blob: 46804d2ac696ba305b23bc68cce4e4f5ecd9697e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/shell_dialogs/select_file_dialog_win.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/win/registry.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
#include "base/win/shortcut.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/win/open_file_name_win.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/shell_dialogs/base_shell_dialog_win.h"
#include "ui/strings/grit/ui_strings.h"
namespace {
bool CallBuiltinGetOpenFileName(OPENFILENAME* ofn) {
return ::GetOpenFileName(ofn) == TRUE;
bool CallBuiltinGetSaveFileName(OPENFILENAME* ofn) {
return ::GetSaveFileName(ofn) == TRUE;
// Given |extension|, if it's not empty, then remove the leading dot.
std::wstring GetExtensionWithoutLeadingDot(const std::wstring& extension) {
DCHECK(extension.empty() || extension[0] == L'.');
return extension.empty() ? extension : extension.substr(1);
// Distinguish directories from regular files.
bool IsDirectory(const base::FilePath& path) {
base::File::Info file_info;
return base::GetFileInfo(path, &file_info) ?
file_info.is_directory : path.EndsWithSeparator();
// Get the file type description from the registry. This will be "Text Document"
// for .txt files, "JPEG Image" for .jpg files, etc. If the registry doesn't
// have an entry for the file type, we return false, true if the description was
// found. 'file_ext' must be in form ".txt".
static bool GetRegistryDescriptionFromExtension(const std::wstring& file_ext,
std::wstring* reg_description) {
base::win::RegKey reg_ext(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, file_ext.c_str(), KEY_READ);
std::wstring reg_app;
if (reg_ext.ReadValue(NULL, &reg_app) == ERROR_SUCCESS && !reg_app.empty()) {
base::win::RegKey reg_link(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, reg_app.c_str(), KEY_READ);
if (reg_link.ReadValue(NULL, reg_description) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return true;
return false;
// Set up a filter for a Save/Open dialog, which will consist of |file_ext| file
// extensions (internally separated by semicolons), |ext_desc| as the text
// descriptions of the |file_ext| types (optional), and (optionally) the default
// 'All Files' view. The purpose of the filter is to show only files of a
// particular type in a Windows Save/Open dialog box. The resulting filter is
// returned. The filters created here are:
// 1. only files that have 'file_ext' as their extension
// 2. all files (only added if 'include_all_files' is true)
// Example:
// file_ext: { "*.txt", "*.htm;*.html" }
// ext_desc: { "Text Document" }
// returned: "Text Document\0*.txt\0HTML Document\0*.htm;*.html\0"
// "All Files\0*.*\0\0" (in one big string)
// If a description is not provided for a file extension, it will be retrieved
// from the registry. If the file extension does not exist in the registry, it
// will be omitted from the filter, as it is likely a bogus extension.
std::wstring FormatFilterForExtensions(
const std::vector<std::wstring>& file_ext,
const std::vector<std::wstring>& ext_desc,
bool include_all_files) {
const std::wstring all_ext = L"*.*";
const std::wstring all_desc =
DCHECK(file_ext.size() >= ext_desc.size());
if (file_ext.empty())
include_all_files = true;
std::wstring result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < file_ext.size(); ++i) {
std::wstring ext = file_ext[i];
std::wstring desc;
if (i < ext_desc.size())
desc = ext_desc[i];
if (ext.empty()) {
// Force something reasonable to appear in the dialog box if there is no
// extension provided.
include_all_files = true;
if (desc.empty()) {
DCHECK(ext.find(L'.') != std::wstring::npos);
std::wstring first_extension = ext.substr(ext.find(L'.'));
size_t first_separator_index = first_extension.find(L';');
if (first_separator_index != std::wstring::npos)
first_extension = first_extension.substr(0, first_separator_index);
// Find the extension name without the preceeding '.' character.
std::wstring ext_name = first_extension;
size_t ext_index = ext_name.find_first_not_of(L'.');
if (ext_index != std::wstring::npos)
ext_name = ext_name.substr(ext_index);
if (!GetRegistryDescriptionFromExtension(first_extension, &desc)) {
// The extension doesn't exist in the registry. Create a description
// based on the unknown extension type (i.e. if the extension is .qqq,
// the we create a description "QQQ File (.qqq)").
include_all_files = true;
desc = l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(IDS_APP_SAVEAS_EXTENSION_FORMAT,
if (desc.empty())
desc = L"*." + ext_name;
result.append(desc.c_str(), desc.size() + 1); // Append NULL too.
result.append(ext.c_str(), ext.size() + 1);
if (include_all_files) {
result.append(all_desc.c_str(), all_desc.size() + 1);
result.append(all_ext.c_str(), all_ext.size() + 1);
result.append(1, '\0'); // Double NULL required.
return result;
// Implementation of SelectFileDialog that shows a Windows common dialog for
// choosing a file or folder.
class SelectFileDialogImpl : public ui::SelectFileDialog,
public ui::BaseShellDialogImpl {
Listener* listener,
ui::SelectFilePolicy* policy,
const base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME*)>& get_open_file_name_impl,
const base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME*)>& get_save_file_name_impl);
// BaseShellDialog implementation:
bool IsRunning(gfx::NativeWindow owning_window) const override;
void ListenerDestroyed() override;
// SelectFileDialog implementation:
void SelectFileImpl(
Type type,
const base::string16& title,
const base::FilePath& default_path,
const FileTypeInfo* file_types,
int file_type_index,
const base::FilePath::StringType& default_extension,
gfx::NativeWindow owning_window,
void* params) override;
~SelectFileDialogImpl() override;
// A struct for holding all the state necessary for displaying a Save dialog.
struct ExecuteSelectParams {
ExecuteSelectParams(Type type,
const std::wstring& title,
const base::FilePath& default_path,
const FileTypeInfo* file_types,
int file_type_index,
const std::wstring& default_extension,
RunState run_state,
HWND owner,
void* params)
: type(type),
params(params) {
if (file_types)
this->file_types = *file_types;
SelectFileDialog::Type type;
std::wstring title;
base::FilePath default_path;
FileTypeInfo file_types;
int file_type_index;
std::wstring default_extension;
RunState run_state;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner;
HWND owner;
void* params;
// Shows the file selection dialog modal to |owner| and calls the result
// back on the ui thread. Run on the dialog thread.
void ExecuteSelectFile(const ExecuteSelectParams& params);
// Prompt the user for location to save a file.
// Callers should provide the filter string, and also a filter index.
// The parameter |index| indicates the initial index of filter description
// and filter pattern for the dialog box. If |index| is zero or greater than
// the number of total filter types, the system uses the first filter in the
// |filter| buffer. |index| is used to specify the initial selected extension,
// and when done contains the extension the user chose. The parameter
// |final_name| returns the file name which contains the drive designator,
// path, file name, and extension of the user selected file name. |def_ext| is
// the default extension to give to the file if the user did not enter an
// extension. If |ignore_suggested_ext| is true, any file extension contained
// in |suggested_name| will not be used to generate the file name. This is
// useful in the case of saving web pages, where we know the extension type
// already and where |suggested_name| may contain a '.' character as a valid
// part of the name, thus confusing our extension detection code.
bool SaveFileAsWithFilter(HWND owner,
const std::wstring& suggested_name,
const std::wstring& filter,
const std::wstring& def_ext,
bool ignore_suggested_ext,
unsigned* index,
std::wstring* final_name);
// Notifies the listener that a folder was chosen. Run on the ui thread.
void FileSelected(const base::FilePath& path, int index,
void* params, RunState run_state);
// Notifies listener that multiple files were chosen. Run on the ui thread.
void MultiFilesSelected(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& paths,
void* params,
RunState run_state);
// Notifies the listener that no file was chosen (the action was canceled).
// Run on the ui thread.
void FileNotSelected(void* params, RunState run_state);
// Runs a Folder selection dialog box, passes back the selected folder in
// |path| and returns true if the user clicks OK. If the user cancels the
// dialog box the value in |path| is not modified and returns false. |title|
// is the user-supplied title text to show for the dialog box. Run on the
// dialog thread.
bool RunSelectFolderDialog(const std::wstring& title,
HWND owner,
base::FilePath* path);
// Runs an Open file dialog box, with similar semantics for input paramaters
// as RunSelectFolderDialog.
bool RunOpenFileDialog(const std::wstring& title,
const std::wstring& filters,
HWND owner,
base::FilePath* path);
// Runs an Open file dialog box that supports multi-select, with similar
// semantics for input paramaters as RunOpenFileDialog.
bool RunOpenMultiFileDialog(const std::wstring& title,
const std::wstring& filter,
HWND owner,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* paths);
// The callback function for when the select folder dialog is opened.
static int CALLBACK BrowseCallbackProc(HWND window, UINT message,
LPARAM parameter,
LPARAM data);
bool HasMultipleFileTypeChoicesImpl() override;
// Returns the filter to be used while displaying the open/save file dialog.
// This is computed from the extensions for the file types being opened.
// |file_types| can be NULL in which case the returned filter will be empty.
base::string16 GetFilterForFileTypes(const FileTypeInfo* file_types);
bool has_multiple_file_type_choices_;
base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME*)> get_open_file_name_impl_;
base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME*)> get_save_file_name_impl_;
Listener* listener,
ui::SelectFilePolicy* policy,
const base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME*)>& get_open_file_name_impl,
const base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME*)>& get_save_file_name_impl)
: SelectFileDialog(listener, policy),
get_save_file_name_impl_(get_save_file_name_impl) {
SelectFileDialogImpl::~SelectFileDialogImpl() {
void SelectFileDialogImpl::SelectFileImpl(
Type type,
const base::string16& title,
const base::FilePath& default_path,
const FileTypeInfo* file_types,
int file_type_index,
const base::FilePath::StringType& default_extension,
gfx::NativeWindow owning_window,
void* params) {
has_multiple_file_type_choices_ =
file_types ? file_types->extensions.size() > 1 : true;
HWND owner = owning_window && owning_window->GetRootWindow()
? owning_window->GetHost()->GetAcceleratedWidget() : NULL;
ExecuteSelectParams execute_params(type, title,
default_path, file_types, file_type_index,
default_extension, BeginRun(owner),
owner, params);
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SelectFileDialogImpl::ExecuteSelectFile, this,
bool SelectFileDialogImpl::HasMultipleFileTypeChoicesImpl() {
return has_multiple_file_type_choices_;
bool SelectFileDialogImpl::IsRunning(gfx::NativeWindow owning_window) const {
if (!owning_window->GetRootWindow())
return false;
HWND owner = owning_window->GetHost()->GetAcceleratedWidget();
return listener_ && IsRunningDialogForOwner(owner);
void SelectFileDialogImpl::ListenerDestroyed() {
// Our associated listener has gone away, so we shouldn't call back to it if
// our worker thread returns after the listener is dead.
listener_ = NULL;
void SelectFileDialogImpl::ExecuteSelectFile(
const ExecuteSelectParams& params) {
base::string16 filter = GetFilterForFileTypes(&params.file_types);
base::FilePath path = params.default_path;
bool success = false;
unsigned filter_index = params.file_type_index;
if (params.type == SELECT_FOLDER || params.type == SELECT_UPLOAD_FOLDER) {
std::wstring title = params.title;
if (title.empty() && params.type == SELECT_UPLOAD_FOLDER) {
// If it's for uploading don't use default dialog title to
// make sure we clearly tell it's for uploading.
success = RunSelectFolderDialog(title,
} else if (params.type == SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE) {
std::wstring path_as_wstring = path.value();
success = SaveFileAsWithFilter(params.run_state.owner,
params.default_path.value(), filter,
params.default_extension, false, &filter_index, &path_as_wstring);
if (success)
path = base::FilePath(path_as_wstring);
} else if (params.type == SELECT_OPEN_FILE) {
success = RunOpenFileDialog(params.title, filter,
params.run_state.owner, &path);
} else if (params.type == SELECT_OPEN_MULTI_FILE) {
std::vector<base::FilePath> paths;
if (RunOpenMultiFileDialog(params.title, filter,
params.run_state.owner, &paths)) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SelectFileDialogImpl::MultiFilesSelected, this,
paths, params.params, params.run_state));
if (success) {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SelectFileDialogImpl::FileSelected, this, path,
filter_index, params.params, params.run_state));
} else {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SelectFileDialogImpl::FileNotSelected, this,
params.params, params.run_state));
bool SelectFileDialogImpl::SaveFileAsWithFilter(
HWND owner,
const std::wstring& suggested_name,
const std::wstring& filter,
const std::wstring& def_ext,
bool ignore_suggested_ext,
unsigned* index,
std::wstring* final_name) {
// Having an empty filter makes for a bad user experience. We should always
// specify a filter when saving.
ui::win::OpenFileName save_as(owner,
const base::FilePath suggested_path = base::FilePath(suggested_name);
if (!suggested_name.empty()) {
base::FilePath suggested_file_name;
base::FilePath suggested_directory;
if (IsDirectory(suggested_path)) {
suggested_directory = suggested_path;
} else {
suggested_directory = suggested_path.DirName();
suggested_file_name = suggested_path.BaseName();
// If the suggested_name is a root directory, file_part will be '\', and
// the call to GetSaveFileName below will fail.
if (suggested_file_name.value() == L"\\")
save_as.SetInitialSelection(suggested_directory, suggested_file_name);
save_as.GetOPENFILENAME()->lpstrFilter =
filter.empty() ? NULL : filter.c_str();
save_as.GetOPENFILENAME()->nFilterIndex = *index;
save_as.GetOPENFILENAME()->lpstrDefExt = &def_ext[0];
if (!get_save_file_name_impl_.Run(save_as.GetOPENFILENAME()))
return false;
// Return the user's choice.
*index = save_as.GetOPENFILENAME()->nFilterIndex;
// Figure out what filter got selected. The filter index is 1-based.
std::wstring filter_selected;
if (*index > 0) {
std::vector<std::tuple<base::string16, base::string16>> filters =
if (*index > filters.size())
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid filter index.";
filter_selected = std::get<1>(filters[*index - 1]);
// Get the extension that was suggested to the user (when the Save As dialog
// was opened). For saving web pages, we skip this step since there may be
// 'extension characters' in the title of the web page.
std::wstring suggested_ext;
if (!ignore_suggested_ext)
suggested_ext = GetExtensionWithoutLeadingDot(suggested_path.Extension());
// If we can't get the extension from the suggested_name, we use the default
// extension passed in. This is to cover cases like when saving a web page,
// where we get passed in a name without an extension and a default extension
// along with it.
if (suggested_ext.empty())
suggested_ext = def_ext;
*final_name =
ui::AppendExtensionIfNeeded(*final_name, filter_selected, suggested_ext);
return true;
void SelectFileDialogImpl::FileSelected(const base::FilePath& selected_folder,
int index,
void* params,
RunState run_state) {
if (listener_)
listener_->FileSelected(selected_folder, index, params);
void SelectFileDialogImpl::MultiFilesSelected(
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& selected_files,
void* params,
RunState run_state) {
if (listener_)
listener_->MultiFilesSelected(selected_files, params);
void SelectFileDialogImpl::FileNotSelected(void* params, RunState run_state) {
if (listener_)
int CALLBACK SelectFileDialogImpl::BrowseCallbackProc(HWND window,
UINT message,
LPARAM parameter,
LPARAM data) {
if (message == BFFM_INITIALIZED) {
// WParam is TRUE since passing a path.
// data lParam member of the BROWSEINFO structure.
SendMessage(window, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)data);
return 0;
bool SelectFileDialogImpl::RunSelectFolderDialog(const std::wstring& title,
HWND owner,
base::FilePath* path) {
wchar_t dir_buffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
bool result = false;
BROWSEINFO browse_info = {0};
browse_info.hwndOwner = owner;
browse_info.lpszTitle = title.c_str();
browse_info.pszDisplayName = dir_buffer;
if (path->value().length()) {
// Highlight the current value.
browse_info.lParam = (LPARAM)path->value().c_str();
browse_info.lpfn = &BrowseCallbackProc;
LPITEMIDLIST list = SHBrowseForFolder(&browse_info);
if (list) {
STRRET out_dir_buffer;
ZeroMemory(&out_dir_buffer, sizeof(out_dir_buffer));
out_dir_buffer.uType = STRRET_WSTR;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IShellFolder> shell_folder;
if (SHGetDesktopFolder(shell_folder.Receive()) == NOERROR) {
HRESULT hr = shell_folder->GetDisplayNameOf(list, SHGDN_FORPARSING,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && out_dir_buffer.uType == STRRET_WSTR) {
*path = base::FilePath(out_dir_buffer.pOleStr);
result = true;
} else {
// Use old way if we don't get what we want.
wchar_t old_out_dir_buffer[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (SHGetPathFromIDList(list, old_out_dir_buffer)) {
*path = base::FilePath(old_out_dir_buffer);
result = true;
// According to MSDN, win2000 will not resolve shortcuts, so we do it
// ourself.
base::win::ResolveShortcut(*path, path, NULL);
return result;
bool SelectFileDialogImpl::RunOpenFileDialog(
const std::wstring& title,
const std::wstring& filter,
HWND owner,
base::FilePath* path) {
// We use OFN_NOCHANGEDIR so that the user can rename or delete the directory
// without having to close Chrome first.
ui::win::OpenFileName ofn(owner, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR);
if (!path->empty()) {
if (IsDirectory(*path))
ofn.SetInitialSelection(*path, base::FilePath());
ofn.SetInitialSelection(path->DirName(), path->BaseName());
if (!filter.empty())
ofn.GetOPENFILENAME()->lpstrFilter = filter.c_str();
bool success = get_open_file_name_impl_.Run(ofn.GetOPENFILENAME());
if (success)
*path = ofn.GetSingleResult();
return success;
bool SelectFileDialogImpl::RunOpenMultiFileDialog(
const std::wstring& title,
const std::wstring& filter,
HWND owner,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* paths) {
// We use OFN_NOCHANGEDIR so that the user can rename or delete the directory
// without having to close Chrome first.
ui::win::OpenFileName ofn(owner,
if (!filter.empty())
ofn.GetOPENFILENAME()->lpstrFilter = filter.c_str();
base::FilePath directory;
std::vector<base::FilePath> filenames;
if (get_open_file_name_impl_.Run(ofn.GetOPENFILENAME()))
ofn.GetResult(&directory, &filenames);
for (std::vector<base::FilePath>::iterator it = filenames.begin();
it != filenames.end();
++it) {
return !paths->empty();
base::string16 SelectFileDialogImpl::GetFilterForFileTypes(
const FileTypeInfo* file_types) {
if (!file_types)
return base::string16();
std::vector<base::string16> exts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < file_types->extensions.size(); ++i) {
const std::vector<base::string16>& inner_exts = file_types->extensions[i];
base::string16 ext_string;
for (size_t j = 0; j < inner_exts.size(); ++j) {
if (!ext_string.empty())
return FormatFilterForExtensions(
} // namespace
namespace ui {
// This function takes the output of a SaveAs dialog: a filename, a filter and
// the extension originally suggested to the user (shown in the dialog box) and
// returns back the filename with the appropriate extension tacked on. If the
// user requests an unknown extension and is not using the 'All files' filter,
// the suggested extension will be appended, otherwise we will leave the
// filename unmodified. |filename| should contain the filename selected in the
// SaveAs dialog box and may include the path, |filter_selected| should be
// '*.something', for example '*.*' or it can be blank (which is treated as
// *.*). |suggested_ext| should contain the extension without the dot (.) in
// front, for example 'jpg'.
std::wstring AppendExtensionIfNeeded(
const std::wstring& filename,
const std::wstring& filter_selected,
const std::wstring& suggested_ext) {
std::wstring return_value = filename;
// If we wanted a specific extension, but the user's filename deleted it or
// changed it to something that the system doesn't understand, re-append.
// Careful: Checking net::GetMimeTypeFromExtension() will only find
// extensions with a known MIME type, which many "known" extensions on Windows
// don't have. So we check directly for the "known extension" registry key.
std::wstring file_extension(
std::wstring key(L"." + file_extension);
if (!(filter_selected.empty() || filter_selected == L"*.*") &&
!base::win::RegKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key.c_str(), KEY_READ).Valid() &&
file_extension != suggested_ext) {
if (return_value.back() != L'.')
// Strip any trailing dots, which Windows doesn't allow.
size_t index = return_value.find_last_not_of(L'.');
if (index < return_value.size() - 1)
return_value.resize(index + 1);
return return_value;
SelectFileDialog* CreateWinSelectFileDialog(
SelectFileDialog::Listener* listener,
SelectFilePolicy* policy,
const base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME* ofn)>& get_open_file_name_impl,
const base::Callback<bool(OPENFILENAME* ofn)>& get_save_file_name_impl) {
return new SelectFileDialogImpl(
listener, policy, get_open_file_name_impl, get_save_file_name_impl);
SelectFileDialog* CreateSelectFileDialog(SelectFileDialog::Listener* listener,
SelectFilePolicy* policy) {
return CreateWinSelectFileDialog(listener,
} // namespace ui