blob: b9265c3567f19bf9d8e08cfd6ec8c601244ac763 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/plugin/plugin_interpose_util_mac.h"
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#include "content/child/npapi/webplugin_delegate_impl.h"
#include "content/common/plugin_process_messages.h"
#include "content/plugin/plugin_thread.h"
using content::PluginThread;
namespace {
// Brings the plugin process to the front so that the user can see its windows.
void SwitchToPluginProcess() {
ProcessSerialNumber this_process, front_process;
if ((GetCurrentProcess(&this_process) != noErr) ||
(GetFrontProcess(&front_process) != noErr)) {
Boolean matched = false;
if ((SameProcess(&this_process, &front_process, &matched) == noErr) &&
!matched) {
// Sends a message to the browser process to inform it that the given window
// has been shown.
void NotifyBrowserOfPluginShowWindow(uint32 window_id, CGRect bounds,
bool modal) {
PluginThread* plugin_thread = PluginThread::current();
if (plugin_thread) {
gfx::Rect window_bounds(bounds);
new PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginShowWindow(window_id, window_bounds,
// Sends a message to the browser process to inform it that the given window
// has been hidden, and switches focus back to the browser process if there are
// no remaining plugin windows.
void NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(uint32 window_id, CGRect bounds) {
PluginThread* plugin_thread = PluginThread::current();
if (plugin_thread) {
gfx::Rect window_bounds(bounds);
new PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginHideWindow(window_id, window_bounds));
// Informs the host that the plugin has changed the cursor visibility.
void NotifyPluginOfSetCursorVisibility(bool visibility) {
PluginThread* plugin_thread = PluginThread::current();
if (plugin_thread) {
new PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginSetCursorVisibility(visibility));
struct WindowInfo {
uint32 window_id;
CGRect bounds;
WindowInfo(NSWindow* window) {
NSInteger window_num = [window windowNumber];
window_id = window_num > 0 ? window_num : 0;
bounds = NSRectToCGRect([window frame]);
void OnPluginWindowClosed(const WindowInfo& window_info) {
if (window_info.window_id == 0)
NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(window_info.window_id, window_info.bounds);
BOOL g_waiting_for_window_number = NO;
void OnPluginWindowShown(const WindowInfo& window_info, BOOL is_modal) {
// The window id is 0 if it has never been shown (including while it is the
// process of being shown for the first time); when that happens, we'll catch
// it in _setWindowNumber instead.
static BOOL s_pending_display_is_modal = NO;
if (window_info.window_id == 0) {
g_waiting_for_window_number = YES;
if (is_modal)
s_pending_display_is_modal = YES;
g_waiting_for_window_number = NO;
if (s_pending_display_is_modal) {
is_modal = YES;
s_pending_display_is_modal = NO;
NotifyBrowserOfPluginShowWindow(window_info.window_id, window_info.bounds,
} // namespace
@interface NSWindow (ChromePluginUtilities)
// Returns YES if the window is visible and actually on the screen.
- (BOOL)chromePlugin_isWindowOnScreen;
@implementation NSWindow (ChromePluginUtilities)
- (BOOL)chromePlugin_isWindowOnScreen {
if (![self isVisible])
return NO;
NSRect window_frame = [self frame];
for (NSScreen* screen in [NSScreen screens]) {
if (NSIntersectsRect(window_frame, [screen frame]))
return YES;
return NO;
@interface NSWindow (ChromePluginInterposing)
- (void)chromePlugin_orderOut:(id)sender;
- (void)chromePlugin_orderFront:(id)sender;
- (void)chromePlugin_makeKeyAndOrderFront:(id)sender;
- (void)chromePlugin_setWindowNumber:(NSInteger)num;
@implementation NSWindow (ChromePluginInterposing)
- (void)chromePlugin_orderOut:(id)sender {
WindowInfo window_info(self);
[self chromePlugin_orderOut:sender];
- (void)chromePlugin_orderFront:(id)sender {
[self chromePlugin_orderFront:sender];
if ([self chromePlugin_isWindowOnScreen])
OnPluginWindowShown(WindowInfo(self), NO);
- (void)chromePlugin_makeKeyAndOrderFront:(id)sender {
[self chromePlugin_makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
if ([self chromePlugin_isWindowOnScreen])
OnPluginWindowShown(WindowInfo(self), NO);
- (void)chromePlugin_setWindowNumber:(NSInteger)num {
if (!g_waiting_for_window_number || num <= 0) {
[self chromePlugin_setWindowNumber:num];
[self chromePlugin_setWindowNumber:num];
OnPluginWindowShown(WindowInfo(self), NO);
@interface NSApplication (ChromePluginInterposing)
- (NSInteger)chromePlugin_runModalForWindow:(NSWindow*)window;
@implementation NSApplication (ChromePluginInterposing)
- (NSInteger)chromePlugin_runModalForWindow:(NSWindow*)window {
// This is out-of-order relative to the other calls, but runModalForWindow:
// won't return until the window closes, and the order only matters for
// full-screen windows.
OnPluginWindowShown(WindowInfo(window), YES);
return [self chromePlugin_runModalForWindow:window];
@interface NSCursor (ChromePluginInterposing)
- (void)chromePlugin_set;
+ (void)chromePlugin_hide;
+ (void)chromePlugin_unhide;
@implementation NSCursor (ChromePluginInterposing)
- (void)chromePlugin_set {
content::WebPluginDelegateImpl* delegate =
if (delegate) {
[self chromePlugin_set];
+ (void)chromePlugin_hide {
+ (void)chromePlugin_unhide {
#pragma mark -
static void ExchangeMethods(Class target_class,
BOOL class_method,
SEL original,
SEL replacement) {
Method m1;
Method m2;
if (class_method) {
m1 = class_getClassMethod(target_class, original);
m2 = class_getClassMethod(target_class, replacement);
} else {
m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(target_class, original);
m2 = class_getInstanceMethod(target_class, replacement);
if (m1 && m2)
method_exchangeImplementations(m1, m2);
NOTREACHED() << "Cocoa swizzling failed";
namespace mac_plugin_interposing {
void SetUpCocoaInterposing() {
Class nswindow_class = [NSWindow class];
ExchangeMethods(nswindow_class, NO, @selector(orderOut:),
ExchangeMethods(nswindow_class, NO, @selector(orderFront:),
ExchangeMethods(nswindow_class, NO, @selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:),
ExchangeMethods(nswindow_class, NO, @selector(_setWindowNumber:),
ExchangeMethods([NSApplication class], NO, @selector(runModalForWindow:),
Class nscursor_class = [NSCursor class];
ExchangeMethods(nscursor_class, NO, @selector(set),
ExchangeMethods(nscursor_class, YES, @selector(hide),
ExchangeMethods(nscursor_class, YES, @selector(unhide),
} // namespace mac_plugin_interposing