| # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| { |
| 'variables': { |
| 'chromium_code': 1, |
| 'cc_unit_tests_source_files': [ |
| 'animation/animation_unittest.cc', |
| 'animation/keyframed_animation_curve_unittest.cc', |
| 'animation/layer_animation_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'animation/scrollbar_animation_controller_linear_fade_unittest.cc', |
| 'animation/scrollbar_animation_controller_thinning_unittest.cc', |
| 'animation/timing_function_unittest.cc', |
| 'animation/transform_operations_unittest.cc', |
| 'base/float_quad_unittest.cc', |
| 'base/math_util_unittest.cc', |
| 'base/region_unittest.cc', |
| 'base/scoped_ptr_vector_unittest.cc', |
| 'base/tiling_data_unittest.cc', |
| 'base/util_unittest.cc', |
| 'debug/micro_benchmark_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'input/top_controls_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/content_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/contents_scaling_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/delegated_frame_provider_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/delegated_frame_resource_collection_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/delegated_renderer_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/heads_up_display_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/heads_up_display_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/layer_iterator_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/layer_position_constraint_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/nine_patch_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/nine_patch_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/picture_image_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/picture_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/picture_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/render_surface_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/scrollbar_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/solid_color_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/texture_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/tiled_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/tiled_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/ui_resource_layer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'layers/ui_resource_layer_unittest.cc', |
| 'output/delegating_renderer_unittest.cc', |
| 'output/filter_operations_unittest.cc', |
| 'output/gl_renderer_unittest.cc', |
| 'output/output_surface_unittest.cc', |
| 'output/renderer_pixeltest.cc', |
| 'output/shader_unittest.cc', |
| 'output/software_renderer_unittest.cc', |
| 'quads/draw_quad_unittest.cc', |
| 'quads/render_pass_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/layer_quad_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/picture_layer_tiling_set_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/picture_layer_tiling_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/picture_pile_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/picture_pile_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/picture_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/prioritized_resource_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/prioritized_tile_set_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/raster_worker_pool_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/resource_provider_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/resource_update_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/scoped_resource_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/texture_mailbox_deleter_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/tile_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/tile_priority_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/video_resource_updater_unittest.cc', |
| 'resources/worker_pool_unittest.cc', |
| 'scheduler/delay_based_time_source_unittest.cc', |
| 'scheduler/frame_rate_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'scheduler/rolling_time_delta_history_unittest.cc', |
| 'scheduler/scheduler_state_machine_unittest.cc', |
| 'scheduler/scheduler_unittest.cc', |
| 'scheduler/texture_uploader_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/layer_tree_json_parser_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/test_web_graphics_context_3d_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/damage_tracker_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_sorter_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_common_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_impl_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_pixeltest_filters.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_pixeltest_masks.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_pixeltest_on_demand_raster.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_pixeltest_readback.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_animation.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_context.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_damage.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_delegated.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_occlusion.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_picture.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_scroll.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_unittest_video.cc', |
| 'trees/occlusion_tracker_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/quad_culler_unittest.cc', |
| 'trees/tree_synchronizer_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'cc_tests_support_files': [ |
| 'test/animation_test_common.cc', |
| 'test/animation_test_common.h', |
| 'test/fake_content_layer.cc', |
| 'test/fake_content_layer.h', |
| 'test/fake_content_layer_client.cc', |
| 'test/fake_content_layer_client.h', |
| 'test/fake_content_layer_impl.cc', |
| 'test/fake_content_layer_impl.h', |
| 'test/fake_delegated_renderer_layer.cc', |
| 'test/fake_delegated_renderer_layer.h', |
| 'test/fake_delegated_renderer_layer_impl.cc', |
| 'test/fake_delegated_renderer_layer_impl.h', |
| 'test/fake_impl_proxy.h', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host.cc', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host.h', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host_client.cc', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host_client.h', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host_impl.cc', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host_impl.h', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host_impl_client.cc', |
| 'test/fake_layer_tree_host_impl_client.h', |
| 'test/fake_output_surface.cc', |
| 'test/fake_output_surface.h', |
| 'test/fake_output_surface_client.cc', |
| 'test/fake_output_surface_client.h', |
| 'test/fake_painted_scrollbar_layer.cc', |
| 'test/fake_painted_scrollbar_layer.h', |
| 'test/fake_picture_layer.cc', |
| 'test/fake_picture_layer.h', |
| 'test/fake_picture_layer_impl.cc', |
| 'test/fake_picture_layer_impl.h', |
| 'test/fake_picture_layer_tiling_client.cc', |
| 'test/fake_picture_layer_tiling_client.h', |
| 'test/fake_picture_pile_impl.cc', |
| 'test/fake_picture_pile_impl.h', |
| 'test/fake_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/fake_proxy.h', |
| 'test/fake_rendering_stats_instrumentation.h', |
| 'test/fake_scoped_ui_resource.cc', |
| 'test/fake_scoped_ui_resource.h', |
| 'test/fake_scrollbar.cc', |
| 'test/fake_scrollbar.h', |
| 'test/fake_tile_manager.cc', |
| 'test/fake_tile_manager.h', |
| 'test/fake_tile_manager_client.cc', |
| 'test/fake_tile_manager_client.h', |
| 'test/fake_ui_resource_layer_tree_host_impl.cc', |
| 'test/fake_ui_resource_layer_tree_host_impl.h', |
| 'test/fake_video_frame_provider.cc', |
| 'test/fake_video_frame_provider.h', |
| 'test/fake_web_graphics_context_3d.cc', |
| 'test/fake_web_graphics_context_3d.h', |
| 'test/geometry_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/geometry_test_utils.h', |
| 'test/impl_side_painting_settings.h', |
| 'test/layer_test_common.cc', |
| 'test/layer_test_common.h', |
| 'test/layer_tree_json_parser.cc', |
| 'test/layer_tree_json_parser.h', |
| 'test/layer_tree_pixel_test.cc', |
| 'test/layer_tree_pixel_test.h', |
| 'test/layer_tree_test.cc', |
| 'test/layer_tree_test.h', |
| 'test/mock_quad_culler.cc', |
| 'test/mock_quad_culler.h', |
| 'test/occlusion_tracker_test_common.h', |
| 'test/ordered_texture_map.cc', |
| 'test/ordered_texture_map.h', |
| 'test/paths.cc', |
| 'test/paths.h', |
| 'test/pixel_comparator.cc', |
| 'test/pixel_comparator.h', |
| 'test/pixel_test.cc', |
| 'test/pixel_test.h', |
| 'test/pixel_test_output_surface.cc', |
| 'test/pixel_test_output_surface.h', |
| 'test/pixel_test_software_output_device.cc', |
| 'test/pixel_test_software_output_device.h', |
| 'test/pixel_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/pixel_test_utils.h', |
| 'test/render_pass_test_common.cc', |
| 'test/render_pass_test_common.h', |
| 'test/render_pass_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/render_pass_test_utils.h', |
| 'test/scheduler_test_common.cc', |
| 'test/scheduler_test_common.h', |
| 'test/skia_common.cc', |
| 'test/skia_common.h', |
| 'test/solid_color_content_layer_client.cc', |
| 'test/solid_color_content_layer_client.h', |
| 'test/test_context_provider.cc', |
| 'test/test_context_provider.h', |
| 'test/test_context_support.cc', |
| 'test/test_context_support.h', |
| 'test/test_texture.cc', |
| 'test/test_texture.h', |
| 'test/test_tile_priorities.cc', |
| 'test/test_tile_priorities.h', |
| 'test/test_web_graphics_context_3d.cc', |
| 'test/test_web_graphics_context_3d.h', |
| 'test/tiled_layer_test_common.cc', |
| 'test/tiled_layer_test_common.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'cc_unittests', |
| 'type': '<(gtest_target_type)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:gpu', |
| '../media/media.gyp:media', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../ui/gfx/gfx.gyp:gfx', |
| '../webkit/common/gpu/webkit_gpu.gyp:webkit_gpu', |
| 'cc.gyp:cc', |
| 'cc_test_support', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| 'test/cc_test_suite.cc', |
| '<@(cc_unit_tests_source_files)', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'test', |
| '.', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS == "android" and gtest_target_type == "shared_library"', |
| { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_test_native_code', |
| ], |
| } |
| ], |
| [ 'os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and OS != "android" and OS != "ios"', |
| { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| [ 'linux_use_tcmalloc==1', |
| { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| } |
| ], |
| ], |
| } |
| ], |
| ], |
| # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations. |
| 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267, ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'cc_perftests', |
| 'type': '<(gtest_target_type)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:gpu', |
| '../media/media.gyp:media', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../testing/perf/perf_test.gyp:*', |
| '../ui/gfx/gfx.gyp:gfx', |
| 'cc.gyp:cc', |
| 'cc_test_support', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'resources/picture_layer_tiling_perftest.cc', |
| 'resources/raster_worker_pool_perftest.cc', |
| 'resources/tile_manager_perftest.cc', |
| 'resources/worker_pool_perftest.cc', |
| 'test/cc_test_suite.cc', |
| 'test/lap_timer.cc', |
| 'test/run_all_perftests.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_common_perftest.cc', |
| 'trees/layer_tree_host_perftest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'test', |
| '.', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS == "android" and gtest_target_type == "shared_library"', |
| { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../testing/android/native_test.gyp:native_test_native_code', |
| ], |
| } |
| ], |
| # See http://crbug.com/162998#c4 for why this is needed. |
| ['OS=="linux" and linux_use_tcmalloc==1', |
| { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| } |
| ], |
| ], |
| # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations. |
| 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267, ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'cc_test_support', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| 'test', |
| '.', |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/WebKit/public/blink.gyp:blink_minimal', |
| '../third_party/mesa/mesa.gyp:osmesa', |
| '../ui/gfx/gfx.gyp:gfx', |
| '../ui/gl/gl.gyp:gl', |
| '../ui/ui_unittests.gyp:ui_test_support', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<@(cc_tests_support_files)', |
| ], |
| # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations. |
| 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267, ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| # Special target to wrap a gtest_target_type==shared_library |
| # cc_unittests into an android apk for execution. |
| ['OS == "android" and gtest_target_type == "shared_library"', |
| { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'cc_unittests_apk', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'cc_unittests', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'test_suite_name': 'cc_unittests', |
| 'input_shlib_path': '<(SHARED_LIB_DIR)/<(SHARED_LIB_PREFIX)cc_unittests<(SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX)', |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/apk_test.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'cc_perftests_apk', |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'cc_perftests', |
| ], |
| 'variables': { |
| 'test_suite_name': 'cc_perftests', |
| 'input_shlib_path': '<(SHARED_LIB_DIR)/<(SHARED_LIB_PREFIX)cc_perftests<(SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX)', |
| }, |
| 'includes': [ '../build/apk_test.gypi' ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| } |
| ] |
| ], |
| } |