blob: b6311ecc05a4977998ce3ba8fb4b804da33b6335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
namespace not_blink {
void function(int x) {}
class Class {
void method() {}
virtual void virtualMethod() {}
template <typename T>
void methodTemplate(T) {}
template <typename T>
static void staticMethodTemplate(T) {}
template <typename T>
void functionTemplate(T x) {}
template <typename T = Class>
void functionTemplate2() {
template <typename T = Class>
class TemplatedClass {
void anotherMethod() { T::staticMethodTemplate(123); }
} // not_blink
namespace blink {
bool FunctionNotMarkedConstexpr(int a) {
return a == 4 || a == 10;
template <typename T>
bool TemplatedFunctionNotMarkedConstexpr(T t) {
return !!t;
int g_global_number;
template <typename T, int number>
void F() {
// These are const but hacker_case so we leave them alone.
const int maybe_a_const = sizeof(T);
const int is_a_const = number;
// These are const expressions so they get a k prefix.
const int kMaybeAConstToo = sizeof(T);
const int kIsAConstToo = number;
// These are built from calls to functions which produces inconsistent
// results so they should not be considered const to be safe.
const bool from_a_method = FunctionNotMarkedConstexpr(number);
const bool from_a_templated_method =
// A complex statement of const things is const.
const bool kComplexConst = number || (number + 1);
// A complex statement with a non-const thing is not const.
const bool complex_not_const = number || (g_global_number + 1);
// A const built from other consts is a const.
const bool kConstFromAConst = kComplexConst || number;
template <int number, typename... T>
void F() {
// These are const but hacker_case so we leave them alone.
const int maybe_a_const = sizeof...(T);
const int is_a_const = number;
// These are const expressions so they get a k prefix.
const int kMaybeAConstToo = sizeof...(T);
const int kIsAConstToo = number;
namespace test_member_in_template {
template <typename T>
class HasAMember {
HasAMember() {}
HasAMember(const T&) {}
void UsesMember() { const int not_const = i_; }
void AlsoUsesMember();
int i_;
template <typename T>
void HasAMember<T>::AlsoUsesMember() {
const int not_const = i_;
template <typename T>
static void BasedOnSubType(const HasAMember<T>& t) {
const HasAMember<T> problematic_not_const(t);
void Run() {
enum E { A };
namespace test_template_arg_is_function {
void F(int x) {}
template <typename T, void g(T)>
void H(T x) {
void Test() {
// f should be rewritten.
H<int, F>(0);
// Non-Blink should stay the same.
H<int, not_blink::function>(1);
// The int one makes the methods called from F() considered as constexpr, and
// can be collapsed to not have template arguments before it reaches the AST.
F<int, 10>();
// The enum one makes them not constexpr, as it doesn't collapse away the
// template stuff as much. This can lead to conflicting decisions about
// the names inside F() vs the above instantiation.
enum E { A };
F<E, 11>();
} // namespace test_template_arg_is_function
namespace test_template_arg_is_method {
class Class {
void Method() {}
template <typename T, void (T::*g)()>
void H(T&& x) {
void Test() {
// method should be rewritten.
H<Class, &Class::Method>(Class());
// Non-Blink should stay the same.
H<not_blink::Class, &not_blink::Class::method>(not_blink::Class());
} // namespace test_template_arg_is_method
namespace test_template_arg_is_function_template {
namespace nested {
template <typename T>
void F(T) {}
template <typename T, void g(T)>
void H(T x) {
void Test() {
// f should be rewritten.
H<int, nested::F>(0);
// Non-Blink should stay the same.
H<int, not_blink::functionTemplate>(1);
} // namespace test_template_arg_is_function_template
namespace test_template_arg_is_method_template_in_non_member_context {
struct Class {
template <typename T>
static void F(T) {}
template <typename T, void g(T)>
void H(T x) {
void Test() {
// f should be rewritten.
H<int, Class::F>(0);
// Non-Blink should stay the same.
H<int, not_blink::Class::staticMethodTemplate>(1);
} // test_template_arg_is_method_template_in_non_member_context
namespace test_inherited_field {
template <typename T>
class BaseClass {
unsigned long size_;
template <typename T>
class DerivedClass : protected BaseClass<T> {
using Base = BaseClass<T>;
// Need to rewrite |m_size| into |size_|.
using Base::size_;
void Method() { size_ = 123; }
} // namespace test_inherited_field
namespace test_template_arg_is_method_template_in_member_context {
struct Class {
template <typename T>
static void F(T) {}
struct Class2 {
template <typename T>
void F(T x) {
// f should be rewritten.
Class c;
// Non-Blink should stay the same.
not_blink::Class c2;
} // namespace test_template_arg_is_method_template_in_member_context
namespace test_unnamed_arg {
template <typename T>
class Class {
// Test for - shouldn't rewrite
// into
// ...intdata_size;
void F(int);
template <typename T>
void Class<T>::F(int data_size){};
void Foo() {
} // namespace test_unnamed_arg
namespace cxx_dependent_scope_member_expr_testing {
class PartitionAllocator {
static void Method() {}
template <typename Allocator = PartitionAllocator>
class Vector {
// |Allocator::method| is a
// CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr.
void AnotherMethod() {
if (std::is_class<Allocator>::value) // Shouldn't rename |value|
Allocator::Method(); // Should rename |method| -> |Method|.
template <typename Allocator = PartitionAllocator>
void Test() {
// |Allocator::method| is a
// DependentScopeDeclRefExpr.
if (std::is_class<Allocator>::value) // Shouldn't rename |value|.
Allocator::Method(); // Should rename |method|.
class InterceptingCanvasBase : public ::not_blink::Class {
virtual void VirtualMethodInBlink(){};
template <typename DerivedCanvas>
class InterceptingCanvas : public InterceptingCanvasBase {
void virtualMethod() override {
this->Class::virtualMethod(); //
template <typename T>
class ThreadSpecific {
T* operator->();
operator T*();
template <typename T>
inline ThreadSpecific<T>::operator T*() {
return nullptr;
template <typename T>
inline T* ThreadSpecific<T>::operator->() {
return operator T*();
class Class {
virtual void VirtualMethodInBlink() {}
} // namespace cxx_dependent_scope_member_expr_testing
namespace blacklisting_of_renaming_of_begin_method {
template <typename T>
class IntrusiveHeap {
// |begin| shouldn't be rewritten to |Begin|.
const T* begin() const { return nullptr; }
} // namespace blacklisting_of_renaming_of_begin_method
namespace specializations {
template <unsigned long sizeOfValue>
int ToV8SignedIntegerInternal(long value);
template <>
int ToV8SignedIntegerInternal<4>(long value) {
return 123 + value;
template <>
int ToV8SignedIntegerInternal<8>(long value) {
return 456 + value;
int ToV8(int value) {
return ToV8SignedIntegerInternal<sizeof value>(value);
int ToV8(long value) {
return ToV8SignedIntegerInternal<sizeof value>(value);
} // namespace specializations
} // namespace blink
namespace not_blink {
namespace cxx_dependent_scope_member_expr_testing {
class Base : public ::blink::cxx_dependent_scope_member_expr_testing::Class {
virtual void virtualMethod() {}
template <typename T>
class Derived : public Base {
void virtualMethod() override {
} // namespace cxx_dependent_scope_member_expr_testing
namespace blink_methods_called_from_mojo_traits_are_not_rewritten {
template <typename V>
struct MapTraits;
template <typename V>
struct MapTraits<blink::test_unnamed_arg::Class<V>> {
static void SetToEmpty(blink::test_unnamed_arg::Class<V>* output) {
// Need to rewrite |f| to |F| below (because this method name
// does get rewritten when processing blink::test_unnamed_arg::Class).
// See also
} // namespace blink_methods_called_from_mojo_traits_are_not_rewritten
} // namespace not_blink