| # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # Watchlist Rules |
| # Refer: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/contributing-code/watchlists |
| |
| # IMPORTANT: The regular expression filepath is tested against each path using |
| # re.search, so it is not usually necessary to add .*. |
| |
| { |
| 'accelerator_table': { |
| 'filepath': 'ash/accelerators/accelerator_table\.cc' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/views/accelerator_table\.cc', |
| }, |
| 'accessibility': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/accessibility/' \ |
| '|content/browser/accessibility/' \ |
| '|content/browser/resources/accessibility/' \ |
| '|content/renderer/accessibility/' \ |
| '|content/test/data/accessibility/' \ |
| '|content/public/android/.*accessib' \ |
| '|chrome/.*accessib' \ |
| '|ui/base/accessibility/' \ |
| '|ui/views/accessibility/' |
| }, |
| 'activity_log': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/extensions/activity_log/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/extensions/api/activity_log_private/' |
| }, |
| 'android_infra': { |
| 'filepath': 'build/android/' \ |
| '|testing/android/' \ |
| '|tools/android/' |
| }, |
| 'android_webview': { |
| 'filepath': 'android_webview/', |
| }, |
| 'app_list': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/ui/app_list'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/ash/app_list'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/views/app_list'\ |
| '|ui/app_list/' |
| }, |
| 'app_shortcuts': { |
| 'filepath': 'apps/app_shim/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/web_applications/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/web_applications/'\ |
| '|chrome/common/mac/' |
| }, |
| 'appcache': { |
| 'filepath': 'appcache/', |
| }, |
| 'apps': { |
| 'filepath': '^apps/', |
| }, |
| 'ash': { |
| 'filepath': 'ash/', |
| }, |
| 'aura': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/aura/', |
| }, |
| 'aura_compositor': { |
| 'filepath': |
| 'ui/compositor/' \ |
| '|content/browser/aura/' \ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_aura' \ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_browsertest' \ |
| '|content/common/gpu/client/' \ |
| '|webkit/common/gpu/' |
| }, |
| 'autofill': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/options/autofill_|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/sync/glue/autofill_|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/android/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/gtk/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/views/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/autofill_|'\ |
| 'chrome/renderer/autofill/|'\ |
| 'chrome/test/data/autofill/|'\ |
| 'components/autofill/|'\ |
| 'components/autofill/browser/webdata/|'\ |
| 'components/webdata/|'\ |
| 'content/public/common/password_|'\ |
| 'content/public/renderer/password_|'\ |
| 'content/renderer/password_', |
| }, |
| 'automation': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/automation/|chrome/test/automation/', |
| }, |
| 'base': { |
| 'filepath': '^base/', |
| }, |
| 'base_allocator': { |
| 'filepath': '^base/allocator', |
| }, |
| 'base_memory': { |
| 'filepath': '^base/memory', |
| }, |
| 'bookmarks': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/bookmarks/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmark_manager_private/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/resources/bookmark_manager/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/views/bookmarks/' |
| }, |
| 'browser': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/', |
| }, |
| 'browser_chromeos': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/chromeos/', |
| }, |
| 'browser_components': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/autofill/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/bookmarks/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/common/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/favicon/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/history/' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/webdata/' \ |
| '|components/autofill/' |
| }, |
| 'browser_compositor': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/compositor/' |
| }, |
| 'browser_resources': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/', |
| }, |
| 'browsing_data': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/browsing_data/', |
| }, |
| 'bubble': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/views/bubble/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/views/bubble/', |
| }, |
| 'cast': { |
| 'filepath': 'media/cast/', |
| }, |
| 'cc': { |
| 'filepath': 'cc/|'\ |
| 'webkit/renderer/compositor_bindings/|'\ |
| 'content/common/cc_messages' |
| }, |
| 'chrome_frame': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome_frame/', |
| }, |
| 'chrome_views': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/ui/views', |
| }, |
| 'chromedriver': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/test/chromedriver' |
| }, |
| 'chromeos': { |
| 'filepath': 'chromeos/', |
| }, |
| 'chromeos_attestation': { |
| 'filepath': 'chromeos/attestation/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/chromeos/attestation/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/extensions/api/enterprise_platform_keys_private/', |
| }, |
| 'chromeos_calculator': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/calculator/', |
| }, |
| 'chromeos_login': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/chromeos/login/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/login/', |
| }, |
| 'chromeos_net': { |
| 'filepath': 'chromeos/network/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/chromeos/net/', |
| }, |
| 'chromeos_power': { |
| 'filepath': 'ash/system/chromeos/power/|'\ |
| 'chromeos/dbus/power_.*|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/chromeos/power/', |
| }, |
| 'chromeos_webui': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/chromeos/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/', |
| }, |
| 'clang_update': { |
| 'filepath': 'tools/clang/scripts/update.sh' |
| }, |
| 'clipboard': { |
| 'filepath': 'clipboard|dnd|drag|drop', |
| }, |
| 'contacts': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/chromeos/contacts/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/chromeos/gdata/gdata_contacts_service', |
| }, |
| 'content': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/', |
| }, |
| 'content_shell': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/shell/', |
| }, |
| 'cookie_monster': { |
| 'filepath': 'net/cookies/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/net/sqlite_persistent_cookie_store', |
| }, |
| 'deep_memory_profiler': { |
| 'filepath': 'tools/(deep_memory_profiler|find_runtime_symbols)', |
| }, |
| 'device_orientation': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/browser/device_orientation/|'\ |
| 'content/common/device_orientation/|'\ |
| 'content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/DeviceMotionAndOrientation.java|'\ |
| 'content/public/android/javatests/src/org/chromium/content/browser/DeviceMotionAndOrientationTest.java|'\ |
| 'content/renderer/device_orientation/', |
| }, |
| 'devtools': { |
| 'filepath': 'devtools', |
| }, |
| 'disk_cache': { |
| 'filepath': 'net/disk_cache/|http_cache', |
| }, |
| 'dns': { |
| 'filepath': 'net/base/host_resolver|' \ |
| 'net/base/host_cache|' \ |
| 'net/dns/' |
| }, |
| 'domui_options': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/options/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/options.html|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/', |
| }, |
| 'download': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/download/|'\ |
| 'content/browser/download/', |
| }, |
| 'download_database': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/history/download_database', |
| }, |
| 'downloads_ext': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/extensions/api/downloads/|'\ |
| 'chrome/common/extensions/api/downloads.*.idl', |
| }, |
| 'downloads_ui': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/downloads/|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/.*downloads|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/views/download/|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/download/|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/gtk/download/' |
| }, |
| 'drive': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/google_apis/' |
| }, |
| 'drive_resource_metadata': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/resource_metadata' |
| }, |
| 'extension': { |
| 'filepath': 'extension', |
| }, |
| 'fileapi': { |
| 'filepath': 'file_system/|' \ |
| 'fileapi/' |
| }, |
| 'filebrowse': { |
| 'filepath': 'file_browser|' \ |
| 'file_manager|' \ |
| 'filebrowse' |
| }, |
| 'filesapp': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/file_manager', |
| }, |
| 'ftp': { |
| 'filepath': 'ftp', |
| }, |
| 'geolocation': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/geolocation/|'\ |
| 'content/browser/geolocation|'\ |
| 'content/public/common/geoposition.*|'\ |
| 'content/public/browser/geolocation.*|'\ |
| 'content/renderer/geolocation.*|'\ |
| 'content/shell/geolocation/', |
| }, |
| 'gfx_image': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/gfx/image/', |
| }, |
| 'gfx_geometry': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/gfx/rect|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/quad|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/point|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/size|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/transform|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/vector2d', |
| }, |
| 'gpu': { |
| 'filepath': 'gpu/', |
| }, |
| 'history_ui': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/history', |
| }, |
| 'i18n': { |
| 'filepath': 'base/i18n/|base/string|l10n|icu|'\ |
| 'locale_settings|encoding', |
| }, |
| 'imageburner': { |
| 'filepath': 'imageburner' |
| }, |
| 'importer': { |
| 'filepath': 'import', |
| }, |
| 'indexed_db': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/browser/indexed_db|'\ |
| 'content/child/indexed_db|'\ |
| 'content/common/indexed_db|'\ |
| 'content/public/browser/indexed_db|'\ |
| 'content/test/data/indexeddb', |
| }, |
| 'installer': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/installer/', |
| }, |
| 'instant': { |
| 'filepath': 'instant|searchbox|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/search/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/search/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/local_ntp/|'\ |
| 'chrome/common/search_types.*', |
| }, |
| 'ipc': { |
| 'filepath': 'ipc/ipc', |
| }, |
| 'layout_tests': { |
| 'filepath': 'webkit/(tools|data)/(layout_tests|test_shell)/', |
| }, |
| 'linux_fonts': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/gfx/font_render_params_.*|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/platform_font_pango.*|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/render_text_linux.*', |
| }, |
| 'linux_sandboxing': { |
| 'filepath': 'sandbox/linux/', |
| }, |
| 'linux_seccomp_bpf': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/common/sandbox.*linux.cc', |
| }, |
| 'managed_users': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/.*managed_mode'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/.*managed_user', |
| }, |
| 'media': { |
| 'filepath': 'media/|third_party/(ffmpeg|openmax)/|webmediaplayer|'\ |
| 'audio_message_filter|video_layer|media_internals', |
| }, |
| 'media_galleries': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/extensions/api/media_galleries/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/extensions/api/media_galleries_private/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/media_galleries/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/storage_monitor/'\ |
| '|chrome/common/media_galleries/'\ |
| '|chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/media_galleries/'\ |
| '|chrome/utility/itunes*'\ |
| '|chrome/utility/picasa*', |
| }, |
| 'message_loop': { |
| 'filepath': 'base/message_' |
| }, |
| 'metrics': { |
| 'filepath': 'base/metrics/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/metrics/'\ |
| '|chrome/common/metrics/'\ |
| '|chrome_frame/metrics'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/external_metrics'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/extensions/api/metrics/metrics'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/webui/metrics_handler'\ |
| '|content/browser/user_metrics.cc'\ |
| '|content/public/browser/user_metrics.h'\ |
| '|tools/metrics/' |
| }, |
| 'mojo': { |
| 'filepath': 'mojo', |
| }, |
| 'mouse_lock': { |
| 'filepath': 'mouse_lock', |
| }, |
| 'nacl': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/nacl/|chrome/test/nacl/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/nacl_host/|chrome/common/nacl|'\ |
| 'native_client_sdk/src/doc/', |
| }, |
| 'native_client_sdk': { |
| 'filepath': '^native_client_sdk/', |
| }, |
| 'net': { |
| 'filepath': 'net/', |
| }, |
| 'net_error_list': { |
| 'filepath': 'net/base/net_error_list.h', |
| }, |
| 'net_log': { |
| 'filepath': 'net/base/net_log|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/net/.*net_log|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/net/passive_log_collector|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/net_internals/|' \ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/net_internals/' |
| }, |
| 'npapi_headers': { |
| 'filepath': 'third_party/npapi/bindings/', |
| }, |
| 'ntp': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/ntp4/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/resources/ntp_android/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/', |
| }, |
| 'omnibox': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/autocomplete/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/.*/omnibox/' |
| }, |
| 'options': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/resources/options/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/', |
| }, |
| 'ozone': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/ozone/|'\ |
| 'ui/events/ozone/|'\ |
| 'ui/gfx/ozone/|'\ |
| 'ui/gl/gl_.*egl.*|'\ |
| 'ui/gl/gl_.*ozone.*' |
| }, |
| 'panels': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/ui/panels'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/panels'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/gtk/panels'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/views/panels' |
| }, |
| 'pepper_api': { |
| 'filepath': 'ppapi/api'\ |
| '|ppapi/c', |
| }, |
| 'perf': { |
| 'filepath': 'tools/perf' \ |
| '|tools/telemetry' \ |
| '|chrome/test/perf' |
| }, |
| 'plugin': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/plugin|chrome/plugin/|'\ |
| 'chrome/common/plugin|webkit/glue/webplugin|webkit/glue/plugins/', |
| }, |
| 'policy_templates': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/app/policy/policy_templates.json', |
| }, |
| 'predictors': { |
| 'filepath': 'predictors', |
| }, |
| 'prerender': { |
| 'filepath': 'prerender' |
| }, |
| 'pyauto': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/test/pyautolib' \ |
| '|chrome/test/functional' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider_json' |
| }, |
| 'remoting': { |
| 'filepath': 'remoting/', |
| }, |
| 'search': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/ui/search/', |
| }, |
| 'sessions': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/sessions/', |
| }, |
| 'shell_window': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/ui/(views/|gtk/|cocoa/|)'\ |
| 'extensions/(shell|app|native)' |
| }, |
| 'site_instance': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/browser/site_instance|'\ |
| 'content/browser/browsing_instance', |
| }, |
| 'speech': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/speech/'\ |
| '|content/browser/speech/'\ |
| '|content/common/.*speech'\ |
| '|content/public/.*speech' |
| }, |
| 'spellcheck': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/spellchecker/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/tab_contents/spellchecker'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/tab_contents/spelling_menu'\ |
| '|chrome/common/spellcheck_'\ |
| '|chrome/renderer/spellchecker/'\ |
| '|third_party/hunspell/'\ |
| '|third_party/hunspell_dictionaries/'\ |
| '|webkit/tools/test_shell/mock_spellcheck' |
| }, |
| 'streams': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/browser/streams/', |
| }, |
| 'sync': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/sync/|sync/', |
| }, |
| 'syncfs': { |
| 'filepath': 'sync_file_system', |
| }, |
| 'sync_proto': { |
| 'filepath': 'sync/protocol/', |
| }, |
| 'tab_capture': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/extensions/api/tab_capture/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/media/media_stream'\ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/(backing_store|compositing_iosurface|'\ |
| 'render_widget_host_view)'\ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/media/(audio_|'\ |
| 'media_stream_manager\.cc|video_|web_contents_)'\ |
| '|content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl'\ |
| '|content/renderer/media/audio_(device_factory|message_filter|'\ |
| 'renderer_mixer_manager)'\ |
| '|content/renderer/p2p/ipc_socket_factory'\ |
| '|content/renderer/pepper/pepper_platform_audio_output'\ |
| '|media/audio/(audio_output|fake_audio_consumer|virtual_audio)'\ |
| '|media/base/video_util'\ |
| '|media/video/capture/video_capture'\ |
| '|ui/surface/accelerated_surface.*_win', |
| }, |
| 'tab_contents': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/tab_contents/|'\ |
| 'content/browser/tab_contents/|'\ |
| 'chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/', |
| }, |
| 'task_manager': { |
| 'filepath': 'task_manager' |
| }, |
| 'tcmalloc': { |
| 'filepath': 'third_party/tcmalloc' |
| }, |
| 'telemetry': { |
| 'filepath': 'tools/telemetry' |
| }, |
| 'tests': { |
| 'filepath': 'apitest|unittest|browsertest|uitest|chrome/test/', |
| }, |
| 'textinput': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/browser/renderer_host/gtk_im'\ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/gtk_key'\ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view'\ |
| '|content/browser/renderer_host/text_input'\ |
| '|ui/base/ime/'\ |
| '|ui/base/gtk/event'\ |
| '|ui/base/gtk/gtk_im'\ |
| '|ui/base/keycodes/'\ |
| '|ui/base/win/ime'\ |
| '|ui/views/controls/textfield/'\ |
| '|ui/views/ime/' |
| }, |
| 'textinput_chromeos': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/input_method'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/status/input_method'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/extensions/extension_input_'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/resources/keyboard'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/resources/options/language'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/'\ |
| 'chromeos/.*(language|keyboard)'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/language'\ |
| '|chromeos/ime/*' |
| }, |
| 'tools': { |
| 'filepath': 'tools/', |
| }, |
| 'tools_emacs': { |
| 'filepath': 'tools/emacs/', |
| }, |
| 'tracing': { |
| 'filepath': 'base/debug/trace_event.*'\ |
| '|content/browser/tracing/'\ |
| '|components/tracing/' |
| }, |
| 'ui_compositor': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/compositor/layer\.|'\ |
| 'ui/compositor/layer_unittest|'\ |
| 'ui/compositor/compositor', |
| }, |
| 'ui_resources': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/resources/'\ |
| '|ui/base/native_theme/resources/'\ |
| '|chrome/app/theme/' |
| }, |
| 'valgrind': { |
| 'filepath': 'valgrind', |
| }, |
| 'views': { |
| # Applies to all files and subdirs within this directory. |
| 'filepath': '^ui/views/', |
| }, |
| 'views_core': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/views/view.h|'\ |
| 'ui/views/view.cc|'\ |
| 'ui/views/widget/', |
| }, |
| 'views_corewm': { |
| 'filepath': 'ui/views/corewm/', |
| }, |
| 'webkit': { |
| 'filepath': 'webkit/', |
| }, |
| 'webrtc_media': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/media/|'\ |
| 'content/browser/renderer_host/media/|'\ |
| 'content/renderer/media/|'\ |
| 'media/video/|'\ |
| 'video.*_accelerat', |
| }, |
| 'website_settings': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/content_settings/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/views/website_settings/'\ |
| '|chrome/browser/ui/website_settings/'\ |
| '|chrome/common/content_settings', |
| }, |
| 'worker': { |
| 'filepath': 'chrome/browser/worker_host/|chrome/worker/|'\ |
| 'chrome/common/worker_messages|webkit/glue/webworker', |
| }, |
| 'x11': { |
| 'filepath': 'content/browser/renderer_host/backing_store_x\.' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/xkeyboard\.' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/system_key_event_listener\.' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/'\ |
| 'xinput_hierarchy_changed_event_listener\.' \ |
| '|chrome/browser/chromeos/wm_' \ |
| '|ui/base/x/' |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| 'accelerator_table': ['mazda+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'derat+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yusukes+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'accessibility': ['dmazzoni+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'dtseng+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'plundblad+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'aboxhall+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yoshiki+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yuzo+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'activity_log': ['felt@chromium.org'], |
| 'android_infra': ['bulach+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yfriedman+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'ilevy-cc@chromium.org', |
| 'klundberg+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'craigdh+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'frankf+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'android_webview': ['android-webview-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'app_list': ['tfarina@chromium.org', 'chrome-apps-syd-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'app_shortcuts': ['chrome-apps-syd-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'appcache': ['michaeln@chromium.org'], |
| 'apps': ['tfarina@chromium.org', 'chromium-apps-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'ash': ['ben+ash@chromium.org', |
| 'sadrul@chromium.org', |
| 'kalyan.kondapally@intel.com'], |
| 'aura': ['ben+aura@chromium.org', |
| 'sadrul@chromium.org', |
| 'kalyan.kondapally@intel.com'], |
| 'aura_compositor': ['danakj+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'jbauman+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'piman+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'sievers+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'kalyan.kondapally@intel.com'], |
| 'autofill': ['benquan@chromium.org', |
| 'dgwallinga@chromium.org', |
| 'dyu@chromium.org', |
| 'estade+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'isherman@chromium.org', |
| 'rouslan+autofillwatch@chromium.org'], |
| 'automation': ['robertshield@chromium.org'], |
| 'base': ['erikwright+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'base_allocator': ['dmikurube+memory@chromium.org'], |
| 'base_memory': ['gavinp+memory@chromium.org'], |
| 'bookmarks': ['tfarina@chromium.org'], |
| 'browser_chromeos': ['davemoore+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'stevenjb+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'nkostylev+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'browser_components': ['browser-components-watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'browser_compositor': ['vollick@chromium.org', |
| 'piman+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'browser_resources': ['arv+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'browsing_data': ['markusheintz@chromium.org'], |
| 'bubble': ['alicet@chromium.org', 'msw+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'cast': ['miu+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'cc': ['cc-bugs@chromium.org'], |
| 'chrome_frame': ['amit@chromium.org', 'grt+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'robertshield@chromium.org'], |
| 'chrome_views': ['tfarina@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromedriver': ['kkania@chromium.org', 'frankf@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromeos' : ['oshima+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'stevenjb+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromeos_attestation' : ['dkrahn+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromeos_calculator' : ['dharcourt@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromeos_net' : ['gauravsh+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'stevenjb+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromeos_power' : ['derat+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'chromeos_webui': ['nkostylev+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'clang_update': ['ukai+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'dmikurube+clang@chromium.org', |
| 'eugenis+clang@chromium.org', |
| 'glider+clang@chromium.org'], |
| 'clipboard': ['dcheng@chromium.org'], |
| 'contacts': ['derat+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'content': ['jam@chromium.org', 'joi+watch-content@chromium.org', |
| 'darin-cc@chromium.org'], |
| 'content_shell': ['jochen+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'cookie_monster': ['erikwright@chromium.org'], |
| 'deep_memory_profiler': ['dmikurube+memory@chromium.org'], |
| 'device_orientation': ['timvolodine@chromium.org', 'mvanouwerkerk@chromium.org'], |
| 'devtools': ['pfeldman@chromium.org', 'yurys@chromium.org', |
| 'vsevik@chromium.org', 'aandrey+blink@chromium.org', |
| 'paulirish+reviews@chromium.org', |
| 'devtools-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'disk_cache': ['gavinp+disk@chromium.org'], |
| 'dns': ['mmenke@chromium.org'], |
| 'download_database': ['benjhayden+dwatch@chromium.org'], |
| 'download': ['benjhayden+dwatch@chromium.org', 'asanka@chromium.org'], |
| 'downloads_ext': ['benjhayden+dwatch@chromium.org'], |
| 'downloads_ui': ['asanka@chromium.org', 'benjhayden+dwatch@chromium.org'], |
| 'drive': ['tfarina@chromium.org'], |
| 'drive_resource_metadata': ['hashimoto+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'extension': ['chromium-apps-reviews@chromium.org', |
| 'extensions-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'fileapi': ['kinuko+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'nhiroki@chromium.org', |
| 'tzik@chromium.org'], |
| 'filebrowse': ['rginda+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'filesapp': ['mtomasz+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'ftp': ['phajdan.jr@chromium.org'], |
| 'geolocation': ['mvanouwerkerk@chromium.org'], |
| 'gfx_geometry': ['cc-bugs@chromium.org'], |
| 'gfx_image': ['rsesek+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'gpu': ['piman+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'history_ui': ['dubroy@chromium.org', 'pam+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'i18n': ['jshin+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'imageburner': ['tbarzic+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'importer': ['tfarina@chromium.org'], |
| 'indexed_db': ['alecflett@chromium.org', 'cmumford@chromium.org', |
| 'dgrogan@chromium.org', 'jsbell@chromium.org'], |
| 'installer': ['grt+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'instant': ['dcblack@chromium.org', 'jered@chromium.org', |
| 'dominich@chromium.org', 'samarth+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'melevin+watch@chromium.org', 'dougw+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'kmadhusu+watch@chromium.org', 'dhollowa+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'jfweitz+watch@chromium.org', 'skanuj+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'donnd+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'ipc': ['jam@chromium.org', 'darin-cc@chromium.org'], |
| 'linux_fonts': ['derat+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'linux_sandboxing': ['agl@chromium.org', 'jln+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'linux_seccomp_bpf': ['jln+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'managed_users': ['pam+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'media': ['feature-media-reviews@chromium.org'], |
| 'media_galleries': ['gbillock@chromium.org', 'thestig@chromium.org', |
| 'tommycli@chromium.org', 'vandebo@chromium.org'], |
| 'message_loop': ['sadrul@chromium.org'], |
| 'metrics': ['jar@chromium.org', |
| 'isherman@chromium.org', |
| 'asvitkine+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'mojo': ['aa@chromium.org', |
| 'abarth@chromium.org', |
| 'ben+mojo@chromium.org', |
| 'darin@chromium.org', |
| 'viettrungluu+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'mouse_lock': ['scheib+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'nacl': ['native-client-reviews@googlegroups.com'], |
| 'native_client_sdk': ['sbc@chromium.org', 'binji@chromium.org'], |
| 'net': ['cbentzel+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'net_error_list': ['mmenke@chromium.org'], |
| 'net_log': ['mmenke@chromium.org', 'eroman@chromium.org'], |
| 'npapi_headers': ['stuartmorgan@chromium.org'], |
| 'ntp': ['estade+watch@chromium.org', 'dbeam+watch-ntp@chromium.org', |
| 'pedrosimonetti+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'omnibox': ['suzhe@chromium.org'], |
| 'options': ['dbeam+watch-options@chromium.org'], |
| 'ozone': ['kalyan.kondapally@intel.com', 'ozone-reviews@chromium.org', |
| 'rjkroege@chromium.org'], |
| 'panels': ['dimich@chromium.org', 'jennb@chromium.org', |
| 'dcheng@chromium.org', 'jianli@chromium.org'], |
| 'pepper_api': ['piman+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'ihf+watch@chromium.org', 'yzshen+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yusukes+watch@chromium.org', 'raymes+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'noelallen@chromium.org', 'binji@chromium.org', |
| 'nfullagar@chromium.org', 'teravest+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'perf': ['chrome-speed-team+watch@google.com'], |
| 'plugin': ['jam@chromium.org', |
| 'stuartmorgan+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'policy_templates': ['joaodasilva+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'predictors': ['dominich+watch@chromium.org', 'shishir+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'prerender': ['cbentzel+watch@chromium.org', 'tburkard+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'dominich+watch@chromium.org', 'gavinp+prer@chromium.org', |
| 'davidben+watch@chromium.org',], |
| 'pyauto': ['anantha@chromium.org', |
| 'dyu@chromium.org', |
| 'dennisjeffrey@chromium.org'], |
| 'remoting': ['alexeypa+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'dcaiafa+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'garykac+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'hclam+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'jamiewalch+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'lambroslambrou+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'rmsousa+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'sergeyu+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'weitaosu+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'wez+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'amit@chromium.org', |
| 'sanjeevr@chromium.org'], |
| 'sessions': ['marja+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'shell_window': ['jeremya+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'site_instance': ['creis+watch@chromium.org', 'ajwong+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'spellcheck': ['groby+spellwatch@chromium.org', |
| 'rlp@chromium.org', |
| 'rouslan+spellwatch@chromium.org'], |
| 'streams': ['zork+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'sync': ['haitaol+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'rsimha+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'tim+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'syncfs': ['kinuko+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'nhiroki@chromium.org', |
| 'tzik@chromium.org'], |
| 'sync_proto': ['albertb+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'tab_capture': ['miu+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'tab_contents': ['avi@chromium.org', |
| 'creis+watch@chromium.org', 'ajwong+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'task_manager': ['yoshiki+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'tcmalloc': ['dmikurube+memory@chromium.org'], |
| 'telemetry': ['telemetry+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'tests': [], |
| 'textinput': ['penghuang+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'suzhe@chromium.org', |
| 'yusukes+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'nona+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yukishiino+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'textinput_chromeos': ['yusukes+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'nona+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'yukishiino+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'tools_emacs': ['fischman+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'dhollowa+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'tracing': ['dsinclair+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'ui_compositor': ['cc-bugs@chromium.org'], |
| 'ui_resources': ['oshima+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'valgrind': ['bruening+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'glider+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'timurrrr+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'views': ['tfarina@chromium.org'], |
| 'views_core': ['ben+views@chromium.org'], |
| 'views_corewm': ['ben+corewm@chromium.org'], |
| 'webkit': ['darin-cc@chromium.org'], |
| 'webrtc_media': ['fischman+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'wjia+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'mcasas+watch@chromium.org'], |
| 'website_settings': ['markusheintz@chromium.org'], |
| 'worker': ['jam@chromium.org'], |
| 'x11': ['derat+watch@chromium.org', |
| 'sadrul@chromium.org', |
| 'yusukes+watch@chromium.org'], |
| }, |
| } |