blob: 7b39c521889e6ecd0a6d57a371607840793e0299 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace tests_hook {
// Returns true if contextual search should be disabled to allow other tests
// to run unimpeded.
bool DisableContextualSearch();
// Returns true if the first_run path should be disabled to allow other tests to
// run unimpeded.
bool DisableFirstRun();
// Returns true if the geolocation should be disabled to avoid the user location
// prompt displaying for the omnibox.
bool DisableGeolocation();
// Returns true if the signin recall promo should be disabled to allow other
// tests to run unimpeded.
bool DisableSigninRecallPromo();
// Returns true if the update service should be disabled so that the update
// infobar won't be shown during testing.
bool DisableUpdateService();
// Global integration tests setup. This is not used by EarlGrey-based
// integration tests.
void SetUpTestsIfPresent();
// Runs the integration tests. This is not used by EarlGrey-based integration
// tests.
void RunTestsIfPresent();
} // namespace tests_hook