blob: 5aa05034910974be55f51fdb39cfa2318fac140c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/latency/windowed_analyzer.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/latency/fixed_point.h"
#include "ui/latency/frame_metrics_test_common.h"
namespace ui {
namespace frame_metrics {
namespace {
// Verify that the worst values for Mean, SMR, and RMS are all the same if
// every value added is the same. Makes for a nice sanity check.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, AllResultsTheSame) {
// For this test, we don't care about the timeline, so just keep it constant.
TestWindowedAnalyzerClient client;
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client(
60, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
// Try adding a single sample vs. multiple samples.
for (size_t samples : {1u, 100u}) {
// A power of 2 sweep for both the value and weight dimensions.
for (uint64_t value = 1; value < 0x100000000ULL; value *= 2) {
// Adding too many samples can result in overflow when multiplied by the
// weight. Divide by samples to avoid overflow.
for (uint64_t weight = 1; weight < 0x100000000ULL / samples;
weight *= 2) {
WindowedAnalyzer analyzer(&client, &shared_client);
AddSamplesHelper(&analyzer, value, weight, samples);
uint64_t expected_value =
value * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
EXPECT_EQ(analyzer.ComputeWorstMean().value, expected_value)
<< value << " x " << weight;
<< value << " x " << weight;
<< value << " x " << weight;
// All min/max combinations of value and weight.
for (uint64_t value : {0u, 0xFFFFFFFFu}) {
for (uint64_t weight : {1u, 0xFFFFFFFFu}) {
const size_t kSamplesToAdd = weight == 1 ? 100 : 1;
WindowedAnalyzer analyzer(&client, &shared_client);
AddSamplesHelper(&analyzer, value, weight, kSamplesToAdd);
// TestWindowedAnalyzerClient scales the result by 2.
uint64_t expected_value =
value * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
// Makes sure our precision is good enough.
EXPECT_EQ(analyzer.ComputeWorstMean().value, expected_value)
<< value << " x " << weight;
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS().value, expected_value)
<< value << " x " << weight;
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR().value, expected_value)
<< value << " x " << weight;
// Verify that the worst values and their time regions are properly tracked
// seperately for mean, SMR, and RMS.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, AllResultsDifferent) {
const size_t kMaxWindowSize = 6; // Same as the pattern length.
const uint32_t kSampleWeight = 100;
TestWindowedAnalyzerClient client;
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client(
kMaxWindowSize, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
WindowedAnalyzer analyzer(&client, &shared_client);
// Used to "clear" all the windowed accumulators.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_clear = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Worst mean pattern: mean of 3, smr of 1.5, rms of ~4.2.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_max_mean = {0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6};
double expected_worst_mean =
3 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
// Lots of small janks maximizes the SMR.
// Worst SMR pattern: mean of 2, smr of 2, rms of 2.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_max_smr = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
double expected_worst_smr =
2 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
// A few big janks dominate RMS.
// Worst RMS pattern: Mean of 2, smr of ~.3, rms of ~4.9
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_max_rms = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12};
double expected_worst_rms = std::sqrt((12 * 12) / 6) * kFixedPointMultiplier *
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_max_mean, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient worst_mean_client(shared_client);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_max_smr, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient worst_smr_client(shared_client);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_max_rms, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient worst_rms_client(shared_client);
// If there is a tie, the first window detected wins.
// This can go wrong if there's any accumulation of error because the
// values added aren't exactly the same as the values removed.
// This only catches accumulation of error in one direction, so isn't
// thorough, but it does help improve coverage.
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_max_mean, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_max_smr, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_max_rms, kSampleWeight);
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
FrameRegionResult worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_worst_mean, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(worst_mean_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(worst_mean_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
FrameRegionResult worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_worst_smr, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(worst_smr_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(worst_smr_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
FrameRegionResult worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_worst_rms, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(worst_rms_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(worst_rms_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// Verify that the worst values and their time regions are properly tracked
// even before a full window's worth is available.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, SmallSampleSize) {
const size_t kMaxWindowSize = 6; // Bigger than the pattern length.
const uint32_t kSampleWeight = 100;
TestWindowedAnalyzerClient client;
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client(
kMaxWindowSize, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
WindowedAnalyzer analyzer(&client, &shared_client);
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_short = {2, 2, 2};
double expected_initial_value =
2 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_short, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient short_client(shared_client);
FrameRegionResult worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_initial_value, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
FrameRegionResult worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
FrameRegionResult worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// Verify that a few bad values at the start don't dominate the result.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, BadFirstSamples) {
const size_t kMaxWindowSize = 6;
const uint32_t kSampleWeight = 100;
FrameRegionResult worst_mean, worst_smr, worst_rms;
TestWindowedAnalyzerClient client;
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client(
kMaxWindowSize, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
WindowedAnalyzer analyzer(&client, &shared_client);
// The 7's at the start will dominate the result if the implemenationd
// doesn't only start remembering the worst values after receiving at least
// a window's worth of samples.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_short = {7, 7};
double expected_initial_value =
7 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_short, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient short_client(shared_client);
worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_initial_value, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(short_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// Clear the window.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_clear = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_clear, kSampleWeight);
// Make sure a new worst window with results less than 7 is detected.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_long = {6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6};
double expected_final_value =
6 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern_long, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient long_client(shared_client);
worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_final_value, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(long_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(long_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_final_value, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(long_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(long_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_final_value, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(long_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(long_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// Verify ResetAccumulators is continuous across the reset boundary.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, ResetWorstValues) {
const size_t kMaxWindowSize = 6; // Same as the pattern length.
const uint32_t kSampleWeight = 100;
FrameRegionResult worst_mean, worst_smr, worst_rms;
TestWindowedAnalyzerClient client;
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client(
kMaxWindowSize, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
WindowedAnalyzer analyzer(&client, &shared_client);
// Start off with the worst pattern.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern1 = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
double expected_initial_value =
9 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern1, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient initial_client(shared_client);
worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_initial_value, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// The 4's below will affect the window, even after a reset, but
// won't affect the current worst values.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern2 = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern2, kSampleWeight);
worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_initial_value, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_initial_value, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(initial_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// Reset the worst value. This should not destroy sample history or
// any accumulators.
// The first 4 below will be included with the previous 4's to detect an
// entire window of results, even though we've reset the worst values.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern3 = {4};
double expected_final_value =
4 * kFixedPointMultiplier * TestWindowedAnalyzerClient::result_scale;
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern3, kSampleWeight);
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient final_client(shared_client);
// Add a window of 1's here to verify it does not affect the window of 4's.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern4 = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
AddPatternHelper(&shared_client, &analyzer, pattern4, kSampleWeight);
worst_mean = analyzer.ComputeWorstMean();
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected_final_value, worst_mean.value);
EXPECT_EQ(final_client.window_begin, worst_mean.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(final_client.window_end, worst_mean.window_end);
worst_smr = analyzer.ComputeWorstSMR();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_final_value, worst_smr.value);
EXPECT_EQ(final_client.window_begin, worst_smr.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(final_client.window_end, worst_smr.window_end);
worst_rms = analyzer.ComputeWorstRMS();
EXPECT_NEAR_SQRT_APPROX(expected_final_value, worst_rms.value);
EXPECT_EQ(final_client.window_begin, worst_rms.window_begin);
EXPECT_EQ(final_client.window_end, worst_rms.window_end);
// WindowedAnalyzerNaive is a version of WindowedAnalyzer that doesn't use
// fixed point math and can accumulate error, even with double precision
// accumulators. This is used to verify patterns that accumulate error without
// fixed point math, so we can then verify those patterns don't result in
// acculated error in the actual implementation.
class WindowedAnalyzerNaive {
WindowedAnalyzerNaive(size_t max_window_size)
: max_window_size_(max_window_size) {}
void AddSample(uint32_t value,
uint32_t weight,
uint64_t weighted_value,
uint64_t weighted_root,
const Accumulator96b& weighted_square) {
if (history_.size() >= max_window_size_) {
Sample old = history_.front();
naive_accumulator_ -= static_cast<double>(old.weight) * old.value;
naive_root_accumulator_ -=
static_cast<double>(old.weight) * std::sqrt(old.value);
naive_square_accumulator_ -=
static_cast<double>(old.weight) * old.value * old.value;
naive_total_weight_ -= old.weight;
history_.push_back({value, weight});
naive_accumulator_ += static_cast<double>(weight) * value;
naive_root_accumulator_ += static_cast<double>(weight) * std::sqrt(value);
naive_square_accumulator_ += static_cast<double>(weight) * value * value;
naive_total_weight_ += weight;
// Same as AddPatternHelper, but uses each value (+1) as its own weight.
// The "Cubed" name comes from the fact that the squared_accumulator
// for the RMS will effectively be a "cubed accumulator".
void AddCubedPatternHelper(SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient* shared_client,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& values) {
for (auto i : values) {
shared_client->window_begin += base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1);
shared_client->window_end += base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1);
uint64_t weighted_value = (i * (i + 1));
uint64_t updated_value = static_cast<uint64_t>(i);
uint64_t weighted_root = (i + 1) * std::sqrt(updated_value << 32);
Accumulator96b weighted_square(i, (i + 1));
AddSample(i, (i + 1), weighted_value, weighted_root, weighted_square);
struct Sample {
uint32_t value;
uint32_t weight;
const size_t max_window_size_;
double naive_accumulator_ = 0;
double naive_root_accumulator_ = 0;
double naive_square_accumulator_ = 0;
double naive_total_weight_ = 0;
base::circular_deque<Sample> history_;
// A version of the WindowedAnalyzer that allows us to inspect the internal
// state for testing purposes.
class TestWindowedAnalyzer : public WindowedAnalyzer {
TestWindowedAnalyzer(const WindowedAnalyzerClient* client,
const SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient* shared_client)
: WindowedAnalyzer(client, shared_client) {}
~TestWindowedAnalyzer() override {}
double CurrentAccumulator() { return accumulator_; }
double CurrentRootAccumulator() { return root_accumulator_; }
double CurrentSquareAccumulator() { return square_accumulator_.ToDouble(); }
// This test verifies that it's easy to blow the dynamic range of a floating
// point accumulator with a particular pattern. Then it verifies that same
// pattern does not result in error in the actual implementation.
void TestNoAccumulatedPrecisionError(uint32_t big_value,
uint32_t small_value,
double naive_root_error_floor,
double naive_square_error_floor) {
const size_t kRuns = 1000;
const size_t kMaxWindowSize = 6; // Same as the pattern length.
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_clear = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
const std::vector<uint32_t> pattern_bad = {big_value, small_value,
small_value, small_value,
small_value, small_value};
// Set up the actual WindowedAnalyzer implementation.
TestWindowedAnalyzerClient client_impl;
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client_impl(
kMaxWindowSize, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
TestWindowedAnalyzer analyzer_impl(&client_impl, &shared_client_impl);
// Set up the naive WindowedAnalyzer implementation.
SharedWindowedAnalyzerClient shared_client_naive(
kMaxWindowSize, base::TimeTicks(),
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
WindowedAnalyzerNaive analyzer_naive(kMaxWindowSize);
// Verify error keeps accumulating each time the bad pattern is applied.
// Note: We don't expect error in the mean accumulator since the values added
// are already truncated to whole integers before being passed in via
// AddSamples().
double naive_root_accumulator_prev = 0;
double naive_square_accumulator_prev = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= kRuns; i++) {
analyzer_naive.AddCubedPatternHelper(&shared_client_naive, pattern_bad);
analyzer_naive.AddCubedPatternHelper(&shared_client_naive, pattern_clear);
EXPECT_EQ(0, analyzer_naive.naive_accumulator_);
naive_root_accumulator_prev = analyzer_naive.naive_root_accumulator_;
naive_square_accumulator_prev = analyzer_naive.naive_square_accumulator_;
// Verify naive error is bigger than some threshold after kRuns.
EXPECT_ABS_LE(naive_root_error_floor * kRuns,
EXPECT_ABS_LE(naive_square_error_floor * kRuns,
// This is a synthetic example that is just outside the dynamic range of a
// double accumulator. Doubles have 53 significand bits. When cubed, the
// difference between the small and big values below require just over 53 bits.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, NoAccumulatedPrecisionErrorBasic) {
constexpr uint32_t big = 1 << 19;
constexpr uint32_t small = 2;
TestNoAccumulatedPrecisionError(big, small, 5e-8, 60);
// This is a more realistic scenario with orders of magnitude we are likely
// to see in actual data. The error is small, but can become significant over
// time.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, NoAccumulatedPrecisionErrorBig) {
constexpr uint32_t big = 1 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
constexpr uint32_t small = 1 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond;
TestNoAccumulatedPrecisionError(big, small, 7e-8, 256);
// This is a scenario with orders of magnitude that we can see in our data,
// but that will be rare. Even after a single bad pattern, the error is
// significant.
TEST(FrameMetricsWindowedAnalyzerTest, NoAccumulatedPrecisionErrorBigger) {
constexpr uint32_t big = 20 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
constexpr uint32_t small = 1 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond;
TestNoAccumulatedPrecisionError(big, small, 2e-5, 1e6);
} // namespace
} // namespace frame_metrics
} // namespace ui