blob: 9a5bfee4e6fdcbffed96a90244ce1bea65031681 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/latency/histograms.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/latency/fixed_point.h"
namespace {
// Calculates percentiles in a way that can be shared by different histograms.
ui::PercentileResults PercentilesHelper(
ui::frame_metrics::BoundaryIterator* boundary_iterator,
const uint32_t* buckets_begin,
const uint32_t* buckets_end,
uint64_t total_samples) {
ui::PercentileResults result;
uint64_t boundary_left = 0;
uint64_t boundary_right = boundary_iterator->Next();
double thresholds[ui::PercentileResults::kCount];
for (size_t i = 0; i < ui::PercentileResults::kCount; i++) {
thresholds[i] = ui::PercentileResults::kPercentiles[i] * total_samples;
uint64_t accumulator = 0;
size_t result_index = 0;
for (const uint32_t* bucket = buckets_begin; bucket < buckets_end; bucket++) {
accumulator += *bucket;
// Multiple percentiles might be calculated from the same bucket,
// so we use a while loop here.
while (accumulator > thresholds[result_index]) {
const double overage = accumulator - thresholds[result_index];
double b0_fraction = overage / (*bucket);
double b1_fraction = 1.0 - b0_fraction;
// Use a linear interpolation between two buckets.
// This assumes the samples are evenly distributed within a bucket.
// TODO(brianderson): Consider neighboring bucket sizes and fit to a
// curve.
const double estimate =
b0_fraction * boundary_left + b1_fraction * boundary_right;
result.values[result_index] = estimate;
if (result_index >= ui::PercentileResults::kCount)
return result;
boundary_left = boundary_right;
boundary_right = boundary_iterator->Next();
return result;
} // namespace
namespace ui {
constexpr double PercentileResults::kPercentiles[];
constexpr size_t PercentileResults::kCount;
namespace frame_metrics {
constexpr size_t RatioHistogram::kBucketCount;
constexpr size_t VSyncHistogram::kBucketCount;
// Ratio Histogram.
// The distribution of each category of buckets in this historam is
// exponential, however each category is divided into N linear buckets
// depending on how much precision we want for that category. How much
// precision a category gets depends on how often we expect that bucket to be
// used and how important those buckets are.
// Most of the precision is allocated for values just > 1 since most ratios,
// when not ~0 will be > 1. And since ratios are likely to be near whole
// numbers (some multiple of the vsync), we only give it a precision of 1/2.
// You can think about the stride of each category as the number of vsyncs of
// precision that category will have.
// There will be aliasing, but because of the vsync aligned linear division
// of each category, we won't get a bucket that represents fewer vsyncs than
// its fprevious bucket.
// This is in contrast to the default exponential distribution of UMA
// buckets, which result in a constant precision for each bucket and would
// allocate lots of very small buckets near 0 where we don't need the
// precision.
namespace {
constexpr size_t kBucketHalfStrideFirstBucketIndex = 17;
// Within the range [16, 4096), there are 9 categories of buckets that each
// start with a power of 2. Within a category, successive buckets have a fixed
// stride. Across categories, the strides increase exponentionally, encoded
// as powers of 2 in |stride_shift|, which increases linearly.
struct RatioBucketCategory {
uint8_t first_bucket_index;
uint8_t stride_shift;
using RatioCategoryHelper = std::array<RatioBucketCategory, 9>;
constexpr RatioCategoryHelper kCategories16to4096 = {
// first_bucket_index of each row below is the previous one + number of
// buckets. Each entry is {first_bucket_index, stride_shift}.
{{47, 0}, // [16, 32) stride 1 => 16 buckets.
{63, 1}, // [32, 64) stride 2 => 16 buckets.
{79, 3}, // [64, 128) stride 8 => 8 buckets.
{87, 4}, // [128, 256) stride 16 => 8 buckets.
{95, 6}, // [256, 512) stride 64 => 4 buckets
{99, 7}, // [512, 1024) stride 128 => 4 buckets.
{103, 9}, // [1024, 2048) stride 512 => 2 buckets.
{105, 10}, // [2048, 4096) stride 1024 => 2 buckets.
{107, 12}}}; // [4096, 8192) stride 4096 => 1 bucket.
// The delegate RatioBoundary::Percentiles will pass to PercentilesHelper.
struct RatioBoundaryIterator : public BoundaryIterator {
~RatioBoundaryIterator() override = default;
size_t bucket = 0;
uint64_t boundary = 0;
RatioCategoryHelper::const_iterator b16to4096 = kCategories16to4096.begin();
uint64_t next_boundary_to_change_category =
32 * frame_metrics::kFixedPointMultiplier;
uint64_t Next() override {
if (bucket == 0) {
// The first bucket is [0, 1).
boundary = 1;
} else if (bucket < kBucketHalfStrideFirstBucketIndex ||
bucket >= kCategories16to4096.back().first_bucket_index) {
// The start and end buckets increase in size by powers of 2.
boundary *= 2;
} else if (bucket < kCategories16to4096.front().first_bucket_index) {
// The 30 buckets before 47 have a stride of .5 and represent the
// range [1, 16).
boundary += (frame_metrics::kFixedPointMultiplier / 2);
} else {
// The rest of the buckets are defined by kCategories16to4096.
DCHECK(b16to4096 < kCategories16to4096.end());
boundary +=
(frame_metrics::kFixedPointMultiplier << b16to4096->stride_shift);
// The category changes for every power of 2.
if (boundary >= next_boundary_to_change_category) {
next_boundary_to_change_category *= 2;
return boundary;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<BoundaryIterator> CreateRatioIteratorForTesting() {
return std::make_unique<RatioBoundaryIterator>();
RatioHistogram::RatioHistogram() = default;
RatioHistogram::~RatioHistogram() = default;
void RatioHistogram::AddSample(uint32_t ratio, uint32_t weight) {
size_t bucket = 0;
// Precomputed thresholds for the log base 2 of the ratio that help
// determine which category of buckets the sample should go in.
constexpr int kLog2HalfStrideStart = kFixedPointShift;
constexpr int kLog2Cats16to4096Start = kFixedPointShift + 4; // 2^4 = 16.
constexpr int kLog2_4096Pow2Start = kFixedPointShift + 12; // 2^12 = 4096.
if (ratio == 0) {
bucket = 0;
} else {
int log2 = base::bits::Log2Floor(ratio);
DCHECK_GE(log2, 0);
if (log2 < kLog2HalfStrideStart) {
// [2^-16, 1) pow of 2 strides => 16 buckets. (16x1)
bucket = 1 + log2;
} else if (log2 < kLog2Cats16to4096Start) {
// [1, 16) stride 1/2 => 30 buckets. (2 + 4 + 8 + 16)
const int first_bucket_index = kBucketHalfStrideFirstBucketIndex;
const int category_start = kFixedPointMultiplier;
const int total_shift = kFixedPointShift - 1; // -1 multiplies by 2.
const int category_offset = (ratio - category_start) >> total_shift;
bucket = first_bucket_index + category_offset;
} else if (log2 < kLog2_4096Pow2Start) {
// [16, 32) stride 1 => 16 buckets.
// [32, 64) stride 2 => 16 buckets.
// [64, 128) stride 8 => 8 buckets.
// [128, 256) stride 16 => 8 buckets.
// [256, 512) stride 64 => 4 buckets.
// [512, 1024) stride 128 => 4 buckets.
// [1024, 2048) stride 512 => 2 buckets.
// [2048, 4096) stride 1024 => 2 buckets.
const int category = log2 - kLog2Cats16to4096Start;
const int category_start = 1 << log2;
const int total_shift =
(kFixedPointShift + kCategories16to4096[category].stride_shift);
const int category_offset = (ratio - category_start) >> total_shift;
bucket =
kCategories16to4096[category].first_bucket_index + category_offset;
} else {
// [4096, 2^16) pow of 2 strides => 4 buckets. (4x1)
const int category_offset = log2 - kLog2_4096Pow2Start;
bucket = kCategories16to4096.back().first_bucket_index + category_offset;
DCHECK_LT(bucket, kBucketCount);
// Verify overflow isn't an issue.
DCHECK_LT(weight, std::numeric_limits<BucketArray::value_type>::max() -
DCHECK_LT(weight, std::numeric_limits<decltype(total_samples_)>::max() -
buckets_[bucket] += weight;
total_samples_ += weight;
PercentileResults RatioHistogram::ComputePercentiles() const {
RatioBoundaryIterator i;
return PercentilesHelper(&i,, + buckets_.size(), total_samples_);
void RatioHistogram::Reset() {
total_samples_ = 0;
// VSyncHistogram.
namespace {
// The number of buckets in bucket categories 1 through 6.
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 6> kVSyncBucketCounts = {{12, 16, 16, 16, 31, 6}};
// Some constants used to convert values to bucket categories.
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC0 = 0;
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC1 = kVSync1stBucketC0 + 1;
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC2 = kVSync1stBucketC1 + kVSyncBucketCounts[0];
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC3 = kVSync1stBucketC2 + kVSyncBucketCounts[1];
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC4 = kVSync1stBucketC3 + kVSyncBucketCounts[2];
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC5 = kVSync1stBucketC4 + kVSyncBucketCounts[3];
constexpr size_t kVSync1stBucketC6 = kVSync1stBucketC5 + kVSyncBucketCounts[4];
constexpr size_t kVSyncBucketCountC6 = kVSyncBucketCounts[5];
// This iterates through the microsecond VSync boundaries.
struct VSyncBoundaryIterator : public BoundaryIterator {
~VSyncBoundaryIterator() override = default;
uint8_t category_ = 0;
uint8_t sub_bucket_ = 0;
uint64_t Next() override {
uint32_t boundary = 0;
switch (category_) {
case 0: // Powers of two from 1 to 2048 us @ 50% precision
boundary = 1 << sub_bucket_;
case 1: // Every 8 Hz from 256 Hz to 128 Hz @ 3-6% precision
case 2: // Every 4 Hz from 128 Hz to 64 Hz @ 3-6% precision
case 3: // Every 2 Hz from 64 Hz to 32 Hz @ 3-6% precision
case 4: { // Every 1 Hz from 32 Hz to 1 Hz @ 3-33% precision
int hz_start = 256 >> (category_ - 1);
int hz_stride = 8 >> (category_ - 1);
int hz = hz_start - hz_stride * sub_bucket_;
boundary = (base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond + (hz / 2)) / hz;
case 5: // Powers of two from 1s to 32s @ 50% precision
boundary =
static_cast<uint32_t>(base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) *
(1 << sub_bucket_);
case 6: // The last boundary of 64s.
// Advancing would result in out-of-bounds access of
// kVSyncBucketCounts, so just return.
return 64 * base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
if (++sub_bucket_ >= kVSyncBucketCounts[category_]) {
sub_bucket_ = 0;
return boundary;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<BoundaryIterator> CreateVSyncIteratorForTesting() {
return std::make_unique<VSyncBoundaryIterator>();
VSyncHistogram::VSyncHistogram() = default;
VSyncHistogram::~VSyncHistogram() = default;
// Optimized to minimize the number of memory accesses.
void VSyncHistogram::AddSample(uint32_t microseconds, uint32_t weight) {
size_t bucket = 0;
static constexpr int k256HzPeriodInMicroseconds =
base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / 256;
if (microseconds == 0) {
// bucket = 0;
} else if (microseconds < k256HzPeriodInMicroseconds) {
// Powers of two from 1 to 2048 us @ 50% precision
bucket = kVSync1stBucketC1 + base::bits::Log2Floor(microseconds);
} else if (microseconds < base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) {
// [256Hz, 1Hz)
int hz = base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / (microseconds + 0.5);
DCHECK_LT(hz, 256);
switch (hz / 32) {
// Every 1 Hz from 32 Hz to 1 Hz @ 3-33% precision
case 0:
bucket = kVSync1stBucketC6 - hz;
// Every 2 Hz from 64 Hz to 32 Hz @ 3-6% precision
case 1:
bucket = kVSync1stBucketC5 - ((hz - 30) / 2);
// Every 4 Hz from 128 Hz to 64 Hz @ 3-6% precision
case 2:
case 3:
bucket = kVSync1stBucketC4 - ((hz - 60) / 4);
// Every 8 Hz from 256 Hz to 128 Hz @ 3-6% precision
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
bucket = kVSync1stBucketC3 - ((hz - 120) / 8);
} else {
// Powers of two from 1s to 32s @ 50% precision
int seconds_log2 = base::bits::Log2Floor(
microseconds / base::TimeTicks::kMicrosecondsPerSecond);
DCHECK_GE(seconds_log2, 0);
size_t offset = std::min<size_t>(kVSyncBucketCountC6 - 1, seconds_log2);
bucket = kVSync1stBucketC6 + offset;
DCHECK_GE(bucket, 0u);
DCHECK_LT(bucket, kVSync1stBucketC6 + kVSyncBucketCountC6);
DCHECK_LT(bucket, kBucketCount);
// Verify overflow isn't an issue.
DCHECK_LT(weight, std::numeric_limits<BucketArray::value_type>::max() -
DCHECK_LT(weight, std::numeric_limits<decltype(total_samples_)>::max() -
buckets_[bucket] += weight;
total_samples_ += weight;
PercentileResults VSyncHistogram::ComputePercentiles() const {
VSyncBoundaryIterator i;
return PercentilesHelper(&i,, + buckets_.size(), total_samples_);
void VSyncHistogram::Reset() {
total_samples_ = 0;
} // namespace frame_metrics
} // namespace ui