blob: 0d67b3e828c3d322454d59863425fb6732448d35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace sync_file_system {
// This enum is translated into syncFileSystem.ServiceStatus
// (defined in chrome/common/extensions/api/sync_file_system.idl).
// When you update this enum please consider updating the other enum in IDL.
enum SyncServiceState {
// The sync service is up and running, or has not seen any errors yet.
// The consumer of this service can make new requests while the
// service is in this state.
// The sync service is not synchronizing files because the remote service
// needs to be authenticated by the user to proceed.
// This state may be automatically resolved when the underlying
// network condition or service condition changes.
// The consumer of this service can still make new requests but
// they may fail (with recoverable error code).
// The sync service is not synchronizing files because the remote service
// is (temporarily) unavailable due to some recoverable errors, e.g.
// network is offline, the remote service is down or not
// reachable etc. More details should be given by |description| parameter
// in OnSyncStateUpdated (which could contain service-specific details).
// The sync service is disabled by configuration change or due to some
// unrecoverable errors, e.g. local database corruption.
// Any new requests will immediately fail when the service is in
// this state.
} // namespace sync_file_system