blob: 623bc5348330dcee139e8a6760068928d6731219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/formats/mp4/mp4_stream_parser.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/math_constants.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/encryption_pattern.h"
#include "media/base/encryption_scheme.h"
#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
#include "media/base/media_tracks.h"
#include "media/base/media_util.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h"
#include "media/base/text_track_config.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/video_util.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/box_definitions.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/box_reader.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/es_descriptor.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/rcheck.h"
#include "media/formats/mpeg/adts_constants.h"
namespace media {
namespace mp4 {
namespace {
const int kMaxEmptySampleLogs = 20;
const int kMaxInvalidConversionLogs = 20;
const int kMaxVideoKeyframeMismatchLogs = 10;
// Caller should be prepared to handle return of Unencrypted() in case of
// unsupported scheme.
EncryptionScheme GetEncryptionScheme(const ProtectionSchemeInfo& sinf) {
if (!sinf.HasSupportedScheme())
return Unencrypted();
FourCC fourcc = sinf.type.type;
EncryptionScheme::CipherMode mode = EncryptionScheme::CIPHER_MODE_UNENCRYPTED;
EncryptionPattern pattern;
bool uses_pattern_encryption = false;
switch (fourcc) {
mode = EncryptionScheme::CIPHER_MODE_AES_CTR;
mode = EncryptionScheme::CIPHER_MODE_AES_CBC;
uses_pattern_encryption = true;
if (uses_pattern_encryption) {
pattern = {,};
return EncryptionScheme(mode, pattern);
} // namespace
MP4StreamParser::MP4StreamParser(const std::set<int>& audio_object_types,
bool has_sbr,
bool has_flac)
: state_(kWaitingForInit),
num_video_keyframe_mismatches_(0) {}
MP4StreamParser::~MP4StreamParser() = default;
void MP4StreamParser::Init(
InitCB init_cb,
const NewConfigCB& config_cb,
const NewBuffersCB& new_buffers_cb,
bool /* ignore_text_tracks */,
const EncryptedMediaInitDataCB& encrypted_media_init_data_cb,
const NewMediaSegmentCB& new_segment_cb,
const EndMediaSegmentCB& end_of_segment_cb,
MediaLog* media_log) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kWaitingForInit);
init_cb_ = std::move(init_cb);
config_cb_ = config_cb;
new_buffers_cb_ = new_buffers_cb;
encrypted_media_init_data_cb_ = encrypted_media_init_data_cb;
new_segment_cb_ = new_segment_cb;
end_of_segment_cb_ = end_of_segment_cb;
media_log_ = media_log;
void MP4StreamParser::Reset() {
moof_head_ = 0;
mdat_tail_ = 0;
void MP4StreamParser::Flush() {
DCHECK_NE(state_, kWaitingForInit);
bool MP4StreamParser::GetGenerateTimestampsFlag() const {
return false;
bool MP4StreamParser::Parse(const uint8_t* buf, int size) {
DCHECK_NE(state_, kWaitingForInit);
if (state_ == kError)
return false;
queue_.Push(buf, size);
BufferQueueMap buffers;
// TODO(sandersd): Remove these bools. ParseResult replaced their purpose, but
// this method needs to be refactored to complete that work.
bool result = false;
bool err = false;
do {
switch (state_) {
case kWaitingForInit:
case kError:
return false;
case kParsingBoxes: {
ParseResult pr = ParseBox();
result = pr == ParseResult::kOk;
err = pr == ParseResult::kError;
case kWaitingForSampleData:
result = HaveEnoughDataToEnqueueSamples();
if (result)
case kEmittingSamples: {
ParseResult pr = EnqueueSample(&buffers);
result = pr == ParseResult::kOk;
err = pr == ParseResult::kError;
if (result) {
int64_t max_clear = runs_->GetMaxClearOffset() + moof_head_;
err = !ReadAndDiscardMDATsUntil(max_clear);
} while (result && !err);
if (!err)
err = !SendAndFlushSamples(&buffers);
if (err) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Error while parsing MP4";
return false;
return true;
ParseResult MP4StreamParser::ParseBox() {
const uint8_t* buf;
int size;
queue_.Peek(&buf, &size);
if (!size)
return ParseResult::kNeedMoreData;
std::unique_ptr<BoxReader> reader;
ParseResult result =
BoxReader::ReadTopLevelBox(buf, size, media_log_, &reader);
if (result != ParseResult::kOk)
return result;
if (reader->type() == FOURCC_MOOV) {
if (!ParseMoov(reader.get()))
return ParseResult::kError;
} else if (reader->type() == FOURCC_MOOF) {
moof_head_ = queue_.head();
if (!ParseMoof(reader.get()))
return ParseResult::kError;
// Set up first mdat offset for ReadMDATsUntil().
mdat_tail_ = queue_.head() + reader->box_size();
// Return early to avoid evicting 'moof' data from queue. Auxiliary info may
// be located anywhere in the file, including inside the 'moof' itself.
// (Since 'default-base-is-moof' is mandated, no data references can come
// before the head of the 'moof', so keeping this box around is sufficient.)
return ParseResult::kOk;
} else {
// TODO(wolenetz,chcunningham): Enforce more strict adherence to MSE byte
// stream spec for ftyp and styp. See
DVLOG(2) << "Skipping unrecognized top-level box: "
<< FourCCToString(reader->type());
return ParseResult::kOk;
static inline double FixedToFloatingPoint(const int32_t& i) {
return static_cast<double>(i >> 16);
VideoRotation MP4StreamParser::CalculateRotation(const TrackHeader& track,
const MovieHeader& movie) {
static_assert(kDisplayMatrixDimension == 9, "Display matrix must be 3x3");
// 3x3 matrix: [ a b c ]
// [ d e f ]
// [ x y z ]
int32_t rotation_matrix[kDisplayMatrixDimension] = {0};
// Shift values for fixed point multiplications.
const int32_t shifts[kDisplayMatrixHeight] = {16, 16, 30};
// Matrix multiplication for
// track.display_matrix * movie.display_matrix
// with special consideration taken that entries a-f are 16.16 fixed point
// decimals and x-z are 2.30 fixed point decimals.
for (int i = 0; i < kDisplayMatrixWidth; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < kDisplayMatrixHeight; j++) {
for (int e = 0; e < kDisplayMatrixHeight; e++) {
rotation_matrix[i * kDisplayMatrixHeight + j] +=
((int64_t)track.display_matrix[i * kDisplayMatrixHeight + e] *
movie.display_matrix[e * kDisplayMatrixHeight + j]) >>
// Rotation by angle Θ is represented in the matrix as:
// [ cos(Θ), -sin(Θ), ...]
// [ sin(Θ), cos(Θ), ...]
// [ ..., ..., 1 ]
// But we only need cos(Θ) for the angle and sin(Θ) for the quadrant.
double angle = acos(FixedToFloatingPoint(rotation_matrix[0]))
* 180 / base::kPiDouble;
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360;
if (angle >= 360)
angle -= 360;
// 16 bits of fixed point decimal is enough to give 6 decimals of precision
// to cos(Θ). A delta of ±0.000001 causes acos(cos(Θ)) to differ by a minimum
// of 0.0002, which is why we only need to check that the angle is only
// accurate to within four decimal places. This is preferred to checking for
// a more precise accuracy, as the 'double' type is architecture dependant and
// ther may variance in floating point errors.
if (abs(angle - 0) < 1e-4)
if (abs(angle - 180) < 1e-4)
return VIDEO_ROTATION_180;
if (abs(angle - 90) < 1e-4) {
bool quadrant = asin(FixedToFloatingPoint(rotation_matrix[3])) < 0;
return quadrant ? VIDEO_ROTATION_90 : VIDEO_ROTATION_270;
// TODO(tmathmeyer): Record this event and the faulty matrix somewhere.
bool MP4StreamParser::ParseMoov(BoxReader* reader) {
moov_.reset(new Movie);
has_audio_ = false;
has_video_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<MediaTracks> media_tracks(new MediaTracks());
AudioDecoderConfig audio_config;
VideoDecoderConfig video_config;
int detected_audio_track_count = 0;
int detected_video_track_count = 0;
int detected_text_track_count = 0;
for (std::vector<Track>::const_iterator track = moov_->tracks.begin();
track != moov_->tracks.end(); ++track) {
const SampleDescription& samp_descr =
// TODO(wolenetz): When codec reconfigurations are supported, detect and
// send a codec reconfiguration for fragments using a sample description
// index different from the previous one. See
size_t desc_idx = 0;
for (size_t t = 0; t < moov_->extends.tracks.size(); t++) {
const TrackExtends& trex = moov_->extends.tracks[t];
if (trex.track_id == track->header.track_id) {
desc_idx = trex.default_sample_description_index;
RCHECK(desc_idx > 0);
desc_idx -= 1; // BMFF descriptor index is one-based
if (track->media.handler.type == kAudio) {
// It is not uncommon to find otherwise-valid files with incorrect sample
// description indices, so we fail gracefully in that case.
if (desc_idx >= samp_descr.audio_entries.size())
desc_idx = 0;
const AudioSampleEntry& entry = samp_descr.audio_entries[desc_idx];
// For encrypted audio streams entry.format is FOURCC_ENCA and actual
// format is in entry.sinf.format.format.
FourCC audio_format = (entry.format == FOURCC_ENCA)
? entry.sinf.format.format
: entry.format;
if (audio_format != FOURCC_OPUS && audio_format != FOURCC_FLAC &&
audio_format != FOURCC_AC3 && audio_format != FOURCC_EAC3 &&
audio_format != FOURCC_MHM1 &&
audio_format != FOURCC_MP4A) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "Unsupported audio format 0x" << std::hex << entry.format
<< " in stsd box.";
return false;
AudioCodec codec = kUnknownAudioCodec;
ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_NONE;
int sample_per_second = 0;
int codec_delay_in_frames = 0;
base::TimeDelta seek_preroll;
std::vector<uint8_t> extra_data;
if (audio_format == FOURCC_OPUS) {
codec = kCodecOpus;
channel_layout = GuessChannelLayout(entry.dops.channel_count);
sample_per_second = entry.dops.sample_rate;
codec_delay_in_frames = entry.dops.codec_delay_in_frames;
seek_preroll = entry.dops.seek_preroll;
extra_data = entry.dops.extradata;
} else if (audio_format == FOURCC_FLAC) {
// FLAC-in-ISOBMFF does not use object type indication. |audio_format|
// is sufficient for identifying FLAC codec.
if (!has_flac_) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "FLAC audio stream detected in MP4, "
"mismatching what is specified in "
"the mimetype.";
return false;
codec = kCodecFLAC;
channel_layout = GuessChannelLayout(entry.channelcount);
sample_per_second = entry.samplerate;
extra_data = entry.dfla.stream_info;
} else if (audio_format == FOURCC_MHM1) {
codec = kCodecMpegHAudio;
sample_per_second = entry.samplerate;
extra_data = entry.dfla.stream_info;
} else {
uint8_t audio_type = entry.esds.object_type;
if (audio_type == kForbidden) {
if (audio_format == FOURCC_AC3)
audio_type = kAC3;
if (audio_format == FOURCC_EAC3)
audio_type = kEAC3;
DVLOG(1) << "audio_type 0x" << std::hex << static_cast<int>(audio_type);
if (audio_object_types_.find(audio_type) == audio_object_types_.end()) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "audio object type 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<int>(audio_type)
<< " does not match what is specified in the mimetype.";
return false;
// Check if it is MPEG4 AAC defined in ISO 14496 Part 3 or
// supported MPEG2 AAC varients.
if (ESDescriptor::IsAAC(audio_type)) {
const AAC& aac = entry.esds.aac;
codec = kCodecAAC;
channel_layout = aac.GetChannelLayout(has_sbr_);
sample_per_second = aac.GetOutputSamplesPerSecond(has_sbr_);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
extra_data = aac.codec_specific_data();
} else if (audio_type == kAC3) {
codec = kCodecAC3;
channel_layout = GuessChannelLayout(entry.channelcount);
sample_per_second = entry.samplerate;
} else if (audio_type == kEAC3) {
codec = kCodecEAC3;
channel_layout = GuessChannelLayout(entry.channelcount);
sample_per_second = entry.samplerate;
} else {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "Unsupported audio object type 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<int>(audio_type) << " in esds.";
return false;
SampleFormat sample_format;
if (entry.samplesize == 8) {
sample_format = kSampleFormatU8;
} else if (entry.samplesize == 16) {
sample_format = kSampleFormatS16;
} else if (entry.samplesize == 24) {
sample_format = kSampleFormatS24;
} else if (entry.samplesize == 32) {
sample_format = kSampleFormatS32;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported sample size.";
return false;
uint32_t audio_track_id = track->header.track_id;
if (audio_track_ids_.find(audio_track_id) != audio_track_ids_.end()) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "Audio track with track_id=" << audio_track_id
<< " already present.";
return false;
bool is_track_encrypted =;
EncryptionScheme scheme = Unencrypted();
if (is_track_encrypted) {
scheme = GetEncryptionScheme(entry.sinf);
if (!scheme.is_encrypted())
return false;
audio_config.Initialize(codec, sample_format, channel_layout,
sample_per_second, extra_data, scheme,
seek_preroll, codec_delay_in_frames);
if (codec == kCodecAAC)
DVLOG(1) << "audio_track_id=" << audio_track_id
<< " config=" << audio_config.AsHumanReadableString();
if (!audio_config.IsValidConfig()) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Invalid audio decoder config: "
<< audio_config.AsHumanReadableString();
return false;
has_audio_ = true;
const char* track_kind = (audio_track_ids_.size() == 1 ? "main" : "");
media_tracks->AddAudioTrack(audio_config, audio_track_id, track_kind,
if (track->media.handler.type == kVideo) {
if (desc_idx >= samp_descr.video_entries.size())
desc_idx = 0;
const VideoSampleEntry& entry = samp_descr.video_entries[desc_idx];
if (!entry.IsFormatValid()) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Unsupported video format 0x"
<< std::hex << entry.format
<< " in stsd box.";
return false;
// TODO(strobe): Recover correct crop box
gfx::Size coded_size(entry.width, entry.height);
gfx::Rect visible_rect(coded_size);
// If PASP is available, use the coded size and PASP to calculate the
// natural size. Otherwise, use the size in track header for natural size.
gfx::Size natural_size(visible_rect.size());
if (entry.pixel_aspect.h_spacing != 1 ||
entry.pixel_aspect.v_spacing != 1) {
natural_size =
GetNaturalSize(visible_rect.size(), entry.pixel_aspect.h_spacing,
} else if (track->header.width && track->header.height) {
natural_size =
gfx::Size(track->header.width, track->header.height);
uint32_t video_track_id = track->header.track_id;
if (video_track_ids_.find(video_track_id) != video_track_ids_.end()) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "Video track with track_id=" << video_track_id
<< " already present.";
return false;
bool is_track_encrypted =;
EncryptionScheme scheme = Unencrypted();
if (is_track_encrypted) {
scheme = GetEncryptionScheme(entry.sinf);
if (!scheme.is_encrypted())
return false;
video_config.Initialize(entry.video_codec, entry.video_codec_profile,
PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, VideoColorSpace::REC709(),
CalculateRotation(track->header, moov_->header),
coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size,
// No decoder-specific buffer needed for AVC;
// SPS/PPS are embedded in the video stream
EmptyExtraData(), scheme);
DVLOG(1) << "video_track_id=" << video_track_id
<< " config=" << video_config.AsHumanReadableString();
if (!video_config.IsValidConfig()) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Invalid video decoder config: "
<< video_config.AsHumanReadableString();
return false;
has_video_ = true;
const char* track_kind = (video_track_ids_.size() == 1 ? "main" : "");
media_tracks->AddVideoTrack(video_config, video_track_id, track_kind,
// TODO(wolenetz): Investigate support in MSE and Chrome MSE for CEA 608/708
// embedded caption data in video track. At time of init segment parsing, we
// don't have this data (unless maybe by SourceBuffer's mimetype).
// See
if (track->media.handler.type == kText)
if (!moov_->pssh.empty())
RCHECK(config_cb_.Run(std::move(media_tracks), TextTrackConfigMap()));
StreamParser::InitParameters params(kInfiniteDuration);
if (moov_->extends.header.fragment_duration > 0) {
params.duration = TimeDeltaFromRational(
moov_->extends.header.fragment_duration, moov_->header.timescale);
if (params.duration == kNoTimestamp) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Fragment duration exceeds representable "
<< "limit";
return false;
params.liveness = DemuxerStream::LIVENESS_RECORDED;
} else if (moov_->header.duration > 0 &&
((moov_->header.version == 0 &&
moov_->header.duration !=
std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) ||
(moov_->header.version == 1 &&
moov_->header.duration !=
std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()))) {
// In ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012, "If the duration cannot be determined
// then duration is set to all 1s."
// The duration field is either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the version in
// MovieHeaderBox. We interpret not 0 and not all 1's here as "known
// duration".
params.duration =
TimeDeltaFromRational(moov_->header.duration, moov_->header.timescale);
if (params.duration == kNoTimestamp) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Movie duration exceeds representable "
<< "limit";
return false;
params.liveness = DemuxerStream::LIVENESS_RECORDED;
} else {
// In ISO/IEC 14496-12:2005(E), 8.30.2: ".. If an MP4 file is created in
// real-time, such as used in live streaming, it is not likely that the
// fragment_duration is known in advance and this (mehd) box may be
// omitted."
// We have an unknown duration (neither any mvex fragment_duration nor moov
// duration value indicated a known duration, above.)
// TODO(wolenetz): Investigate gating liveness detection on timeline_offset
// when it's populated. See
params.liveness = DemuxerStream::LIVENESS_LIVE;
DVLOG(1) << "liveness: " << params.liveness;
if (init_cb_) {
params.detected_audio_track_count = detected_audio_track_count;
params.detected_video_track_count = detected_video_track_count;
params.detected_text_track_count = detected_text_track_count;
return true;
bool MP4StreamParser::ParseMoof(BoxReader* reader) {
RCHECK(moov_.get()); // Must already have initialization segment
MovieFragment moof;
if (!runs_)
runs_.reset(new TrackRunIterator(moov_.get(), media_log_));
if (!moof.pssh.empty())
return true;
void MP4StreamParser::OnEncryptedMediaInitData(
const std::vector<ProtectionSystemSpecificHeader>& headers) {
// TODO(strobe): ensure that the value of init_data (all PSSH headers
// concatenated in arbitrary order) matches the EME spec.
// See
size_t total_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++)
total_size += headers[i].raw_box.size();
std::vector<uint8_t> init_data(total_size);
size_t pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
memcpy(&init_data[pos], &headers[i].raw_box[0],
pos += headers[i].raw_box.size();
encrypted_media_init_data_cb_.Run(EmeInitDataType::CENC, init_data);
bool MP4StreamParser::PrepareAACBuffer(
const AAC& aac_config,
std::vector<uint8_t>* frame_buf,
std::vector<SubsampleEntry>* subsamples) const {
// Append an ADTS header to every audio sample.
// As above, adjust subsample information to account for the headers. AAC is
// not required to use subsample encryption, so we may need to add an entry.
if (subsamples->empty()) {
kADTSHeaderMinSize, frame_buf->size() - kADTSHeaderMinSize));
} else {
(*subsamples)[0].clear_bytes += kADTSHeaderMinSize;
return true;
ParseResult MP4StreamParser::EnqueueSample(BufferQueueMap* buffers) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kEmittingSamples);
if (!runs_->IsRunValid()) {
// Flush any buffers we've gotten in this chunk so that buffers don't
// cross |new_segment_cb_| calls
if (!SendAndFlushSamples(buffers))
return ParseResult::kError;
// Remain in kEmittingSamples state, discarding data, until the end of
// the current 'mdat' box has been appended to the queue.
// TODO(sandersd): As I understand it, this Trim() will always succeed,
// since |mdat_tail_| is never outside of the queue. It's also plausible
// that this Trim() is always a no-op, but perhaps if all runs are empty
// this still does something?
if (!queue_.Trim(mdat_tail_))
return ParseResult::kNeedMoreData;
return ParseResult::kOk;
if (!runs_->IsSampleValid()) {
if (!runs_->AdvanceRun())
return ParseResult::kError;
return ParseResult::kOk;
const uint8_t* buf;
int buf_size;
queue_.Peek(&buf, &buf_size);
if (!buf_size)
return ParseResult::kNeedMoreData;
bool audio =
audio_track_ids_.find(runs_->track_id()) != audio_track_ids_.end();
bool video =
video_track_ids_.find(runs_->track_id()) != video_track_ids_.end();
// Skip this entire track if it's not one we're interested in
if (!audio && !video) {
if (!runs_->AdvanceRun())
return ParseResult::kError;
return ParseResult::kOk;
// Attempt to cache the auxiliary information first. Aux info is usually
// placed in a contiguous block before the sample data, rather than being
// interleaved. If we didn't cache it, this would require that we retain the
// start of the segment buffer while reading samples. Aux info is typically
// quite small compared to sample data, so this pattern is useful on
// memory-constrained devices where the source buffer consumes a substantial
// portion of the total system memory.
if (runs_->AuxInfoNeedsToBeCached()) {
queue_.PeekAt(runs_->aux_info_offset() + moof_head_, &buf, &buf_size);
if (buf_size < runs_->aux_info_size())
return ParseResult::kNeedMoreData;
if (!runs_->CacheAuxInfo(buf, buf_size))
return ParseResult::kError;
return ParseResult::kOk;
queue_.PeekAt(runs_->sample_offset() + moof_head_, &buf, &buf_size);
if (runs_->sample_size() >
static_cast<uint32_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max())) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Sample size is too large";
return ParseResult::kError;
int sample_size = base::checked_cast<int>(runs_->sample_size());
if (buf_size < sample_size)
return ParseResult::kNeedMoreData;
if (sample_size == 0) {
// Generally not expected, but spec allows it. Code below this block assumes
// the current sample is not empty.
LIMITED_MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log_, num_empty_samples_skipped_,
<< "Skipping 'trun' sample with size of 0.";
if (!runs_->AdvanceSample())
return ParseResult::kError;
return ParseResult::kOk;
std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig> decrypt_config;
std::vector<SubsampleEntry> subsamples;
if (runs_->is_encrypted()) {
decrypt_config = runs_->GetDecryptConfig();
if (!decrypt_config)
return ParseResult::kError;
subsamples = decrypt_config->subsamples();
// This may change if analysis results indicate runs_->is_keyframe() is
// opposite of what the coded frame contains.
bool is_keyframe = runs_->is_keyframe();
std::vector<uint8_t> frame_buf(buf, buf + sample_size);
if (video) {
if (runs_->video_description().video_codec == kCodecH264 ||
runs_->video_description().video_codec == kCodecHEVC ||
runs_->video_description().video_codec == kCodecDolbyVision) {
BitstreamConverter::AnalysisResult analysis;
if (!runs_->video_description()
&frame_buf, is_keyframe, &subsamples, &analysis)) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "Failed to prepare video sample for decode";
return ParseResult::kError;
// If conformance analysis was not actually performed, assume the frame is
// conformant. If it was performed and found to be non-conformant, log
// it.
if (!analysis.is_conformant.value_or(true)) {
LIMITED_MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log_, num_invalid_conversions_,
<< "Prepared video sample is not conformant";
// Use |analysis.is_keyframe|, if it was actually determined, for logging
// if the analysis mismatches the container's keyframe metadata for
// |frame_buf|.
if (analysis.is_keyframe.has_value() &&
is_keyframe != analysis.is_keyframe.value()) {
LIMITED_MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log_, num_video_keyframe_mismatches_,
<< "ISO-BMFF container metadata for video frame indicates that the "
"frame is "
<< (is_keyframe ? "" : "not ")
<< "a keyframe, but the video frame contents indicate the "
// As of September 2018, it appears that all of Edge, Firefox, Safari
// work with content that marks non-avc-keyframes as a keyframe in the
// container. Encoders/muxers/old streams still exist that produce
// all-keyframe mp4 video tracks, though many of the coded frames are
// not keyframes (likely workaround due to the impact on low-latency
// live streams until was fixed). We'll trust
// the AVC frame's keyframe-ness over the mp4 container's metadata if
// they mismatch. If other out-of-order codecs in mp4 (e.g. HEVC, DV)
// implement keyframe analysis in their frame_bitstream_converter, we'll
// similarly trust that analysis instead of the mp4.
// We'll only use the analysis to override the MP4 keyframeness if
// |media::kMseBufferByPts| is enabled.
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kMseBufferByPts)) {
is_keyframe = analysis.is_keyframe.value();
if (audio) {
if (ESDescriptor::IsAAC(runs_->audio_description().esds.object_type)) {
if (!PrepareAACBuffer(runs_->audio_description().esds.aac, &frame_buf,
&subsamples)) {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_)
<< "Failed to prepare AAC sample for decode";
return ParseResult::kError;
return ParseResult::kError;
if (decrypt_config) {
if (!subsamples.empty()) {
// Create a new config with the updated subsamples.
new DecryptConfig(decrypt_config->encryption_mode(),
decrypt_config->key_id(), decrypt_config->iv(),
subsamples, decrypt_config->encryption_pattern()));
// else, use the existing config.
StreamParserBuffer::Type buffer_type = audio ? DemuxerStream::AUDIO :
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> stream_buf =
StreamParserBuffer::CopyFrom(&frame_buf[0], frame_buf.size(), is_keyframe,
buffer_type, runs_->track_id());
if (decrypt_config)
if (runs_->duration() != kNoTimestamp) {
} else {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Frame duration exceeds representable "
<< "limit";
return ParseResult::kError;
if (runs_->cts() != kNoTimestamp) {
} else {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Frame PTS exceeds representable limit";
return ParseResult::kError;
if (runs_->dts() != kNoDecodeTimestamp()) {
} else {
MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, media_log_) << "Frame DTS exceeds representable limit";
return ParseResult::kError;
DVLOG(3) << "Emit " << (audio ? "audio" : "video") << " frame: "
<< " track_id=" << runs_->track_id() << ", key=" << is_keyframe
<< ", dur=" << runs_->duration().InMilliseconds()
<< ", dts=" << runs_->dts().InMilliseconds()
<< ", cts=" << runs_->cts().InMilliseconds()
<< ", size=" << sample_size;
if (!runs_->AdvanceSample())
return ParseResult::kError;
return ParseResult::kOk;
bool MP4StreamParser::SendAndFlushSamples(BufferQueueMap* buffers) {
if (buffers->empty())
return true;
bool success = new_buffers_cb_.Run(*buffers);
return success;
bool MP4StreamParser::ReadAndDiscardMDATsUntil(int64_t max_clear_offset) {
ParseResult result = ParseResult::kOk;
int64_t upper_bound = std::min(max_clear_offset, queue_.tail());
while (mdat_tail_ < upper_bound) {
const uint8_t* buf = NULL;
int size = 0;
queue_.PeekAt(mdat_tail_, &buf, &size);
FourCC type;
size_t box_sz;
result = BoxReader::StartTopLevelBox(buf, size, media_log_, &type, &box_sz);
if (result != ParseResult::kOk)
if (type != FOURCC_MDAT) {
MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log_)
<< "Unexpected box type while parsing MDATs: "
<< FourCCToString(type);
// TODO(chcunningham): Fix mdat_tail_ and ByteQueue classes to use size_t.
// TODO(sandersd): The whole |mdat_tail_| mechanism appears to be pointless
// because StartTopLevelBox() only succeeds for complete boxes. Either
// remove |mdat_tail_| throughout this class or implement the ability to
// discard partial mdats.
mdat_tail_ += base::checked_cast<int64_t>(box_sz);
queue_.Trim(std::min(mdat_tail_, upper_bound));
return result != ParseResult::kError;
void MP4StreamParser::ChangeState(State new_state) {
DVLOG(2) << "Changing state: " << new_state;
state_ = new_state;
bool MP4StreamParser::HaveEnoughDataToEnqueueSamples() {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kWaitingForSampleData);
// For muxed content, make sure we have data up to |highest_end_offset_|
// so we can ensure proper enqueuing behavior. Otherwise assume we have enough
// data and allow per sample offset checks to meter sample enqueuing.
// TODO(acolwell): Fix trun box handling so we don't have to special case
// muxed content.
return !(has_audio_ && has_video_ &&
queue_.tail() < highest_end_offset_ + moof_head_);
bool MP4StreamParser::ComputeHighestEndOffset(const MovieFragment& moof) {
highest_end_offset_ = 0;
TrackRunIterator runs(moov_.get(), media_log_);
while (runs.IsRunValid()) {
int64_t aux_info_end_offset = runs.aux_info_offset() + runs.aux_info_size();
if (aux_info_end_offset > highest_end_offset_)
highest_end_offset_ = aux_info_end_offset;
while (runs.IsSampleValid()) {
int64_t sample_end_offset = runs.sample_offset() + runs.sample_size();
if (sample_end_offset > highest_end_offset_)
highest_end_offset_ = sample_end_offset;
if (!runs.AdvanceSample())
return false;
if (!runs.AdvanceRun())
return false;
return true;
} // namespace mp4
} // namespace media