blob: 22a583daff14f5a1f9cfcd1905902f38d3679dc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
class Profile;
namespace url {
class Origin;
class ReportingPermissionsCheckerFactory;
// Used by the Reporting API to check whether the user has allowed reports to be
// uploaded for particular origins, via the BACKGROUND_SYNC permission.
// Instances of this class will live on and be used from the IO thread. The
// actual permission checking has to happen on the UI thread, via the current
// Profile; this class takes care of managing the thread orchestration for you.
// In particular, instances of this class are guaranteed to remain valid even
// once the Profile has started tearing itself down on the UI thread.
class ReportingPermissionsChecker {
explicit ReportingPermissionsChecker(base::WeakPtr<Profile> weak_profile);
// Checks whether each origin in |origins| has the BACKGROUND_SYNC permission
// set, removing any that don't. Call this from the IO thread. The filter
// will perform the check on the UI thread, and invoke |result_callback| back
// on the IO thread with the result. If the Profile has already started
// tearing itself down, the callback will never be invoked.
void FilterReportingOrigins(
std::set<url::Origin> origins,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::set<url::Origin>)> result_callback);
base::WeakPtr<Profile> weak_profile_;
// The actual BACKGROUND_SYNC permission checks need to happen on the UI thread.
// This class lives on the UI thread, and is owned by ProfileImpl.
class ReportingPermissionsCheckerFactory {
// Does not take ownership of |profile|, which must outlive this instance.
// Must be called from the UI thread.
explicit ReportingPermissionsCheckerFactory(Profile* profile);
// Creates a new ReportingPermissionsChecker that can safely be used from
// the IO thread, even when the owning Profile has started tearing itself
// down. Must be called from the UI thread.
std::unique_ptr<ReportingPermissionsChecker> CreateChecker();
friend class ReportingPermissionsChecker;
// Checks whether each origin in |origins| has the BACKGROUND_SYNC permission
// set, removing any that don't. This must be called from the UI thread.
static std::set<url::Origin> DoFilterReportingOrigins(
base::WeakPtr<Profile> profile,
std::set<url::Origin> origins);
base::WeakPtrFactory<Profile> weak_factory_;