blob: 125cf4bf84aa87198f8e74fb3131ec16faeb20e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The <code></code> API is provided to allow users to
// get information about and control the audio devices attached to the
// system. This API is currently only implemented for ChromeOS.
namespace audio {
// Type of stream an audio device provides.
enum StreamType {
// Available audio device types.
enum DeviceType {
[nodoc, deprecated = "Used only with the deprecated $(ref:getInfo)."]
dictionary OutputDeviceInfo {
// The unique identifier of the audio output device.
DOMString id;
// The user-friendly name (e.g. "Bose Amplifier").
DOMString name;
// True if this is the current active device.
boolean isActive;
// True if this is muted.
boolean isMuted;
// The output volume ranging from 0.0 to 100.0.
double volume;
[nodoc, deprecated = "Used only with the deprecated $(ref:getInfo)."]
dictionary InputDeviceInfo {
// The unique identifier of the audio input device.
DOMString id;
// The user-friendly name (e.g. "USB Microphone").
DOMString name;
// True if this is the current active device.
boolean isActive;
// True if this is muted.
boolean isMuted;
// The input gain ranging from 0.0 to 100.0.
double gain;
dictionary AudioDeviceInfo {
// The unique identifier of the audio device.
DOMString id;
// Stream type associated with this device.
StreamType streamType;
// Type of the device.
DeviceType deviceType;
// The user-friendly name (e.g. "USB Microphone").
DOMString displayName;
// Device name.
DOMString deviceName;
// True if this is the current active device.
boolean isActive;
// The sound level of the device, volume for output, gain for input.
long level;
// The stable/persisted device id string when available.
DOMString? stableDeviceId;
dictionary DeviceFilter {
// If set, only audio devices whose stream type is included in this list
// will satisfy the filter.
StreamType[]? streamTypes;
// If set, only audio devices whose active state matches this value will
// satisfy the filter.
boolean? isActive;
dictionary DeviceProperties {
// True if this is muted.
[nodoc, deprecated="Use $(ref:setMute) to set mute state."]
boolean? isMuted;
// If this is an output device then this field indicates the output volume.
// If this is an input device then this field is ignored.
[nodoc, deprecated="Use |level| to set output volume."] double? volume;
// If this is an input device then this field indicates the input gain.
// If this is an output device then this field is ignored.
[nodoc, deprecated="Use |level| to set input gain."] double? gain;
// <p>
// The audio device's desired sound level. Defaults to the device's
// current sound level.
// </p>
// <p>If used with audio input device, represents audio device gain.</p>
// <p>If used with audio output device, represents audio device volume.</p>
long? level;
dictionary DeviceIdLists {
// <p>List of input devices specified by their ID.</p>
// <p>To indicate input devices should be unaffected, leave this property
// unset.</p>
DOMString[]? input;
// <p>List of output devices specified by their ID.</p>
// <p>To indicate output devices should be unaffected, leave this property
// unset.</p>
DOMString[]? output;
dictionary MuteChangedEvent {
// The type of the stream for which the mute value changed. The updated mute
// value applies to all devices with this stream type.
StreamType streamType;
// Whether or not the stream is now muted.
boolean isMuted;
dictionary LevelChangedEvent {
// ID of device whose sound level has changed.
DOMString deviceId;
// The device's new sound level.
long level;
callback GetInfoCallback = void(OutputDeviceInfo[] outputInfo,
InputDeviceInfo[] inputInfo);
callback GetDevicesCallback = void(AudioDeviceInfo[] devices);
callback GetMuteCallback = void(boolean value);
callback EmptyCallback = void();
interface Functions {
// Gets a list of audio devices filtered based on |filter|.
// |filter|: Device properties by which to filter the list of returned
// audio devices. If the filter is not set or set to <code>{}</code>,
// returned device list will contain all available audio devices.
// |callback|: Reports the requested list of audio devices.
static void getDevices(optional DeviceFilter filter,
GetDevicesCallback callback);
// Sets lists of active input and/or output devices.
// |ids|: <p>Specifies IDs of devices that should be active. If either the
// input or output list is not set, devices in that category are
// unaffected.
// </p>
// <p>It is an error to pass in a non-existent device ID.</p>
// <p><b>NOTE:</b> While the method signature allows device IDs to be
// passed as a list of strings, this method of setting active devices
// is deprecated and should not be relied upon to work. Please use
// $(ref:DeviceIdLists) instead.
// </p>
static void setActiveDevices((DeviceIdLists or DOMString[]) ids,
EmptyCallback callback);
// Sets the properties for the input or output device.
static void setProperties(DOMString id,
DeviceProperties properties,
EmptyCallback callback);
// Gets the system-wide mute state for the specified stream type.
// |streamType|: Stream type for which mute state should be fetched.
// |callback|: Callback reporting whether mute is set or not for specified
// stream type.
static void getMute(StreamType streamType, GetMuteCallback callback);
// Sets mute state for a stream type. The mute state will apply to all audio
// devices with the specified audio stream type.
// |streamType|: Stream type for which mute state should be set.
// |isMuted|: New mute value.
static void setMute(StreamType streamType,
boolean isMuted,
optional EmptyCallback callback);
// Gets the information of all audio output and input devices.
[nodoc, deprecated="Use $(ref:getDevices) instead."]
static void getInfo(GetInfoCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Fired when sound level changes for an active audio device.
static void onLevelChanged(LevelChangedEvent event);
// Fired when the mute state of the audio input or output changes.
// Note that mute state is system-wide and the new value applies to every
// audio device with specified stream type.
static void onMuteChanged(MuteChangedEvent event);
// Fired when audio devices change, either new devices being added, or
// existing devices being removed.
// |devices|: List of all present audio devices after the change.
static void onDeviceListChanged(AudioDeviceInfo[] devices);
// Fired when anything changes to the audio device configuration.
[nodoc, deprecated="Use more granular $(ref:onLevelChanged),
$(ref:onMuteChanged) and $(ref:onDeviceListChanged) instead."]
static void onDeviceChanged();