blob: db88272e5359b60faf87168b63cdf33bd4db1864 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the definition of the Url protobuf used in the
// url_parse_proto_fuzzer that is meant to serve as an example for future
// Chromium fuzzers that use libprotobuf-mutator. We will consider the format of
// a URL for this fuzzer, to be
// [scheme:][//[user[:password]@]host[:port]][/path][?query][#value] There may
// be some URLs Chromium treats as valid that this syntax does not capture.
// However, we will ignore them for the sake of simplicity. It is recommended to
// read this file in conjunction with Convert() in as
// logic in this function is sometimes used to ensure that the Url Protocol
// Buffer obeys the syntax we have defined for URLs. Though reading it is
// completely unnecessary for understanding this fuzzer, we have roughly
// followed RFC 3986 ( which defines the
// syntax of URIs (which URLs are a subset of).
syntax = "proto2";
package url_proto;
// Here we define the format for a Url Protocol Buffer. This will be passed to
// our fuzzer function.
message Url {
// If there is a scheme, then it must be followed by a colon. A scheme is in
// practice not required in a URL. Therefore, we will define the scheme as
// optional but ensure it is followed by a colon in our conversion code if it
// is included.
optional string scheme = 1;
enum Slash {
NONE = 0; // Separate path segments using ""
FORWARD = 1; // Separate path segments using /
BACKWARD = 2; // Separate path segments using \
// The syntax rules of the two slashes that precede the host in a URL are
// surprisingly complex. They are not required, even if a scheme is included
// ( is treated as valid), and are valid even if a scheme is
// not included (// is treated as file:/// They can
// even be backslashes (http:\\ and http\/ are both
// valid) and there can be any number of them (http:/ and
// http:////// are both valid).
// We will therefore define slashes as a list of enum values (repeated
// Slash). In our conversion code, this will be read to append the
// appropriate kind and appropriate number of slashes to the URL.
repeated Slash slashes = 2 [packed = true];
// The [user:password@] part of the URL shown above is called the userinfo.
// Userinfo is not mandatory, but if it is included in a URL, then it must
// contain a string called user. There is another optional field in userinfo
// called the password. If a password is included, the user must be
// separated from it by ":". In either case, the userinfo must be separated
// from the host by "@". A URL must have a host if it has a userinfo. These
// requirements will be ensured by the conversion code.
message Userinfo {
required string user = 1;
optional string password = 2;
optional Userinfo userinfo = 3;
// Hosts, like most else in our Url definition, are optional (there are
// are URLs such as data URLs that do not have hosts).
optional string host = 4;
// Ports are unsigned integers between 1-2^16. The closest type to this in
// the proto2 format is uint32. Also if a port number is specified it must
// be preceded by a colon (consider "google.com80" 80 will be interpreted as
// part of the host). The conversion code will ensure this is the case.
optional uint32 port = 5;
// The rules for the path are somewhat complex. A path is not required,
// however if it follows a port or host, it must start with "/" according
// to the RFC, though Chromium accepts "\" as it converts all backslashes to
// slashes. It does not need to start with "/" if there is no host (in data
// URLs for example). Thus we will define path as a repeated string where
// each member contains a segment of the path and will be preceded by the
// path_separator. The one exception to this is for the first segment if
// path_seperator == NONE and there is a non empty path and host, then the
// first segment will be preceded by "/".
repeated string path = 6;
required Slash path_separator = 7 [default = FORWARD];
// A query must preceded by "?". This will be ensured in the conversion
// code. Queries can have many components which the converter will separate
// using "&", as is the convention.
repeated string query = 8;
// A fragment must preceded by "#". This will be ensured in the conversion
// code.
optional string fragment = 9;