blob: d7899dc7389eb8ab6a9aaf50956df7b9ad9cbae4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file. -->
<!-- OOBE-specific screens roughly in order of appearance -->
<!-- Due to implementation details Welcome screen have to be first -->
<oobe-welcome-md id="connect" class="step hidden" hidden>
<hid-detection id="hid-detection" class="step hidden">
<include src="../oobe_screen_enable_debugging.html">
<include src="../oobe_screen_demo_setup.html">
<oobe-network id="network-selection" class="step hidden" hidden>
<oobe-eula-md id="oobe-eula-md" class="step hidden" hidden></oobe-eula-md>
<oobe-update id="oobe-update" class="step hidden" hidden>
<include src="../oobe_screen_auto_enrollment_check.html">
<include src="../oobe_screen_demo_preferences.html">
<enterprise-enrollment id="enterprise-enrollment" class="step hidden" hidden>
<packaged-license-screen id="packaged-license" class="step hidden">