blob: cc8f66e42585fc1e6cbbbcc33f6db2e2f4bf2937 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
(function () {
'use strict';
* remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector provides a reliable way to detect
* whether the current computer has connectivity.
* The waitForOnline() method returns a promise that resolves when the machine
* has network connectivity or rejects with remoting.Error.Tag.CANCELLED when
* cancel() is called.
* @constructor
* @implements {base.Disposable}
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector = function() {
/** @private {base.Deferred} */
this.deferred_ = null;
/** @private {base.Disposable}*/
this.pendingXhr_ = null;
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.prototype.dispose = function() {
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.prototype.cancel = function() {
this.pendingXhr_ = null;
if (this.deferred_) {
this.deferred_.reject(new remoting.Error(remoting.Error.Tag.CANCELLED));
this.deferred_ = null;
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the device is online or
* rejects with the error tag remoting.Error.Tag.Cancelled when cancel() is
* called.
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.prototype.waitForOnline = function() {
if (this.deferred_) {
return this.deferred_.promise();
this.deferred_ = new base.Deferred();
var that = this;
).then(function() {
return this.deferred_.promise();
* @private
* @return {Promise}
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.prototype.waitForOnlineEvent_ = function(){
if (base.isOnline()) {
return Promise.resolve();
var pending = new base.Deferred();
function onOnline() {
window.removeEventListener('online', onOnline, false);
window.addEventListener('online', onOnline, false);
return pending.promise();
* @private
* @return {Promise}
function() {
console.assert(this.pendingXhr_ == null, 'Unexpected pending request');
if (!this.deferred_) {
// It is canceled.
return Promise.reject();
this.pendingXhr_ = new remoting.AutoRetryXhr({
method: 'GET',
url: remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.getUrlForTesting(),
return this.pendingXhr_.start();
* Factory method for stubbing in unittests
* @return {remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector}
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.create = function() {
return new remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector();
/** @return {string} */
remoting.NetworkConnectivityDetector.getUrlForTesting = function() {
return remoting.settings.TALK_GADGET_URL +