blob: b68d85a3d1b81a480456f529601b2b1f30eaae2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "printing/backend/cups_connection.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "printing/backend/cups_jobs.h"
namespace printing {
namespace {
constexpr int kTimeoutMs = 3000;
// The number of jobs we'll retrieve for a queue. We expect a user to queue at
// most 10 jobs per printer. If they queue more, they won't receive updates for
// the 11th job until one finishes.
constexpr int kProcessingJobsLimit = 10;
// The number of completed jobs that are retrieved. We only need one update for
// a completed job to confirm its final status. We could retrieve one but we
// retrieve the last 3 in case that many finished between queries.
constexpr int kCompletedJobsLimit = 3;
class DestinationEnumerator {
DestinationEnumerator() {}
static int cups_callback(void* user_data, unsigned flags, cups_dest_t* dest) {
cups_dest_t* copied_dest;
cupsCopyDest(dest, 0, &copied_dest);
// keep going
return 1;
void store_dest(cups_dest_t* dest) { dests_.emplace_back(dest); }
// Returns the collected destinations.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cups_dest_t, DestinationDeleter>>& get_dests() {
return dests_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cups_dest_t, DestinationDeleter>> dests_;
} // namespace
QueueStatus::QueueStatus() = default;
QueueStatus::QueueStatus(const QueueStatus& other) = default;
QueueStatus::~QueueStatus() = default;
CupsConnection::CupsConnection(const GURL& print_server_url,
http_encryption_t encryption,
bool blocking)
: print_server_url_(print_server_url),
cups_http_(nullptr) {}
CupsConnection::CupsConnection(CupsConnection&& connection)
: print_server_url_(connection.print_server_url_),
cups_http_(std::move(connection.cups_http_)) {}
CupsConnection::~CupsConnection() {}
bool CupsConnection::Connect() {
if (cups_http_)
return true; // we're already connected
std::string host;
int port;
if (!print_server_url_.is_empty()) {
host =;
port = print_server_url_.IntPort();
} else {
host = cupsServer();
port = ippPort();
cups_http_.reset(httpConnect2(host.c_str(), port, nullptr, AF_UNSPEC,
cups_encryption_, blocking_ ? 1 : 0, kTimeoutMs,
return !!cups_http_;
std::vector<CupsPrinter> CupsConnection::GetDests() {
if (!Connect()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "CUPS connection failed";
return std::vector<CupsPrinter>();
DestinationEnumerator enumerator;
int success =
cupsEnumDests(CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_NONE, kTimeoutMs,
nullptr, // no cancel signal
0, // all the printers
CUPS_PRINTER_SCANNER, // except the scanners
&DestinationEnumerator::cups_callback, &enumerator);
if (!success) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Enumerating printers failed";
return std::vector<CupsPrinter>();
auto dests = std::move(enumerator.get_dests());
std::vector<CupsPrinter> printers;
for (auto& dest : dests) {
printers.emplace_back(cups_http_.get(), std::move(dest), nullptr);
return printers;
std::unique_ptr<CupsPrinter> CupsConnection::GetPrinter(
const std::string& name) {
if (!Connect())
return nullptr;
cups_dest_t* dest = cupsGetNamedDest(cups_http_.get(), name.c_str(), nullptr);
if (!dest)
return nullptr;
cups_dinfo_t* info = cupsCopyDestInfo(cups_http_.get(), dest);
return base::MakeUnique<CupsPrinter>(
cups_http_.get(), std::unique_ptr<cups_dest_t, DestinationDeleter>(dest),
std::unique_ptr<cups_dinfo_t, DestInfoDeleter>(info));
bool CupsConnection::GetJobs(const std::vector<std::string>& printer_ids,
std::vector<QueueStatus>* queues) {
if (!Connect()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not establish connection to CUPS";
return false;
std::vector<QueueStatus> temp_queues;
for (const std::string& id : printer_ids) {
QueueStatus* queue_status = &temp_queues.back();
if (!GetPrinterStatus(cups_http_.get(), id,
&queue_status->printer_status)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not retrieve printer status for " << id;
return false;
if (!GetCupsJobs(cups_http_.get(), id, kCompletedJobsLimit, COMPLETED,
&queue_status->jobs)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not get completed jobs for " << id;
return false;
if (!GetCupsJobs(cups_http_.get(), id, kProcessingJobsLimit, PROCESSING,
&queue_status->jobs)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not get in progress jobs for " << id;
return false;
queues->insert(queues->end(), temp_queues.begin(), temp_queues.end());
return true;
std::string CupsConnection::server_name() const {
int CupsConnection::last_error() const {
return cupsLastError();
} // namespace printing