blob: 21e734de8b36d18101a6081389fb0245f0038703 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class PasswordAccessoryController;
// The interface for creating and controlling a view for the password accessory.
// The view gets data from a given |PasswordAccessoryController| and forwards
// any request (like filling a suggestion) back to the controller.
class PasswordAccessoryViewInterface {
// Represents an item that will be shown in the bottom sheet below a keyboard
// accessory.
struct AccessoryItem {
// Defines which item types exist. A java IntDef@ is generated from this.
enum class Type {
// An item in title style to purely to display text. Non-interactive.
LABEL = 1, // e.g. the "Passwords for this site" section header.
// An item in list style to displaying an interactive suggestion.
SUGGESTION = 2, // e.g. a user's email address used for sign-up.
// An item in list style to displaying a non-interactive suggestion.
NON_INTERACTIVE_SUGGESTION = 3, // e.g. the "(No username)" suggestion.
// A horizontal, non-interactive divider used to visually divide sections.
// A single, usually static and interactive suggestion.
OPTION = 5, // e.g. the "Manage passwords..." link.
// A horizontal, non-interactive divider used to visually divide the
// accessory sheet from the accessory bar.
// The |text| is caption of the item and what will be filled if selected.
base::string16 text;
// The |content_description| is used for accessibility on displayed items.
base::string16 content_description;
// If true, the item contains a password (i.e. it's text should be masked).
bool is_password;
// Visual appearance and whether an item is clickable depend on this.
Type itemType;
AccessoryItem(const base::string16& text,
const base::string16& content_description,
bool is_password,
Type itemType)
: text(text),
itemType(itemType) {}
virtual ~PasswordAccessoryViewInterface() = default;
// Called with items that should replace all existing items in the accessory
// sheet. The |items| are the labels and actions that allow the filling.
virtual void OnItemsAvailable(const std::vector<AccessoryItem>& items) = 0;
// Called when the generation action should be offered or rescinded
// in the keyboard accessory.
virtual void OnAutomaticGenerationStatusChanged(bool available) = 0;
// Called to inform the view that the accessory sheet should be closed now.
virtual void CloseAccessorySheet() = 0;
// Opens a keyboard which dismisses the sheet. NoOp without open sheet.
virtual void SwapSheetWithKeyboard() = 0;
friend class PasswordAccessoryController;
// Factory function used to create a concrete instance of this view.
static std::unique_ptr<PasswordAccessoryViewInterface> Create(
PasswordAccessoryController* controller);