blob: c6ad951b1b791396931e14a8ba60d2c0113034d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include "testing/libfuzzer/proto/url.pb.h"
namespace url_proto {
namespace {
std::string SlashToString(int slash) {
if (slash == url_proto::Url::NONE)
return "";
if (slash == url_proto::Url::FORWARD)
return "/";
if (slash == url_proto::Url::BACKWARD) {
return "\\";
assert(false && "Received unexpected value for slash");
// Silence compiler warning about not returning in non-void function.
return "";
} // namespace
std::string Convert(const url_proto::Url& url) {
// Build url_string piece by piece from url and then return it.
std::string url_string = std::string("");
if (url.has_scheme()) { // Get the scheme if Url has it.
// Append the scheme to the url. This may be empty. Then append a colon
// which is mandatory if there is a scheme.
url_string += url.scheme() + ":";
// Just append the slashes without doing validation, since it would be too
// complex. libFuzzer will hopefully figure out good values.
for (const int slash : url.slashes())
url_string += SlashToString(slash);
// Get host. This is simple since hosts are simply strings according to our
// definition.
if (url.has_host()) {
// Get userinfo if libFuzzer set it. Ensure that user is separated
// from the password by ":" (if a password is included) and that userinfo is
// separated from the host by "@".
if (url.has_userinfo()) {
url_string += url.userinfo().user();
if (url.userinfo().has_password()) {
url_string += ":";
url_string += url.userinfo().password();
url_string += "@";
url_string +=;
// As explained in url.proto, if libFuzzer included a port in url ensure
// that it is preceded by the host and then ":".
if (url.has_port())
// Convert url.port() from an unsigned 32 bit int before appending it.
url_string += ":" + std::to_string(url.port());
// Append the path segments to the url, with each segment separated by
// the path_separator.
bool first_segment = true;
std::string path_separator = SlashToString(url.path_separator());
for (const std::string& path_segment : url.path()) {
// There does not need to be a path, but if there is a path and a host,
// ensure the path begins with "/".
if (url.has_host() && first_segment) {
url_string += "/" + path_segment;
first_segment = false;
} else
url_string += path_separator + path_segment;
// Queries must be started by "?". If libFuzzer included a query in url,
// ensure that it is preceded by "?". Also separate query components with
// ampersands as is the convention.
bool first_component = true;
for (const std::string& query_component : url.query()) {
if (first_component) {
url_string += "?" + query_component;
first_component = false;
} else
url_string += "&" + query_component;
// Fragments must be started by "#". If libFuzzer included a fragment
// in url, ensure that it is preceded by "#".
if (url.has_fragment())
url_string += "#" + url.fragment();
return url_string;
} // namespace url_proto