Wrapper Tracing Reference

This document describes wrapper tracing and how its API is supposed to be used. Note that wrapper tracing is based on Oilpan garbage collection infrastructure, which makes Oilpan's documentation a good first read.

Quickstart guide

Wrapper tracing is used to represent reachability across V8 and Blink. The following checklist highlights the modifications needed to make a class participate in wrapper tracing.

  1. Make sure that objects participating in tracing either inherit from ScriptWrappable if they can reference wrappers or are otherwise part of Oilpan's heap, e.g. by making them inherit from GarbageCollected or one of its friends.
  2. Use TraceWrapperMember<T> to annotate fields that need to be followed to find other wrappers that this object should keep alive.
  3. Use TraceWrapperV8Reference<T> to annotate references to V8 that this object should keep alive.
  4. Make sure those fields are properly visited from T::Trace, similar to all other garbage collected types.

The following example illustrates these steps:

#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/trace_wrapper_member.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/trace_wrapper_v8_reference.h"

class SomeDOMObject : public ScriptWrappable {          // (1)

  void Trace(Visitor*) override;

  Member<NonWrappable> non_wrappable_;
  TraceWrapperMember<OtherWrappable> other_wrappable_;  // (2)
  TraceWrapperV8Reference<v8::Value> v8object_;         // (3)
  // ...

void SomeDOMObject::Trace(Visitor* visitor) {
  visitor->Trace(other_wrappable_);                     // (4)
  visitor->Trace(v8object_);                            // (4)

For more in-depth information and how to deal with corner cases continue on reading.


Blink and V8 need to cooperate to collect JavaScript wrappers. Each V8 wrapper object (W) in JavaScript is assigned a C++ DOM object (D) in Blink. A single C++ DOM object can hold onto one or many wrapper objects. During a garbage collection initiated from JavaScript, a wrapper then keeps the C++ DOM object and all its transitive dependencies, including other wrappers, alive, effectively tracing paths like Wx -> D1 -> ⋯ -> Dn -> Wy.

Previously, this relationship was expressed using so-called object groups, effectively assigning all C++ DOM objects in a given DOM tree the same group. The group would only die if all objects belonging to the same group die. A brief introduction on the limitations on this approach can be found in this slide deck.

Wrapper tracing solves this problem by determining liveness based on reachability by tracing through the C++ DOM objects. The rest of this document describes how the API is used to keep JavaScript wrapper objects alive.

Note that wrappables have to be part of Oilpan and thus all Oilpan-related rules apply.

Basic usage

The annotations that are required can be found in the following header files. Pick the header file depending on what types are needed.

#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/trace_wrapper_v8_reference.h"

The following example will guide through the modifications that are needed to adjust a given class SomeDOMObject to participate in wrapper tracing.

class SomeDOMObject : public ScriptWrappable {

  // ...

  Member<OtherWrappable /* extending ScriptWrappable */> other_wrappable_;
  Member<NonWrappable> non_wrappable_;

In this scenario SomeDOMObject is the object that is wrapped by an object on the JavaScript side. The next step is to identify the paths that lead to other wrappables. In this case, only other_wrappable_ needs to be traced to find other wrappers in V8.

class SomeDOMObject : public ScriptWrappable {

  void Trace(Visitor*) override;

  Member<OtherWrappable> other_wrappable_;
  Member<NonWrappable> non_wrappable_;

void SomeDOMObject::Trace(Visitor* visitor) {

Blink and V8 implement incremental wrapper tracing, which means that marking can be interleaved with JavaScript or even DOM operations. This poses a challenge, because already marked objects will not be considered again if they are reached through some other path.

For example, consider an object A that has already been marked and a write to a field A.x setting x to an unmarked object Y. Since A.x is the only reference keeping Y, and A has already been marked, the garbage collector will not find Y and reclaim it.

To overcome this problem we require all writes of interesting objects, i.e., writes to traced fields, to go through a write barrier. The write barrier will check for the problem case above and make sure Y will be marked. In order to automatically issue a write barrier other_wrappable_ needs TraceWrapperMember type.

class SomeDOMObject : public ScriptWrappable {

  void Trace(Visitor*) override;

  TraceWrapperMember<OtherWrappable> other_wrappable_;
  Member<NonWrappable> non_wrappable_;

void SomeDOMObject::Trace(Visitor* visitor) {

TraceWrapperMember makes sure that any write to other_wrappable_ will consider doing a write barrier. Using the proper type, the write barrier is correct by construction, i.e., it will never be missed.

Heap collections

Wrapper tracing is integrated into Oilpan‘s support for collections, so there’s no additional work needed other than making sure the collection is visited in the corresponding Trace method. The proper type usage for collections, e.g. HeapVector looks like the following.

class SomeDOMObject : public ScriptWrappable {

  void Trace(Visitor*) override;

  void AppendNewValue(OtherWrappable* newValue);

  HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<OtherWrappable>> other_wrappables_;

void SomeDOMObject::Trace(Visitor* visitor) {

TraceWrapperMember can be constructed in place, so using append and friends will work out of the box, e.g.

void SomeDOMObject::AppendNewValue(OtherWrappable* newValue) {

Swapping HeapVector containing TraceWrapperMember and Member

It is possible to swap two HeapVectors containing TraceWrapperMember and Member by using blink::swap. The underlying swap will avoid copies and write barriers if possible.

// Swap two wrapper traced heap vectors.
HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<Wrappable>> a;
HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<Wrappable>> b;
blink::swap(a, b);

// Swap in a non-traced heap vector into a wrapper traced one.
HeapVector<TraceWrapperMember<Wrappable>> c;
HeapVector<Member<Wrappable>> temporary;
blink::swap(c, temporary);

Tracing through non-ScriptWrappable types

Sometimes it is necessary to trace through types that do not inherit from ScriptWrappable. For example, consider the object graph A -> B -> C where both A and C are ScriptWrappables that need to be traced.

In this case, the same rules as with ScriptWrappables apply, except for the difference that these classes need to inherit from some other class that is managed by Oilpan, e.g. GarbageCollected.

Explicit write barriers

Sometimes it is necessary to stick with the regular types or raw pointers and issue the write barriers explicitly. In this case, tracing needs to be adjusted to tell the system that all barriers will be done manually.

class ManualWrappable : public ScriptWrappable {

  void Trace(Visitor*) override;

  void SetNew(OtherWrappable* newValue) {
    other_wrappable_ = newValue;

  Member<OtherWrappable>> other_wrappable_;

void ManualWrappable::Trace(Visitor* visitor) {