blob: 9089a02ab89c4a7ec8983b2cd35fd22dca5ba034 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class BrowsingInstance;
class RenderProcessHostFactory;
class CONTENT_EXPORT SiteInstanceImpl final : public SiteInstance,
public RenderProcessHostObserver {
class CONTENT_EXPORT Observer {
// Called when this SiteInstance transitions to having no active frames,
// as measured by active_frame_count().
virtual void ActiveFrameCountIsZero(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance) {}
// Called when the renderer process of this SiteInstance has exited.
virtual void RenderProcessGone(SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance) = 0;
static scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> Create(
BrowserContext* browser_context);
static scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> CreateForURL(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// SiteInstance interface overrides.
int32_t GetId() override;
bool HasProcess() const override;
RenderProcessHost* GetProcess() override;
BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const override;
const GURL& GetSiteURL() const override;
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> GetRelatedSiteInstance(const GURL& url) override;
bool IsRelatedSiteInstance(const SiteInstance* instance) override;
size_t GetRelatedActiveContentsCount() override;
bool RequiresDedicatedProcess() override;
// Returns the SiteInstance, related to this one, that should be used
// for subframes when an oopif is required, but a dedicated process is not.
// This SiteInstance will be created if it doesn't already exist. There is
// at most one of these per BrowsingInstance.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> GetDefaultSubframeSiteInstance();
// Set the web site that this SiteInstance is rendering pages for.
// This includes the scheme and registered domain, but not the port. If the
// URL does not have a valid registered domain, then the full hostname is
// stored.
void SetSite(const GURL& url);
bool HasSite() const;
// Returns whether there is currently a related SiteInstance (registered with
// BrowsingInstance) for the site of the given url. If so, we should try to
// avoid dedicating an unused SiteInstance to it (e.g., in a new tab).
bool HasRelatedSiteInstance(const GURL& url);
// Returns whether this SiteInstance has a process that is the wrong type for
// the given URL. If so, the browser should force a process swap when
// navigating to the URL.
bool HasWrongProcessForURL(const GURL& url);
// Increase the number of active frames in this SiteInstance. This is
// increased when a frame is created, or a currently swapped out frame
// is swapped in.
void IncrementActiveFrameCount();
// Decrease the number of active frames in this SiteInstance. This is
// decreased when a frame is destroyed, or a currently active frame is
// swapped out. Decrementing this to zero will notify observers, and may
// trigger deletion of proxies.
void DecrementActiveFrameCount();
// Get the number of active frames which belong to this SiteInstance. If
// there are no active frames left, all frames in this SiteInstance can be
// safely discarded.
size_t active_frame_count() { return active_frame_count_; }
// Increase the number of active WebContentses using this SiteInstance. Note
// that, unlike active_frame_count, this does not count pending RFHs.
void IncrementRelatedActiveContentsCount();
// Decrease the number of active WebContentses using this SiteInstance. Note
// that, unlike active_frame_count, this does not count pending RFHs.
void DecrementRelatedActiveContentsCount();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
bool is_default_subframe_site_instance() {
return is_default_subframe_site_instance_;
// Sets the global factory used to create new RenderProcessHosts. It may be
// NULL, in which case the default RenderProcessHost will be created (this is
// the behavior if you don't call this function). The factory must be set
// back to NULL before it's destroyed; ownership is not transferred.
static void set_render_process_host_factory(
const RenderProcessHostFactory* rph_factory);
// Get the effective URL for the given actual URL. This allows the
// ContentBrowserClient to override the SiteInstance's site for certain URLs.
// For example, Chrome uses this to replace hosted app URLs with extension
// hosts.
// Only public so that we can make a consistent process swap decision in
// RenderFrameHostManager.
static GURL GetEffectiveURL(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// Returns true if pages loaded from |effective_url| ought to be handled only
// by a renderer process isolated from other sites. If --site-per-process is
// on the command line, this is true for all sites. In other site isolation
// modes, only a subset of sites will require dedicated processes.
// |effective_url| must be an effective URL.
static bool DoesSiteRequireDedicatedProcess(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& effective_url);
friend class BrowsingInstance;
friend class SiteInstanceTestBrowserClient;
// Create a new SiteInstance. Only BrowsingInstance should call this
// directly; clients should use Create() or GetRelatedSiteInstance() instead.
explicit SiteInstanceImpl(BrowsingInstance* browsing_instance);
~SiteInstanceImpl() override;
// RenderProcessHostObserver implementation.
void RenderProcessHostDestroyed(RenderProcessHost* host) override;
void RenderProcessWillExit(RenderProcessHost* host) override;
void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
base::TerminationStatus status,
int exit_code) override;
// Used to restrict a process' origin access rights.
void LockToOrigin();
void set_is_default_subframe_site_instance() {
is_default_subframe_site_instance_ = true;
// An object used to construct RenderProcessHosts.
static const RenderProcessHostFactory* g_render_process_host_factory_;
// The next available SiteInstance ID.
static int32_t next_site_instance_id_;
// A unique ID for this SiteInstance.
int32_t id_;
// The number of active frames in this SiteInstance.
size_t active_frame_count_;
// BrowsingInstance to which this SiteInstance belongs.
scoped_refptr<BrowsingInstance> browsing_instance_;
// Current RenderProcessHost that is rendering pages for this SiteInstance.
// This pointer will only change once the RenderProcessHost is destructed. It
// will still remain the same even if the process crashes, since in that
// scenario the RenderProcessHost remains the same.
RenderProcessHost* process_;
// The web site that this SiteInstance is rendering pages for.
GURL site_;
// Whether SetSite has been called.
bool has_site_;
// Whether this SiteInstance is the default subframe SiteInstance for its
// BrowsingInstance. Only one SiteInstance per BrowsingInstance can have this
// be true.
bool is_default_subframe_site_instance_;
base::ObserverList<Observer, true> observers_;
} // namespace content