blob: 89d8fcd300580182a2d1606d73384407072c6d57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/coordination_unit/coordination_unit_base.h"
namespace resource_coordinator {
class FrameCoordinationUnitImpl;
class ProcessCoordinationUnitImpl;
class PageCoordinationUnitImpl
: public CoordinationUnitInterface<PageCoordinationUnitImpl,
mojom::PageCoordinationUnitRequest> {
static CoordinationUnitType Type() { return CoordinationUnitType::kPage; }
const CoordinationUnitID& id,
CoordinationUnitGraph* graph,
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::ServiceContextRef> service_ref);
~PageCoordinationUnitImpl() override;
// mojom::PageCoordinationUnit implementation.
void AddFrame(const CoordinationUnitID& cu_id) override;
void RemoveFrame(const CoordinationUnitID& cu_id) override;
void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) override;
void SetVisibility(bool visible) override;
void SetUKMSourceId(int64_t ukm_source_id) override;
void OnFaviconUpdated() override;
void OnTitleUpdated() override;
void OnMainFrameNavigationCommitted(base::TimeTicks navigation_committed_time,
int64_t navigation_id,
const std::string& url) override;
// There is no direct relationship between processes and pages. However,
// frames are accessible by both processes and frames, so we find all of the
// processes that are reachable from the pages's accessible frames.
std::set<ProcessCoordinationUnitImpl*> GetAssociatedProcessCoordinationUnits()
bool IsVisible() const;
double GetCPUUsage() const;
// Returns false if can't get an expected task queueing duration successfully.
bool GetExpectedTaskQueueingDuration(int64_t* duration);
// Returns 0 if no navigation has happened, otherwise returns the time since
// the last navigation commit.
base::TimeDelta TimeSinceLastNavigation() const;
// Returns the time since the last visibility change, it should always have a
// value since we set the visibility property when we create a
// PageCoordinationUnit.
base::TimeDelta TimeSinceLastVisibilityChange() const;
const std::set<FrameCoordinationUnitImpl*>& GetFrameCoordinationUnits()
const {
return frame_coordination_units_;
// Returns the main frame CU or nullptr if this page has no main frame.
FrameCoordinationUnitImpl* GetMainFrameCoordinationUnit() const;
// Accessors.
base::TimeTicks usage_estimate_time() const { return usage_estimate_time_; }
void set_usage_estimate_time(base::TimeTicks usage_estimate_time) {
usage_estimate_time_ = usage_estimate_time;
base::TimeDelta cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate() const {
return cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate_;
void set_cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate(
base::TimeDelta cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate) {
cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate_ = cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate;
uint64_t private_footprint_kb_estimate() const {
return private_footprint_kb_estimate_;
void set_private_footprint_kb_estimate(
uint64_t private_footprint_kb_estimate) {
private_footprint_kb_estimate_ = private_footprint_kb_estimate;
const std::string& main_frame_url() const { return main_frame_url_; }
int64_t navigation_id() const { return navigation_id_; }
friend class FrameCoordinationUnitImpl;
// CoordinationUnitInterface implementation.
void OnEventReceived(mojom::Event event) override;
void OnPropertyChanged(mojom::PropertyType property_type,
int64_t value) override;
bool AddFrame(FrameCoordinationUnitImpl* frame_cu);
bool RemoveFrame(FrameCoordinationUnitImpl* frame_cu);
std::set<FrameCoordinationUnitImpl*> frame_coordination_units_;
base::TimeTicks visibility_change_time_;
// Main frame navigation committed time.
base::TimeTicks navigation_committed_time_;
// The time the most recent resource usage estimate applies to.
base::TimeTicks usage_estimate_time_;
// The most current CPU usage estimate. Note that this estimate is most
// generously described as "piecewise linear", as it attributes the CPU
// cost incurred since the last measurement was made equally to pages
// hosted by a process. If, e.g. a frame has come into existence and vanished
// from a given process between measurements, the entire cost to that frame
// will be mis-attributed to other frames hosted in that process.
base::TimeDelta cumulative_cpu_usage_estimate_;
// The most current memory footprint estimate.
uint64_t private_footprint_kb_estimate_ = 0;
// The URL the main frame last committed a navigation to and the unique ID of
// the associated navigation handle.
std::string main_frame_url_;
int64_t navigation_id_ = 0;
} // namespace resource_coordinator