blob: e39d8726d08d890d9f82e0e97c4cdcc3a5051278 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pdf/ui/thumbnail.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
namespace {
constexpr float kDeviceToPixelLow = 1;
constexpr float kDeviceToPixelHigh = 2;
struct BestFitSizeParams {
float device_pixel_ratio;
gfx::Size page_size;
gfx::Size expected_thumbnail_size;
void TestBestFitSize(const BestFitSizeParams& params) {
Thumbnail thumbnail(params.page_size, params.device_pixel_ratio);
EXPECT_EQ(thumbnail.image_size(), params.expected_thumbnail_size)
<< "Failed for page of size of " << params.page_size.ToString()
<< " and device to pixel ratio of " << params.device_pixel_ratio;
TEST(ThumbnailTest, CalculateBestFitSizeNormal) {
static constexpr BestFitSizeParams kBestFitSizeTestParams[] = {
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {612, 792}, {108, 140}}, // ANSI Letter
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {595, 842}, {108, 152}}, // ISO 216 A4
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {200, 200}, {140, 140}}, // Square
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {1000, 200}, {540, 108}}, // Wide
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {200, 1000}, {108, 540}}, // Tall
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {1500, 50}, {1399, 46}}, // Super wide
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {50, 1500}, {46, 1399}}, // Super tall
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {612, 792}, {216, 280}}, // ANSI Letter
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {595, 842}, {214, 303}}, // ISO 216 A4
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {200, 200}, {255, 255}}, // Square
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {1000, 200}, {571, 114}}, // Wide
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {200, 1000}, {114, 571}}, // Tall
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {1500, 50}, {1399, 46}}, // Super wide
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {50, 1500}, {46, 1399}}, // Super tall
for (const auto& params : kBestFitSizeTestParams)
TEST(ThumbnailTest, CalculateBestFitSizeLargeAspectRatio) {
static constexpr BestFitSizeParams kBestFitSizeTestParams[] = {
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {14400, 3}, {17701, 3}}, // PDF 1.7 widest
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {3, 14400}, {3, 17701}}, // PDF 1.7 tallest
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {0, 0}, {140, 140}}, // Empty
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {9999999, 1}, {17701, 3}}, // Very wide
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {1, 9999999}, {3, 17701}}, // Very tall
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {14400, 3}, {17701, 3}}, // PDF 1.7 widest
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {3, 14400}, {3, 17701}}, // PDF 1.7 tallest
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {0, 0}, {255, 255}}, // Empty
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {9999999, 1}, {17701, 3}}, // Very wide
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {1, 9999999}, {3, 17701}}, // Very tall
for (const auto& params : kBestFitSizeTestParams)
TEST(ThumbnailTest, CalculateBestFitSizeNoOverflow) {
static constexpr BestFitSizeParams kBestFitSizeTestParams[] = {
{kDeviceToPixelLow, {9999999, 9999999}, {140, 140}}, // Very large
{kDeviceToPixelHigh, {9999999, 9999999}, {255, 255}}, // Very large
for (const auto& params : kBestFitSizeTestParams)
} // namespace
} // namespace chrome_pdf