blob: 536668646702586e6a308626ec7aa7a6b8064833 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_math.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
namespace internal {
// Helper to deal with the fact that many PDFium APIs write the null-terminator
// into string buffers that are passed to them, but the PDF code likes to use
// std::strings / std::u16strings, where one should not count on the internal
// string buffers to be null-terminated.
template <class StringType>
class PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter {
// `str` is the string to write into.
// `expected_size` is the number of characters the PDFium API will write,
// including the null-terminator. It should be at least 1.
// `check_expected_size` whether to check the actual number of characters
// written into `str` against `expected_size` when calling Close().
PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter(StringType* str,
size_t expected_size,
bool check_expected_size);
PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter(const PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter&) = delete;
PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter& operator=(const PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter&) =
// Returns a pointer to `str_`'s buffer. The buffer's size is large enough to
// hold `expected_size_` + 1 characters, so the PDFium API that uses the
// pointer has space to write a null-terminator.
void* GetData();
// Resizes `str_` to `actual_size` - 1 characters, thereby removing the extra
// null-terminator. This must be called prior to the adapter's destruction.
// The pointer returned by GetData() should be considered invalid.
void Close(size_t actual_size);
template <typename IntType>
void Close(IntType actual_size) {
const raw_ptr<StringType> str_;
const raw_ptr<void> data_;
const size_t expected_size_;
const bool check_expected_size_;
bool is_closed_;
// Helper to deal with the fact that many PDFium APIs write the null-terminator
// into string buffers that are passed to them, but the PDF code likes to use
// std::strings / std::u16strings, where one should not count on the internal
// string buffers to be null-terminated. This version is suitable for APIs that
// work in terms of number of bytes instead of the number of characters. Though
// for std::strings, PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter is equivalent.
class PDFiumAPIStringBufferSizeInBytesAdapter {
// `str` is the string to write into.
// `expected_size` is the number of bytes the PDFium API will write,
// including the null-terminator. It should be at least the size of a
// character in bytes.
// `check_expected_size` whether to check the actual number of bytes
// written into `str` against `expected_size` when calling Close().
PDFiumAPIStringBufferSizeInBytesAdapter(std::u16string* str,
size_t expected_size,
bool check_expected_size);
// Returns a pointer to `str_`'s buffer. The buffer's size is large enough to
// hold `expected_size_` + sizeof(char16_t) bytes, so the PDFium API that
// uses the pointer has space to write a null-terminator.
void* GetData();
// Resizes `str_` to `actual_size` - sizeof(char16_t) bytes, thereby
// removing the extra null-terminator. This must be called prior to the
// adapter's destruction. The pointer returned by GetData() should be
// considered invalid.
void Close(size_t actual_size);
template <typename IntType>
void Close(IntType actual_size) {
PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter<std::u16string> adapter_;
template <class AdapterType,
class StringType,
typename BufferType,
typename ReturnType>
std::optional<StringType> CallPDFiumStringBufferApiAndReturnOptional(
base::RepeatingCallback<ReturnType(BufferType*, ReturnType)> api,
bool check_expected_size) {
ReturnType expected_size = api.Run(nullptr, 0);
if (expected_size == 0)
return std::nullopt;
StringType str;
AdapterType api_string_adapter(&str, expected_size, check_expected_size);
auto* data = reinterpret_cast<BufferType*>(api_string_adapter.GetData());
api_string_adapter.Close(api.Run(data, expected_size));
return str;
template <class AdapterType,
class StringType,
typename BufferType,
typename ReturnType>
StringType CallPDFiumStringBufferApi(
base::RepeatingCallback<ReturnType(BufferType*, ReturnType)> api,
bool check_expected_size) {
std::optional<StringType> result =
CallPDFiumStringBufferApiAndReturnOptional<AdapterType, StringType>(
api, check_expected_size);
return result.value_or(StringType());
} // namespace internal
// Helper function to call PDFium APIs where the output buffer is expected to
// hold UTF-16 data, and the buffer length is specified in bytes.
template <typename BufferType>
std::u16string CallPDFiumWideStringBufferApi(
base::RepeatingCallback<unsigned long(BufferType*, unsigned long)> api,
bool check_expected_size) {
using adapter_type = internal::PDFiumAPIStringBufferSizeInBytesAdapter;
return internal::CallPDFiumStringBufferApi<adapter_type, std::u16string>(
api, check_expected_size);
// Variant of CallPDFiumWideStringBufferApi() that distinguishes between API
// call failures and empty string return values.
template <typename BufferType>
std::optional<std::u16string> CallPDFiumWideStringBufferApiAndReturnOptional(
base::RepeatingCallback<unsigned long(BufferType*, unsigned long)> api,
bool check_expected_size) {
using adapter_type = internal::PDFiumAPIStringBufferSizeInBytesAdapter;
return internal::CallPDFiumStringBufferApiAndReturnOptional<adapter_type,
api, check_expected_size);
// Helper function to call PDFium APIs where the output buffer is expected to
// hold ASCII or UTF-8 data, and the buffer length is specified in bytes.
template <typename BufferType, typename ReturnType>
std::string CallPDFiumStringBufferApi(
base::RepeatingCallback<ReturnType(BufferType*, ReturnType)> api,
bool check_expected_size) {
using adapter_type = internal::PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter<std::string>;
return internal::CallPDFiumStringBufferApi<adapter_type, std::string>(
api, check_expected_size);
// Expose internal::PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter for special cases that cannot
// use the CallPDFiumStringBuffer* functions above.
template <class StringType>
using PDFiumAPIStringBufferAdapter =
} // namespace chrome_pdf