) {
mImeAdapter.onUpdateFrameInfo(mRenderCoordinates, hasInsertionMarker,
isInsertionMarkerVisible, insertionMarkerHorizontal, insertionMarkerTop,
private void updateImeAdapter(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, int textInputType,
int textInputFlags, String text, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd,
int compositionStart, int compositionEnd, boolean showImeIfNeeded,
boolean isNonImeChange) {
try {
boolean focusedNodeEditable = (textInputType != TextInputType.NONE);
boolean focusedNodeIsPassword = (textInputType == TextInputType.PASSWORD);
textInputType, textInputFlags, showImeIfNeeded);
mImeAdapter.updateState(text, selectionStart, selectionEnd, compositionStart,
compositionEnd, isNonImeChange);
boolean editableToggled = (focusedNodeEditable != isFocusedNodeEditable());
if (editableToggled) {
} finally {
private void forceUpdateImeAdapter(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid) {
private void setTitle(String title) {
* Called (from native) when the <select> popup needs to be shown.
* @param anchorView View anchored for popup.
* @param nativeSelectPopupSourceFrame The native RenderFrameHost that owns the popup.
* @param items Items to show.
* @param enabled POPUP_ITEM_TYPEs for items.
* @param multiple Whether the popup menu should support multi-select.
* @param selectedIndices Indices of selected items.
private void showSelectPopup(View anchorView, long nativeSelectPopupSourceFrame, String[] items,
int[] enabled, boolean multiple, int[] selectedIndices, boolean rightAligned) {
if (mContainerView.getParent() == null || mContainerView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame = nativeSelectPopupSourceFrame;
assert mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame == 0 : "Zombie popup did not clear the frame source";
assert items.length == enabled.length;
List<SelectPopupItem> popupItems = new ArrayList<SelectPopupItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
popupItems.add(new SelectPopupItem(items[i], enabled[i]));
if (DeviceFormFactor.isTablet(mContext) && !multiple && !isTouchExplorationEnabled()) {
mSelectPopup = new SelectPopupDropdown(
this, anchorView, popupItems, selectedIndices, rightAligned);
} else {
if (getWindowAndroid() == null) return;
Context windowContext = getWindowAndroid().getContext().get();
if (windowContext == null) return;
mSelectPopup = new SelectPopupDialog(
this, windowContext, popupItems, multiple, selectedIndices);
mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame = nativeSelectPopupSourceFrame;;
* Called when the <select> popup needs to be hidden.
private void hideSelectPopup() {
if (mSelectPopup == null) return;
mSelectPopup = null;
mNativeSelectPopupSourceFrame = 0;
* Called when the <select> popup needs to be hidden. This calls
* nativeSelectPopupMenuItems() with null indices.
private void hideSelectPopupWithCancelMessage() {
if (mSelectPopup != null) mSelectPopup.hide(true);
* @return The visible select popup being shown.
public SelectPopup getSelectPopupForTest() {
return mSelectPopup;
private void showDisambiguationPopup(Rect targetRect, Bitmap zoomedBitmap) {
private MotionEventSynthesizer createMotionEventSynthesizer() {
return new MotionEventSynthesizer(this);
* Initialize the view with an overscroll refresh handler.
* @param handler The refresh handler.
public void setOverscrollRefreshHandler(OverscrollRefreshHandler handler) {
assert mOverscrollRefreshHandler == null || handler == null;
mOverscrollRefreshHandler = handler;
private boolean onOverscrollRefreshStart() {
if (mOverscrollRefreshHandler == null) return false;
return mOverscrollRefreshHandler.start();
private void onOverscrollRefreshUpdate(float delta) {
if (mOverscrollRefreshHandler != null) mOverscrollRefreshHandler.pull(delta);
private void onOverscrollRefreshRelease(boolean allowRefresh) {
if (mOverscrollRefreshHandler != null) mOverscrollRefreshHandler.release(allowRefresh);
private void onOverscrollRefreshReset() {
if (mOverscrollRefreshHandler != null) mOverscrollRefreshHandler.reset();
private void onSelectionChanged(String text) {
private void performLongPressHapticFeedback() {
private void showPastePopup(int x, int y) {
mSelectionPopupController.showPastePopup(x, y);
private void hidePastePopup() {
private void destroyPastePopup() {
private boolean canPaste() {
return ((ClipboardManager) mContext.getSystemService(
private void onRenderProcessChange() {
// Immediately sync closed caption settings to the new render process.
* Attaches the native ImeAdapter object to the java ImeAdapter to allow communication via JNI.
public void attachImeAdapter() {
if (mImeAdapter != null && mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
* @see View#hasFocus()
private boolean hasFocus() {
// If the container view is not focusable, we consider it always focused from
// Chromium's point of view.
if (!mContainerView.isFocusable()) return true;
return mContainerView.hasFocus();
* Checks whether the ContentViewCore can be zoomed in.
* @return True if the ContentViewCore can be zoomed in.
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean canZoomIn() {
final float zoomInExtent = mRenderCoordinates.getMaxPageScaleFactor()
- mRenderCoordinates.getPageScaleFactor();
return zoomInExtent > ZOOM_CONTROLS_EPSILON;
* Checks whether the ContentViewCore can be zoomed out.
* @return True if the ContentViewCore can be zoomed out.
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean canZoomOut() {
final float zoomOutExtent = mRenderCoordinates.getPageScaleFactor()
- mRenderCoordinates.getMinPageScaleFactor();
return zoomOutExtent > ZOOM_CONTROLS_EPSILON;
* Zooms in the ContentViewCore by 25% (or less if that would result in
* zooming in more than possible).
* @return True if there was a zoom change, false otherwise.
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean zoomIn() {
if (!canZoomIn()) {
return false;
return pinchByDelta(1.25f);
* Zooms out the ContentViewCore by 20% (or less if that would result in
* zooming out more than possible).
* @return True if there was a zoom change, false otherwise.
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean zoomOut() {
if (!canZoomOut()) {
return false;
return pinchByDelta(0.8f);
* Resets the zoom factor of the ContentViewCore.
* @return True if there was a zoom change, false otherwise.
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean zoomReset() {
// The page scale factor is initialized to mNativeMinimumScale when
// the page finishes loading. Thus sets it back to mNativeMinimumScale.
if (!canZoomOut()) return false;
return pinchByDelta(
/ mRenderCoordinates.getPageScaleFactor());
* Simulate a pinch zoom gesture.
* @param delta the factor by which the current page scale should be multiplied by.
* @return whether the gesture was sent.
public boolean pinchByDelta(float delta) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return false;
long timeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
int xPix = getViewportWidthPix() / 2;
int yPix = getViewportHeightPix() / 2;
nativePinchBegin(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs, xPix, yPix);
nativePinchBy(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs, xPix, yPix, delta);
nativePinchEnd(mNativeContentViewCore, timeMs);
return true;
* Send start of pinch zoom gesture.
* @param xPix X-coordinate of location from which pinch zoom would start.
* @param yPix Y-coordinate of location from which pinch zoom would start.
* @return whether the pinch zoom start gesture was sent.
public boolean pinchBegin(int xPix, int yPix) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return false;
nativePinchBegin(mNativeContentViewCore, SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), xPix, yPix);
return true;
* Send pinch zoom gesture.
* @param xPix X-coordinate of pinch zoom location.
* @param yPix Y-coordinate of pinch zoom location.
* @param delta the factor by which the current page scale should be multiplied by.
* @return whether the pinchby gesture was sent.
public boolean pinchBy(int xPix, int yPix, float delta) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return false;
nativePinchBy(mNativeContentViewCore, SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), xPix, yPix, delta);
return true;
* Stop pinch zoom gesture.
* @return whether the pinch stop gesture was sent.
public boolean pinchEnd() {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return false;
nativePinchEnd(mNativeContentViewCore, SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
return true;
* Invokes the graphical zoom picker widget for this ContentView.
public void invokeZoomPicker() {
* Enables or disables inspection of JavaScript objects added via
* {@link #addJavascriptInterface(Object, String)} by means of Object.keys() method and
* &quot;for .. in&quot; loop. Being able to inspect JavaScript objects is useful
* when debugging hybrid Android apps, but can't be enabled for legacy applications due
* to compatibility risks.
* @param allow Whether to allow JavaScript objects inspection.
public void setAllowJavascriptInterfacesInspection(boolean allow) {
nativeSetAllowJavascriptInterfacesInspection(mNativeContentViewCore, allow);
* Returns JavaScript interface objects previously injected via
* {@link #addJavascriptInterface(Object, String)}.
* @return the mapping of names to interface objects and corresponding annotation classes
public Map<String, Pair<Object, Class>> getJavascriptInterfaces() {
return mJavaScriptInterfaces;
* This will mimic {@link #addPossiblyUnsafeJavascriptInterface(Object, String, Class)}
* and automatically pass in {@link JavascriptInterface} as the required annotation.
* @param object The Java object to inject into the ContentViewCore's JavaScript context. Null
* values are ignored.
* @param name The name used to expose the instance in JavaScript.
public void addJavascriptInterface(Object object, String name) {
addPossiblyUnsafeJavascriptInterface(object, name, JavascriptInterface.class);
* This method injects the supplied Java object into the ContentViewCore.
* The object is injected into the JavaScript context of the main frame,
* using the supplied name. This allows the Java object to be accessed from
* JavaScript. Note that that injected objects will not appear in
* JavaScript until the page is next (re)loaded. For example:
* <pre> view.addJavascriptInterface(new Object(), "injectedObject");
* view.loadData("<!DOCTYPE html><title></title>", "text/html", null);
* view.loadUrl("javascript:alert(injectedObject.toString())");</pre>
* <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong>
* <ul>
* <li> addJavascriptInterface() can be used to allow JavaScript to control
* the host application. This is a powerful feature, but also presents a
* security risk. Use of this method in a ContentViewCore containing
* untrusted content could allow an attacker to manipulate the host
* application in unintended ways, executing Java code with the permissions
* of the host application. Use extreme care when using this method in a
* ContentViewCore which could contain untrusted content. Particular care
* should be taken to avoid unintentional access to inherited methods, such
* as {@link Object#getClass()}. To prevent access to inherited methods,
* pass an annotation for {@code requiredAnnotation}. This will ensure
* that only methods with {@code requiredAnnotation} are exposed to the
* Javascript layer. {@code requiredAnnotation} will be passed to all
* subsequently injected Java objects if any methods return an object. This
* means the same restrictions (or lack thereof) will apply. Alternatively,
* {@link #addJavascriptInterface(Object, String)} can be called, which
* automatically uses the {@link JavascriptInterface} annotation.
* <li> JavaScript interacts with Java objects on a private, background
* thread of the ContentViewCore. Care is therefore required to maintain
* thread safety.</li>
* </ul></p>
* @param object The Java object to inject into the
* ContentViewCore's JavaScript context. Null
* values are ignored.
* @param name The name used to expose the instance in
* JavaScript.
* @param requiredAnnotation Restrict exposed methods to ones with this
* annotation. If {@code null} all methods are
* exposed.
public void addPossiblyUnsafeJavascriptInterface(Object object, String name,
Class<? extends Annotation> requiredAnnotation) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0 && object != null) {
mJavaScriptInterfaces.put(name, new Pair<Object, Class>(object, requiredAnnotation));
nativeAddJavascriptInterface(mNativeContentViewCore, object, name, requiredAnnotation);
* Removes a previously added JavaScript interface with the given name.
* @param name The name of the interface to remove.
public void removeJavascriptInterface(String name) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
nativeRemoveJavascriptInterface(mNativeContentViewCore, name);
* Return the current scale of the ContentView.
* @return The current page scale factor.
public float getScale() {
return mRenderCoordinates.getPageScaleFactor();
private void startContentIntent(String contentUrl, boolean isMainFrame) {
getContentViewClient().onStartContentIntent(getContext(), contentUrl, isMainFrame);
public void onAccessibilityStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
* Determines whether or not this ContentViewCore can handle this accessibility action.
* @param action The action to perform.
* @return Whether or not this action is supported.
public boolean supportsAccessibilityAction(int action) {
// TODO(dmazzoni): implement this in BrowserAccessibilityManager.
return false;
* Attempts to perform an accessibility action on the web content. If the accessibility action
* cannot be processed, it returns {@code null}, allowing the caller to know to call the
* super {@link View#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle)} method and use that return value.
* Otherwise the return value from this method should be used.
* @param action The action to perform.
* @param arguments Optional action arguments.
* @return Whether the action was performed or {@code null} if the call should be delegated to
* the super {@link View} class.
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) {
// TODO(dmazzoni): implement this in BrowserAccessibilityManager.
return false;
* Set the BrowserAccessibilityManager, used for native accessibility
* (not script injection). This is only set when system accessibility
* has been enabled.
* @param manager The new BrowserAccessibilityManager.
public void setBrowserAccessibilityManager(BrowserAccessibilityManager manager) {
mBrowserAccessibilityManager = manager;
if (mBrowserAccessibilityManager != null && mRenderCoordinates.hasFrameInfo()) {
if (mBrowserAccessibilityManager == null) mNativeAccessibilityEnabled = false;
* Get the BrowserAccessibilityManager, used for native accessibility
* (not script injection). This will return null when system accessibility
* is not enabled.
* @return This view's BrowserAccessibilityManager.
public BrowserAccessibilityManager getBrowserAccessibilityManager() {
return mBrowserAccessibilityManager;
* If native accessibility is enabled and no other views are temporarily
* obscuring this one, returns an AccessibilityNodeProvider that
* implements native accessibility for this view. Returns null otherwise.
* Lazily initializes native accessibility here if it's allowed.
* @return The AccessibilityNodeProvider, if available, or null otherwise.
public AccessibilityNodeProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider() {
if (mIsObscuredByAnotherView) return null;
if (mBrowserAccessibilityManager != null) {
return mBrowserAccessibilityManager.getAccessibilityNodeProvider();
if (mNativeAccessibilityAllowed && !mNativeAccessibilityEnabled
&& mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
mNativeAccessibilityEnabled = true;
nativeSetAccessibilityEnabled(mNativeContentViewCore, true);
return null;
* Set whether or not the web contents are obscured by another view.
* If true, we won't return an accessibility node provider or respond
* to touch exploration events.
public void setObscuredByAnotherView(boolean isObscured) {
if (isObscured != mIsObscuredByAnotherView) {
mIsObscuredByAnotherView = isObscured;
public void onProvideVirtualStructure(
final ViewStructure structure, final boolean ignoreScrollOffset) {
// Do not collect accessibility tree in incognito mode
if (getWebContents().isIncognito()) {
final ViewStructure viewRoot = structure.asyncNewChild(0);
getWebContents().requestAccessibilitySnapshot(new AccessibilitySnapshotCallback() {
public void onAccessibilitySnapshot(AccessibilitySnapshotNode root) {
if (root == null) {
createVirtualStructure(viewRoot, root, ignoreScrollOffset);
// When creating the View structure, the left and top are relative to the parent node.
private void createVirtualStructure(ViewStructure viewNode, AccessibilitySnapshotNode node,
final boolean ignoreScrollOffset) {
if (node.hasSelection) {
viewNode.setText(node.text, node.startSelection, node.endSelection);
} else {
int left = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(node.x);
int top = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(node.y);
int width = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(node.width);
int height = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(node.height);
Rect boundsInParent = new Rect(left, top, left + width, top + height);
if (node.isRootNode) {
// Offset of the web content relative to the View.
boundsInParent.offset(0, (int) mRenderCoordinates.getContentOffsetYPix());
if (!ignoreScrollOffset) {
boundsInParent.offset(-(int) mRenderCoordinates.getScrollXPix(),
-(int) mRenderCoordinates.getScrollYPix());
viewNode.setDimens(boundsInParent.left,, 0, 0, width, height);
if (node.hasStyle) {
// The text size should be in physical pixels, not CSS pixels.
float textSize = mRenderCoordinates.fromLocalCssToPix(node.textSize);
int style = (node.bold ? ViewNode.TEXT_STYLE_BOLD : 0)
| (node.italic ? ViewNode.TEXT_STYLE_ITALIC : 0)
| (node.underline ? ViewNode.TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE : 0)
| (node.lineThrough ? ViewNode.TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE_THRU : 0);
viewNode.setTextStyle(textSize, node.color, node.bgcolor, style);
for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); i++) {
createVirtualStructure(viewNode.asyncNewChild(i), node.children.get(i), true);
public void onSystemCaptioningChanged(TextTrackSettings settings) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
settings.getTextTracksEnabled(), settings.getTextTrackBackgroundColor(),
settings.getTextTrackFontFamily(), settings.getTextTrackFontStyle(),
settings.getTextTrackFontVariant(), settings.getTextTrackTextColor(),
settings.getTextTrackTextShadow(), settings.getTextTrackTextSize());
* Called when the processed text is replied from an activity that supports
* @param resultCode the code that indicates if the activity successfully processed the text
* @param data the reply that contains the processed text.
public void onReceivedProcessTextResult(int resultCode, Intent data) {
mSelectionPopupController.onReceivedProcessTextResult(resultCode, data);
* Returns true if accessibility is on and touch exploration is enabled.
public boolean isTouchExplorationEnabled() {
return mTouchExplorationEnabled;
* Turns browser accessibility on or off.
* If |state| is |false|, this turns off both native and injected accessibility.
* Otherwise, if accessibility script injection is enabled, this will enable the injected
* accessibility scripts. Native accessibility is enabled on demand.
public void setAccessibilityState(boolean state) {
if (!state) {
mNativeAccessibilityAllowed = false;
mTouchExplorationEnabled = false;
} else {
mNativeAccessibilityAllowed = true;
mTouchExplorationEnabled = mAccessibilityManager.isTouchExplorationEnabled();
* Return whether or not we should set accessibility focus on page load.
public boolean shouldSetAccessibilityFocusOnPageLoad() {
return mShouldSetAccessibilityFocusOnPageLoad;
* Sets whether or not we should set accessibility focus on page load.
* This only applies if an accessibility service like TalkBack is running.
* This is desirable behavior for a browser window, but not for an embedded
* WebView.
public void setShouldSetAccessibilityFocusOnPageLoad(boolean on) {
mShouldSetAccessibilityFocusOnPageLoad = on;
* @return The cached copy of render positions and scales.
public RenderCoordinates getRenderCoordinates() {
return mRenderCoordinates;
* @return Whether the current page seems to be mobile-optimized. This hint is based upon
* rendered frames and may return different values when called multiple times for the
* same page (particularly during page load).
public boolean getIsMobileOptimizedHint() {
return mIsMobileOptimizedHint;
private static Rect createRect(int x, int y, int right, int bottom) {
return new Rect(x, y, right, bottom);
public void extractSmartClipData(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
x += mSmartClipOffsetX;
y += mSmartClipOffsetY;
nativeExtractSmartClipData(mNativeContentViewCore, x, y, width, height);
* Set offsets for smart clip.
* <p>This should be called if there is a viewport change introduced by,
* e.g., show and hide of a location bar.
* @param offsetX Offset for X position.
* @param offsetY Offset for Y position.
public void setSmartClipOffsets(int offsetX, int offsetY) {
mSmartClipOffsetX = offsetX;
mSmartClipOffsetY = offsetY;
private void onSmartClipDataExtracted(String text, String html, Rect clipRect) {
// Translate the positions by the offsets introduced by location bar. Note that the
// coordinates are in dp scale, and that this definitely has the potential to be
// different from the offsets when extractSmartClipData() was called. However,
// as long as OEM has a UI that consumes all the inputs and waits until the
// callback is called, then there shouldn't be any difference.
// TODO(changwan): once is resolved, try to pass offsets as
// separate params for extractSmartClipData(), and apply them not the new offset
// values in the callback.
final float deviceScale = mRenderCoordinates.getDeviceScaleFactor();
final int offsetXInDp = (int) (mSmartClipOffsetX / deviceScale);
final int offsetYInDp = (int) (mSmartClipOffsetY / deviceScale);
clipRect.offset(-offsetXInDp, -offsetYInDp);
if (mSmartClipDataListener != null) {
mSmartClipDataListener.onSmartClipDataExtracted(text, html, clipRect);
public void setSmartClipDataListener(SmartClipDataListener listener) {
mSmartClipDataListener = listener;
public void setBackgroundOpaque(boolean opaque) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore != 0) {
nativeSetBackgroundOpaque(mNativeContentViewCore, opaque);
* @see View#onDragEvent(DragEvent)
// TODO(hush): uncomment below when we build with API 24.
// @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
public boolean onDragEvent(DragEvent event) {
if (mNativeContentViewCore == 0 || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
return false;
ClipDescription clipDescription = event.getClipDescription();
// text/* will match text/uri-list, text/html, text/plain.
String[] mimeTypes =
clipDescription == null ? new String[0] : clipDescription.filterMimeTypes("text/*");
if (event.getAction() == DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_STARTED) {
// TODO(hush): support dragging more than just text.
return mimeTypes != null && mimeTypes.length > 0
&& nativeIsTouchDragDropEnabled(mNativeContentViewCore);
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder("");
if (event.getAction() == DragEvent.ACTION_DROP) {
// TODO(hush): obtain dragdrop permissions (via reflection?), when dragging files into
// Chrome/WebView is supported. Not necessary to do so for now, because only text
// dragging is supported.
ClipData clipData = event.getClipData();
final int itemCount = clipData.getItemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
ClipData.Item item = clipData.getItemAt(i);
int[] locationOnScreen = new int[2];
float xPix = event.getX() + mCurrentTouchOffsetX;
float yPix = event.getY() + mCurrentTouchOffsetY;
int xCss = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromPixToDip(xPix);
int yCss = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromPixToDip(yPix);
int screenXCss = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromPixToDip(xPix + locationOnScreen[0]);
int screenYCss = (int) mRenderCoordinates.fromPixToDip(yPix + locationOnScreen[1]);
nativeOnDragEvent(mNativeContentViewCore, event.getAction(), xCss, yCss, screenXCss,
screenYCss, mimeTypes, content.toString());
return true;
* Offer a long press gesture to the embedding View, primarily for WebView compatibility.
* @return true if the embedder handled the event.
private boolean offerLongPressToEmbedder() {
return mContainerView.performLongClick();
* Reset scroll and fling accounting, notifying listeners as appropriate.
* This is useful as a failsafe when the input stream may have been interruped.
private void resetScrollInProgress() {
if (!isScrollInProgress()) return;
final boolean touchScrollInProgress = mTouchScrollInProgress;
final int potentiallyActiveFlingCount = mPotentiallyActiveFlingCount;
mPotentiallyActiveFlingCount = 0;
if (touchScrollInProgress) updateGestureStateListener(GestureEventType.SCROLL_END);
if (potentiallyActiveFlingCount > 0) updateGestureStateListener(GestureEventType.FLING_END);
private void onNativeFlingStopped() {
// Note that mTouchScrollInProgress should normally be false at this
// point, but we reset it anyway as another failsafe.
if (mPotentiallyActiveFlingCount <= 0) return;
// DisplayAndroidObserver method.
public void onRotationChanged(int rotation) {
// ActionMode#invalidate() won't be able to re-layout the floating
// action mode menu items according to the new rotation. So Chrome
// has to re-create the action mode.
&& mSelectionPopupController.isActionModeValid()) {
int rotationDegrees = 0;
switch (rotation) {
case Surface.ROTATION_0:
rotationDegrees = 0;
case Surface.ROTATION_90:
rotationDegrees = 90;
case Surface.ROTATION_180:
rotationDegrees = 180;
case Surface.ROTATION_270:
rotationDegrees = -90;
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Display.getRotation() shouldn't return that value");
// DisplayAndroidObserver method.
public void onDIPScaleChanged(float dipScale) {
WindowAndroid windowAndroid = getWindowAndroid();
if (windowAndroid == null || mNativeContentViewCore == 0) return;
mRenderCoordinates.setDeviceScaleFactor(dipScale, getWindowAndroid().getContext());
nativeSetDIPScale(mNativeContentViewCore, dipScale);
* Set whether the ContentViewCore requires the WebContents to be fullscreen in order to lock
* the screen orientation.
public void setFullscreenRequiredForOrientationLock(boolean value) {
mFullscreenRequiredForOrientationLock = value;
private boolean isFullscreenRequiredForOrientationLock() {
return mFullscreenRequiredForOrientationLock;
* Sets the client to use for Contextual Search functionality.
* @param contextualSearchClient The client to notify for Contextual Search operations.
public void setContextualSearchClient(ContextualSearchClient contextualSearchClient) {
* Call this when we get result from ResultReceiver passed in calling showSoftInput().
* @param resultCode The result of showSoftInput() as defined in InputMethodManager.
public void onShowKeyboardReceiveResult(int resultCode) {
if (resultCode == InputMethodManager.RESULT_SHOWN) {
// If OSK is newly shown, delay the form focus until
// the onSizeChanged (in order to adjust relative to the
// new size).
// TODO(jdduke): We should not assume that onSizeChanged will
// always be called,
} else if (hasFocus() && resultCode == InputMethodManager.RESULT_UNCHANGED_SHOWN) {
// If the OSK was already there, focus the form immediately.
if (mWebContents != null) {
public ResultReceiver getNewShowKeyboardReceiver() {
if (mShowKeyboardResultReceiver == null) {
// Note: the returned object will get leaked by Android framework.
mShowKeyboardResultReceiver = new ShowKeyboardResultReceiver(this, new Handler());
return mShowKeyboardResultReceiver;
private native long nativeInit(WebContents webContents, ViewAndroidDelegate viewAndroidDelegate,
long windowAndroidPtr, float dipScale, HashSet<Object> retainedObjectSet);
private static native ContentViewCore nativeFromWebContentsAndroid(WebContents webContents);
private native void nativeUpdateWindowAndroid(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long windowAndroidPtr);
private native WebContents nativeGetWebContentsAndroid(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native WindowAndroid nativeGetJavaWindowAndroid(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native void nativeOnJavaContentViewCoreDestroyed(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native void nativeSetFocus(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean focused);
private native void nativeSetDIPScale(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, float dipScale);
private native void nativeSendOrientationChangeEvent(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, int orientation);
// All touch events (including flings, scrolls etc) accept coordinates in physical pixels.
private native boolean nativeOnTouchEvent(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, MotionEvent event,
long timeMs, int action, int pointerCount, int historySize, int actionIndex,
float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
int pointerId0, int pointerId1,
float touchMajor0, float touchMajor1,
float touchMinor0, float touchMinor1,
float orientation0, float orientation1,
float tilt0, float tilt1,
float rawX, float rawY,
int androidToolType0, int androidToolType1,
int androidButtonState, int androidMetaState,
boolean isTouchHandleEvent);
private native int nativeSendMouseMoveEvent(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x, float y, int toolType);
private native int nativeSendMouseWheelEvent(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs,
float x, float y, float ticksX, float ticksY, float pixelsPerTick);
private native void nativeScrollBegin(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x,
float y, float hintX, float hintY, boolean targetViewport);
private native void nativeScrollEnd(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs);
private native void nativeScrollBy(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x, float y,
float deltaX, float deltaY);
private native void nativeFlingStart(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x,
float y, float vx, float vy, boolean targetViewport);
private native void nativeFlingCancel(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs);
private native void nativeSingleTap(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x, float y);
private native void nativeDoubleTap(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x, float y);
private native void nativeLongPress(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x, float y);
private native void nativePinchBegin(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs, float x, float y);
private native void nativePinchEnd(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs);
private native void nativePinchBy(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, long timeMs,
float anchorX, float anchorY, float deltaScale);
private native void nativeSetTextHandlesTemporarilyHidden(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean hidden);
private native void nativeResetGestureDetection(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native void nativeSetDoubleTapSupportEnabled(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean enabled);
private native void nativeSetMultiTouchZoomSupportEnabled(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean enabled);
private native void nativeSelectPopupMenuItems(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl,
long nativeSelectPopupSourceFrame, int[] indices);
private native long nativeGetNativeImeAdapter(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native int nativeGetCurrentRenderProcessId(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native void nativeSetAllowJavascriptInterfacesInspection(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean allow);
private native void nativeAddJavascriptInterface(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, Object object,
String name, Class requiredAnnotation);
private native void nativeRemoveJavascriptInterface(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl,
String name);
private native void nativeWasResized(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native void nativeSetAccessibilityEnabled(
long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean enabled);
private native void nativeSetTextTrackSettings(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl,
boolean textTracksEnabled, String textTrackBackgroundColor, String textTrackFontFamily,
String textTrackFontStyle, String textTrackFontVariant, String textTrackTextColor,
String textTrackTextShadow, String textTrackTextSize);
private native void nativeExtractSmartClipData(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl,
int x, int y, int w, int h);
private native void nativeSetBackgroundOpaque(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, boolean opaque);
private native boolean nativeIsTouchDragDropEnabled(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl);
private native void nativeOnDragEvent(long nativeContentViewCoreImpl, int action, int x, int y,
int screenX, int screenY, String[] mimeTypes, String content);