| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "pdf/out_of_process_instance.h" |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <algorithm> // for min/max() |
| #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // for M_PI |
| #include <math.h> |
| #include <cmath> // for log() and pow() |
| #include <list> |
| |
| #include "base/logging.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_split.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_util.h" |
| #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/values.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/content_restriction.h" |
| #include "net/base/escape.h" |
| #include "pdf/pdf.h" |
| #include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_cursor_control_dev.h" |
| #include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h" |
| #include "ppapi/c/pp_rect.h" |
| #include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_instance_private.h" |
| #include "ppapi/c/private/ppp_pdf.h" |
| #include "ppapi/c/trusted/ppb_url_loader_trusted.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/core.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/memory_dev.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/text_input_dev.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/dev/url_util_dev.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/module.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/point.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/private/pdf.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/private/var_private.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/rect.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/url_request_info.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/var_array.h" |
| #include "ppapi/cpp/var_dictionary.h" |
| #include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" |
| |
| namespace chrome_pdf { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| const char kChromePrint[] = "chrome://print/"; |
| const char kChromeExtension[] = |
| "chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai"; |
| |
| // Constants used in handling postMessage() messages. |
| const char kType[] = "type"; |
| // Viewport message arguments. (Page -> Plugin). |
| const char kJSViewportType[] = "viewport"; |
| const char kJSXOffset[] = "xOffset"; |
| const char kJSYOffset[] = "yOffset"; |
| const char kJSZoom[] = "zoom"; |
| const char kJSPinchPhase[] = "pinchPhase"; |
| // kJSPinchX and kJSPinchY represent the center of the pinch gesture. |
| const char kJSPinchX[] = "pinchX"; |
| const char kJSPinchY[] = "pinchY"; |
| // kJSPinchVector represents the amount of panning caused by the pinch gesture. |
| const char kJSPinchVectorX[] = "pinchVectorX"; |
| const char kJSPinchVectorY[] = "pinchVectorY"; |
| // Stop scrolling message (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSStopScrollingType[] = "stopScrolling"; |
| // Document dimension arguments (Plugin -> Page). |
| const char kJSDocumentDimensionsType[] = "documentDimensions"; |
| const char kJSDocumentWidth[] = "width"; |
| const char kJSDocumentHeight[] = "height"; |
| const char kJSPageDimensions[] = "pageDimensions"; |
| const char kJSPageX[] = "x"; |
| const char kJSPageY[] = "y"; |
| const char kJSPageWidth[] = "width"; |
| const char kJSPageHeight[] = "height"; |
| // Document load progress arguments (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSLoadProgressType[] = "loadProgress"; |
| const char kJSProgressPercentage[] = "progress"; |
| // Metadata |
| const char kJSMetadataType[] = "metadata"; |
| const char kJSBookmarks[] = "bookmarks"; |
| const char kJSTitle[] = "title"; |
| // Get password arguments (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSGetPasswordType[] = "getPassword"; |
| // Get password complete arguments (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSGetPasswordCompleteType[] = "getPasswordComplete"; |
| const char kJSPassword[] = "password"; |
| // Print (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSPrintType[] = "print"; |
| // Save (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSSaveType[] = "save"; |
| // Go to page (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSGoToPageType[] = "goToPage"; |
| const char kJSPageNumber[] = "page"; |
| // Reset print preview mode (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSResetPrintPreviewModeType[] = "resetPrintPreviewMode"; |
| const char kJSPrintPreviewUrl[] = "url"; |
| const char kJSPrintPreviewGrayscale[] = "grayscale"; |
| const char kJSPrintPreviewPageCount[] = "pageCount"; |
| // Load preview page (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSLoadPreviewPageType[] = "loadPreviewPage"; |
| const char kJSPreviewPageUrl[] = "url"; |
| const char kJSPreviewPageIndex[] = "index"; |
| // Set scroll position (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSSetScrollPositionType[] = "setScrollPosition"; |
| const char kJSPositionX[] = "x"; |
| const char kJSPositionY[] = "y"; |
| // Cancel the stream URL request (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSCancelStreamUrlType[] = "cancelStreamUrl"; |
| // Navigate to the given URL (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSNavigateType[] = "navigate"; |
| const char kJSNavigateUrl[] = "url"; |
| const char kJSNavigateWindowOpenDisposition[] = "disposition"; |
| // Open the email editor with the given parameters (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSEmailType[] = "email"; |
| const char kJSEmailTo[] = "to"; |
| const char kJSEmailCc[] = "cc"; |
| const char kJSEmailBcc[] = "bcc"; |
| const char kJSEmailSubject[] = "subject"; |
| const char kJSEmailBody[] = "body"; |
| // Rotation (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSRotateClockwiseType[] = "rotateClockwise"; |
| const char kJSRotateCounterclockwiseType[] = "rotateCounterclockwise"; |
| // Select all text in the document (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSSelectAllType[] = "selectAll"; |
| // Get the selected text in the document (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char kJSGetSelectedTextType[] = "getSelectedText"; |
| // Reply with selected text (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSGetSelectedTextReplyType[] = "getSelectedTextReply"; |
| const char kJSSelectedText[] = "selectedText"; |
| |
| // Get the named destination with the given name (Page -> Plugin) |
| const char KJSGetNamedDestinationType[] = "getNamedDestination"; |
| const char KJSGetNamedDestination[] = "namedDestination"; |
| // Reply with the page number of the named destination (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSGetNamedDestinationReplyType[] = "getNamedDestinationReply"; |
| const char kJSNamedDestinationPageNumber[] = "pageNumber"; |
| |
| // Selecting text in document (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSSetIsSelectingType[] = "setIsSelecting"; |
| const char kJSIsSelecting[] = "isSelecting"; |
| |
| // Notify when a form field is focused (Plugin -> Page) |
| const char kJSFieldFocusType[] = "formFocusChange"; |
| const char kJSFieldFocus[] = "focused"; |
| |
| const int kFindResultCooldownMs = 100; |
| |
| // A delay to wait between each accessibility page to keep the system |
| // responsive. |
| const int kAccessibilityPageDelayMs = 100; |
| |
| const double kMinZoom = 0.01; |
| |
| const char kPPPPdfInterface[] = PPP_PDF_INTERFACE_1; |
| |
| // Used for UMA. Do not delete entries, and keep in sync with histograms.xml. |
| enum PDFFeatures { |
| HAS_TITLE = 1, |
| }; |
| |
| PP_Var GetLinkAtPosition(PP_Instance instance, PP_Point point) { |
| pp::Var var; |
| void* object = pp::Instance::GetPerInstanceObject(instance, kPPPPdfInterface); |
| if (object) { |
| var = static_cast<OutOfProcessInstance*>(object)->GetLinkAtPosition( |
| pp::Point(point)); |
| } |
| return var.Detach(); |
| } |
| |
| void Transform(PP_Instance instance, PP_PrivatePageTransformType type) { |
| void* object = pp::Instance::GetPerInstanceObject(instance, kPPPPdfInterface); |
| if (object) { |
| OutOfProcessInstance* obj_instance = |
| static_cast<OutOfProcessInstance*>(object); |
| switch (type) { |
| obj_instance->RotateClockwise(); |
| break; |
| obj_instance->RotateCounterclockwise(); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| PP_Bool GetPrintPresetOptionsFromDocument( |
| PP_Instance instance, |
| PP_PdfPrintPresetOptions_Dev* options) { |
| void* object = pp::Instance::GetPerInstanceObject(instance, kPPPPdfInterface); |
| if (object) { |
| OutOfProcessInstance* obj_instance = |
| static_cast<OutOfProcessInstance*>(object); |
| obj_instance->GetPrintPresetOptionsFromDocument(options); |
| } |
| return PP_TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| void EnableAccessibility(PP_Instance instance) { |
| void* object = pp::Instance::GetPerInstanceObject(instance, kPPPPdfInterface); |
| if (object) { |
| OutOfProcessInstance* obj_instance = |
| static_cast<OutOfProcessInstance*>(object); |
| return obj_instance->EnableAccessibility(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const PPP_Pdf ppp_private = { |
| &GetLinkAtPosition, &Transform, &GetPrintPresetOptionsFromDocument, |
| &EnableAccessibility, |
| }; |
| |
| int ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(const std::string& src_url) { |
| // Sample |src_url| format: chrome://print/id/page_index/print.pdf |
| std::vector<std::string> url_substr = |
| base::SplitString(src_url.substr(strlen(kChromePrint)), "/", |
| if (url_substr.size() != 3) |
| return -1; |
| |
| if (url_substr[2] != "print.pdf") |
| return -1; |
| |
| int page_index = 0; |
| if (!base::StringToInt(url_substr[1], &page_index)) |
| return -1; |
| return page_index; |
| } |
| |
| bool IsPrintPreviewUrl(const std::string& url) { |
| return url.substr(0, strlen(kChromePrint)) == kChromePrint; |
| } |
| |
| void ScalePoint(float scale, pp::Point* point) { |
| point->set_x(static_cast<int>(point->x() * scale)); |
| point->set_y(static_cast<int>(point->y() * scale)); |
| } |
| |
| void ScaleRect(float scale, pp::Rect* rect) { |
| int left = static_cast<int>(floorf(rect->x() * scale)); |
| int top = static_cast<int>(floorf(rect->y() * scale)); |
| int right = static_cast<int>(ceilf((rect->x() + rect->width()) * scale)); |
| int bottom = static_cast<int>(ceilf((rect->y() + rect->height()) * scale)); |
| rect->SetRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(raymes): Remove this dependency on VarPrivate/InstancePrivate. It's |
| // needed right now to do a synchronous call to JavaScript, but we could easily |
| // replace this with a custom PPB_PDF function. |
| pp::Var ModalDialog(const pp::Instance* instance, |
| const std::string& type, |
| const std::string& message, |
| const std::string& default_answer) { |
| const PPB_Instance_Private* interface = |
| reinterpret_cast<const PPB_Instance_Private*>( |
| pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface( |
| pp::VarPrivate window(pp::PASS_REF, |
| interface->GetWindowObject(instance->pp_instance())); |
| if (default_answer.empty()) |
| return window.Call(type, message); |
| return window.Call(type, message, default_answer); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| OutOfProcessInstance::OutOfProcessInstance(PP_Instance instance) |
| : pp::Instance(instance), |
| pp::Find_Private(this), |
| pp::Printing_Dev(this), |
| zoom_(1.0), |
| needs_reraster_(true), |
| last_bitmap_smaller_(false), |
| device_scale_(1.0), |
| full_(false), |
| paint_manager_(this, this, true), |
| first_paint_(true), |
| document_load_state_(LOAD_STATE_LOADING), |
| preview_document_load_state_(LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE), |
| uma_(this), |
| told_browser_about_unsupported_feature_(false), |
| font_substitution_reported_(false), |
| print_preview_page_count_(0), |
| last_progress_sent_(0), |
| recently_sent_find_update_(false), |
| received_viewport_message_(false), |
| did_call_start_loading_(false), |
| stop_scrolling_(false), |
| background_color_(0), |
| top_toolbar_height_(0), |
| accessibility_state_(ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_OFF), |
| is_print_preview_(false) { |
| loader_factory_.Initialize(this); |
| timer_factory_.Initialize(this); |
| form_factory_.Initialize(this); |
| print_callback_factory_.Initialize(this); |
| engine_.reset(PDFEngine::Create(this)); |
| pp::Module::Get()->AddPluginInterface(kPPPPdfInterface, &ppp_private); |
| AddPerInstanceObject(kPPPPdfInterface, this); |
| |
| RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_MOUSE); |
| RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_KEYBOARD); |
| RequestFilteringInputEvents(PP_INPUTEVENT_CLASS_TOUCH); |
| } |
| |
| OutOfProcessInstance::~OutOfProcessInstance() { |
| RemovePerInstanceObject(kPPPPdfInterface, this); |
| // Explicitly reset the PDFEngine during destruction as it may call back into |
| // this object. |
| engine_.reset(); |
| } |
| |
| bool OutOfProcessInstance::Init(uint32_t argc, |
| const char* argn[], |
| const char* argv[]) { |
| // Check if the PDF is being loaded in the PDF chrome extension. We only allow |
| // the plugin to be loaded in the extension and print preview to avoid |
| // exposing sensitive APIs directly to external websites. |
| pp::Var document_url_var = pp::URLUtil_Dev::Get()->GetDocumentURL(this); |
| if (!document_url_var.is_string()) |
| return false; |
| std::string document_url = document_url_var.AsString(); |
| base::StringPiece document_url_piece(document_url); |
| is_print_preview_ = document_url_piece.starts_with(kChromePrint); |
| if (!document_url_piece.starts_with(kChromeExtension) && !is_print_preview_) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Check if the plugin is full frame. This is passed in from JS. |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { |
| if (strcmp(argn[i], "full-frame") == 0) { |
| full_ = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Allow the plugin to handle find requests. |
| SetPluginToHandleFindRequests(); |
| |
| text_input_ = base::MakeUnique<pp::TextInput_Dev>(this); |
| |
| const char* stream_url = nullptr; |
| const char* original_url = nullptr; |
| const char* top_level_url = nullptr; |
| const char* headers = nullptr; |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { |
| bool success = true; |
| if (strcmp(argn[i], "src") == 0) |
| original_url = argv[i]; |
| else if (strcmp(argn[i], "stream-url") == 0) |
| stream_url = argv[i]; |
| else if (strcmp(argn[i], "top-level-url") == 0) |
| top_level_url = argv[i]; |
| else if (strcmp(argn[i], "headers") == 0) |
| headers = argv[i]; |
| else if (strcmp(argn[i], "background-color") == 0) |
| success = base::HexStringToUInt(argv[i], &background_color_); |
| else if (strcmp(argn[i], "top-toolbar-height") == 0) |
| success = base::StringToInt(argv[i], &top_toolbar_height_); |
| |
| if (!success) |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| if (!original_url) |
| return false; |
| |
| if (!stream_url) |
| stream_url = original_url; |
| |
| // If we're in print preview mode we don't need to load the document yet. |
| // A |kJSResetPrintPreviewModeType| message will be sent to the plugin letting |
| // it know the url to load. By not loading here we avoid loading the same |
| // document twice. |
| if (IsPrintPreview()) |
| return true; |
| |
| LoadUrl(stream_url); |
| url_ = original_url; |
| pp::PDF::SetCrashData(GetPluginInstance(), original_url, top_level_url); |
| return engine_->New(original_url, headers); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::HandleMessage(const pp::Var& message) { |
| pp::VarDictionary dict(message); |
| if (!dict.Get(kType).is_string()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::string type = dict.Get(kType).AsString(); |
| |
| if (type == kJSViewportType && dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSXOffset)).is_number() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSYOffset)).is_number() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSZoom)).is_number() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchPhase)).is_number()) { |
| received_viewport_message_ = true; |
| stop_scrolling_ = false; |
| PinchPhase pinch_phase = |
| static_cast<PinchPhase>(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchPhase)).AsInt()); |
| double zoom = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSZoom)).AsDouble(); |
| double zoom_ratio = zoom / zoom_; |
| |
| pp::FloatPoint scroll_offset(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSXOffset)).AsDouble(), |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSYOffset)).AsDouble()); |
| |
| if (pinch_phase == PINCH_START) { |
| scroll_offset_at_last_raster_ = scroll_offset; |
| last_bitmap_smaller_ = false; |
| needs_reraster_ = false; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // When zooming in, we set a layer transform to avoid unneeded rerasters. |
| // Also, if we're zooming out and the last time we rerastered was when |
| // we were even further zoomed out (i.e. we pinch zoomed in and are now |
| // pinch zooming back out in the same gesture), we update the layer |
| // transform instead of rerastering. |
| if (pinch_phase == PINCH_UPDATE_ZOOM_IN || |
| (pinch_phase == PINCH_UPDATE_ZOOM_OUT && zoom_ratio > 1.0)) { |
| if (!(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchX)).is_number() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchY)).is_number() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchVectorX)).is_number() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchVectorY)).is_number())) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| pp::Point pinch_center(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchX)).AsDouble(), |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPinchY)).AsDouble()); |
| // Pinch vector is the panning caused due to change in pinch |
| // center between start and end of the gesture. |
| pp::Point pinch_vector = |
| pp::Point(dict.Get(kJSPinchVectorX).AsDouble() * zoom_ratio, |
| dict.Get(kJSPinchVectorY).AsDouble() * zoom_ratio); |
| pp::Point scroll_delta; |
| // If the rendered document doesn't fill the display area we will |
| // use |paint_offset| to anchor the paint vertically into the same place. |
| // We use the scroll bars instead of the pinch vector to get the actual |
| // position on screen of the paint. |
| pp::Point paint_offset; |
| |
| if (plugin_size_.width() > GetDocumentPixelWidth() * zoom_ratio) { |
| // We want to keep the paint in the middle but it must stay in the same |
| // position relative to the scroll bars. |
| paint_offset = pp::Point(0, (1 - zoom_ratio) * pinch_center.y()); |
| scroll_delta = |
| pp::Point(0, (scroll_offset.y() - |
| scroll_offset_at_last_raster_.y() * zoom_ratio)); |
| |
| pinch_vector = pp::Point(); |
| last_bitmap_smaller_ = true; |
| } else if (last_bitmap_smaller_) { |
| pinch_center = pp::Point((plugin_size_.width() / device_scale_) / 2, |
| (plugin_size_.height() / device_scale_) / 2); |
| const double zoom_when_doc_covers_plugin_width = |
| zoom_ * plugin_size_.width() / GetDocumentPixelWidth(); |
| paint_offset = pp::Point( |
| (1 - zoom / zoom_when_doc_covers_plugin_width) * pinch_center.x(), |
| (1 - zoom_ratio) * pinch_center.y()); |
| pinch_vector = pp::Point(); |
| scroll_delta = |
| pp::Point((scroll_offset.x() - |
| scroll_offset_at_last_raster_.x() * zoom_ratio), |
| (scroll_offset.y() - |
| scroll_offset_at_last_raster_.y() * zoom_ratio)); |
| } |
| |
| paint_manager_.SetTransform(zoom_ratio, pinch_center, |
| pinch_vector + paint_offset + scroll_delta, |
| true); |
| needs_reraster_ = false; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (pinch_phase == PINCH_UPDATE_ZOOM_OUT || pinch_phase == PINCH_END) { |
| // We reraster on pinch zoom out in order to solve the invalid regions |
| // that appear after zooming out. |
| // On pinch end the scale is again 1.f and we request a reraster |
| // in the new position. |
| paint_manager_.ClearTransform(); |
| last_bitmap_smaller_ = false; |
| needs_reraster_ = true; |
| |
| // If we're rerastering due to zooming out, we need to update |
| // |scroll_offset_at_last_raster_|, in case the user continues the |
| // gesture by zooming in. |
| scroll_offset_at_last_raster_ = scroll_offset; |
| } |
| |
| // Bound the input parameters. |
| zoom = std::max(kMinZoom, zoom); |
| SetZoom(zoom); |
| scroll_offset = BoundScrollOffsetToDocument(scroll_offset); |
| engine_->ScrolledToXPosition(scroll_offset.x() * device_scale_); |
| engine_->ScrolledToYPosition(scroll_offset.y() * device_scale_); |
| } else if (type == kJSGetPasswordCompleteType && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPassword)).is_string()) { |
| if (password_callback_) { |
| pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var> callback = *password_callback_; |
| password_callback_.reset(); |
| *callback.output() = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPassword)).pp_var(); |
| callback.Run(PP_OK); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } else if (type == kJSPrintType) { |
| Print(); |
| } else if (type == kJSSaveType) { |
| pp::PDF::SaveAs(this); |
| } else if (type == kJSRotateClockwiseType) { |
| RotateClockwise(); |
| } else if (type == kJSRotateCounterclockwiseType) { |
| RotateCounterclockwise(); |
| } else if (type == kJSSelectAllType) { |
| engine_->SelectAll(); |
| } else if (type == kJSResetPrintPreviewModeType && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewUrl)).is_string() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewGrayscale)).is_bool() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewPageCount)).is_int()) { |
| url_ = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewUrl)).AsString(); |
| // For security reasons we crash if the URL that is trying to be loaded here |
| // isn't a print preview one. |
| CHECK(IsPrintPreview()); |
| CHECK(IsPrintPreviewUrl(url_)); |
| preview_pages_info_ = std::queue<PreviewPageInfo>(); |
| preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE; |
| document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_LOADING; |
| LoadUrl(url_); |
| preview_engine_.reset(); |
| engine_.reset(PDFEngine::Create(this)); |
| engine_->SetGrayscale(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewGrayscale)).AsBool()); |
| engine_->New(url_.c_str(), nullptr /* empty header */); |
| |
| print_preview_page_count_ = |
| std::max(dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPrintPreviewPageCount)).AsInt(), 0); |
| |
| paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_)); |
| } else if (type == kJSLoadPreviewPageType && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageUrl)).is_string() && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageIndex)).is_int()) { |
| std::string url = dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageUrl)).AsString(); |
| // For security reasons we crash if the URL that is trying to be loaded here |
| // isn't a print preview one. |
| CHECK(IsPrintPreview()); |
| CHECK(IsPrintPreviewUrl(url)); |
| ProcessPreviewPageInfo(url, dict.Get(pp::Var(kJSPreviewPageIndex)).AsInt()); |
| } else if (type == kJSStopScrollingType) { |
| stop_scrolling_ = true; |
| } else if (type == kJSGetSelectedTextType) { |
| std::string selected_text = engine_->GetSelectedText(); |
| // Always return unix newlines to JS. |
| base::ReplaceChars(selected_text, "\r", std::string(), &selected_text); |
| pp::VarDictionary reply; |
| reply.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSGetSelectedTextReplyType)); |
| reply.Set(pp::Var(kJSSelectedText), selected_text); |
| PostMessage(reply); |
| } else if (type == KJSGetNamedDestinationType && |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(KJSGetNamedDestination)).is_string()) { |
| int page_number = engine_->GetNamedDestinationPage( |
| dict.Get(pp::Var(KJSGetNamedDestination)).AsString()); |
| pp::VarDictionary reply; |
| reply.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSGetNamedDestinationReplyType)); |
| if (page_number >= 0) |
| reply.Set(pp::Var(kJSNamedDestinationPageNumber), page_number); |
| PostMessage(reply); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool OutOfProcessInstance::HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent& event) { |
| // To simplify things, convert the event into device coordinates if it is |
| // a mouse event. |
| pp::InputEvent event_device_res(event); |
| { |
| pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event); |
| if (!mouse_event.is_null()) { |
| pp::Point point = mouse_event.GetPosition(); |
| pp::Point movement = mouse_event.GetMovement(); |
| ScalePoint(device_scale_, &point); |
| ScalePoint(device_scale_, &movement); |
| mouse_event = |
| pp::MouseInputEvent(this, event.GetType(), event.GetTimeStamp(), |
| event.GetModifiers(), mouse_event.GetButton(), |
| point, mouse_event.GetClickCount(), movement); |
| event_device_res = mouse_event; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pp::InputEvent offset_event(event_device_res); |
| switch (offset_event.GetType()) { |
| pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event_device_res); |
| pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event_dip(event); |
| pp::Point point = mouse_event.GetPosition(); |
| point.set_x(point.x() - available_area_.x()); |
| offset_event = pp::MouseInputEvent( |
| this, event.GetType(), event.GetTimeStamp(), event.GetModifiers(), |
| mouse_event.GetButton(), point, mouse_event.GetClickCount(), |
| mouse_event.GetMovement()); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| if (engine_->HandleEvent(offset_event)) |
| return true; |
| |
| // Middle click is used for scrolling and is handled by the container page. |
| pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event_device_res); |
| if (!mouse_event.is_null() && |
| mouse_event.GetButton() == PP_INPUTEVENT_MOUSEBUTTON_MIDDLE) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Return true for unhandled clicks so the plugin takes focus. |
| return (event.GetType() == PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_MOUSEDOWN); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DidChangeView(const pp::View& view) { |
| pp::Rect view_rect(view.GetRect()); |
| float old_device_scale = device_scale_; |
| float device_scale = view.GetDeviceScale(); |
| pp::Size view_device_size(view_rect.width() * device_scale, |
| view_rect.height() * device_scale); |
| |
| if (view_device_size != plugin_size_ || device_scale != device_scale_) { |
| device_scale_ = device_scale; |
| plugin_dip_size_ = view_rect.size(); |
| plugin_size_ = view_device_size; |
| |
| paint_manager_.SetSize(view_device_size, device_scale_); |
| |
| pp::Size new_image_data_size = |
| PaintManager::GetNewContextSize(image_data_.size(), plugin_size_); |
| if (new_image_data_size != image_data_.size()) { |
| image_data_ = pp::ImageData(this, PP_IMAGEDATAFORMAT_BGRA_PREMUL, |
| new_image_data_size, false); |
| first_paint_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| if (image_data_.is_null()) { |
| DCHECK(plugin_size_.IsEmpty()); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| OnGeometryChanged(zoom_, old_device_scale); |
| } |
| |
| if (!stop_scrolling_) { |
| pp::Point scroll_offset(view.GetScrollOffset()); |
| // Because view messages come from the DOM, the coordinates of the viewport |
| // are 0-based (i.e. they do not correspond to the viewport's coordinates in |
| // JS), so we need to subtract the toolbar height to convert them into |
| // viewport coordinates. |
| pp::FloatPoint scroll_offset_float(scroll_offset.x(), |
| scroll_offset.y() - top_toolbar_height_); |
| scroll_offset_float = BoundScrollOffsetToDocument(scroll_offset_float); |
| engine_->ScrolledToXPosition(scroll_offset_float.x() * device_scale_); |
| engine_->ScrolledToYPosition(scroll_offset_float.y() * device_scale_); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::GetPrintPresetOptionsFromDocument( |
| PP_PdfPrintPresetOptions_Dev* options) { |
| options->is_scaling_disabled = PP_FromBool(IsPrintScalingDisabled()); |
| options->duplex = |
| static_cast<PP_PrivateDuplexMode_Dev>(engine_->GetDuplexType()); |
| options->copies = engine_->GetCopiesToPrint(); |
| pp::Size uniform_page_size; |
| options->is_page_size_uniform = |
| PP_FromBool(engine_->GetPageSizeAndUniformity(&uniform_page_size)); |
| options->uniform_page_size = uniform_page_size; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::EnableAccessibility() { |
| if (accessibility_state_ == ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_LOADED) |
| return; |
| |
| if (accessibility_state_ == ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_OFF) |
| accessibility_state_ = ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_PENDING; |
| |
| if (document_load_state_ == LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE) |
| LoadAccessibility(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadAccessibility() { |
| accessibility_state_ = ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_LOADED; |
| PP_PrivateAccessibilityDocInfo doc_info; |
| doc_info.page_count = engine_->GetNumberOfPages(); |
| doc_info.text_accessible = PP_FromBool( |
| engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY_ACCESSIBLE)); |
| doc_info.text_copyable = |
| PP_FromBool(engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY)); |
| |
| pp::PDF::SetAccessibilityDocInfo(GetPluginInstance(), &doc_info); |
| |
| // If the document contents isn't accessible, don't send anything more. |
| if (!(engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY) || |
| engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY_ACCESSIBLE))) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| SendAccessibilityViewportInfo(); |
| |
| // Schedule loading the first page. |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = timer_factory_.NewCallback( |
| &OutOfProcessInstance::SendNextAccessibilityPage); |
| pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(kAccessibilityPageDelayMs, |
| callback, 0); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::SendNextAccessibilityPage(int32_t page_index) { |
| int page_count = engine_->GetNumberOfPages(); |
| if (page_index < 0 || page_index >= page_count) |
| return; |
| |
| int char_count = engine_->GetCharCount(page_index); |
| |
| // Treat a char count of -1 (error) as 0 (an empty page), since |
| // other pages might have valid content. |
| if (char_count < 0) |
| char_count = 0; |
| |
| PP_PrivateAccessibilityPageInfo page_info; |
| page_info.page_index = page_index; |
| page_info.bounds = engine_->GetPageBoundsRect(page_index); |
| page_info.char_count = char_count; |
| |
| std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo> chars(page_info.char_count); |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < page_info.char_count; ++i) { |
| chars[i].unicode_character = engine_->GetCharUnicode(page_index, i); |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo> text_runs; |
| int char_index = 0; |
| while (char_index < char_count) { |
| PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo text_run_info; |
| pp::FloatRect bounds; |
| engine_->GetTextRunInfo(page_index, char_index, &text_run_info.len, |
| &text_run_info.font_size, &bounds); |
| DCHECK_LE(char_index + text_run_info.len, |
| static_cast<uint32_t>(char_count)); |
| text_run_info.direction = PP_PRIVATEDIRECTION_LTR; |
| text_run_info.bounds = bounds; |
| text_runs.push_back(text_run_info); |
| |
| // We need to provide enough information to draw a bounding box |
| // around any arbitrary text range, but the bounding boxes of characters |
| // we get from PDFium don't necessarily "line up". Walk through the |
| // characters in each text run and let the width of each character be |
| // the difference between the x coordinate of one character and the |
| // x coordinate of the next. The rest of the bounds of each character |
| // can be computed from the bounds of the text run. |
| pp::FloatRect char_bounds = engine_->GetCharBounds(page_index, char_index); |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < text_run_info.len - 1; i++) { |
| DCHECK_LT(char_index + i + 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(char_count)); |
| pp::FloatRect next_char_bounds = |
| engine_->GetCharBounds(page_index, char_index + i + 1); |
| chars[char_index + i].char_width = next_char_bounds.x() - char_bounds.x(); |
| char_bounds = next_char_bounds; |
| } |
| chars[char_index + text_run_info.len - 1].char_width = char_bounds.width(); |
| |
| char_index += text_run_info.len; |
| } |
| |
| page_info.text_run_count = text_runs.size(); |
| pp::PDF::SetAccessibilityPageInfo(GetPluginInstance(), &page_info, |
| text_runs.data(), chars.data()); |
| |
| // Schedule loading the next page. |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = timer_factory_.NewCallback( |
| &OutOfProcessInstance::SendNextAccessibilityPage); |
| pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(kAccessibilityPageDelayMs, |
| callback, page_index + 1); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::SendAccessibilityViewportInfo() { |
| PP_PrivateAccessibilityViewportInfo viewport_info; |
| viewport_info.scroll.x = 0; |
| viewport_info.scroll.y = -top_toolbar_height_ * device_scale_; |
| viewport_info.offset = available_area_.point(); |
| viewport_info.zoom = zoom_ * device_scale_; |
| pp::PDF::SetAccessibilityViewportInfo(GetPluginInstance(), &viewport_info); |
| } |
| |
| pp::Var OutOfProcessInstance::GetLinkAtPosition(const pp::Point& point) { |
| pp::Point offset_point(point); |
| ScalePoint(device_scale_, &offset_point); |
| offset_point.set_x(offset_point.x() - available_area_.x()); |
| return engine_->GetLinkAtPosition(offset_point); |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t OutOfProcessInstance::QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats() { |
| return engine_->QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats(); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t OutOfProcessInstance::PrintBegin( |
| const PP_PrintSettings_Dev& print_settings) { |
| // For us num_pages is always equal to the number of pages in the PDF |
| // document irrespective of the printable area. |
| int32_t ret = engine_->GetNumberOfPages(); |
| if (!ret) |
| return 0; |
| |
| uint32_t supported_formats = engine_->QuerySupportedPrintOutputFormats(); |
| if ((print_settings.format & supported_formats) == 0) |
| return 0; |
| |
| print_settings_.is_printing = true; |
| print_settings_.pepper_print_settings = print_settings; |
| engine_->PrintBegin(); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| pp::Resource OutOfProcessInstance::PrintPages( |
| const PP_PrintPageNumberRange_Dev* page_ranges, |
| uint32_t page_range_count) { |
| if (!print_settings_.is_printing) |
| return pp::Resource(); |
| |
| print_settings_.print_pages_called_ = true; |
| return engine_->PrintPages(page_ranges, page_range_count, |
| print_settings_.pepper_print_settings); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::PrintEnd() { |
| if (print_settings_.print_pages_called_) |
| UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.PrintPage"); |
| print_settings_.Clear(); |
| engine_->PrintEnd(); |
| } |
| |
| bool OutOfProcessInstance::IsPrintScalingDisabled() { |
| return !engine_->GetPrintScaling(); |
| } |
| |
| bool OutOfProcessInstance::StartFind(const std::string& text, |
| bool case_sensitive) { |
| engine_->StartFind(text, case_sensitive); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::SelectFindResult(bool forward) { |
| engine_->SelectFindResult(forward); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::StopFind() { |
| engine_->StopFind(); |
| tickmarks_.clear(); |
| SetTickmarks(tickmarks_); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::OnPaint(const std::vector<pp::Rect>& paint_rects, |
| std::vector<PaintManager::ReadyRect>* ready, |
| std::vector<pp::Rect>* pending) { |
| if (image_data_.is_null()) { |
| DCHECK(plugin_size_.IsEmpty()); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (first_paint_) { |
| first_paint_ = false; |
| pp::Rect rect = pp::Rect(pp::Point(), image_data_.size()); |
| FillRect(rect, background_color_); |
| ready->push_back(PaintManager::ReadyRect(rect, image_data_, true)); |
| } |
| |
| if (!received_viewport_message_ || !needs_reraster_) |
| return; |
| |
| engine_->PrePaint(); |
| |
| for (const auto& paint_rect : paint_rects) { |
| // Intersect with plugin area since there could be pending invalidates from |
| // when the plugin area was larger. |
| pp::Rect rect = paint_rect.Intersect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_)); |
| if (rect.IsEmpty()) |
| continue; |
| |
| pp::Rect pdf_rect = available_area_.Intersect(rect); |
| if (!pdf_rect.IsEmpty()) { |
| pdf_rect.Offset(available_area_.x() * -1, 0); |
| |
| std::vector<pp::Rect> pdf_ready; |
| std::vector<pp::Rect> pdf_pending; |
| engine_->Paint(pdf_rect, &image_data_, &pdf_ready, &pdf_pending); |
| for (auto& ready_rect : pdf_ready) { |
| ready_rect.Offset(available_area_.point()); |
| ready->push_back( |
| PaintManager::ReadyRect(ready_rect, image_data_, false)); |
| } |
| for (auto& pending_rect : pdf_pending) { |
| pending_rect.Offset(available_area_.point()); |
| pending->push_back(pending_rect); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure the region above the first page (if any) is filled; |
| int32_t first_page_ypos = engine_->GetNumberOfPages() == 0 |
| ? 0 |
| : engine_->GetPageScreenRect(0).y(); |
| if (rect.y() < first_page_ypos) { |
| pp::Rect region = rect.Intersect(pp::Rect( |
| pp::Point(), pp::Size(plugin_size_.width(), first_page_ypos))); |
| ready->push_back(PaintManager::ReadyRect(region, image_data_, false)); |
| FillRect(region, background_color_); |
| } |
| |
| for (const auto& background_part : background_parts_) { |
| pp::Rect intersection = background_part.location.Intersect(rect); |
| if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) { |
| FillRect(intersection, background_part.color); |
| ready->push_back( |
| PaintManager::ReadyRect(intersection, image_data_, false)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| engine_->PostPaint(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpen(int32_t result) { |
| if (result == PP_OK) { |
| if (!engine_->HandleDocumentLoad(embed_loader_)) { |
| document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_LOADING; |
| DocumentLoadFailed(); |
| } |
| } else if (result != PP_ERROR_ABORTED) { // Can happen in tests. |
| DocumentLoadFailed(); |
| } |
| |
| // If it's a progressive load, cancel the stream URL request so that requests |
| // can be made on the original URL. |
| // TODO(raymes): Make this clearer once the in-process plugin is deleted. |
| if (engine_->IsProgressiveLoad()) { |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(kType, kJSCancelStreamUrlType); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpenPreview(int32_t result) { |
| if (result == PP_OK) { |
| preview_client_ = base::MakeUnique<PreviewModeClient>(this); |
| preview_engine_.reset(PDFEngine::Create(preview_client_.get())); |
| preview_engine_->HandleDocumentLoad(embed_preview_loader_); |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::OnClientTimerFired(int32_t id) { |
| engine_->OnCallback(id); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::CalculateBackgroundParts() { |
| background_parts_.clear(); |
| int left_width = available_area_.x(); |
| int right_start = available_area_.right(); |
| int right_width = abs(plugin_size_.width() - available_area_.right()); |
| int bottom = std::min(available_area_.bottom(), plugin_size_.height()); |
| |
| // Add the left, right, and bottom rectangles. Note: we assume only |
| // horizontal centering. |
| BackgroundPart part = {pp::Rect(0, 0, left_width, bottom), background_color_}; |
| if (!part.location.IsEmpty()) |
| background_parts_.push_back(part); |
| part.location = pp::Rect(right_start, 0, right_width, bottom); |
| if (!part.location.IsEmpty()) |
| background_parts_.push_back(part); |
| part.location = |
| pp::Rect(0, bottom, plugin_size_.width(), plugin_size_.height() - bottom); |
| if (!part.location.IsEmpty()) |
| background_parts_.push_back(part); |
| } |
| |
| int OutOfProcessInstance::GetDocumentPixelWidth() const { |
| return static_cast<int>(ceil(document_size_.width() * zoom_ * device_scale_)); |
| } |
| |
| int OutOfProcessInstance::GetDocumentPixelHeight() const { |
| return static_cast<int>( |
| ceil(document_size_.height() * zoom_ * device_scale_)); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::FillRect(const pp::Rect& rect, uint32_t color) { |
| DCHECK(!image_data_.is_null() || rect.IsEmpty()); |
| uint32_t* buffer_start = static_cast<uint32_t*>(image_data_.data()); |
| int stride = image_data_.stride(); |
| uint32_t* ptr = buffer_start + rect.y() * stride / 4 + rect.x(); |
| int height = rect.height(); |
| int width = rect.width(); |
| for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { |
| for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) |
| *(ptr + x) = color; |
| ptr += stride / 4; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentSizeUpdated(const pp::Size& size) { |
| document_size_ = size; |
| |
| pp::VarDictionary dimensions; |
| dimensions.Set(kType, kJSDocumentDimensionsType); |
| dimensions.Set(kJSDocumentWidth, pp::Var(document_size_.width())); |
| dimensions.Set(kJSDocumentHeight, pp::Var(document_size_.height())); |
| pp::VarArray page_dimensions_array; |
| int num_pages = engine_->GetNumberOfPages(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_pages; ++i) { |
| pp::Rect page_rect = engine_->GetPageRect(i); |
| pp::VarDictionary page_dimensions; |
| page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageX, pp::Var(page_rect.x())); |
| page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageY, pp::Var(page_rect.y())); |
| page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageWidth, pp::Var(page_rect.width())); |
| page_dimensions.Set(kJSPageHeight, pp::Var(page_rect.height())); |
| page_dimensions_array.Set(i, page_dimensions); |
| } |
| dimensions.Set(kJSPageDimensions, page_dimensions_array); |
| PostMessage(dimensions); |
| |
| OnGeometryChanged(zoom_, device_scale_); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::Invalidate(const pp::Rect& rect) { |
| pp::Rect offset_rect(rect); |
| offset_rect.Offset(available_area_.point()); |
| paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(offset_rect); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::Scroll(const pp::Point& point) { |
| if (!image_data_.is_null()) |
| paint_manager_.ScrollRect(available_area_, point); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::ScrollToX(int x) { |
| pp::VarDictionary position; |
| position.Set(kType, kJSSetScrollPositionType); |
| position.Set(kJSPositionX, pp::Var(x / device_scale_)); |
| PostMessage(position); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::ScrollToY(int y) { |
| pp::VarDictionary position; |
| position.Set(kType, kJSSetScrollPositionType); |
| position.Set(kJSPositionY, pp::Var(y / device_scale_)); |
| PostMessage(position); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::ScrollToPage(int page) { |
| if (engine_->GetNumberOfPages() == 0) |
| return; |
| |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(kType, kJSGoToPageType); |
| message.Set(kJSPageNumber, pp::Var(page)); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::NavigateTo(const std::string& url, |
| WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(kType, kJSNavigateType); |
| message.Set(kJSNavigateUrl, url); |
| message.Set(kJSNavigateWindowOpenDisposition, |
| pp::Var(static_cast<int32_t>(disposition))); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::UpdateCursor(PP_CursorType_Dev cursor) { |
| if (cursor == cursor_) |
| return; |
| cursor_ = cursor; |
| |
| const PPB_CursorControl_Dev* cursor_interface = |
| reinterpret_cast<const PPB_CursorControl_Dev*>( |
| pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface( |
| if (!cursor_interface) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| cursor_interface->SetCursor(pp_instance(), cursor_, |
| pp::ImageData().pp_resource(), nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::UpdateTickMarks( |
| const std::vector<pp::Rect>& tickmarks) { |
| float inverse_scale = 1.0f / device_scale_; |
| std::vector<pp::Rect> scaled_tickmarks = tickmarks; |
| for (auto& tickmark : scaled_tickmarks) |
| ScaleRect(inverse_scale, &tickmark); |
| tickmarks_ = scaled_tickmarks; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::NotifyNumberOfFindResultsChanged(int total, |
| bool final_result) { |
| // We don't want to spam the renderer with too many updates to the number of |
| // find results. Don't send an update if we sent one too recently. If it's the |
| // final update, we always send it though. |
| if (final_result) { |
| NumberOfFindResultsChanged(total, final_result); |
| SetTickmarks(tickmarks_); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (recently_sent_find_update_) |
| return; |
| |
| NumberOfFindResultsChanged(total, final_result); |
| SetTickmarks(tickmarks_); |
| recently_sent_find_update_ = true; |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = timer_factory_.NewCallback( |
| &OutOfProcessInstance::ResetRecentlySentFindUpdate); |
| pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(kFindResultCooldownMs, callback, |
| 0); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::NotifySelectedFindResultChanged( |
| int current_find_index) { |
| DCHECK_GE(current_find_index, 0); |
| SelectedFindResultChanged(current_find_index); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::GetDocumentPassword( |
| pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var> callback) { |
| if (password_callback_) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| password_callback_ = |
| base::MakeUnique<pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var>>(callback); |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSGetPasswordType)); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::Alert(const std::string& message) { |
| ModalDialog(this, "alert", message, std::string()); |
| } |
| |
| bool OutOfProcessInstance::Confirm(const std::string& message) { |
| pp::Var result = ModalDialog(this, "confirm", message, std::string()); |
| return result.is_bool() ? result.AsBool() : false; |
| } |
| |
| std::string OutOfProcessInstance::Prompt(const std::string& question, |
| const std::string& default_answer) { |
| pp::Var result = ModalDialog(this, "prompt", question, default_answer); |
| return result.is_string() ? result.AsString() : std::string(); |
| } |
| |
| std::string OutOfProcessInstance::GetURL() { |
| return url_; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::Email(const std::string& to, |
| const std::string& cc, |
| const std::string& bcc, |
| const std::string& subject, |
| const std::string& body) { |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSEmailType)); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailTo), |
| pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(to, false))); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailCc), |
| pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(cc, false))); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailBcc), |
| pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(bcc, false))); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailSubject), |
| pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(subject, false))); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSEmailBody), |
| pp::Var(net::EscapeUrlEncodedData(body, false))); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::Print() { |
| if (!engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_LOW_QUALITY) && |
| !engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = |
| print_callback_factory_.NewCallback(&OutOfProcessInstance::OnPrint); |
| pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(0, callback); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::OnPrint(int32_t) { |
| pp::PDF::Print(this); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::SubmitForm(const std::string& url, |
| const void* data, |
| int length) { |
| pp::URLRequestInfo request(this); |
| request.SetURL(url); |
| request.SetMethod("POST"); |
| request.AppendDataToBody(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), length); |
| |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = |
| form_factory_.NewCallback(&OutOfProcessInstance::FormDidOpen); |
| form_loader_ = CreateURLLoaderInternal(); |
| int rv = form_loader_.Open(request, callback); |
| callback.Run(rv); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::FormDidOpen(int32_t result) { |
| // TODO: inform the user of success/failure. |
| if (result != PP_OK) { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| std::string OutOfProcessInstance::ShowFileSelectionDialog() { |
| // Seems like very low priority to implement, since the pdf has no way to get |
| // the file data anyways. Javascript doesn't let you do this synchronously. |
| return std::string(); |
| } |
| |
| pp::URLLoader OutOfProcessInstance::CreateURLLoader() { |
| if (full_) { |
| if (!did_call_start_loading_) { |
| did_call_start_loading_ = true; |
| pp::PDF::DidStartLoading(this); |
| } |
| |
| // Disable save and print until the document is fully loaded, since they |
| // would generate an incomplete document. Need to do this each time we |
| // call DidStartLoading since that resets the content restrictions. |
| pp::PDF::SetContentRestriction( |
| } |
| |
| return CreateURLLoaderInternal(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::ScheduleCallback(int id, int delay_in_ms) { |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = |
| timer_factory_.NewCallback(&OutOfProcessInstance::OnClientTimerFired); |
| pp::Module::Get()->core()->CallOnMainThread(delay_in_ms, callback, id); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::SearchString( |
| const base::char16* string, |
| const base::char16* term, |
| bool case_sensitive, |
| std::vector<SearchStringResult>* results) { |
| PP_PrivateFindResult* pp_results; |
| int count = 0; |
| pp::PDF::SearchString(this, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(string), |
| reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(term), |
| case_sensitive, &pp_results, &count); |
| |
| results->resize(count); |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
| (*results)[i].start_index = pp_results[i].start_index; |
| (*results)[i].length = pp_results[i].length; |
| } |
| |
| pp::Memory_Dev memory; |
| memory.MemFree(pp_results); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentPaintOccurred() {} |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentLoadComplete(int page_count) { |
| // Clear focus state for OSK. |
| FormTextFieldFocusChange(false); |
| |
| DCHECK_EQ(LOAD_STATE_LOADING, document_load_state_); |
| document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE; |
| UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.LoadSuccess"); |
| uma_.HistogramEnumeration("PDF.DocumentFeature", LOADED_DOCUMENT, |
| if (!font_substitution_reported_) |
| uma_.HistogramEnumeration("PDF.IsFontSubstituted", 0, 2); |
| |
| // Note: If we are in print preview mode the scroll location is retained |
| // across document loads so we don't want to scroll again and override it. |
| if (IsPrintPreview()) { |
| AppendBlankPrintPreviewPages(); |
| OnGeometryChanged(0, 0); |
| } |
| |
| pp::VarDictionary metadata_message; |
| metadata_message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSMetadataType)); |
| std::string title = engine_->GetMetadata("Title"); |
| if (!base::TrimWhitespace(base::UTF8ToUTF16(title), base::TRIM_ALL).empty()) { |
| metadata_message.Set(pp::Var(kJSTitle), pp::Var(title)); |
| uma_.HistogramEnumeration("PDF.DocumentFeature", HAS_TITLE, FEATURES_COUNT); |
| } |
| |
| pp::VarArray bookmarks = engine_->GetBookmarks(); |
| metadata_message.Set(pp::Var(kJSBookmarks), bookmarks); |
| if (bookmarks.GetLength() > 0) { |
| uma_.HistogramEnumeration("PDF.DocumentFeature", HAS_BOOKMARKS, |
| } |
| PostMessage(metadata_message); |
| |
| pp::VarDictionary progress_message; |
| progress_message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSLoadProgressType)); |
| progress_message.Set(pp::Var(kJSProgressPercentage), pp::Var(100)); |
| PostMessage(progress_message); |
| |
| if (accessibility_state_ == ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_PENDING) |
| LoadAccessibility(); |
| |
| if (!full_) |
| return; |
| |
| if (did_call_start_loading_) { |
| pp::PDF::DidStopLoading(this); |
| did_call_start_loading_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| int content_restrictions = |
| if (!engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_COPY)) |
| content_restrictions |= CONTENT_RESTRICTION_COPY; |
| |
| if (!engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_LOW_QUALITY) && |
| !engine_->HasPermission(PDFEngine::PERMISSION_PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY)) { |
| content_restrictions |= CONTENT_RESTRICTION_PRINT; |
| } |
| |
| pp::PDF::SetContentRestriction(this, content_restrictions); |
| |
| uma_.HistogramCustomCounts("PDF.PageCount", page_count, 1, 1000000, 50); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::RotateClockwise() { |
| engine_->RotateClockwise(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::RotateCounterclockwise() { |
| engine_->RotateCounterclockwise(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::PreviewDocumentLoadComplete() { |
| if (preview_document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_LOADING || |
| preview_pages_info_.empty()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE; |
| |
| int dest_page_index = preview_pages_info_.front().second; |
| int src_page_index = |
| ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(preview_pages_info_.front().first); |
| if (src_page_index > 0 && dest_page_index > -1 && preview_engine_.get()) |
| engine_->AppendPage(preview_engine_.get(), dest_page_index); |
| |
| preview_pages_info_.pop(); |
| // |print_preview_page_count_| is not updated yet. Do not load any |
| // other preview pages till we get this information. |
| if (print_preview_page_count_ == 0) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!preview_pages_info_.empty()) |
| LoadAvailablePreviewPage(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentLoadFailed() { |
| DCHECK_EQ(LOAD_STATE_LOADING, document_load_state_); |
| UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.LoadFailure"); |
| |
| if (did_call_start_loading_) { |
| pp::PDF::DidStopLoading(this); |
| did_call_start_loading_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_FAILED; |
| paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_)); |
| |
| // Send a progress value of -1 to indicate a failure. |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSLoadProgressType)); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSProgressPercentage), pp::Var(-1)); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::FontSubstituted() { |
| if (font_substitution_reported_) |
| return; |
| font_substitution_reported_ = true; |
| uma_.HistogramEnumeration("PDF.IsFontSubstituted", 1, 2); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::PreviewDocumentLoadFailed() { |
| UserMetricsRecordAction("PDF.PreviewDocumentLoadFailure"); |
| if (preview_document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_LOADING || |
| preview_pages_info_.empty()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_FAILED; |
| preview_pages_info_.pop(); |
| |
| if (!preview_pages_info_.empty()) |
| LoadAvailablePreviewPage(); |
| } |
| |
| pp::Instance* OutOfProcessInstance::GetPluginInstance() { |
| return this; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentHasUnsupportedFeature( |
| const std::string& feature) { |
| std::string metric("PDF_Unsupported_"); |
| metric += feature; |
| if (!unsupported_features_reported_.count(metric)) { |
| unsupported_features_reported_.insert(metric); |
| UserMetricsRecordAction(metric); |
| } |
| |
| // Since we use an info bar, only do this for full frame plugins.. |
| if (!full_) |
| return; |
| |
| if (told_browser_about_unsupported_feature_) |
| return; |
| told_browser_about_unsupported_feature_ = true; |
| |
| pp::PDF::HasUnsupportedFeature(this); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::DocumentLoadProgress(uint32_t available, |
| uint32_t doc_size) { |
| double progress = 0.0; |
| if (doc_size) { |
| progress = 100.0 * static_cast<double>(available) / doc_size; |
| } else { |
| // Document size is unknown. Use heuristics. |
| // We'll make progress logarithmic from 0 to 100M. |
| static const double kFactor = log(100000000.0) / 100.0; |
| if (available > 0) |
| progress = std::min(log(static_cast<double>(available)) / kFactor, 100.0); |
| } |
| |
| // We send 100% load progress in DocumentLoadComplete. |
| if (progress >= 100) |
| return; |
| |
| // Avoid sending too many progress messages over PostMessage. |
| if (progress > last_progress_sent_ + 1) { |
| last_progress_sent_ = progress; |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSLoadProgressType)); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSProgressPercentage), pp::Var(progress)); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::FormTextFieldFocusChange(bool in_focus) { |
| if (!text_input_.get()) |
| return; |
| |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kType), pp::Var(kJSFieldFocusType)); |
| message.Set(pp::Var(kJSFieldFocus), pp::Var(in_focus)); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| |
| text_input_->SetTextInputType(in_focus ? PP_TEXTINPUT_TYPE_DEV_TEXT |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::ResetRecentlySentFindUpdate(int32_t /* unused */) { |
| recently_sent_find_update_ = false; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::OnGeometryChanged(double old_zoom, |
| float old_device_scale) { |
| if (zoom_ != old_zoom || device_scale_ != old_device_scale) |
| engine_->ZoomUpdated(zoom_ * device_scale_); |
| |
| available_area_ = pp::Rect(plugin_size_); |
| int doc_width = GetDocumentPixelWidth(); |
| if (doc_width < available_area_.width()) { |
| available_area_.Offset((available_area_.width() - doc_width) / 2, 0); |
| available_area_.set_width(doc_width); |
| } |
| int bottom_of_document = |
| GetDocumentPixelHeight() + (top_toolbar_height_ * device_scale_); |
| if (bottom_of_document < available_area_.height()) |
| available_area_.set_height(bottom_of_document); |
| |
| CalculateBackgroundParts(); |
| engine_->PageOffsetUpdated(available_area_.point()); |
| engine_->PluginSizeUpdated(available_area_.size()); |
| |
| if (document_size_.IsEmpty()) |
| return; |
| paint_manager_.InvalidateRect(pp::Rect(pp::Point(), plugin_size_)); |
| |
| if (accessibility_state_ == ACCESSIBILITY_STATE_LOADED) |
| SendAccessibilityViewportInfo(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadUrl(const std::string& url) { |
| LoadUrlInternal(url, &embed_loader_, &OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpen); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadPreviewUrl(const std::string& url) { |
| LoadUrlInternal(url, &embed_preview_loader_, |
| &OutOfProcessInstance::DidOpenPreview); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadUrlInternal( |
| const std::string& url, |
| pp::URLLoader* loader, |
| void (OutOfProcessInstance::*method)(int32_t)) { |
| pp::URLRequestInfo request(this); |
| request.SetURL(url); |
| request.SetMethod("GET"); |
| request.SetFollowRedirects(false); |
| |
| *loader = CreateURLLoaderInternal(); |
| pp::CompletionCallback callback = loader_factory_.NewCallback(method); |
| int rv = loader->Open(request, callback); |
| callback.Run(rv); |
| } |
| |
| pp::URLLoader OutOfProcessInstance::CreateURLLoaderInternal() { |
| pp::URLLoader loader(this); |
| |
| const PPB_URLLoaderTrusted* trusted_interface = |
| reinterpret_cast<const PPB_URLLoaderTrusted*>( |
| pp::Module::Get()->GetBrowserInterface( |
| if (trusted_interface) |
| trusted_interface->GrantUniversalAccess(loader.pp_resource()); |
| return loader; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::SetZoom(double scale) { |
| double old_zoom = zoom_; |
| zoom_ = scale; |
| OnGeometryChanged(old_zoom, device_scale_); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::AppendBlankPrintPreviewPages() { |
| if (print_preview_page_count_ == 0) |
| return; |
| engine_->AppendBlankPages(print_preview_page_count_); |
| if (!preview_pages_info_.empty()) |
| LoadAvailablePreviewPage(); |
| } |
| |
| bool OutOfProcessInstance::IsPrintPreview() { |
| return is_print_preview_; |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t OutOfProcessInstance::GetBackgroundColor() { |
| return background_color_; |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::IsSelectingChanged(bool is_selecting) { |
| pp::VarDictionary message; |
| message.Set(kType, kJSSetIsSelectingType); |
| message.Set(kJSIsSelecting, pp::Var(is_selecting)); |
| PostMessage(message); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::ProcessPreviewPageInfo(const std::string& url, |
| int dst_page_index) { |
| DCHECK(IsPrintPreview()); |
| |
| int src_page_index = ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(url); |
| if (src_page_index < 1) |
| return; |
| |
| preview_pages_info_.push(std::make_pair(url, dst_page_index)); |
| LoadAvailablePreviewPage(); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::LoadAvailablePreviewPage() { |
| if (preview_pages_info_.empty() || |
| document_load_state_ != LOAD_STATE_COMPLETE) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| std::string url = preview_pages_info_.front().first; |
| int dst_page_index = preview_pages_info_.front().second; |
| int src_page_index = ExtractPrintPreviewPageIndex(url); |
| if (src_page_index < 1 || dst_page_index >= print_preview_page_count_ || |
| preview_document_load_state_ == LOAD_STATE_LOADING) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| preview_document_load_state_ = LOAD_STATE_LOADING; |
| LoadPreviewUrl(url); |
| } |
| |
| void OutOfProcessInstance::UserMetricsRecordAction(const std::string& action) { |
| // TODO(raymes): Move this function to PPB_UMA_Private. |
| pp::PDF::UserMetricsRecordAction(this, pp::Var(action)); |
| } |
| |
| pp::FloatPoint OutOfProcessInstance::BoundScrollOffsetToDocument( |
| const pp::FloatPoint& scroll_offset) { |
| float max_x = document_size_.width() * zoom_ - plugin_dip_size_.width(); |
| float x = std::max(std::min(scroll_offset.x(), max_x), 0.0f); |
| float min_y = -top_toolbar_height_; |
| float max_y = document_size_.height() * zoom_ - plugin_dip_size_.height(); |
| float y = std::max(std::min(scroll_offset.y(), max_y), min_y); |
| return pp::FloatPoint(x, y); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace chrome_pdf |