blob: 37e8961c7e260130e9aa3aa273c96b432e4a36d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "blimp/net/blob_channel/blob_channel_receiver.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "blimp/common/blob_cache/blob_cache.h"
#include "blimp/common/blob_cache/id_util.h"
namespace blimp {
namespace {
// Takes incoming blobs from |delegate_| stores them in |cache_|, and provides
// callers a getter interface for accessing blobs from |cache_|.
class BLIMP_NET_EXPORT BlobChannelReceiverImpl : public BlobChannelReceiver {
BlobChannelReceiverImpl(std::unique_ptr<BlobCache> cache,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate);
~BlobChannelReceiverImpl() override;
// BlobChannelReceiver implementation.
BlobDataPtr Get(const BlobId& id) override;
void OnBlobReceived(const BlobId& id, BlobDataPtr data) override;
std::unique_ptr<BlobCache> cache_;
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// Guards against concurrent access to |cache_|.
base::Lock cache_lock_;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<BlobChannelReceiver> BlobChannelReceiver::Create(
std::unique_ptr<BlobCache> cache,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate) {
return base::WrapUnique(
new BlobChannelReceiverImpl(std::move(cache), std::move(delegate)));
std::unique_ptr<BlobCache> cache,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate)
: cache_(std::move(cache)), delegate_(std::move(delegate)) {
BlobChannelReceiverImpl::~BlobChannelReceiverImpl() {}
BlobDataPtr BlobChannelReceiverImpl::Get(const BlobId& id) {
DVLOG(2) << "Get blob: " << BlobIdToString(id);
base::AutoLock lock(cache_lock_);
return cache_->Get(id);
void BlobChannelReceiverImpl::OnBlobReceived(const BlobId& id,
BlobDataPtr data) {
DVLOG(2) << "Blob received: " << BlobIdToString(id)
<< ", size: " << data->data.size();
base::AutoLock lock(cache_lock_);
cache_->Put(id, data);
} // namespace blimp